Chp.15 The Villains Raid

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As days go by, Class 1-A has been training more and harder this time, as for Bakugo, he's been trading a lot as well as he made his word that he'll be better and stronger to beat (YN) this time for sure. In the meantime, Aizawa then made an announcement to all the Class 1-A student that him, All Might and another pro teacher will be trading them in a specific gym near here. So, they all head over to their lockers and change into their hero uniforms, no masks, just uniform, unfortunately for (YN), he had to wear his same hero uniform, but his black vest was ruin during his battle training, so he had to wear an all black shirt alongside his black pants, boots, wraps, and headband...and so, as they all got into their hero uniform, they all got on the bus as they all head over to the specific gym for their training.


As minutes go by, they all arrive to their destination as they got off the bus...and soon to meet the third pro teacher that'll be training the student, the space hero, Thirteen...

Ochaco: No way! The space hero Thirteen! She's gonna be training us as well?! Oh boy yes! She's my favorite super hero as well!!

Thirteen: I'm glad all of you made it here and excited to meet you all as well. Also, I'm happy to show you what's inside for your training.

Thirteen led the students inside the gym. As they all went in, they all were surprised and shocked to see what was inside, almost as an amusement park, a shipwreck, landslide, fire land, windstorm and more...she created this gym for the students to train harder and face difficult destination in their battle...she calls this: The Unexpected Simulation Joint, in short, USJ.

Kirashima: Holy shit! This place looks so amazing!

Sero: No kidding!

Aizawa: Hey Thirteen, shouldn't All Might be here already to start it off already??

Thirteen: Well yeah...but unfortunately he has been distracted doing hero work all day and got exhausted and took a break at the teacher lounge the whole day.

Aizawa: *sighs* good grief...that man is the height of irresponsible *Well we should be okay with just the two of us* Well alright then, clocks ticking, we should start-

Suddenly, the lights from the gym started to act weird and soon to seem like someone is flickering them off and on...the student got curious on what was going on...and over at the water fountain, a black portal soon to appear as Aizawa notices and trying to know what was happening...and notice someone coming out from the portal...who happens to be a actual villain...known as Tomurw Shigaraki...

Aizawa: What?!?

Kirashima: Hey what's going on-

Aizawa: Stay back! Thirteen! Keep the student safe!

Tenya: Say, what are those people doing?? And how did they-

Aizawa: Stay back!

(YN) then notice Aizawa putting on his yellow goggles...

Aizawa: This is real! These are actual villains!

Everyone: What!???!

Kirashima: Real villains!?! No way!

Momo: And why aren't the alarms being set on!?!

Aizawa: Thirteen! I leave these students to you! I'll deal with the villains.

And so, Aizawa leaps off from the stairs as he soon lands on the ground as he started charging at the weapon villains, soon to know that Aizawa emitted his quirk to erase the villains quirks for them not to strike back as Aizawa can take full advantage to take them down once and for he deals with the villains, (YN) and the others starred making their way to the cut with Thirteen, and soon to notice a black portal hole appeared, blocking the exit of the gym, soon to happen one of Kurogiri's black hole quirk power...

Kurogiri: It's a pleasure to meet you all. We are the league of villains. We. Amen to say hello, and also came here to resemble the fact that the fitting place of the symbol of peace, All Might were finally take his last breathe today. I believe he was suppose to be here, but he isn't . So, where is he-

Kirashima: Shut it villain! Take this!

Bakugo: DIEEE!!!!

Both Bakugo and Kirashima strike at Kurogiri with their powers as Bakugo caused an explosion second right after Kirashima strikes a punch at him...

Kirashima: Ha! How'd you like that! We won't just stand their and do nothing! Cause we heroes will take care of you villains!

Kurogiri: Is that so...?

Kirashima: Huh!?

Bakugo: What?!?

Kurogiri was somehow not effected with Kirashima' sand Bakugo's power at all as Kurogiri created a huge black portal hole as soon everyone was getting sucked in the black hole...each of the classmates were being sucked into one black hole, and sent to different stations in the gym to deal with the for (YN), he arrive at the shipwreck section which is nothing but a river...he fell to the river as he soon to notice some fish man villains charging/swimming at (YN), ready to beat him up...

Fish-Man Villain#4: Let's get him boys!

