Chp.22 The Obstacle Race

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And so, the obstacle race has began! All of the student make their way outside of the stadium, problem is...the doorway wasn't wide enough to fit all of the student to go out, and had to fight their way through to go out, and so they did, but unfortunately Todoroki was somehow on the lead and first one as he uses his ice quirk to spread ice all over to the ground to slow down the students, but some of them were smart enough to dodge it from jumping above it right as the ice was coming after them...

Momo: Nice try Todoroki!

Bakugo: I won't let you get away! You Icy-Hot Bastard!

Ojiro: You may ice me up once, but won't happen again!

(YN): Nice try, but that won't happen!

Todoroki: I didn't expected some of my classmates to dodge that, especially the other classes.

Mineta came out of no where...

Mineta: You think you're so cool, but I outsmarted you! Take this Todoroki!!! Grape-

Suddenly, something strike at Mineta from behind as Mineta was sent flying crashing to the floor...soon to realize some gigantic robots appeared...

(YN): Those robots..from the entrance exam!!?

Kaminari: Are those the 5-point robots from the entrance exams!?!!

Todoroki: So these are the robots that the students face at the entrance exam.

Momo: How can the school afford these!?

Todoroki: They obviously went through trouble with these, but I wish they were prepared more! Especially my dear old dad is watching!

Todoroki emits his ice quirk around him as one of the giant robots was reaching its hand to Todoroki, Todoroki then spread his ice quirk towards the robot, causing his ice to spread all over the robot and icing him up...some of the student know that between the robots leg they can go through...

Todoroki: Careful now, I froze them while their off their balance...on purpose.

Some of the student made their way on the other side as soon the robots collapse to the floor and some were dealing with the other giant robots..suddenly someone was trying to burst out from the frozen robot...and soon to be...

Kirashima: IM ALIIIVE!!!!! Phew! Damn it Todoroki, can't believe you pulled something like that!

Suddenly, another one was trying to burst out from the giant robot...

TetsuTesu: NRRRRRGH!!! I'm going to smash that ice guy when I get my hands on him!!!! (Quirk: Steal)

Soon they both were heading their way to the other side, as some of the other giant robots were trying to strike at the other students, Bakugo was flying up with his explosion as he try to catch up to Todoroki...

Bakugo: I won't let Todoroki beat me! Especially (YN)!!! I'll be the one to finish first!

Sero and Tokoyami as well use their quirks to get over to the robots, Jirou, Tenya, Kaminari, Momo, Mineta, all of the student were able to get pass through the giant for (YN) he was dodging and passing through the robots as well, but suddenly, the giant robots were starting to surround him as he got no where to go...

(YN): Heh. Looks like I have to use it after all. Here goes!

(YN) whole body started to give up blue aura and sparkle jolts as well as he then takes a huge leap towards the giant robots faces as he the swings a powerful punch towards one robot's face, then a kick to the other, and then another punch and then some kicks as well, soon to destroy and knocking down all of the giant robots and not even leaving one alive...he then lands on the floor as he uses his speed to catch up and be in first place...later, Todoroki manage to arrive at the final obstacle...but he must careful, the final obstacle is filled with mines...bomb mines...Todoroki was steady and slowly able to walk pass through them without even touching, as some from behind were being hit by them...As Todoroki was steady walking passing through them, he notices someone catching him up, he turns around and notices Bakugo catching up to him, Bakugo caught up to him and says to him...

Bakugo: Bastard! Your declaration of war...was to the wrong person!!!!

Bakugo tried to stun Todoroki but Todoroki dodges it as soon to the two started fighting each for the others, they manage to catch the lead and try not to get hit by the mines after all...until (YN) finally showed up...Soon to step on the mine area as he was somehow started to run up and pass by them like nothing, he was getting hit by some, but doesn't seem to be bother by it as he soon after, he stepped on a big one and caused a huge explosion, Todoroki and Bakugo notices the huge smoke from behind...suddenly, (YN) came out from the smoke to soon find out he continues to run pass through the mines and pass through Bakugo and Todoroki...

Present Mic: Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a new student who is now taking the lead, (YN) (LN)!!!!

The crowd cheers...

Bakugo: (YN)!! I won't let you embarrass me again!! Never again!!!

Present Mic: And would you look at that, those two aren't fighting no more! They're are now chasing after (YN)!!!

(YN) started using his speed to gain up as he was this close to reach the stadium...

Todoroki Mind: He's really fast..

Bakugo Mind: How is this bastard that damn fast!? Well I don't care! He won't make a fool out of me again! Not again!!!

(YN) manage to get out from the mine area, but as he then was this close to reach the stadium, he stops as he turns around face forward, looking at some students still walking pass by the mine field, as for Todoroki and Bakugo was close to gain up to him...(YN) clench both of his hands into a fist as he started charging up One For he does, he raises both his hands up...

Bakugo: What the hell-

Todoroki: Is he doing!?!

(YN): SMASH!!!!

As (YN) still has his arms up, he then swings his both clench hands to the ground, doing a powerful ground slam to the floor, as it caused the whole ground from the mine field to shake and causing the dirt cement to repel little cracks as all the mine bombs started to set off and blow up...after that, (YN) then continues off to head over to the stadium...he then starts heading in the doorway...

Present Mic: And ladies and gentlemen! The ver first student to be first place in the obstacle race will be...

Soon, (YN) got out of doorway and arrive to arena...

Present Mic: (YN) (LN)!!!! He is the first place winner and champion!!!

The crowd gave a loud cheer for (YN) as (YN) was feeling proud of himself, soon to see All Might, of how proud he is for (YN)...and so the other students arrive as well, Todoroki and Bakugo came as well, soon to know Bakugo came third and Todoroki second...Bakugo was catching some breathe...soon to feel irritated...again...the fact he has lost again to (YN)...

Bakugo: (YN)...not again!!!

Todoroki then stares at (YN) from behind as he soon to leave...

Ochaco: (YN)! Th-That was amazing!! did manage to hurt us with those bombs...but still that love you did was so cool!

(YN): Oh...thanks Uraraka. And sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.

And so, all of the classes began to arrive at the arena...soon to gather up with Midnight to see what's the next trial for the sports festivals...


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