Chp.22 UA Sports Festival Announcement

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It has been days after the raid of the villains has countered the UA Class 1-A students, but they manage to defeat them, All Might as well with a little help, and (YN) as well with his impressive skills and fighting that was able to manage taking down Nomu...almost 72 villains were arrested during the raid...we will not know and not sure when the league of villains will strike again...Meanwhile, at UA High, Class 1-A were waiting for a new teacher to come and take over Aizawa's spot for now...but not exactly, they all notices that Aizawa has returns from the hospital with bunch of bandages from his wounds...

Mina: Woah Aizawa!? You're here!?!

Denki: Woah! Such a pro to come here after your injuries!

Iida: I'm glad you're okay Mr.Aizawa!

Aizawa: My well being is irrelevant, but more important is that your fight isn't over yet.

Bakugo: Our fight???

(YN): You don't mean..

Aizawa: ...The UA Sports Festival will start.

Kirashima: Yes!!!! Let's go kick some ass-

Kaminari: Wait a sec! Already??!

Jirou: Is it really okay to start the UA Sports Festival after knowing the villains snuck in to the USJ not too long ago???

Aizawa: Apparently starting it like this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled, and this will show all students from UA opportunities to show themselves of becoming a pro heroes. This will be the perfect chance for you all to enter that path of becoming one, so don't slack off on your training.

After Aizawa announces the Sports Festival will starts anytime soon, the bell rings as it was lunch time as Aizawa heads over to the teachers lounge for his lunch break, in the meantime, (YN) and the others were so pumped and excited to know about the UA sorts Festival...

Kirashima: Hell Yeah! I'm so excited for this!!!

Sero: You said it! This will lead us on a path of becoming pros!

Rikido: Yeah! This is why I'm here in the first place!

All the students were excited for the sports Festival...after that, class was dismissed as they all head over to their lunch break as well...(YN) was walking down the hallway as All Might called him...

All Might: HaHa! Young (YN)!!!

(YN): Oh, hey All Might. Wassup?

All Might: ...Lunch. Care to join me??

(YN): Oh. Sure.

All Might and (YN) then head over to All Might's own office...talking about back at the incident that happen at USJ...

All Might: You seem to overdid it too many times no? That Nomu was a real opponent. Took a lot out of you.

(YN): O-Oh. Well it wasn't that tough...Injust had to be smart enough to defeat that Nomu, besides you did a good job saving all of us as well.

All Might: Thanks, but I can barely look like All Might for an hour and half.

(YN): Oh..

All Might: Here have some tea.

(YN) grab the cup of tea and drank some...

(YN): Oh wow. This tea is good. Almost like how my mom makes it.

All Might: Really?? *This kid really knows about Tekka's cooking skills...hehe* Well good you like it. Anyways, I also brought you here to talk about the Sports Festival, but I wanna know if you have the progress and control over One For All now???

(YN): Oh. Actually, I do already. I've been training hard day and night at either school or home controlling over One For All, and I manage to have it under control.

All Might: But the problem is you may hurt yourself when you go overboard. I mean, I seen you go overboard once back at the Entrance exam and got that bruise all over your arm.

(YN): Oh. Well, I mean it doesn't hurt at all...and I don't seem to be bother by it, but still, I'll manage to not go overboard.

All Might: Good to hear...and we'll, to be frank with you, I don't have much time left as the worlds symbol of peace. Soon I'll have to put that title to bed.

(YN): ...No way.

All Might: And some villains out there are starting to notice that. Someone has to step up and keep these people safe...but that won't be a problem, because you will take over my title!

(YN): Wh-What?!

All Might stood up and says to (YN)...

All Might: I gave you my power for one reason because you will be the hero who will take my place! I want you to become a hero, the greatest one! To save people like I do! See that fearless smile of yours to feel safe! ...So (YN), do you still want to became a hero like me??

(YN) also stood up...

(YN): Yes! I do!

All Might: Excellent. The time has come for you to prove it! This sports Festival is something that the pros know, the entire country will be watching very closely. I want you to think of this sports festival as your debut, of becoming the next fledgling symbol of peace, the next ALL MIGHT!! (YN) (LN)!!!! I want you to introduce yourself to the world and proudly tell them... I AM HERE!!!! 

(YN) felt so speechless that he head to hear all that from All Might...(YN) has to do his best and make his debut of being not only a pro hero...but also becoming the next symbol of peace! The number one greatest hero!