(YN) soon started to emit his one for all quirk as he was somehow started to swim faster than the fish-man villains as he started taking them down one by one, with some punches, kicks, and knee strikes...soon for them to be knocked out...after that, (YN) started swimming out from river and soon to climb on top of a boat...after that, he started to see some villains being taken down by the others...

(YN): Villains..what a pain. But I don't get it...what could they possibly want from us, and how did they know we were here?!? ...wait! That villain with the black hole powers...he mention about the symbol of peace...All Might...I remember saying something like not only they knew we were here, but they know that All Might was gonna be here as well...and their main focus is him?! But why?!

Suddenly, he soon to hear someone screaming in pain, he took a look and to notice Aizawa was being tortured and beaten up by a monster villain...

(YN): Shit! Aizawa Sensei!!

As (YN) goes and rescue Aizawa..the villain monster was torturing Aizawa more as he broke some of his ribs, an arm and destroying his whole face...

Tomura: So, what do you think of him, Eraser Head? He's the Bio engineer anti-symbol of peace...his Nomu....but...where the hell is All Might?!? I thought he was suppose to be here!

Kurogiri appeared...

Kurogiri: Tomura...

Tomura: Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?

Kurogiri: No, the Students were in the way and were able to take me down, and also one got away.

Tomura started to feel irritated that the fact his plan was going as it should be as he started scratching his neck with stress...

Tomura: fool! You could have done better!

Kurogiri: But look at it this way..we can be able to wreck the symbol of peace's pride, no?

Tomura: Oh...yeah! Let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken! Let's wreck is pride! Let's make this hurt for him!!!

Tomura suddenly started to charge at Tsuyu and Mineta the fact the two barely got out from the river...

(YN): Shit! Shit! He's going after Tsu and Mineta!

Tomura: Feel the pain-

(YN): Tsu! Mineta!!

Tomura: Huh?!?

(YN) then started running faster and faster as he soon to catch up to save Mineta and Tsuyu as he then uses One For All and suddenly clap his hands and somehow caused a huge and powerful hurricane wind wave, soon to send Tomura flying away...

Mineta: (Y-YN)!

Tsuyu: You saved us!

(YN): You can thank me later! Just stay back!

Tomura then started to get on his feet..

Tomura: Wh-Whooo!?!!! Who did that!?! Who-

Suddenly, he then notices looking at (YN)...soon to seem like if he knows him already..

Tomura: *Soo, he has quirk after all...hehe, looks like "she" was right after all and yet we finally met again...* Well Well had to be you...we finally meet again...(YN)!

(YN): Huh?? How the hell do you know me??!

Tomura: You really don't remember??? *grins* *Looks like I'm going to spoiling the beans for him*

(YN): Look I don't know who the hell you are, but what I know is that you and these bastards are villains! And I'm going to finish this!

(YN) started to charge at Tomura as he lifts his right arm up, charging up his one for all quirk and soon to swing a punch at Tomura, but suddenly, the Nomu villain quickly appeared infront of (YN) and soon to take the punch for Tomura, (YN) gave it all with that punch, and knowing that punch did nothing to the Nomu...

(YN): What!?! I-It didn't hurt him after all!? How-

The Nomu screams with such terrifying roar as he strikes a vicious punch towards (YN)'s gut, caused him to spat out a bit of saliva and a lot of blood, after that, Nomu then grabs him by the neck, lifts him up, squeezes his neck right as he started slamming him to the ground several times, after the last slam, Nom then lets (YN) go as he soon to swing a powerful kick to the side of (YN)'s ribs, and sending him flying crashing towards some buildings...everyone so the beating (YN) got...

(YN): A-Agh!! D-Damn it...m-my ribs...I-I...

(YN) suddenly shut his eyes down and seem to lose unconscious...

Mineta/Tsuyu: (YN)!!!!

Ochaco: O-Oh no! (YN)!!

Sero: Crap! This isn't good!

Tomura: Looks like I'll tell him later...Now, where were we.

Tomura again charges towards Tsuyu and Mineta as he gets ready to use his decay quirk, that allows him to turn anything into dust in second that he soon he was gonna decay Mineta and Tsuyu...suddenly, a huge blast was heard from the entrance of the gym as smoke was covering the entrance ... the villains and the classmates stop to see who it was...and soon to hear footsteps as finally, the number one hero and symbol of peace has finally arrived to save the day...

All Might: Have no fear, cause I am Here!!


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