Chp.44 Fighting Against Muscular

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(YN): Kota look out!!!

(YN) grabbed Kota in his arms as he moved out of the way from the attack that stranger he did...

(YN): You okay?!

Kota: Y-Yeah...

???: I think we're gonna have some fun here. Ready!? And I know you "hero", you must be (YN) (LN), right?!

(YN): What?! How do you know me!?!

The stranger then was taking off his black cloth off, soon to reveal himself, known as Muscular...

as he reveals himself, Lota suddenly started to tremble in fear as he fell back...

(YN): Kota, are you-

Kota: Th-Thats him...!

(YN): What?! Him?? What do you mean??

Kota: Th-That's the villain...the one who killed my parents!

(YN): What?!!?

Kota: I can tell that's him! Because of that injured left eye he has! That's what I heard about him on TV! Th-That's the villain who killed my parents!

(YN): I see. He's the responsible one. That killed the water hose heroes.

Muscular: Hehe, seriously? Those losers were your parents little kid? Well then, this must be fate. The water hose heroes were the reason why I have this artificial eye in my left socket right now.

Kota: Th-This is all your fault! Nothing feels the same without them because of you being crazy about it!

Muscular: Hehe, little kids are always quick to say it's someone else fault. Don't get the wrong idea, it's not like I took them out because I was mad at them for what they did to my eye. I wanted to kill people, it's simple as that, and those two tried to stop me. What happen was the result of all of us doing our job best. The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do. Like your mommy and daddy.

Kota started to feel more emotional...

(YN): Dont listen to him Kota! Your parents did the right thing to save citizens from this bastard! And don't you worry, I'm here to save you Kota!

Muscular: You really think you can save that little brat? Hehehe. Does sound like a wannabe heroes would say. Your kind sure likes to mouth off about justice. So, your (YN) right? Perfect. We were told we could take some initiative from you. But first a little torment, show my your blood!!!

(YN): Kota Go hide!

Kota moved out of the way as he went inside the tunnel. Muscular rush towards (YN) as he swings a vicious punch towards him, (YN) blocked that punch, but it send him flying crashing to the wall...

(YN): D-Damn it!

Muscular: Oh yeah, and once I'm finished with you, me and the rest of us will be taking you back to our hideout, Tomura really wanna have a little talk with you.

(YN): *What??! Take me to their hideout??! So they came for me?!?*

Muscular: I still have a job to do after all!!

Muscular rushes towards (YN) again as he swings another vicious punch at him, but this time (YN) dodged it...

(YN): *Their after me?!? Why??!*

Muscular: Play time!!!

Muscular was so fast he dashes towards (YN) again as then lands a brutal kick towards (YN)'s gut, causing him to spat out blood out from his mouth, and crashing towards the wall and falling down...

Muscular: HaHaHaHaHa!!! Yes!!! Blood is exactly what I wanted from you!! Say, what did you promise?! That everything will be okay?! How's that working out for you Huh?!? Don't just lay there like a dumbass!

(YN): *D-Damn! He's all muscle but he's so damn quick and strong!*

Muscular: My quirk allows me to increase speed and strength. And my muscle fibers can't be contained by my skin! I know I'm bragging a bit, but I mean come on. What I'm trying to say is, your juts an inferior version of me! I can't help but laughing at you kid! Your just weak!

Muscular started throwing vicious kicks and punches towards (YN) as the last punch sent (YN) flying crashing towards the wall...Muscular walks towards him as (YN) got up...

Muscular: How are you gonna save that brat?! Huh?!? Don't make promises you can't keep! Live up to your words that don't mean anything!

Muscular lands a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, as you can hear the broken ribs from (YN)'s stomach as (YN) spat out more blood out from his mouth and screamed in pain...

Muscular: HaHaHa!!! Oh I love the scream of pain from your voice! And the blood!

Muscular again throws another brutal punch to the gut as (YN) spat out more blood from his mouth, soon to collapse to the floor on one knee...

