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After Todoroki's and (YN)'s battle, (YN) won and will advance to the final battle against Bakugo, the two shook hands as a fair and good battle as the two left and check up for any wounds, besides (YN). Todoroki was walking down the hallways as he soon to find himself his father, waiting for him...

Endeavor: Whats the matter?? Not gonna tell me not to get lost?

Todoroki: Aren't you gonna be upset about my lost??

Endeavor: I would, but no. I won't. The only thing I'm happy is that you use your fire power, but you need to control it, it's dangerous to realms it too much. But I'm glad you're finally seeing reason . Now that you have abandon your childish rebellion, we can get back what's important, after you graduate, you will be on my side, and make you number one!

Todoroki: ...I haven't abandon anything.

Endeavor: Huh?

Todoroki: You're a fool you think my feelings can be reversed, instead, out there for one moment, I forgot all about you,whether that's good or bad, whether it's right thing to do, I don't know, maybe I don't need you...

Todoroki walks pass by his father...if we ever get to see if his father has changed or not...meanwhile, at recovery girls medic room, (YN) was sitting down as he got bandages wrapped around his palms and knuckles, and that big bruise he has on his left arm after using it against Todoroki for taking him out of balance to win, it wasn't just an ordinary bruise from before, it was worse, it was more like a purple bruise and it was worse and ugly to watch it that Recovery girl had or wrap a bandage around it...

Recovery Girl: That bruise of yours seem way more painful and ugly than the one I saw before at the entrance exam. And your knuckles seem to be almost shattered as well, I'm surprised they haven't broken yet during your battle.

All Might: This is my fault, I'm the one who pushed him too far to become a pro hero...young (YN), I'm so sorry-

(YN): It's not your fault All Might. Besides, I wanted this as well. And I know it seems a bad idea, but for me, it's nothing, if I going to be hero, then I must take it like a hero.

All Might: ...

Recovery Girl: ...

(YN): I just need some rest before I go to my final battle.

Recovery Girl: Well, if you say so sweetie. Take your time.

Suddenly, Ochaco, Iida, Tsuyu and Mineta barge in the room...

Ochaco: Are you okay (YN)??!

(YN): Hey you guys, what's up??

Iida: The stage was far damage and will be repairing it before the final battle.

Mineta: That match was the scariest thing I ever seen!

Tsuyu: That was incredible. Never knew you would beat Todoroki with that strength of yours you have.

(YN): Yeah.

Ochaco: And I take it that...your final battle Bakugo.

They all stood quiet..

(YN): I'll beat him.

All Might: What?! Young (YN)! Your bruise up! You can't-

(YN): I have to. I may be injured. But they don't bother me at all, besides, I need to win this, and since Bakugo is my final opponent, I must beat him as well, cause him and I have the same dream ever since kids. To become number one...and still, I won't show him no mercy for after he has done.

They all stood quiet again...until Iida got a phone call and leaves the room...


Minuets later, (YN) go out from the room with Ochaco as Mineta and Tsuyu heads over to their seats to get ready to watch the final battle, suddenly, the two notices Iida standing still...

Ochaco: Oh hey Tenya!

He stood quiet for a moment...

(YN): Tenya, you okay??

Iida: Uraraka, (YN)...I know this is all sudden, but I have to leave. A villain got my older brother.

(YN): What?! Your brother, Ingenium got hurt?!

Ochaco: Did they say is he gonna be okay?!

Iida: I don't know many details yet. That's why, I must go right away.

(YN): Okay, just give us an update.

Ochaco: Be careful.

And so Iida starts jogging as he goes to change into his uniform and head over to the hospital to see his brother...meanwhile, Todoroki was walking down the hallways to go and see the battle between Bakugo and (YN), soon to find Bakugo walking up stairs...

Todoroki: Bakugo-

Bakugo: What do you want Icy-Hoy bastard!?!

Todoroki: Well, since I found, I may say good luck with your match against (YN).

Bakugo: Tch. I don't need no luck Damn it! I will beat him! He may have made me look like a fool at the entrance exam, but this time he won't again!

Bakugo then walks down the hallway as Todoroki then says...

Todoroki: (YN)...

Bakugo: Huh??!?!

Todoroki: He was breaking my walls in order to become who I am. Not just a prisoner, but a future hero as well. You and him were childhood friends right? Tell me, was he always like this? So helpful?

Bakugo: Nrrrgh. I don't give a fuck about that!! He's was and never my friend! Which I thought we were, but we weren't! So keep your damn business already!!

Todoroki: ...What about Izuki?

Bakugo: Wh-What?!??

Todoroki: That girl Izuki...he told me everything about her after when she came to USJ. He said she was her friend as well, and telling that he thought she died from suicide, but she somehow was alive and became a villain, and (YN) won't tell me why she did and how? So, can you tell me? Why did Izuki became a villain? Either way, he also did told me she was your friends as well.

Bakugo stood quite as he then started to have little flashbacks about him (YN) and Izuki, mostly Izuki of how she always wanted to help out Bakugo and never leave him by his side, which Bakugo didn't need that's...after the flashbacks, he suddenly grunted and seem to be irritated and yelled...

Bakugo: I said mind your god damn fucking business Icy-Hot bastard! I...I don't know about deku! Just shut the hell up and don't ever bring that up to me or while I'm around got it?! Now stop wasting my god damn time!! I'm heading for my damn battle!!

So Bakugo matches his way to his final battle as He says in his mind...

Bakugo Mind: That (YN), Fucking bastard!! So he wants to open his mouth eh!?! Well I'm going to shut that damn mouth of his during our battle!! And I will beat him this time!!! I'll show him I'm better than him and will surpass him to become number one! I want everyone here that I can beat him when's he's full power! I'll show everyone what a champion looks like!


Present Mic: Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! Welcome to the final battle!!!

Crowd cheers...

Present Mic: We will see who will come out on top!!! On the left side we have the student who just advance during his last match, he may be bruised up from his left whole arm and knuckles, but he still standing tall, from the hero course (YN) (LN)!!!

Crowd Cheers...

Present Mic: And on the right side he will face his final opponents, his classmate and also from the hero course, Katsuki Bakugo!!

Crowd Cheers...

Tokoyami: Well, this should be interesting.

Tsuyu: Who would that two rival friends will finally meet each other to face off again.

Ochaco: Come on (YN), you can do this.

Kirashima: I just hope Bakugo takes it easy on him this time. Which I doubt.

Bakugo: So, we've meet again, (YN).

(YN): ...

Bakugo: What! Don't wanna say anything else?! Come on! Say your final words before I kill you!

(YN): ...I'll beat you.

Bakugo: Tch. Then, we'll see about that!

The final battle of the sports festival will be two rival friends, Bakugo vs (YN), and it will start on the next chapter!


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