Chp.32 Fighting Stain

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As it was already dawn, soon to be night in any moment, (YN) was already finished with his training with Gran Torino...

Gran Torino: I gotta say kid, you're already used to fighting against my distinct tactics.

(YN): Thanks.

Gran Torino: But, we're not done yet.

(YN): Huh??

Gran Torino: Change into your hero costume, cause we're moving on to phase two, don't ask, just change.

(YN) then listens as he goes to the room and starts changing into his hero costume, as he does, him and Gran Torino exit the building...

Gran Torino: Okay kid. Better be ready, cause we're going out to fight some villains.

(YN): Wait seriously?! Just like that?!

Gran Torino: Yup. The key is to let you get some more experience with different types of villains. This is an internship after all. And what I heard, you had a combat against some real villains, I'm sure you'll be fine. But here, it won't do us any good here, cause due of the small population in this area, the crime rates is pretty low, that's why theirs so many heroes agency's. So we are heading over to Shibuya.

(YN): Wait?! Shibuya Tokyo!?

Gran Torino: Yup.

(YN): Alright then. Wait hold on, does that mean we're gonna be taking the gullet train towards shinjuku??

Gran Torino: Yup. Passing Hosu city.

(YN) Mind: I see...if that's the case, I wonder how's Iida doing. There. I'll try messaging him later.

And so, Torino and (YN) took a taxi as it took a 10 minute drive to get to a train station to head over to Shibuya, passing Hosu city as well close. As they got to the station, they got on the gullet train that'll lead to their destination...

(YN): Hey, Mr.Torino, I can assure you that arrive our destination will be a little late, you sure that's okay?

Gran Torino: That's why I picked it, so it could be more fun.

(YN): Heh, maybe we have different ideas of the definition fun *checks his phone* *He read the message, I don't think Iida has ever waited more than three minutes to respond...anyways, we're almost to Hosu station...I hope he's okay.*

Man: Hey did you see that?! The building is on fire!

Gran Torino: Whats the ruckus about?

(YN): Look outside, there's a building destroyed and set on fire. Wonder what-

Suddenly, the train stopped and as (YN) and Torino fell down to the floor, so as everyone...

Gran Torino: What in the-

Suddenly, a pro hero crash inside the train as suddenly, a huge figure appeared as it reveal himself as a Nomu, with wings...

(YN): Nomu!?!

Gran Torino: Stay back kid!

Gran Torino uses his boots to use his quirk quickness as he lands a powerful kick towards his face, and then spears the Nomu out from the train...

(YN): Mr. Torino!

Suddenly, another explosion caused a building to destroy and setting more fire...

(YN): What the hell is going on!?! I have to see!

(YN) jumps out from the train as he lands on the ground, started running towards the destruction and started jumping towards the top of buildings...he then soon to arrive to destruction that's happening, soon to find out not only one, but two other Nomu's appeared as well, the one Gran Torino is fighting and the other two dealing with some pro heroes...

(YN): What the!?

Suddenly one of them were shouting out Iidas name..

(YN): Hey! That's Manual, the normal hero! If he knows Iida...then...shit! Then that means Tenya was his agency, and is going after the hero killer stain! I gotta find him!

And so, he goes off finding Tenya, jumping on Buildings to look for him, and so, he heard a voice shouting out..

Iida: I won't forgive you!!! I'll kill you!! For what you have done to my brother!!!!

(YN): Iida!

In the alley, Iida was being drop down by Stain, the hero killer and soon to be with someone else who is also hurt badly from Stain, the pro hero, Native...

Stain: Shouldn't you be worried about saving that hero?? You're so busy with you're grudge you forgot about him. You plan to use your quirk only by yourself, just only with revenge. You're about as far as of becoming a hero. Worthless. And that's why you'll die tonight.

Stain then licks a drip of blood from his blade, Iidas blood, as he states it, suddenly, Iidas whole body was frozen...

Iida: I-I can't move!!

Stain: Goodbye child. May the better death bring you a better world.

Iida: P-Please...not like this!!

Iida started having flashbacks of his older brother about how great, kind, nice, and loyal he was towards him and his family, and how great brother and pro hero he was...

