Chp.24 Versus Shinso

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And so, the first match of the tournament battle begins! (YN) against Shinso...

(YN): Alright. *cracks knuckles* this should be easy to take care of him-

Shinso: Say, why don't you just give up already?

(YN): say what?

Shinso: In a way, this is a test of how strong your spirit is.If you know what you want your future to hold for you, you can't worry about what other people think. That monkey friend of yours was going on about his pride earlier, but I think he's just an idiot, throwing away his pathetic chance like that.

(YN) somehow got angry the fact Shinso was talking trash about his friend Ojiro...he started walking up to Shinso as he then starts running towards him

(YN): I would keep that mouth shut of yours if I were you, or I'm going to do it myself-

Suddenly, as soon (YN) was close to Shinso and was ready to strike a punch, he suddenly stop and somehow...wasn't moving for a moment...

Shinso: That's it. I win.

Ojiro: No! I warn him not to say anything nor reply to him!

Present Mic: Whats this!?! (YN) has now been completely frozen!! Ladies and Gentlemen!!! This fight has just began!! What your see here is Hitoshi shinso's brain wash quirk, it allows him to mind control anyone who he talks to, and also he can mind control when ever he wants!

Ochaco: Brianwash!?

Iida: This isn't good! Then that means-

Shinso: So here we are. You're lucky you have been blessed, (YN). Now...turn around and walk out of balance like a good hero you are.

(YN) suddenly turns around as he soon starts to walk away from Shinso slowly...(YN) started to walk as he soon was about to get out from the arena...

(YN) Mind: Whats happening!?! My's moving on it's own! And my nothing but fog! I-I can't concentrate! Wh-What am I suppose to do!?! D-Damn it! Not like this!! I-I felt for it after Ojiro warn me about him! my fault!!

Present Mic: Ladies and Gentlemen!!! It would appear that (YN) is about to get out of balance and lose this match!

(YN) mind: N-Nooo!!!!

As soon (YN) was this close to step out of balance, he suddenly notices something at the doorway in front of him, it was all dark, until a shadow figure appears...soon to be a tall shadow figure, with red eyes, soon to look directly at him and somehow said to him...

???: (YN) son...this is why I never wanted you to be a've always been a failure to become one...I should have taken you with me..away from your mother...if it wasn't for All Might...I would have made you a villain.

As he heard that voice in his head, (YN)'s eyes suddenly grow wide...and angry as he seems to be grunting...and suddenly...


(YN) gave out a loud scream, causing a huge wind wave around the stadium...

Present Mic: Whats this!?! (YN) stopped in time!

Iida: Alright!!!

Ochaco: Oh thank goodness.

Kirashima: What the hell was that though??! Seems like he burst a scream with anger.

All Might saw everything soon to see (YN) gasping for air..soon to be a bit angry as well...

All Might: Young (YN)...What did you just do??! Why did you scream...?!

Shinso: What!?! H-He fought out from it!? No way! That's impossible! Nrrrgh! Your not suppose to fight back! What did you do!?!

(YN) turned around...

(YN) Mind: what was that!?!? Why did I suddenly hurts a scream out of anger!?! Th-That shadow figure I's like someone was talking to me telepathically..and he called me...son!? What the hell is going on!?!

Shinso: *Tch. How did he do that!?! And he won't answer back. I gotta find a way to talk so I can brain wash him again...* Come on say something.

(YN): ...

Shinso: I'd never knew you had that kind of power to brake my spell. I'm kinda jealous. Thanks to the way my quirk works, I've been a big disadvantage but someone as bless as you won't understand that!

Shinso started running up to (YN)...

Shinso: You're lucky enough to have a heroic quirk! It'll be so easy to reach your goal! Say something damn it!!

Shinso got to (YN) as he then swings a punch towards his face, suddenly, (YN) felt that punch...but suddenly wasn't affected to it as (YN) as (YN) grabbed Shinso whole he then arm drags him, slamming him to the ground, after that, grabbing his whole face and the with full force strength he tosses him away from the stage, sending Shinso out of balance and then crashing towards a wall, knocking him out...everyone stood silent...until...

Midnight: Shinso is out! (YN) wins this battle!

The crowd for (YN), he suddenly shook his head and notice that he may have hurt Shinso too much...

(YN): shit!

He goes running out from the stage as he goes check on Shinso...

(YN): Oi. Shinso. You alright?? I didn't mean to-

Shinso: I'm fine.

He gets up as he seems to be recovered from it...

Present Mic: You heard it folks (YN) has won the battle! Now both of you have fought bravely! Everyone let's show these two some love!

As the crowd cheers, (YN) was somehow curious about (YN) on why he decided to be in the hero course...

(YN): Shinso.

Shinso: ...What?

(YN): Why you wanna be a hero? What's driving you??

Shinso stood quiet as he then replies...

Shinso: You can't help the things your heart longs for...

(YN) then walks towards Shinso as he then says to him...

(YN): Listen man, I feel you. And I totally under and you. Besides, the way I see it, you will become a good hero, and look, some friends of yours seem to be happy for you...

Shinso turns around...

Student #1: You were awesome Shinso! We're proud of you!

Student #4: You didn't tell us you were that good! I can't believe you put up a fight against a dude like him who's way so strong.

All of his friends cheered him on and made him feel better and cheering him up...Shinso smiles as he says to (YN)...

Shinso: Depending on the results, they might transfer students into the hero course. Remember that. Even it didn't work out this time, I'm not giving up. I'll get on the hero track, and get certified, and become a better pro than you better be prepare when I come back for you for our rematch sooner or later.

(YN) nods his head, agreeing with shinso...and so, the first battle has ended as (YN) goes in the break room to wait for his second match, Menahwile, All Might enter to see (YN)...

(YN): All Might.

All Might: You did good back there. Proud of you.

(YN): Thanks. It wasn't that tough really...but still, I have to focus on my other matches. My other opt will be even more stronger than Shinso.

All Might: Right...Say, Young (YN).

(YN): Hm??

All Might: ...Back then, during your match, I notice if you were screaming with such anger...and you suddenly broke out Shinso's sleep from his brainwash quirk...tell me, what happen back there when you screamed??

(YN): ....

All Might: ...Young (YN)???

(YN): I-I saw a was a person...when Shinso took over my brain, a vision appeared and completely remove the fog away from my brain...and I suddenly yell with anger...that talked to me.

All Might: It did???! W-Well, if it did, what did it say???

(YN): ...It was weird...he kept mention me about...I'm his son or something...that I was a total failure of being a hero.

All Might Mind: *!*

(YN): And the visions voice...he if I heard it before...but I don't know where nor when...but, it doesn't matter was probably Shinso's quirk  I guess I don't know...Well, I'll be back. I'm going to the restroom.

All Might: O-Oh sure. Go ahead.

(YN) exits the room. As he does, All Might was still suiting down, as he clench both of his fists, and talks to himself...

All Might: can't be. Was it really a vision!? Or...was "he" really here!?!? I don't know, and it doesn't matter, if he were here, then something would have go on here. I must protect Young (YN) from "him" at any cost, no matter what!


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