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Jimin POV

I had already arrived to school and found myself in front of that recently painted and big, open gate.

I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to have classes! - Not now, and not ever! - My day had already started awfully and annoying teachers and classmates weren't exactly what I wanted - and needed – to have and see right now!

I forgot to finish my breakfast because of a certain "someone" – the guy I hate the most! - and I punched that same "someone" in the face. Also, at the same time, he - the person I love the most... - only cares about the damn playboy and refused to meet up with me too, let's not forget!

And, for how much incredible, surprising and absurd that may be, all those things happened right after I woke up, in a space-time of only 30 minutes - the few ONLY minutes of this new day, early morning, I've been awake for!

"What a great way to start the day..." I wanted to shout those angry and unquiet words, with all my strength, full out of my lungs, but I ended up only mumbling them under my breath. Still, my tone of voice left the irony totally transparent to who passed by and could hear me, as a wide window opened to everyone to be able to have a look of my - now even more obvious - emotions.

Not to mention that I hadn't got the courage to reply to my beloved one after those last heartbroken messages and it had already started to grow an awkward, heavy atmosphere between us, which I knew that, as no one would dare to break it, only time could fix...

I sighed, as I kept having those depressive thoughts, and I put my hand inside my pocket, where I could feel my phone. I wanted to answer him, I really did...! But, at the same time, I was scared of making things get even worse - if that was even possible...!

But, at the same time, I was scared of screwing up everything we had together, precious and important to me - what I knew I could really easily and quickly do, or better, was going to do sooner or later, regardless of me wanting or not...

...Because I knew myself too well...

But, at the same time... I knew it... Being one of my biggest fears... I was scared... Especially of...

...Getting to know he would never be mine...

"Hey, Jimin!" I heard someone calling my name in the distance and I looked behind me to then find Hoseok running in my direction. "Wait for me!" He shouted and I stopped walking, to wait patiently for him, until he finally caught me.

"Ah... Ah... Thank you..." He thanked me between his rapid, faint inhales and exhales, as he tried to catch his breath and get his energy back. "No problem." I replied with a friendly smile and he smiled back at me.

Once he was fully rested and recovered, we started walking through the school's gate and we decided to know each other better.

He told me a little about himself, the schools we belonged to in this past, before coming to this one, However, I had also noticed, after a while, that he was trying to maintain the relationship he had with my old friends the vaguest possible from me, for some weird, unknown reason to me. Still, in the end, I didn't ask.

Somehow, we talked so much that the conversation we were casually having ended up getting focused on the playboy I hated so much...

"Hey, hey! And what about Yoongi?! What do you think about him?'" He asked me all cheerful and curious, and I involuntary clicked my tongue, in an unintentional rude way. I knew he had heard me making that sound, which so perfectly summarized my clear disgust by hearing that creature's name – or actually by hearing anything related to him -, but he pretended to not.

"Why the hell are you mentioning that playboy and hateful person's name?" I asked him harshly and coldly, without even trying to hide my anger from him, as such thing was no longer possible. He laughed after getting that "answer" from me, but, somehow, his laughs still were quiet and discreet, as, I guess, he didn't want to risk making me get even more annoyed.

"Damn, what is all that hate towards the poor guy?" He asked playfully and I glared at him – especially after hearing him referring to the despicable guy by "poor guy" -, glare that made him almost get scared and petrified, but he still laughed nervously to not show it.

"The question that should be asked here is how you cannot hate him!" I said abruptly and severely, and he lifted his hands in the middle of the air, as a sign to calm myself down, which, of course, didn't work at all, because "who the fuck gets calm after someone tells you to calm yourself down"?!

Immediately, my glare got darker and heavier after seeing him doing that "useless" – in my opinion - sign and I noticed him gulping nervously, without being able to say something or let any sound out, too afraid of what could happen next.

I sighed after realizing how I was acting and how cold I was being with him, without him having done something wrong, and, so, I decided to apologize to him, as I finally managed to calm myself down, how he have been wanting me to.

"Sorry, Hoseok... I didn't mean to be so harsh on you... It's just that I kinda... Have something against playboys... I... I rather not talk about it..." I told him, while I ruffled my hair nervously and unconsciously, almost as an irrational, silly, impulse, and he lowered his head in response.

"Oh, ok..." Was everything he managed to say, with a faint and low voice that clearly showed his sadness. Quickly, guilty started completely taking over me and, as I didn't know how to make him forgive me except for one thing in particular – actually I knew I didn't have any other choice than that one -, I made up my mind and decided to do it...

"It started a few years ago..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, it's so difficult to update when you don't have internet at home or anywhere else! TTuTT I still tried to update at school, but my current phone is awful and doesn't even work properly for me to be able to publish the new chapters. TTuTT

So, first of all, I wanted to apologize for making you wait longer than usual for the update. TTuTT I'm really sorry, I will try to not repeat the same mistake again. TTuTT

Also, I wanted to apologize to everyone that has been commenting in my stories, voting or even texting me in the past few days. TTuTT I still don't have internet, so I can't see you commenting/voting neither reply to any of you. TTuTT I just hope you aren't mad at me. TTuTT

Still, hopefully, everything is going to get back to normal in a few days and I will have internet once again. ^-^ Well, or, at least, that's what I want to believe in. TTuTT XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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