Chp.31 The Hero Killer: Stain

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A day pass as (YN) has been training with Gran Torino as he started to get better and better with his fighting skills...Meanwhile, in the league of villains hideout, Tomura and Kurogiri then recruit a new villain alley to join them, the villain was none other than the hero killer, Stain, the one who viciously injured Iida's older brother...

Stain: I see, you two must be the villains who invaded UA. And you want to recruit me to build up your little group again?

Tomura: Yeah, it'll be great since you got so much experience.

Stain: And what's your mission?

Tomura: For now, I really wanna kill All Might, anything that pisses me off. Especially this bastard here.

Tomura then shows Stain a picture of (YN), which happens to be taken back at the Sports Festival...

Stain: Tch, I was fool to think you could offer me anything, but it turns out your the type of person I hate in this world.

Tomura: Huh??

Stain: The goals of your league are those of a child, what meaning there is to kill it if you don't have real convictions?

Kurogiri: The Hero Killer Stain, Tomura Shigaraki only cares about violence so we brought this man here to guide him, but we're wrong. Master, should I step in??

???: Let it happen. It's possible this is the only way he'll learn anything. He needs to think about the ways he must grow, how he can be mature, only then he'll be able to reach his potential.

Meanwhile, back at UA High School, All Might then had a little meeting with police officer, Naomasa, the one who arrested the villains and the Nomu back at USJ...

Naomasa: I'm sorry to show up unexpectedly, hope you don't mind.

All Might: Please it's always a pleasure to see you here agains Naomasa, so how's the investigation?

Naomasa: Well there were number of villains that attacked the USJ, but were puzzled by one, the one they called Nomu, that one monster villains that one of your students fight.

All Might: Ah, the strong bird looking one...

Naomasa: We've ran some tests on Nomu's DNA.

All Might: and what did you find from him?

Naomasa: First, we're not asking you to help us with the case, technically this is a leak. It could lead us the one that is in charge. After several attempts, we realize Nomu can't speak, he shows no reaction to anything, it's like he can't think of himself for his identity...

Naomasa takes out a picture that shows a man who happens to be a low level thug, and happens to be the Nomu...

Naomasa: We discovered that the Nomu was this person in the pictures, a low level thug with a record of assault. But that's not all, we discovered that when we analyzed his genetic makeup, we discovered four different peoples DNA's

All Might: Hmm. Someone combine people's dna to make this guy. So he isn't human anymore?

Naomasa: The transformation was a result of drugs and other unknown methods. To oversimplify a bit, he's been modified and having his body able to hold onto multiple quirks at once. His brains apparent lack of processing power probably comes from the birth that causes. But we're more concern about his DNA. He shouldn't have more than one power, not unless it's someone else body. Not all quirks work like One For All, but maybe..there's someone out there which a power to pass out different quirks to other people...given the evidence, I think a reason to conclude, and I had to come tell you this immediately.

All Might suddenly stood up as he walks to the window, and heard everything from Naomasa...he knows what was he talking about, when he mention about someone out there who is passing out quirks to different people, just Like Nomu, he was holding several quirks....

All Might: No! It's can't be! ...Don't tell me....he's back again!? *Not to mention...he's maybe coming after (YN)!*

Meanwhile, back at the League Of Villains hideout, night as well, Stain was having a little "talk" with Tomura and Kurogiri, he somehow had Tomura down to the floor as if their talk ended up in a fight...

Stain: So you want me to join your little crumble group, but you won't accomplish anything if you don't have conviction...and desire, without those, there will always be an aimless weakling, achieving nothing, that's how you got here.

Tomura: H-Hey now..don't you think your being rough here?? Kurogiri, take him back now!

Kurogiri: I-I can't move at all! It must be his quirk somehow!

Stain: The word hero is lost all meaning in this society, it's all run over by fake criminals like you, chasing after petty dreams, they shall be purge-

Izuki: Now hold on a sec.

Suddenly, Izuki appeared...holding a knife and leaning against the wall...

Stain: ..Who the hell are you??

Tomura: You!

Kurogiri: Izuki! Get back! Don't come closer-

Izuki: The Hero Killer's a pleasure to meet you.

Stain suddenly let's honor Tomura, stood up and focus on Izuki...

Stain: Izuki eh? So tell me, what is it you desire other  than shading petty dreams like these worthless ones.

Izuki: To be honest, basically the same thing, but not quite. You see, I've heard a lot about you, how your murdered several heroes in your past, and some injured, especially one today, who happens to be the pro hero, Ingenium. And you can be useful for us.

Stain: Tch. Just exactly what do you want??

Izuki: Well, besides joining our little group, why don't you do me a favor, since your going back to Hosu, and there's some UA student there as well, there's a friend of mines who's working with an agency, who also happens to be the symbol of peace's teacher. His name is (YN), and I want you to try bringing him here, if you can, if you fail, I won't blame you for this, blame it to those two, since they only want you to be useful for nothing.

Tomura: Why you-

Kurogiri: Wait Tomura. She can be right. As for me, I can be responsible if Stain doesn't achieve his mission as he's ask, since I am the one who wanted him in our group. Don't you think?

Tomura: *Scratches with stress* Nrrrrgh. Fine!

Stain: Hehe. Looks like our little talk here is done. Now, would you kindly take me back to Hosu, there's several false heroes I must attend to there, and try looking for kid (YN)...

And so, Kurogiri then created a black hole as Stain enters the hole as he gets transported back to Hosu, also Kurogiri, Tomura and Izuki enter the portal hole as well as they soon to arrive on top of a building, knowing that Stain has already arrive in Hosu...

Tomura: He's talks all high and mighty and stuff, but he's wasting time on focusing small stage..

Izuki: Now Now, don't spurn his methods. The reality is in all cities where Stain has appeared in crime rates have fallen..he is the only one who can be able to do anything when it comes to killing heroes.

Tomura: ..Tch. This is boring. It won't work. We can't just accept with a decent basic level like him.

Izuki: Geez. And just like that you always act like some child who wants everything. Im heading back.

Izuki then enters to the portal back to the hideout...

Tomura: Whatever. Kurogiri being out the Nomus.

Kurogiri then summons another black portal as Three Nomus came out from it...

Tomura: He can just stab me and get away with it, when I get tired of you already, I'll kill you. Whenever I feel like it. Lest make it more interesting, how about I crush your honor and pride instead, what do you say you big bad hero kill Stain?!


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