Iida: Say whatever you want about me! You're just a criminal who hurt my BROTHER!!!!!

As soon Stain was about to end Iida's life, he realizes someone was approaching him, and then landed a powerful punch towards his face, being sent flying away and barely recovering himself...saving Iida as well...

Iida: Wh-Who's that....(Y-YN)?! How!?

(YN): Don't worry Iida! I'm gonna save you!

Stain: *So, that's him. The one Shigaraki show me of a picture, and Izuki told me*

(YN): Dont worry Iida. Now that I'm here, we can both deal with this guy and get out of here!

Iida: I-I can't move!

(YN): Huh??

Iida: I-It must be his quirk! Since he cut me, he got me paralyzed!

(YN): *I see, so cutting someone else activates his power Huh?? Oh crap! There's someone else!, if it only be Iida, I would have carry Iida and take him myself!*

Iida: (Y-YN)...don't get in this! This doesn't have to do with you..please, don't get involved!

(YN): ..What are you even saying!?

Stain: So, you showed up to save your friends life? And make a great entrance, but I have a duty to kill him, when your friend chose to fight me, guaranteed that the weaker of us will be culled.

(YN): *He's different...a different villain that the ones that attacked before, those eyes...are eyes of a fanatic.*

(YN) then takes out his phone and started texting someone without letting Stain know, and sent a message to a random contact to help him out and the location he is...

(YN): *Even of its a guess, I don't have any prove, I have to make sure a pro could arrive soon*

Iida: (YN)! Please listen, stay back! Whatever you do don't fight him! This doesn't have to do anything

(YN): ...if you really believe that, then why are you trying to become a hero in the first place?!

Iida: Wh-

(YN): Just stay down Iida. Let me take care of him and save you, just a hero would.

(YN) got into his battle stance as so as Stain, and then, the two rush at each other as Stain takes out two blades as he swings at (YN)...

Iida: Dodge! He's gonna cut you!!

Suddenly, (YN) was so quick enough he dodges below from avoiding being cut and pass through Stain's legs and appeared behind him, Stain turns around and tried cutting him, but soon to realize he disappeared as (YN) appeared above him, (YN) clench his fist as he strikes a powerful punch above Stain's head...

Iida: H-His movements...their quicker than before at the training battle and the sports festival...

(YN): I think I got him!

But suddenly, Stain smiles as he suddenly licks his blade, soon to realize (YN)'s body was froze completely...

(YN): M-My body! I-I can't live at all! *Did he actually cut me?!*

He then notices a little cut on his hand...

(YN): *Just one small cut it took?! Wait a's not that! It's blood! When he licked it, my body no longer is able to move!*

Stain: You know, there are countless heroes that are all talk, so you'll be the one alive, but this one...he will die in my hands.

Stain was walking towards Iida as he was about to kill him, (YN) couldn't do anything due to his body frozen and not able to move, suddenly, a beam of fire appeared as it was about to hit Stain and move out of the way, saving Iida as well...

Stain: Tch. Another one who's in my way. This day is nothing but distraction.

Todoroki: (YN), you need to give more details in times like this, I was almost late to stop this guy.

Iida: T-Todoroki?! You too??

(YN): Todoroki...

Todoroki: Everything is okay! The pro heroes will be here any minutes.

Todoroki uses his ice quirk to lift some ice blocks towards the pro hero native and (YN) and make a slide as the two slide Down towards Todoroki...

Stain Mind: The time will be up for one of theme soon.

Todoroki: Your just like what they talk about you, but you won't be taking no more lives, hero killer.

(YN): Todoroki, listen carefully, don't let him get your blood nor let you cut you, if he does and licks it, he will be able to froze your body, thats how he got us!

Todoroki: He inject blood from keeping people from moving, that explains. So I have to keep my guard up-

Suddenly, a knife was tosses towards Todoroki, cut his left cheek as blood drips out from it a little, Stain rushes towards him to lick his blood, Todoroki quickly emits his fire quirk from letting Stain lick his blood...

Todoroki: He's quick!

