Chp.28 Versus Bakugo

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Present Mic: and...BEGIN!!!!!

And so, the final battle begins. Bakugo started rushing towards (YN) as he gets ready to take down (YN)...

Bakugo: I'm going to enjoy beating the living hell out of you!!! I'll finish this quickly!!!

Suddenly, (YN) clenched both of his fists as he punches straight to the ground, suddenly lifting up the ground soon to carry a piece of the ground, more of a Boulder, carrying it on his shoulders as he uses his strength, tossing the huge Boulder towards Bakugo, Bakugo stopped as he emits his explosion quirk to destroy the Boulder coming right after him, some was appearing after that explosion, soon to realize (YN) suddenly came out from the smoke as he then swings a punch towards Bakugo, Bakugo dodges it, (YN) swings another punch as Bakugo dodges it again...(YN) started swinging rapid punches towards Bakugo as he started dodging them...

Bakugo Mind: Tch. He's quick just as I thought. But he won't be able to see what's coming to him!

After that, Bakugo jumps above (YN) as he soon to have a plan to take him down by just grabbing his whole head and tossing him away with a boost of his explosion quirk, but suddenly (YN) was quick enough to know as he then grabs Bakugo's shirt and slams him to the he does, he lifts his leg as Bakugo move out of the way and (YN) stomps the ground, causing a huge impact...

Bakugo: That was a close one! But how he know I was gonna grab him from above?! Whatever! I'll just have to find a weak spot from him!

Bakugo started rushing towards him, as he got in close range, started using his explosion quirk and starts stunning him, as for (YN) he started blocking them...after the last stun, (YN) then swing a punch as Bakugo dodges as (YN) then swings another towards Bakugo as Bakugo moves out of the way, the punch was going straight to the ground, as (YN) swings the punch to the ground, he notices that the arm he use to punch the ground instead of Bakugo, was the arm that was bruised up, and it caused him to hurt tha pain...

(YN): O-OWW!!! Aaaaagh damn it!!!

Ochaco: Oh no! His arm! That's the injured one!

Bakugo: Ha! How's my chance!

Bakugo rushes towards (YN), as (YN) lifts his head up, Bakugo then strikes a knee towards (YN)'a chin, after that strike, Bakugo then place both of his palms towards (YN)'s chest and yells out...

Bakugo: Stun Grenade!!!

Bakugo emits a huge explosion out from his hands as he stuns (YN) with a massive explosion, sending him flying away, (YN) quickly recovers soon to realize he was this close to be out of balance...

Bakugo Mind: That's it. All I gotta do is mess with that arm of his for a bit to lose some strength then I'll be able to beat him! He's such an idiot that he can be able to win this battle with that damn bruised up arm of his!

Bakugo then charges at (YN) as (YN) then gets ready to swing a punch towards Bakugo, Bakugo suddenly dodges the punch from (YN), moves from the side as he then places his palms towards (YN)'s injured arm and then stuns him....

(YN): AAAAGH!!! Damn it-

Bakugo then lands a kick behind (YN)'s neck, dropping him down to his knees, after that Bakugo grabs (YN) as he tosses him away again, (YN) then can barely recover himself due to that damage Bakugo did to his arm...

Bakugo: Whats the matter (YN)?! Don't tell me you're worn out already?! I don't know why you even still wanna fight!! Just give up! Your all injured up and can't even handle it!

(YN): Shut Up!!

(YN) quickly charges at Bakugo as he started throwing barrage punches at him, Bakugo was able to dodge them, and knowing that (YN)'s movements were slow...(YN) then goes for an axe hand as Bakugo moved out to he way as (YN) miss and hit the ground, it did more damage to his bruised arm and caused him more pain as he dropped down to his knees...

Jirou: Man, these two really hate each other.

Kirashima: Man, who thought we get to see rival friends like them go at it like that, just what caused them to hate each other??

Bakugo and (YN) continue their battle, Bakugo then stuns (YN)'s injured arm again as (YN) couldn't take the pain..

Bakugo: Just give up already!! Your already injured and why bother going against me?! I'm going to win either way!!! And plus, why aren't you trying your best!!? Give me everything you got so I can show the world what a real champion looks like!!

(YN) then gets up as he was holding onto his injured arm, he then goes rushing towards Bakugo, he then tries to swing a punch to Bakugo, but missed as Bakugo was quick enough to move out of the way, appeared behind him as he then strikes a kick to the side of (YN)'s injured arm, causing (YN) to scream in pain...after that, Bakugo then got in front of (YN), with no hesitation started throwing punches to (YN) as he was able to take advantage, after throwing punches at (YN) he then started stunning him as well several times as (YN) started to lose ground...Bakugo then grabs (YN) as he tells him...

Bakugo: Listen very careful you bastard! You will never be better than me!! I'll be better and stronger than you!! You may be strong, but not like me!! So just give up!! Why are you even here anyways?! Why bother being here of becoming a hero if you can't handle this like hero!! Just leave and never come back!!!

After saying those words, Bakugo tosses him in the air, as he raises his hands up in the air towards (YN) as he leads out a huge explosion beam towards (YN), causing him to be sent flying away and crashing to the floor...

Present Mic: What action!!!! Are we willing to see Bakugo win this battle and achieve first place?!?

