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After (YN) has gain his victory in his first first battle against Shinso, (YN) will be qualifying for the next match depending who he will go up against next....the matches go by, and so far, (YN), Bakugo and Todoroki the only three that hav been wining the matches...Todoroki's match against Sero was....a bit overboard the fact he used his ice quirk against Sero too much, almost creating a humongous ice berg around the whole stadium...(YN) watched as he soon to notices that it wasn't Todoroki's fault because he's like this...(YN) can tell Todoroki is sad...and broken from the inside...for all the terrible terrible things Endeavor, his father did to him...and to his mother...then there was this other match that he won't forgive...Bakugo and Ochaco battle...Bakugo was going too much against Ochaco, hurting her so bad and not even let her recover...but this is what Ochaco wants. She wanted this to become a hero to be tough and strong and help her family out...but still, it's irritated to see Bakugo actually hurting Ochaco like that...and still he won. And so, the semi final match was coming up next...the semi final match will be Todoroki vs (YN)...meanwhile, in the hallways, (YN) got out from the room after having a little talk with Ochaco and checking up on her, he was feeling bad for Ochaco...

(YN) Mind: Ochaco...I'm so sorry...

As he continues walking down the hallways, he suddenly bumped into someone...and knowing he has bumped into Bakugo...

Bakugo: Damn it! Watch where you going!!

(YN): I was gonna say the same thing!!

Bakugo: Just what the hell you're doing!?!

(YN): I'm heading over to my next match. Tch, why do you even care, now love out of my way.

(YN) walks pass by Bakugo as Bakugo tells him...

Bakugo: It was your idea Huh. That stupid desperate plan of hers. I knew she would come up something like that annoying from you! If she-

(YN): Wrong. It was hers. She came up with it all alone. I didn't notice until she told me. She was the one who wanted this. If that battle was harder than you think, it's because of her strategy, not mines. Now I got a match to settle, stop saying my time.

Bakugo: Tch. And hey!

(YN): Nrgh. Now what?!

Bakugo: You better advance to the finals! Cause I want my rematch!

(YN): Oh, you'll get your rematch.

And so, the two rivalry friends walked away from each other...soon to find out if they will go against each other soon he continues walking down the hallways, he suddenly notice someone giving a turn, this hero took a step, as (YN) can tell the outfit the hero was wearing, he ain't just a hero, he is a pro hero...The Flame Hero, Endeavor...

(YN): E-Endeavor!?!!?

Endeavor: Ah. I was looking for you.

(YN): O-Oh. You are?? Well, nice to meet you...I guess, so how can I help you??

Endeavor: I wanna have a word with you.

(YN): Me??

Endeavor: Yes. A while ago, I watched your fight against that brainwashing guy. Your power is pretty impressive. To create such impressive wind wave just to give out a scream. And that wind wave...It reminds me of someone who also has that kind of force to create that wind have a lot of common with All Might, don't you?

(YN): Oh. Well, I never thought about that....Hey it was kinda nice letting you and all, but I have a much to settle. Excuse me.

(YN) walks away...

(YN) Mind: Does Endeavor know I have One For All!? No it can't be. Besides, he's one person I can't let him know about it. And All Might's secret.

Endeavor: It's my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might, as the number one hero. And your match is next against him, it will be a good testing round for how much he has gain experience on his training. So hit him hard, don't disgrace yourself or him by holding back.

Suddenly, (YN) remembers the words Todoroki said to him "I refuse to use the power of my old man. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power. And show him I can be a hero and take first place without using it."

Endeavor: That's all I wanted to say. I apologies for bothering you.

Endeavor walks away, until..

(YN): Endeavor, I'm not All Might, and the same goes for Todoroki.

Endeavor: What? What are you talking about??

(YN): ...Todoroki may be your son, but he isn't you. If you would have listen him more, then you would understand him.

The two then gave off a little stare, as (YN) walks away heading for his match against Todoroki...meanwhile, in the stadium seating, Ochaco then arrive...

Iida: Ochaco, your alright. How are you feeling??

Ochaco: I'm okay. Thanks. So, the match hasn't started yet??

Iida: No. not yet. If I were you, I would be worried on this one.

Tokoyami: This next battle, it will be intense.

Present Mic: Alright my fellow citizens!!! The semi final battle will start soon!! Let's introduce our fighting opponents!!! On the right side, the student who won his last fight with an epic landslide, literally left half of the stadium frozen, the hero course, Shoto Todoroki!!!!!

Crowd cheers...

Present Mic: And the left side, the student almost lost his first match up, but came back with a great comeback, form the hero courses as well, (YN) (LN)!!!!!!

Todoroki: So, here we are.

(YN): Hmph. And only one of us can win.

Crowd Cheers... Todoroki and (YN) both met each other in the arena, as the two gave off a stare the seating stadium, Bakugo was gonna watch this battle...and see who will be his opponent...

Iida: Tokoyami, how do you think this match will go??

Tokoyami: It depends on weather or not (YN) is able to get close to Todoroki.

Ochaco: Yeah, that's the problem, he has to worry about his ice quirk.

Present Mic: Ladies and gents! This match will get totally intense! And soon to find out which one of these will lead t the final battle!!!

It's the semi final battle, and this match will get intense and see who will advance to the final, Todoroki, or (YN). We will find out on the next chapter!


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