Chp.43 A Talk With Kota

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3 days pass, and now the real training with Aizawa began in summer camp. Most of Class 1-A were having hard time training their quirks to improve better with Aizawa, as for Class 1-B, they are too. Mostly their focus on their quirk improvements and fighting skills. They have spent training almost all day since the early morning...and soon to finish at sunset. It was almost night as everyone finish their training, they head over to their rooms, shower and change into their normal clothes and soon to arrive outside at the benches to enjoy their meals that they have made themselves, and thanks for the wild wild pussycats, they brought them food to make as well. So as they enjoy digging their mouths with all the delicious food they made, after their done with their meals, soon they all will do an activity between Class 1-A and B, (YN) notices Kota starring at all of them, and seem to be irritated at them as well...

(YN): Hmm. Maybe a little chat can understand him.

(YN) grabs a empty plate as he filled it with white rice...

Iida: Hey (YN), where you going? We're going to do an activity between us and Class 1-B

(YN): Oh Right. Don't worry. I'll be right back later.

Iida: Right.

(YN) then was holding a bowl of rice as he soon to follow Kota and find out where he could be. Later on, as he started following him through the forests and up a hill, he finds Kota sitting on the edge of the hill, near a tunnel as he barely hears Kota's stomach growl..

(YN): Hehe, I heard that.

Kota: Huh?! What are you doing here, and how did you found me here?!?

(YN): I followed your footsteps. You must be hungry. Here, I brought you some rice.

Kota: No way! I'm fine. Get lost. I don't wanna hang out with you. Just get out of my secret hideout.

(YN): This is your hideout? Hehe. Seems legit. Well, anyways, I just came here to drop you off this food, I'll leave it here. You should eat up before if gets cold.

(YN) then places the bowl on the floor for Kota...

(YN): See ya.

As he leaves the bowl for Kota to eat, he then walks off...until Kota says...

Kota: ...It's stupid.

(YN): Hmm?

(YN) stops and turns around...

Kota: Spending your whole entire life trying to improve your quirk. It's dumb. All you and your loser friends is show off. Now get lost.

(YN): ...I heard about your parents. We're your parents the water hose heroes? With water quirks?

Kota: What?!? Did Mandalay told you?!!!?

(YN): Not really, but I did heard of them back when I was little like you. I gotta say...I'm sorry for them. I heard what happen to them...about that horrible incident that happen to them.

Kota: ...Shut up. Go away. Everyone here is so crazy. Calling people stupid names like hero and villain and then killing each other because of it. Always focusing on their quirks.

(YN): *I get it. It's not just heroes, Kota hates quirks, and this entire superhuman society.*

Kota: If "they" hadn't been showing off their quirks, they would have been still here...idiots. Okay, we're done here. Go back with camp with the other losers!

(YN) stood quiet as he kept starring at Kota...

Kota: What are you looking at?!? I said go away! Get out of here!

(YN): ...If you think heroes show off their quirks and are idiots of doing that, then does that mean your parents are idiots too?

Kota: What?! What are you saying!?

(YN): Because it seems like your calling your parents idiots. Because they showed off their quirks. So tell me, is that how you think your parents?? Are they the idiots of using quirks to show off?? Even though they risked their lives to save citizens by using their quirks, and you calling them idiots for using them???

Kota: N-No! I didn't mean it like that-

(YN): Then what are you meaning?

Kota: I-I-I don't know! It's just stupid because-

(YN): Oh so your parents are also stupid as well?

Kota: N-No! I-I-

Suddenly, Kota started to sound emotional as (YN) can tell his eyes were began to become watery as he shed a tear...

Kota: I-I don't know...I didn't mean to call them idiots...I just...I just don't understand.

Kota wipes his tears off as he walks down to the edge of the cliff, and sits down. (YN) grabs the bowl as he walks over to Kota as he joins him sitting down, and places the bowl near him...

Kota: ...Why is it hard to understand heroes?? All they do is use their quirks to get attention and just show off...just like my parents...

(YN): Don't think like that, Kota. Your parents didn't use their quirks to show off, they use it to save innocent citizens and rescuing them from evil. Just like other heroes do as well. And hey, I bet your parents were the best heroes, right?

Kota: ...I guess...and...they were parents. They meant everything to me.

(YN): Hey, Kota.

Kota: ...what?

(YN): Let me give you a little advice. Even though you hate heroes who show off their quirks...someday you will see a hero who will save so many lives with their quirk powers and sacrifice themselves to save you. You'll see that someday. You'll need someone, and understand why heroes like us do this job and use our quirks to save people...someone who will risk their life, to save you and show themselves as none other...than a hero. Your hero.

Kota stood quiet as he whips some tears from his eyes and replies...

Kota: ...I-I guess I'll try...

(YN): Hehe. That's good to hear.

The two were sitting together at the edge of the cliff, soon to hear (YN) some munching as he notices Kota eating the bowl of rice he has brought...

(YN): Thought you aren't hungry?

Kota: I-I'm not! It's just...the food was getting cold looked delicious...and is delicious.

(YN): Hehe. Glad you enjoyed it.

As Kota was enjoying the meal, and finished it up, he then notice something going on on the woods...

Kota: H-Hey, there's something going on the woods...

(YN): Hmm?

Suddenly, (YN) realize a blue light coming from the woods, but it turns out to be blue fire...and smoke coming out from it as well...

(YN): What the hell??! Blue flames??

Kota: Hey, what's going on??!

(YN): Dont worry. I'm gonna call one of my friends.

(YN) took out his phone as he tried calling one of his one picked up...

(YN): No one picked up??! Strange. What the hell is going on?!

In the woods, there was a person who was in the woods, who is responsible of setting the woods filled with blue flames, and he's also a villain, known as Dabi.

Dabi: Now, it begins. We now take them down. Those who believe they deserve the title "hero". We, the vanguard action squad of the league of villains, will tear them off their pedestals.

Most of all Class 1-A and B were wondering around the woods and some with the wild wild pussycats, they all notices the blue flames coming, as some of the villains appears in front of them...two villains appeared, one names Spinner and the other Big Sis Magne

Magne: Now, let's get rid of these feral cats and these so called "hero's".

Iida Villains?! How the hell they manage to find us here??!!

Tiger: This is bad! Everyone stay near us!

Mandalay: Wait! Kota! Where is he!?!

Mineta: And (YN)?!

Iida: Oh right! (YN)! Where is he!?

Back with Kota and (YN), Kota seemed a bit nervous as he hid behind (YN)...

(YN): Don't worry Kota. It'll be okay.

Suddenly, someone then appeared behind (YN) and Kota slowly, this stranger was wearing a black cloth, soon to be 6ft 7in...

???: Hey kid, I like that hat of yours, what you say you trade me that hat with this lame mask I have.

Kota: Huh??!

(YN): What?!

The stranger suddenly leaped towards them with full speed...

(YN): Kota look out!


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