(YN) started to spit bit of blood out from his mouth as he was able to get up on his feet...

Present Mic: Whats this!?!? (YN) is up on his feet and is still in this fight!!!

Bakugo: Nrrrgh!! Just go down already!!! You got no chance of beating me!!!

(YN): ..I-Is that..the best you got?! Y-You only gave me a love tap!

Bakugo: Nrrrgh.!!! ...*smirks* Alright then you bastard! This time, I will blow you away and finish you off for good!! Here I come!!!

Bakugo then started charging towards (YN) as he emit explosion from his hands, giving him a boost jump in the air, as he was in the air, he then goes dashing towards (YN) as he starts spinning himself around as he started causing a huge smoke of tornado around him...

Bakugo: This will finish that bastard off!!! Here comes!!! Howitzer...

(YN): ...tch.

Bakugo: IMPACT!!!!

As Bakugo lays his one hand on (YN), he then caused a humongous explosion towards (YN), causing a wind wave and smoke surrounding almost the arena...

Present Mic: Woah!!! Now that's some explosion!!!

Ochaco: Oh no!

Tokoyami: Well, at least he gave it his best.

After the smoke and impact Bakugo caused, he was still standing and says...

Bakugo: Ha! That'll bring him down! I win!

As the smoke was starting to clear out, Bakugo suddenly realizes something and was indeed the smoke clears away...(YN) was still standing tall, arms crossed as if he blocked that attacked, almost his uniform is torn apart, bruises on some of his body parts, his bandage from his injured arm was ripped off, and surprisingly, he was inches close to be out of balance...

Present Mic: WHAAAAAA!?!!? (YN) is still standing after that huge impact and he is still in the arena!? Incredible!!!!

The crowd cheers and goes wild...

Momo: That's impossible!! That would have taken him down! But I was wrong.

Kirashima: And yet he's still standing tall...damn! Just how much manly is (YN)?! He's tough!

Bakugo: H-How!?! How!?! HOW!?! How are you still standing and not brought down!?! Just give up!!! Nrrrrgh!!! Or are you just making me look like a fool again!?! Answer me god damn it!!!!

Suddenly, (YN) lifted his head, as Bakugo realizes...that (YN)'s left eye was glowing blue and he seem to be really angry...

Bakugo: What the!?

(YN): Those words...

(YN) started walking towards Bakugo as Bakugo rushes towards him as he stuns him, but suddenly, it wasn't affecting him at all this time, soon that (YN) continue to walk towards Bakugo...

Bakugo: What?!? That didn't do nothing?!

(YN): Those words...

Bakugo continues to stun (YN), and yet it still doesn't do anything to hurt (YN) at all, then, (YN) grabbed Bakugo's hand, squeezes it...

Bakugo: A-AAAGH!!! Eh-What the hell are you—

(YN): Those words that you said to me...WERE EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS YOU SAID TO IZUKI!!!!

Bakugo: Wh-What-

(YN) then says this quietly to Bakugo...

(YN): Those were the exact words you said to Izuki! For all the pain you have caused her and suffering! And now, you shall feel the pain she had gone through for what you have done to her!

(YN)'a body started to glow up blue aura as he starts using One For All this time, as he then swings a brutal punch towards Bakugo's gut, causing him to spit out saliva, and then he gives him an uppercut, sending him flying to the air as (YN) goes following him, as he gets to the air with Bakugo, he then axe hands him towards his back, sending him flying down to the ground crashing...Bakugo can even barely get up, soon (YN) lands in front of Bakugo, he gives him a massive kick to the face, sending him flying away, (YN) suddenly appeared behind Bakugo with his amazing speed as he strikes an elbow towards Bakugo's back, after that, he grabs his whole head from behind and then slams him aggressively to the ground, face first, after that, (YN) grabs Bakugo's leg and started slamming him to the ground several times, after that, he grabs his head behind again as he starts dragging him towards the floor on the side of his face and let's him go...after that, Bakugo can barely get up soon to realizes he was badly injured due to (YN)'s powerful and aggressive fighting skills, Bakugo can barely walk as well...he walks towards (YN), trying to use all his strength to stun him, but wasn't strong enough, it's like he was already giving up, so to end this, (YN) lands and strikes a brutal powerful punch towards Bakugo's gut again, this time, causing him to spit out blood...

Bakugo Mind: he...n-no...this can'

Bakugo then seem to be like he was fainting, he slowly started falling down as he completely collapses to the floor, (YN) was still standing as he stars down at Bakugo and says to himself...

(YN) Mind: ...I can't. If I say more, then it'll make me feel and for you...but why Bakugo? Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut and mind your businesses??! If you would have never done all those horrible threats and bullying Izuki, none of that would have never happen.

Midnight then walks over to check on Bakugo...he's knocked out...

Midnight: Bakugo is out. That means...(YN) is the winner!!

The crowd goes wild and cheers on (YN) the fact he has won the sport festival...

Present Mic: and with that, the final match is officially over! The first year of the sports festival winner is...(YN) (LN) from Class 1-A!!!!

The crowd cheers more as (YN) won the sports festival...soon the medic robots came for Bakugo as they took him to the medic room, (YN) then walks away...he then stares at Bakugo one more time...and leave the arena...


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