Todoroki emits his ice quickly to get Stain, Stain then cuts the ice blocks from Todorokis..

Todoroki: he's strong as well...!

Iida: Just stop it! Why are you helping me!?! This is not your fight! He's mines! The hero killer is mine!

Todoroki: ...So youre Ingenium now? The Ingenium I knew never has that look on his face, you have a dark side. Guess my family isn't the only one.

Iida: H-How does he-

Stain: You blocked your own vision knowing your opponent is faster than you! Mistake! Your good kid, unlike this pro hero!

Todoroki: Watch out!

Stain was about to stab the pro hero Native, luckily (YN) came to the rescue and somehow was able to move again as he then grabs Stain's whole face and started dragging him towards a wall and tossing him away...

Todoroki: (YN)!

(YN): I don't know why, but I'm able to move freely again.

Todoroki: So he has a time limit then.

Native: N-No...that kid should be the last one to move freely...the two of us still can't move..

Stain: So, he's type O...

(YN): He's able to freeze people just by licking his blood, but I'm the one to be free first, now I'm understanding his quirk, how quirk activates by licking someone's blood, not just any blood, but depending the base of the persons blood, like me, I'm type O.

Native: Since he's the last one..M-mines is type B...

Iida: T-Type A...

Stain: So you figure it out. Bravo. Very impressive.

The Hero Kill Stain's quick is called Blood Curdle, his quirk works by tasting someone blood he can freeze them by eight minutes depending the type of blood he licks...from shorted to longest...O-A-A-B and B...

(YN): So, what now?

Todoroki: He's too quick and is able to dodge my attacks, he's too fast, I have to leave my self unguarded, our best option is to hold him on until the pros arrive.

(YN): ...No. you already did too much. I'll distract him while you support me from behind, sound like a plan?

Todoroki: You wanna put us a pretty big risk Huh? Alright then, sounds like one!

Stain: Two against one...this will not be easy.

Todoroki: *Iida, I've been worried about you about you ever since the accident that happen to your brother, I recognize that face you have, that face is similar to someone like me, drowning in resentment. And I know I narrow your feeling gets when your long justice...when I met my mother, she quickly rush to me...and hugged me, and cried, apologizing to me for what she has done to me, and it was quick, I even told her about father, that do not worry about the past and focus mainly on the future.*

(YN) was fighting off Stain as he holds him on until the pros arrive to have more backup...Todoroki then says to Iida...

Todoroki: Iida! You wanna make your brother proud?!? Stand up and be Ingenium! Become the hero you wanna be and he always wanted you to be!

Stain then somehow took down (YN) as he then focuses on Todoroki, he rushes towards him as he was about to cut him, luckily, Iida got up and was able to move freely again...


Iida uses his quirk to move so quickly as he lands a vicious kick towards Stain, backing him away, saving Todoroki as well...

(YN): Iida!

Todoroki: Iida...

Stain: Pathetic!

Todoroki: Watch out!

Todoroki burts his flames towards Stain as stain started moving and avoiding Todoroki's attacks...suddenly, Iida notices something about his engines from his legs...

Iida: Crap! My engines are shot. Did I break the radiator with that kick?! Wait. Todoroki, can you regulate your temperature?!

Todoroki: Not well with my left, but yes I can!

Iida: Good! You gotta freeze my leg for me!

Stain: Damn it! Why won't you stay down!??

Stain tosses a knife towards Todoroki as Iida saves him by getting hit with the knife...

Iida: Do it now!

Todoroki: Okay!

Todoroki freezes Iidas leg...

Todoroki: It's done!

Iida: Okay! Thank you Todoroki.

Iida then takes off the knife from his arm as he suddenly started charging up his turbo boosts...


Iida then gave himself a boost to fly up after Stain...

(YN): One For All: Full Cowling!!!

Also, (YN) uses One For All to fly up towards Stain as both Iida and (YN) started going after Stain as Stain realizes the two coming after him...

Todoroki: Go guys!

And suddenly, the two then landed some powerful and vicious strikes, Iida use his leg to strike a vicious kick towards Stain's side gut as for (YN), he strikes a powerful punch towards his face...

