Chp.16 All Might Is Here

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As we left off, the classmates were having trouble dealing with the villains, Aizawa was badly injured and so as (YN)...until luck as came for them. Knowing that the Number one hero and symbol of peace has arrive in time.

All Might: I couldn't shake the feeling the fact there was something wrong going on that Aizawa and Thirtenn hasn't been answering my calls, so I hurry it over, as Iida told me everything about the villainy at work here...*Shit. I can't believe all of this went down while I was rusting. I hate to think how the students sound to terrified and feared, and my colleagues had to fight their own risk in order to protect them. The only way to do now is to make sure everyone is okay, that's my duty as the symbol of peace.* have no fear students...because I am here!!!

Mall the classmates started to feel relief the fact All Might is here to save them..

Tomura: Finally...after all the waiting...the heroic piece of trash is here!

All Might suddenly disappear as he suddenly started taking down the villains like nothing, and it seems like he did with just seconds...and soon to save Aizawa, Mineta and Tsuyu from Tomura and Nomu as he was able to strike a punch at Tomura...after that, All Might got Mineta and Tsuyu safe...but as for Aizawa, he was all her and badly injured and having broken bones, busted face and his elbow shredded...

All Might: I'm sorry Aizawa...I should've been here.

Mineta: You saved us All Might!

Tsuyu: Ribbit!

All Might: Yes, but do me a favor and take Aizawa with the rest of the others.

Tsuyu and Mineta hold onto Aizawa as they started taking them with the other classmates...

Tomura: N-No! No! This can't be! It wasn't suppose to go this way! He's still fast! And manage to hit me! That can't be! I couldn't see him when he moved! But he wasn't fast as before...not as fast as he would be...which means *grins* he has becoming weaker!

And so, All Might stares down at Tomura as he charges at him...

All Might: Carolina...

Tomura: Nomu.

All Might: SMASH!!!

As soon All Might was about to take down Tomura, Nomu got in the way and soon to take the damage for Tomura...Nomu seem to be like it didn't do no effect to him after all...

All Might: Alright then! Take this!

All Might started giving some blows to the Nomu and still didn't do no effect..

All Might: Doesn't even matter where I punch you, you don't even feel a thing!

Tomura: That's because Nomu here has shock absorption All Might. The only way to beat him is to slow him down in his flesh. And you can't do that!

All Might: Thanks for telling me how to beat him! All I gotta do is-

Suddenly, Nomu quickly uses its claws to attach it towards All Night's side ribs and suddenly grab his side body where his weak spot is...

All Might: D-Damn it! What kind of cheap move is this?!? *Not to mention he has a hold on my weak spot! And I can't...focus!*

Tomura: Nice work Nomu. Looks like All Might doesn't have what it takes to go against Nomu. Just like I suspected.

Suddenly, Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirashima appeared as they soon to see All Might having trouble, the three started running to go save him, but suddenly, some of the villains appeared out of nowhere and started getting in their way..

Bakugo: Shit what now!?!?

Bakugo, Kirashima and Todoroki were being surrounded by villains and yet, they don't have time to deal with them and wanted to go save All Might, but can't...

All Might: *I gotta stop him before he weakens my power*!!!

Nomu started squeezing his weak spot..which causes All Might to spat a little blood out from his mouth...

Tomura: Yes! Yes! It seems like he's suffering! I'd never thought to say this...but we might take this win! At last! The symbol of peace of finally bite the dust!

All Might Mind: Sh-Shit!! I can't take it!!! The bastard is making me feel weak by holding on my weak spot...I can't budge out!!

Tomura: Time to end this!

Both Tomura and Kurogiri charges at All Might as the two were ready to take down and end All Might once and for all...until suddenly, a huge explosion appeared from far away from some destroyed buildings...then, somebody with such incredible speed manage to strike at both Kurogiri and Tomura at the same time and Nomu as well, letting All Might go as All Might backed away...and also, this somebody manage to take down the villains that were surrounding Bakugo Kirashima and Todoroki ...

Kirashima: Woah! Hey wait! What was that!?!

Todoroki: This's incredible. It's almost incredible as All Might.

Bakugo: Just who the hell is doing this!?! And there's no way someone can be faster and stronger like All Might, that would be-

Suddenly, the person with such incredible speed happen to appear infront of Bakugo Kirashima and Todoroki...this person with incredible speee was none other than (YN) himself...

Kirashima: Woah! (YN)!? It was you!?! Holy crap dude! Since when you can move that quick!?

(YN) stood quiet...

Kirashima: Uh, hey (YN)-

Bakugo: Hey you bastard! It's about time your ass showed up! Where the hell were you!?!?

(YN): ....You three. Back away. I'll deal with them.

Kirashima: Say what now-

Bakugo: Don't you ignore me!!!

(YN) started to walk up and to walk towards All Might...

All Might: Y-Young (YN)! Where-What happen!? Are you okay!? You don't seem-

(YN): I'm fine All Might.

All Might started to realize something different about (YN), he wasn't himself, he sounded menacing and his eyes weren't showing as they happen to be hidden in the shadow...

(YN): All Might. I hate to say this, but I'll be taking care of them.

All Might: But-

(YN): Please. Let me handle these bastards...they've already pissed me off! If anything, you can jump in.

All Might: ...Right.

All Might backs away as (YN) started walking towards Tomura, Kurogiri and Nomu...

Tomura: So, you're still standing up? So tell me (YN), how does it feel to feel the strength of my Nomu!?!

(YN): ...Tch. Why don't you bring that Nomu here, and I'll see how it feels!

Tomura: *grins* looks like someone getting cocky! Nomu, get him!

Nomu then started charging at (YN) as he then swings a punch at (YN), as he does, Tomura, Kurogiri, All Might, Bakugo, Kirashima and Todoroki then witness to see that (YN) was able to block Nomu's punch with his strength...

All Might: He blocked it!

Kirashima: No way!

Bakugo Mind: Tch. Just how is he doing it!?

(YN) clench one fist as he strikes a powerful punch towards Nomu's gut, seeming him flying back as he recovers...

Tomura: ...What!?! H-How!?! There's no way!!! You shouldn't be that strong! But how!?!

(YN): Cut the bullshit.

(YN) then emits his One For All Quirk as his whole body started to glow blue aura as he eyes were finally shown, but their time how eye colors were glowing all blue...

All Might Mind: That look...that has to be One For All. That's impressive!

(YN): You're going down, Villains!


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