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Jimin POV

"Oh, the playboy..." I started replying him, as my fingers moved slowly and hesitantly through the screen and typed the words I wanted the less to say.

"I already talked with him a few times and everything" I told him, but I guess I wasn't too convincing, because he started suspecting me and making me more and more questions.

"Seriously? :P Then what is that lack of emojis? :P Normally, when you don't use them, it's because you're hiding something from me or something is troubling you :P You can tell me, ok? e.e You will probably say it sooner or later anyway, so it will save us both time if you just tell me already e.e XD"

"Dammit, he knows me too well..." I thought and sighed at first, but then a faint, but sincere, smile showed in my face and, little by little, totally overpowered all my other emotions for a good while.

"He knows me too well..."

That thought and those words made me the happiest person alive in the whole world, without me even noticing at the moment. I chuckled of pure happiness, but then, unfortunately, I remembered that we were still talking about him, the playboy.

My smile quickly disappeared, as I got back to myself and realized my current, and sad, situation, which I didn't to be in the most and which I wanted to just avoid. I let out a heavy and sad sigh and I started typing my next reply.

"Oh, it's just that... He is, and apparently will be for the rest of the year, my fucking roommate! >-<" I told him the truth, well, not the whole truth, of course, as there was no fucking way that I would tell him what happened between me and the playboy...!

...Especially what happened in the bedroom...

He didn't have to know that I almost got raped by someone, by one of the so many playboys he asked to talk with, so I decided to just hide all those unnecessary, " unimportant" and useless details from him, that I knew they would only make things, everything, worse.

That unexpected word kept ringing inside my mind, slowly, but really painfully, torturing me, and also making me more and more confused. For how much I kept trying to understand what had just happened, less and less I understood.

However, surprisingly, before I could even make him any question, in a tentative to get all the answers I was dying to have and whose absence kept deeply troubling me, I received another text from him.

"So, lucky! XD I never in my lifetime expected this coincidence to happen! XD I guess, now with that advantage, the plan will go way better than I expected and, once again, it will be more than successful in the end~ e.e XD"

I read his message and I, somehow, felt more relieved and calm, as he was now acting like his usual, idiot and annoying self.

However, as I was already expecting, once not distracted with other emotions and now more conscious of the subject of the conversation we were having, that weird feeling, which it was still new and unusual to me, started once again taking over me.

At first, I felt mad, angry and upset, because "it would never be about me" and I had already enough of that. I couldn't - and, of course, didn't intend to - take it for any longer! But, then, unfortunately, those tumultuous emotions started fading away and, on the other hand, depressive thoughts and cold feelings took their place.

Slowly, a angry and unquiet headache decided to attack me and I sighed, as I brought one hand to my head, in a hopeless tentative to calm myself down and lessen the piercing pain.

"Why am I feeling like this...?" I whispered to myself weakly and I started walking in a slower pace, as I felt my body get heavier and heavier, making it difficult to move and almost even to breath.

As I heard my mind telling me - actually commanding and forcing me - to stop walking, I just did as it wanted me to and I leaned against the nearest wall to me. "What is this...?" I asked myself and then I hesitantly put my hand on my chest, slightly to the left, where my heart was located.

"I can hear it... I actually can hear it for once...!"

I realized, as my hand shakily didn't dare to stop touching that one single, special place, and slowly the answers I was dying to have, but still was the most scared to know, popped inside my mind, like surprise guests, almost unwanted intruders.

"Is this love....?" My first realization came, to then give space to many others. "Is this... What they call..."


I clicked my tongue, to then start laughing faintly, with forced and broken, almost painful laughs.

"Damn, I felt in love with a person who I don't know anything about, not even how his face looks...!" I said that out loud, literally to not one, as I was still there all by myself. But then, unfortunately, another thought decided to escape from the deeps of my mind and torment me even more...

"I felt in love with a person who I probably will never get the chance to truly know about..."

I frowned a little with that thought, without even noticing, and I sighed melancholically.

I moved away from the wall and started walking again towards the school's building, now clearly without the same hurry or energy from before. I looked again at the phone's screen and noticed I had another message from him.

"It's everything okay, Jimin...? You're taking more time than usual to answer..."

With a blank, almost cold, expression and eyes, I glared at the words of my beloved one for a good while and I started typing him a new message.



"Can I meet you in person...?"





"I'm so sorry..."



I knew it...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I decided to update sooner this time, because I won't have internet for a week, starting tomorrow, Monday. TTuTT And, as that wasn't bad enough, I don't have phone currently too. TTuTT Wonderful. TTuTT

So, if I don't answer comments or I seem more absent than usual, you already know why? TTuTT But I will still try to update while I'm in school, so don't worry about that. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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