Todoroki: They manage to land two attacks! My turn!

Todoroki then emits his fire power as he burts a huge flame towards Stain and hits him, he also emits his ice quirk to create a slide for Iida and (YN) to come falling safely...

(YN): Iida, you okay??

Iida: I'm fine..

Todoroki: Guys look.

The thre realizes that stain was layer down on the ground, knocked out...

(YN): That'll do it. With those strike we gave him, he won't be able to get up.

Todoroki: Then let's restrain him and get him to the street.

(YN): Right.


Minutes later, Todoroki, (YN) and Iida were able to tie up Stain with a rope they found in the they drag him with them, walking towards the alley as they exit their way out of it...(YN) was carrying the pro hero native on his shoulders as he was injured...

Native: I'm sorry. I'm suppose to be a pro, but I was useless back there.

(YN): Don't blame yourself, not even a one on one can take down Stain with that weird quirk of his, your lucky we came to save you.

Todoroki: The three of us won agains him and barely stood up agains him.

Native: Okay. Let's get him to the police before it's too late-

Gran Torino: Boy! What are you doing here!?!

(YN): Mr. Torino! I was only-

Gran Torino: *lands a kick towards (YN)'s face* what on earth your doing here?! I said clearly to stay at the bullet train!?!

Todoroki: Who's this?

(YN): Gran Torino, the hero I'm interning with, ow that kinda hurt, but I don't get it, how'd you find me??

Gran Torino: I was told to come here by someone else's, no idea what's going on, but I'm glad your okay.

(YN): Me too, and I'm sorry.

Gran Torino: *Tch. Geez. This side of him reminds me of Toshinori.*

Luckily, some pros arrive in time as well, and notice that the hero killer Stain has been capture and called the police immediately, and also the ambulance for Iiad's Todoroki's and (YN)'s injuries, as they waited and have Stain still tied up, Iida walked towards Todoroki and (YN) as he drops onto his knees to the floor...

Todoroki: Iida?

(YN): Hey, what are you-

Iida: I'm sorry....I-I'm so sorry you guys...because of me, I'm truly sorry. It was just...I was so angry...I couldn't See anything else but blinded with rage.

(YN): ...We're sorry too Iida. You were going through so much I didn't know what wrong, besides, even though, your my best friend.

Todoroki: Take it easy Iida. Your the class rep. And we accept your apology, don't worry.

Iida: R-Right...thanks you guys.

Suddenly...a flying Nomu appeared and snatched up (YN) by the neck...

Todoroki/Iida: (YN)!!!

Gran Torino: Kid!!! *This ain't good! If he takes him higher, I won't be able to reach him with my quirk!*

Suddenly, Stain got up quickly as he rushes towards a pro hero who had blood of the Nomu's, licks it and caused the Nomu to froze up his body...

Stain: The word hero is lost all meaning is this society! The world is run over by fakes like you who just goes after petty dreams!!! You must be purged!!

Stain suddenly saves (YN) from that Nomu as he drops him to the floor, and stabs the Nomu straight to the eye..

(YN): Wh-What...why-

Endeavor: Hero Killer!

Suddenly, Endeavor appear...

Stain: Endeavor!

Endeavor: This time! I won't let you-

Gran Torino: Wait Todoroki!

Endeavor: Huh?!

Stain: You false heroes!!! Ills make this right...these streets...must run by the blood of hypocrites...HERO...Ill will reclaim that word...come on, just try and stop me you fake!!! ...there is only one hero I'll let him kill me...he is a true hero...ALL MIGHT IS WORTHY!!!!

Suddenly, he started walking slowly towards the pros, Todorokia and Iida...until suddenly, he stopped and suddenly, his whole body stood frozen and didn't even move anymore....

Endeavor: I think...he's done for. He's out cold.

(YN) suddenly got up as he walks pass by Stain, knowing he was still standing, and seem he was unconscious and don't bother to fall down...

(YN): He's done for...

It wasn't until later that what actually happen to Stain, a quirk didn't stop Stain, one of his broken ribs pierce his lungs...and finally, the hero kill stain was now fallen and taken down for good.


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