Chp.29 Hero Names

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-(YN)'s POV-

Days pass after the sports festival as I won the whole entire thing, especially the battle arena. First place of this year. After all that, we soon got our wounds healed up. Then our normal classes went back to normal, mostly all the citizens in japan started knowing me that I've gain too at the sports festival and gave me support of how a great job I did. I really appreciated it and all, but what's really getting my head lately, was Bakugo. During our final battle, he seems so guilty and upset the fact I mention about Izuki for everything he has done to her, does he really feel that bad for what he has done??? Now??? ...Tch. Bullshit. If he really wants to apologize for everything he has done to her...then we suggest and wait until she tries to come at us again, maybe a few apology words from Bakugo may get out of Izuki from being a villain still...I already miss her to be honest. Our talks, our hang outs, everything about her, that's the only thing missing about my life, it's her...but right now what's first is UA High. As we all arrive in class, Aizawa then arrive as well, soon to realize he has no lore bandages and all healed up thanks to recovery girl. Aizawa came in as he soon to announce us that we'll be having our own name codes, hero names in terms for what we are, what we represents, telling people who we are in the future, and also, since we have encounter and fought real villains back at USJ, we'll be able to working and interning real pro heroes to train our fighting skill and quirks, so as we start off greeting our code names, Midnight arrive as she came to help us to see if our hero names is suitable or not...and so, we all got a board and marker to write down our own hero name to be in the future when we become pro heroes after graduation...


Midnight: Alright class, who among us is ready to share their names?

Kirashima Mind: Wait were sharing our names?!

Sero Mind: Crap! I wonder who has the balls to go first!

Aoyama the stood up as he walked over to the form fo the class to share his hero name...

Aoyama: Hold your breathe...the shining hero: I cannot stop twinkling! So stunning.

Midnight: Oooou. Such delightful name.

Everyone: She likes it?!

Mina: Okey Dokey! my turn!

Mina goes up next...

Mina: My code name: Alien Queen.

Midnight: Wait?!? You mean your name will be that one scary Aline at the movie?!? Nope! Cant accept it! Try another name.

Mina: Awww man.

Not only that, we have to think of a clever code name...

Tsuyu: Ribbit, Ms.Midnight, I think I got a name for me.

Midnight: Well come on up.

Tsuyu goes next...

Tsuyu: I had this name in my junior high school. Raining Season Hero: Froppy.

Midnight: That's delightful! Makes it approachable! And make everyone love that name!

Everyone cheered on Tsuyu's code name the fact they love that it was Kirashima...

Kirashima: How about this one! Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!

Midnight: Red Riot? Interesting, so your paying homage to the chivalrous hero, Crimson Riot yes?

Kirashima: Yeah, he may be old school, but I wanna be like him just like he was, Crimson is my idol.

Midnight: Well, if you're bearing the name you admire, you'll have that much to live it up.

Kirashima: I accept that challenge!

(YN) Mind: Huh, so he is manly after all...

Kaminari: Man, still don't have much time to think what code name I can get that'll be so cool?

Jirou: Hey Denki, I got one fire you. How does Jamming-Yay sound like to you?

Kaminari: Oh right! It's likes hemming-watching wrote out the arms right? You're clever!

Jirou: *giggles*'s because even though you're jam your brain.

Kaminari: Oh come on Jirou! Quit messing with me!

Next it was Jirou..

Jirou: The hearing hero: Earphone Jack.

Midnight: Now that's good one!

Next was Shoji...

Shoji: The tentacle hero: Tentacole.

Midnight: Oh I like what you're doing with that one. A nice portmanteau.

Next was Sero...

Sero: The taping hero: cellophane.

Midnight: That's on the nose! Good work!

Next was Ojiro...

Ojiro: Martial Arts Hero: Tail Man.

Midnight: Surprisingly good!

Next was Rikido...

Rikido: I'm the Sweet Hero: Sugar Man!

Midnight: Perfect!!

Next was Mina...again...

Mina: PINKY!!!

Midnight: Now that's what I'm talking about girl!

Next was Kaminari...

Kaminari: The Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt!

Midnight: Makes me all tingling!

Next was Tooru...

Tooru: The Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!

Midnight: That really suits you!

Next was Momo...

Momo: I hope this one is good enough. The Everything Hero: Creati.

Midnight: Creative!

Next was Todoroki...

Todoroki: ...Shoto...

Midnight: Just your name? That's it?

Todoroki: Yes. was Tokoyami...

Tokoyami: The Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi!

Midnight: Oooou the dark of the night!

Next was the shrimp, Mineta...

Mineta: The Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice!

Midnight: Very Catching!

Next was Kouda, who he really doesn't talk that much, but his code name was the Petting Hero: Anima.

Midnight: Yes!

Next was...Bakugo...I gotta see this...

Bakugo: King Explosion Murder!!

Midnight: I'm gonna say a no on that one.

Bakugo: Huh!?! What do you mean!?!

Kirashima: Why Dont you be explosion boy? HaHa!

Bakugo: Shut up shitty hair!

This guy...sounds more violent don't you think? Next was Ochaco...

Ochaco: This is the name I thought of. Uravity.

Midnight: I just love that! I gotta say, choosing names was quicker than I thought, all we need is Bakugo to choose another one, then Iida, and (YN)...

I then started at Tenya, knowing that he seem like himself lately, but still sad about his brother, his brother was hurt bad during a fight against a villain, after the sports festival his brother was all over the news, turns out the villain he was defeated by killed 17 heroes and hurt 23 badly, he's a scourge on the pro community, the elusive hero killer, his name was Stain...he then got up as he already chose a name for himself...and it was his name, Tenya.

Midnight: You too? Using your real name as well?

(YN) Mind: Poor Iida...

And again, Bakugo went up..

Bakugo: Lord Explosion Murder!!!

Midnight: That's basically the same thing...okay look, we'll find out a code name for you later on. Go have a seat Bakugo.

Bakugo: NRRRRRGH!!

Midnight: Okay, (YN), you ready?

(YN): Oh. Give me a sec.

What name can I give myself as a code name for the future...


Suddenly, (YN) remembers something...he remembers how Bakugo always called Izuki Deku, meaning it's a name that he calls her for being such a loser and lame...but for (YN), Deku doesn't mean lame, loser nor stupid...he started to figure out that the word Deku, is also a name, and The name Deku for him means "you can do it sand never give up" so, he then wrote down that name on his he does, he gets up, walks over to show everyone his code name, as he does, they seem quite shocked...

Mineta: Woah. (YN)...really?

Kaminari: You sure about that dude?

Kirashima: Yeah man, that can be your name forever.

(YN): Yea first, I hated it cause bullies use to call that to a friend of mines, it was annoying at first, but then I realize that this name doesn't mean useless or loser at all, it has another meaning as well, and fits well as my hero name, this word means that I can do it, always strong, never give up, hustle, and always standing tall. This name also meant for someone else that I cared about as well, so I'll use this name to let her know that it's not useless...and I like it as well. So this is my code name: The PowerHouse Hero: Deku.

The PowerHouse Hero: Deku, that's (YN)'s code name and will alway carry that name for his best friend, Izuki.


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