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After the encounter with the villains, one of UA High's pro hero teachers, Vlad King was able to call emergency services. Not to long after the villains left, ambulance and firefighters arrive as the firefighters put out the fire and the ambulance taking care of the injured students. Out of 40 students, 15 were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas, 11 others were injured, 13 were unharmed, physically...and one of them missing. Pixie-Bob was hurt but manage to be for Ragdoll, she went missing and lost a lot of blood when they found the trace of it. Meanwhile on the villain side, three were caught and arrested, the others were able to escape thanks to Kurogiri, and taking (YN) with them....All Might heard everything..and he wasn't happy at all. He even had to tell Tekka about what happen to (YN)...and Tekka didn't took it very well, she cried the day (YN) got kidnapped by the villains, and knew that Shigaraki, All For One was behind this and is going to do well thing to (YN), but All Might won't let that happen. And promise her he will find and save (YN) for the students, they all stayed home until they find (YN) and take down the league of villains once and for all. Bakugo was already a bit worried about his friend, and knowing he's with Izuki...all of (YN)'s friends were worried about him....the next day, news reporters and serval of them were surrounding UA, to ask questions about the incident that happen at the camp, as Nezu and the pro hero teachers were having a meeting about the incident...

Nezu: That training camp was meant for prepare students to handle villain attacks, the irony of shameful. We knew the league would resurface but we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy heroes society, and they already started their war.

Midnight: Even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack? They're moving pieces we didn't know they possessed. Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crime. We're all rusty.

All Might: ...I would never forgive myself for such cowardly ignorance, while our stood at were fighting desperately...and especially Young (YN)...Nrrrgh!!! DAMN IT!!!

All might with anger punched the wall...

Snipe: Easy All Might. It's out fault too. We shouldn't have done the sports festival right after the attack of USJ. We just wanted to show everyone that the students were still strong, but having a student kidnapped as our great failures as teachers. They taken (YN) and society's faith of heroes away from us.

Nezu: I agree. Every news outlet is currently condemning UA High. If (YN) was one of the main targets it's likely because the villains notices his amazing fighting tendencies skills during the sports festival broadcast. If he ends up joining the villain side...then that'll be the end of UA as a school. But do not worry, what we will do and must do as a school is concentrating on guaranteeing the safety of our student body, this is a good time to implement something I've always wanted to put in place for a while. You see I-

All Might's Phone: A phone call is here! A phone call is here! A phone call-

All Might: Sorry. Excuse me while I'll take this.

Present Mic: We're in a meeting! Could have at least put it on vibrate.

Midnight: And as his own ringtone...

All Might then exits the meeting room...

All Might: ...What kind of symbol of peace couldn't keep his student safe from harm...I'm sorry for not being there (YN)...but don't you worry, I'll be there to save you...

All Might picks up the phone...

All Might: Sorry. What is it Naomasa?

Naomasa: We've finally finished taking comprehensive statements from Aizawa and Vlad King. And I think we've found's possible we have a lead on where the league of villains is hiding.

All Might: Really?! Are you serious?!

Naomasa: Yup. About two weeks ago, I sent an officer around to gather information in the city. A bystander pointed out that he'd seen a man with a patchwork face entering a building that was suppose to be vacant. The man was liked to be in his 20's but we didn't find any possible matches when we checked criminal records. We spoke with the owner of the building now. And found that there is a sort of hidden bar there. The man thought it was unrelated to our kidnapping case and didn't investigate further. But remember the description of that villain from that attack...he had a patchwork face. Given the profile of this crime, we'll move as soon as possible to get the green light. This is top secret, I'm only telling you because it's you...we plan to ask for cooperation from many pro heroes for this rescue and mission. All Might, we need your power....All Might? Are you still there??

All Might suddenly began to slowly turn into his buff form and replies...

All Might:'re a wonderful friend. And I'll know what to just say when I find them...I am here! To make you pay for what you done!


Meanwhile, at the city, an abandoned building was shown. Soon as we go in, in a drool that happens to be a bar, (YN) soon to wake up and notice that his wounds were somehow healed up and bandages on his wounds, but he was also tied up both arms and legs with heavy chains and tied to a chair as well...

(YN): *My wounds...they were treated and heal?? Who could-

Suddenly, Izuki then appeared from a dark shadow as she walks towards him...

(YN): Izuki!

Izuki: Hey, (YN). How are you?

(YN): ...Good. Did..Did you-

Izuki: Yes. I treated your wounds. Your okay, and they don't seem that bad.

(YN): That's good. Thank you.

Izuki: ...your welcome.

(YN): Izuki, I came here to save you. Come on, let's get us out of here. Just get the keys and release me. This will be a perfect chance to get out and take down those villains.

Suddenly, (YN) notices the look of Izuki as she doesn't agree on him, and she kinda looked upset...

Izuki: ...I'm won't happen, and you still won't make me change my mind.

(YN): I-Izuki, don't tell me-

Tomura: *laughing*

Suddenly, Tomura, Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Magne, and Twice appeared from the dark shadow as well as Kurogiri turn on the lights...

Tomura: You really think she'll go back with you?? Ha. In your dreams. She is already here, where she has always belong ever since. Right, Izuki?

Izuki: ...Right.

Izuki walks towards the Villains...

(YN): I-Izuki...No...


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