Muscular: Your nothing but a hero! Your just a worthless fraud! And now I'm gonna-

Suddenly, a splash of water then splash behind Muscular's head as he felt it, he turns around and notices Kota who did it, and it was his quirk power, water...

Kota: S-Stop! Let him Go!!!!

(YN): K-K-Kota...

Kota: D-Don't give up!!! Don't let this villain beat you!! Please, I beg of you!!! Be my hero!!!

(YN): ...Kota..!

Muscular: Ha! Just hear yourself kid, your just saying nothing! And besides, look at your "hero" he's all beat up! But don't worry, once I finally finish him, your next!

Kota trembled in fear...

Muscular: Now, where were we.

Muscular then clenched his fist as he gets ready to "kill" (YN)...

Muscular: Hope your ready! Cause your about to meet your last dust!!!!

As soon Muscular swings his punch, suddenly, (YN)
Blocked it and it seem like he blocked it like nothing...

Muscular: Wh-What?!! How the-

(YN): You think I'm a fraud?? A worthless hero??? Think again! Cause I'm about to show you what a real hero does when he's dealing with a villain!!!

(YN)'s whole body started to glow aura as he charges up One For All...

Muscular: H-How are you still like this?!? And how you're able to block that with all those wounds you got!?! *Wait! He's now...different. What the hell!?!*

(YN): Smash!!!!

(YN) strikes a powerful punch towards Muscular's gut, and caused him to spat out blood a little, Muscular was sent flying as he quickly recovers...

Muscular: H-How are you this strong?!? You're suppose to be weak! A weak hero! Now die this time!!!

Muscular rushes towards (YN) to attack him, but (YN) suddenly strikes a vicious elbow towards Muscular's gut again, causing him to spat blood out again, after that elbow strike, (YN) then uppercut him to his chin, sending him flying to the air as he goes after him, as he's in the air with Muscular, he ace hands him towards his back, seeming him crashing towards the ground, Muscular can barely get up, soon (YN) appeared infront of Muscular, and started throwing barrage and brutal punches towards his gut, non stop, after that, the last punch caused to be sent flying away crashing towards the wall...he soon to barely get up and all badly wounded..

Muscular: H-How..How are you this damn strong....your not suppose to be this strong against me!!!

(YN): ..Shut up. Your annoying.

Muscular: Nrrrrrgh!!! Don't got too cocky!!!!

Muscular aggressively charges at (YN), (YN) then started charging up his right arm to unleash his attack against Muscualr once he is in close range...

(YN): *This bastard is already annoying me. I'm gonna even this! And save Kota!* One For All... One Million percent!!!

Muscular: This time!!! YOURE DEAD!!!!!

Muscular was now in close range with (YN)...(YN)'s whole left arm was bowing more and more as he says...

(YN): Delaware...Detroit...SMAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!!

He then swings his left arm and then strikes the most powerful and brutal punch towards Muscular's face as it caused some of Muscular's teeth to brake and sending him crashing hard towards the wall and ending up knocking him out with such huge impact of that punch...after that, Muscular was now knocked out, and dealt with. Soon (YN) realize that his left arm wasn't bruised at all, thinking that going overboard with one million percent usage of One For All...

(YN): It's not bruised up...

Kota: Hey!!!

(YN): Kota!

Kota rushes to (YN) as he hugs him...

Kota: saved me...thank you....your my hero.

(YN): *smiles* Anytime, Kota.

Suddenly, Mandalay's voice was heard...

Mandalay: Kota! Kota! Where are you?! Please come to the camp! I can't go and help you! There's something happening! But if you somehow find (YN), please be with him and he'll help you! I hope your safe!

Kota: Mandalay...

(YN): The friends! Kota, get on behind me! I gotta make sure to take you back safe with Mandalay and help the others!

Kota: O-Okay!

Kota then gets on (YN) from behind as (YN) was holding Kota with a piggy back he started making his way back to the camp and take Kota back with Mandalay safe and help his friends ...


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