Chp.23 Tournement Battle

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After several sports trials later, the second last was the Calvary battle, so far, (YN)'s team (Ochaco, Tokoyami and Hatsume) have come first place, second Todoroki's team (Momo, Tenya, and Kaminari), and Third place, Bakugo's team (Kirashima, Sero and Mina)....and still, Bakugo was still fed up the fact he still hasn't beaten (YN)...but he then got the chance to have a chance...if the two end up being the last round...then Bakugo will have his chance to have his re match against (YN)...because the final trial of the sports festival is the tournament battle, all the students checked the bracket for their opponents...first match...(YN) against Shinsou, second match, Tokoyami against Momo, third match, Mina against Aoyama, fourth match, Todoroki against Sero, and fifth match, Bakugo against Ochaco....

(YN): Shinso...wonder who's that??

Shinso: So, your my opponent, (YN) right??

(YN): *This is Shinso?? Oh yeah. I remember him back at the school...from general studies*

Shinso: A pleasure to meet you. Ready for our battle??

(YN): Heh, you bet-

Suddenly, Ojiro's tail covered (YN)'s mouth...

Ojiro: Not so fast (YN).

Shinso then smiles as he walks away...

(YN): Oi Ojiro. What was that for??

Ojiro: Sorry. But you can't say a word to him.

(YN): Huh? Why??

Todoroki meanwhile was looking at the bracket and notices that if he advances to the next match, he may will go up against (YN)...

Todoroki: (YN) can be my second match, you must advance. So I can beat you with my own hands.


Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Ojiro explain everything to (YN) why he can't say a single word to Shinso...

(YN): I see. So his quirk allow as him to mind control other people.

Ojiro: Yes. Just don't give him a chance to use it.

(YN): So, how did he mind controlled you??

Ojiro: To be honest, don't really know. But when he gave me a question and when I was giving him a answer...I simply don't remember at all after that. In round two, I don't remember anything at all except at the very end...when he got TetsuTetsu headband, I bump into another person, and suddenly, I was me again. Suddenly,  I was able to think clearly again for some reason. Still, it will be a shock and impossible to break his speed. Even in a one on one match won't happen at all, you may be strong and all, but with him mind controlling you, he may have a chance to beat you...anyways, that's all I can say to you man.

(YN): I see...thanks for letting me know Ojiro.

Ojiro: Oh and (YN)...beat this guy for me...and for our classmates.

The two gave each other a bro fist and Ojiro wishing him luck for his match against Shinso...later, as Ojiro left to go hang with the others to see the first match, (YN) was making his way to the doorway to wait for his first match to start...until Todoroki appeared...

Todoroki: (YN), wait up.

(YN): Todoroki...what is it??

Todoroki: ...I need to speak with you with something.

(YN): ..Okay, wassup?

Todoroki: ...I was overwhelmed.

(YN): Huh??

Todoroki: ...I broke a promise that I made along time ago. Iida and Kaminari, Momo and Tokoyami and Uraraka, none of them felt it. In that moment when we collide in the Calvary battle, I was the only one to feel your reminded me of something...from All Might's power...

(YN): Oh yeah?

Todoroki: What I'm saying...Is that your power is so similar to All Mights.

(YN) Mind: Shit! Don't tell me...Todoroki is gonna find out already!?!

Todoroki: (YN), tell me...are you All Might's secret love child or something???

(YN) Mind: .......Am I...WHAT?!?!

Todoroki: I'm saying this...because I've seen it, All Might being in your corner.

(YN): Oh...

Todoroki: Well are you??

(YN): No dude. I'm not. That's not what you think. If he was, I would be completely honest with you...besides, why would you think I'm his son??

Todoroki: ...That's not it at all. There is something between you two that aren't suppose to talk about...but....My father...his name is Endeavor. Which you may be aware he's the number two hero.

(YN): Wait Endeavor?! The Flame Hero Endeavor?!?

Todoroki: ...Yea.

(YN): Woah...that's...that's cool!

Todoroki: *grunts* no. It's not.

(YN): Huh??

Todoroki: ...So if you're connected to the number one hero, then that would mean that I would have more reason to beat see, my father is an ambitious man, he aims for the top, he uses his name for himself as a hero. But was never the best All Might, because of his failure, but still at it to take down All Might, one way or another.

(YN): I-I'm not sure where you're getting at...what are you trying to say??

Todoroki: Have you ever heard of quirk merits? They became a problem in the first few generations before super powers spread, there were those who sough out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships they were simply viewed as old fashioned arrange marriage. But clearly it was unethical, my father has not only a rich history of accomplishment, but plenty of money to throw it for his problems, he bought my mother's relatives to get his hands on her quirk, and now he's raising me to raise her all's so annoying. I refuse to be his tool, that scumbag. And in every meme out of my mother...I always remember her crying, remember telling my left side was unbearable...and put boiling water on my left side of my face...

(YN): ...No way.

Todoroki: ..The reason I picked a fight on you, is to show my old man what I was capable of. You see, I'm going to show him that I will beat you without using my left side!

After hearing Todoroki's words, (YN) has heard everything from him, his backstory, everything about his child past life...of how his father, Endeavor was so abusive to Todoroki and his family...

Todoroki: Well, that's all I wanted to say. Good luck on your first match...oh and also...advance to the scene match. Because if you and I do, then we will both go at it against in the second match.

Todoroki then walks away...

(YN): Oh man...that's rough for him.

Suddenly, All Might arrives..

All Might: Hey (YN).

(YN): Hey All Might.

All Might: How are you feeling? So far, you've been doing a good job! I'm proud of you.

(YN): Thanks All Might.

Todoroki: ...I notice you and Todoroki had a little chat. Couldn't help notice.

(YN): Oh yeah. We did...say All Might.

All Might: Hmm?

(YN): ...How is Endeavor??? Like, what is he?? What's his story??

All Might: Endeavor...Well, to be honest with you, he can be a pain in the ass when I try talking with him. He's always wanting to become number one as well...but geez, that guy really is ambitious.

(YN): I see.

Present Mic: Alright ladies and gentlemen!!! Give me a loud cheer because the first match will start any time!!!

All Might: Welp, looks like your match is about to start.

(YN): Yeah. Well, I should get going then.

All Might: Young (YN)...

(YN): Hmm??

All Might: Good luck.

(YN): Thanks. I will.

And so (YN) heads over to the doorway...

Present Mic: Alright audience!! Let's cut to the chase! Our first match will start soon!!! Lest welcome to our first fighters, on the left side we have from the hero course, (YN) (LN)!!!! And on the right side we have from general studies, Hitoshi Shinso!

The two then head over to the arena. As the two arrive, they started stretching as (YN) started cracking his knuckles, and Shinzo scratching his back neck..

Present Mic: Are you ready!!!! BEGIN!!!!

The crowd cheers as the first match between (YN) and Shinso will begin on the next chapter...


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