The UA Sports Festival is in just two weeks, the whole thing will be live on TV.All student will not know what games they will be in until the first day. It can be any trial, so they must prepare at must cost. Tenya training for his running skills, Tsuyu on her swimming, Ochaco controlling her zero gravity, Mina her acid, Shoji working out, Bakugo controlling his explosion, Momo studying her skills, Jirou as well, And all of Class 1-A training hard for the sports for (YN)'s he's been running laps at the beach, working out, bench pressing, push-ups, sit-ups, any work that is tough for him to be prepared...and debut himself of becoming the next symbol of peace...but he ain't the only one who what's to become number one like All Might...he remembers back then, Bakugo telling him that he'll be stronger than him and become number one as well...we'll see about that....


It was morning already, and the morning of the day of the UA Sports Festival. All the citizens in Japan were already waiting in line to enter the stadium and watch the sports festival to see who will win. Especially the pro heroes will get to see the whole thing as the citizens enter the stadium and look for their seats, meanwhile in a waiting room, (YN) and the others were on their training uniforms as they wait to head over to the arena..

Iida: Everyone! Get your game faces on! We're about to enter the arena soon!

Mina: Alright!

Kirashima: Awesome!

Mineta: Swallow your fear, Swallow your fear, Swallow your fear!

As everyone waited a bit more to head over to the arena, (YN) was waiting as well...Until Todoroki suddenly calls him...

Todoroki: (YN).

(YN) turns around...

(YN): Todoroki. Wassup?

Suddenly everyone turn their focus on the two of them, knowing that these two have never talk to each other before...

Todoroki: ...from an objective standpoint, I think it's rarely clearly that I'm stronger than you.

(YN): Really?? Heh, well that was something from you.

Todoroki: However, you've gotten stronger and faster by my point. I'm impressed. But know this...I will beat you, it doesn't matter how strong you are, I am far stronger than you.

(YN): Hehe. Well that's quite the bold of you. Say, when was the last time you dropped your balls and talk like that?

The two then we're having a stare down for a moment...

Kaminari: Woah hey now hehe, what's with these declarations of war lately???

Kirashima: Yeah Todoroki, what's your deal? Why pick a fight all of the sudden-

Todoroki: We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget this isn't team effort.

Todoroki then walks away..

(YN): Oi. Todoroki.

Todoroki: What?

(YN): I don't know what's going through your head, or why you have the urge to tell me that you'll beat me, but we're gonna find out when we face each other...if we get lucky. Besides, not only we're going against each other, we're going against other classes. So we have to stand tall and fight. And on top of that...I'll be looking forward to be on top.

Todoroki: ...fine.

Bakugo: Tch.


Present Mic: ALRIGHT!!! Make some noise!!!!

All the fans and citizens were making loud cheering pop as they were excited for the sports Festival...

Present Mic: This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performance in sports Festival history guaranteed! Let me hear ya!? Are you all REEEEEEEEAAAAAADY?!?

The crowd cheers...

Present Mic: Alright! Before we start off, let's give up a round of applause to the first upcoming students, Class 1-A!!!!

Class 1-A then appeared as they all mak their way from the arena...

(YN): Woah. Never expected to be this much people.

Iida: I hope we still give out our best performances.

Kirashima: Present Mic shouldn't talk us up a lot, makes me nervous. Say Bakugo, how you feeling??

Bakugo: Heh, I'm not worried. Makes me wanna win this even more.

And so, as Class 1-A arrive to the arena, other different students from UA arrived as well...

Present Mic: And now, this year's introductory speech will be lead by R-Rated hero, Midnight!!!!

Midnight: Thank you! Thank you! Mows listen up students! Before we start our first trail of the sports Festival I want to bring someone up here for the pledge, Katsuki Bakugo!

Bakugo heard his name as he starts walking over to the stage as everyone stood quiet to hear what he will say...

Bakugo: I just wanna say...I'm gonna win.

(YN) Mind: ....This guy...

All the other classes started to boo at him as Class 1-A started to feel embarrassed the fact Bakugo is making the others hate on them...

Iida: Why would you be so disrespectful!?! You're suppose to representing all of us!!!

Bakugo: Tch. Not my fault the rest of you are steeping stones towards my victory.

(YN) Mind: ...Bakugo really wanna win this huh??  Then if he wants to, then can he at least show some respect to the others. Over here making us we're the bad guys...

Midnight: Okay...without further ado, let's begin our first game! Now, this is where you will all start feeling the pain! The first game for the sports Festival will be...Obstacle Race! Here's how it works: All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest, traveling four kilometers around the the outside of the stadium. Now then, take your places students!

All the students head over to the starting door where they will be heading outside for the obstacle run...

(YN) Mind: Obstacle Run...this should be easy. I won't be able to use One For All for this...or maybe. I don't know...We'll see.

Then, (YN) remembers the words All Might said to him about showing himself who he really will be: the next symbol of peace! The next All Might!

(YN) Mind: Let's do this.

Midnight: On your Marks...get set...GOO!!!!!

And so, the first trail of the sports Festival has began and will continue on the next chapter...


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