Chp.47 I want to come back with you

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As we left off, Tomura and the villains appeared...knowing that Izuki as well...

Tomura: We meet again, (YN).

(YN): ..You..!

Tomura: Its so nice to see you again. Knowing our little chat ended up in an "different" conversation.

(YN): ...What do you want from me?

Tomura: Well, you see-

Suddenly, the news came out as Aizawa and principal Nezu showed up from the TV...

Tomura: Oh look. Right on time.

The TV then showed a interview with Aizawa and principal and Vlad King...

(YN): *Aizawa Sensei?! Vlad King?! And the principal??!

News Reporter: Now let's return to the clip about the press conference that just happen and wrapped up.

Aizawa: We're here to apologize. A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27th first year heroes. And we staff weren't prepare. We staff take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes in training.

Writer: I'll take the first question: Since the beginning of the year, UA students have had four encounters by villains. This time their were students who were gravely injured. How can you explain this to their parents? And what specific steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future?

(YN): *Their..their treating villains!?*

Nezu: We will increase patrols around the school grounds and review security measures within the school. The safety of UA students is our main priority, make no mistake about it.

After the press conference with Aizawa, Vlad King and Nezu, some of the news reporters were disagreeing about their idea of the safety of UA students, and some were treating them like some's like...their betraying them somehow...

Tomura: I'm so grateful to the media for all the free publicity lately, right? Isn't it nice, (YN) (LN)?!

(YN): nrrgh.

Tomura: Now, we didn't kidnap you to make the heroes look bad and be a shame to themselves...we had a reason. I had a reason. Because you're really something, so different that's your pathetic friends. And now that I've seen you fully, your the one I need.

(YN): ...Just what the hell do you even want from me?!

Tomura: ...I'll ask you once and I won't make myself repeat. (YN) (LN), inspiring "hero", future pro "hero"...will you join the league of villains?

Izuki then gasp quietly, knowing that was a surprise question to say to (YN). After telling him that question, (YN) stood quiet, smiles a little and says...

(YN): Hehe. Go fuck yourself. Like hell I'm gonna become a villain. I don't go to that path of becoming one. I already chose the path of becoming a hero since the day I was little.

As Tomura got his answer, he then heard more people talking about the incident that happen on TV. Thai time, all of the people in the city were somehow betraying the heroes, and seeing them as villains, Tomura then turns off the TV....and smiles...

Tomura: Well would you look at that. The heroes are now becoming the bad guys. Seem like they aren't dealing with this very well at all. So much criticisms, but everyone make a mistake or two right? It's not like their suppose to be perfect. Modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think, (YN)?

Spinner: Once a hero receive payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero anymore. That what Stain's actions taught us.

Tomura: A hero in this current system will only cares about money and glory. And since society buys it to those idiotic rules, anyone deemed loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions: what is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking. That's when we will know we have won, and you do like winning, don't you?

(YN): ...

Tomura: Dabi, let him go.

Dabi: Huh? You'll know he'll fight back, you know that right?

Tomura: It's fine. We're recruiting him, and treating him as a equal. Besides, you can tell with all those bandages around him that he got back at camp, he won't stand a chance to fight back, right (YN)?

(YN): Tch.

Dabi: Hmmm. Twice, you do it.

Twice: No way! ...Fine.

Izuki: No.

Twice: Huh?

Izuki: I'll do it. I'll release him. Give me the keys.

Twice: Fine.

Twice hands Izuki the keys as she goes releasing (YN)...

Compress: I do apologize for such forceful method. But please understand that we aren't some kind of unruly mob committing crimes without a third act in mind. We didn't kidnap you by accident.

Tomura: Even though our backgrounds are different, and beyond here has suffered, because of people's rules, and heroes who try to hold us back. I'm sure you're the same.

Izuki then releases (YN) as (YN)'s hand and feet are free to move...

Tomura: Now, I'm going to ask you again, and you better say the right-

(YN): Are you deaf or something? I said no damn it!

Tomura: ...Fine. Izuki?

Izuki: ...Right.

Suddenly Izuki grabbed (YN)'a hand and force him to stay sit in the chair as she pulled out a knife and placed it on (YN)'s neck...

(YN): I-Izuki! What are you-

Tomura: Now don't move. Or Izuki here will end up cutting you, and Toga will join if you even dare to move. Now, Izuki, try to convince this fool to join us, if not, you have the permission to stab him.

Izuki: Yeah....

Izuki then gave this creepy smile look on (YN) as she was ready to stab (YN)...

(YN): I-Izuki, you don't have to do this, remember! This ain't you! You're not a villain! I know what happen in the past, but right now is different and I'm here to save you from these bastards! Even Bakugo wants too save you as well! He wants you back...I want you back...I-I miss you...a lot...and my life isn't complete, without you.

Izuki: H-Huh...??

Suddenly, Izuki started to hear (YN) emotional as he says...

(YN): ever since you were "gone"...I wasn't myself...and neither as Bakugo, well mostly me, because my life isn't going as great as I thought it would be, because you're not in my life, I-I want you back, Izuki Midoriya, and Bakugo wants you back as a friend...please, listen to the voice Izuki, come back with me...please, say you wanna come back with me.

Suddenly, there was silence as Tomura burst into its laughter as he says..

Tomura: HaHaHaHa! You really think Izuki will just go back with you?! After what tha Bakugo kid done to her??! Ha! In your dreams! Izuki will never go back, she belongs where she has always been. A villain. There is no turning back for her. She happy here, right Izuki?

Izuki stood quiet...and suddenly...she started to sound emotional as well and replies to (YN)...

Izuki: Y-Your right...

Tomura: See? She agrees with me, and-

Izuki: N-No, (YN) is..

Tomura: ...what??!

(YN): Izuki...

Izuki: (YN)...your yelling the truth. And I know because..I've seen it with my own eyes...back at the camp...I was there too. I know you didn't see me, but I was there too at the camp. I was at the woods, making sure no one is standing up, and soon o saw you fighting back, and then knocked out...and I saw Kachan and his friends rushing to try and save you...but it was too late as we kidnap you...and too late for him and the rest to save you...and so, it was done. I was about to leave to the hideout, until I heard...I heard Kachan...


Back at camp, Izuki saw Bakugo and the others failed to save (YN) from being kidnap, she was about to leave to the hideout as quick as possible, until he heard Bakugo yelling...

Bakugo: DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!! Why!!!?? Why?!?!! Why does this keep happening to me!?!?  How did I end up being a fucking dictator to my two childhood friends and end up hating me!!? Now only I lost one...but two friends! First Deku...a-and now I lost (YN)!!!? I'm such a fucking idiot!! And Deku...I-I-Damn it!! I didn't want her gone!!! I didn't mean it!!! If I don't keep my damn mouth shut and just minded my own business about her life of becoming a hero...then none of this would have happen!!! I'm fucking sorry Deku!!!

After hearing those words from Bakugo, Izuki started to feel emotional as she then takes out the necklace (YN) gave her when they met at the alley way, and knowing that (YN) was right all along and telling the truth that Bakugo has change, and wanted her back...


Izuki: ...I-I never knew he would have change...but you were right, he did change....and..and...I wanna come with you! I wanna come back with you (YN)!...Beacsue...

Izuki suddenly drops the knife down and suddenly hugs (YN)...

Izuki: I-I miss you too, and I wanna be in your life forever! I want you!

(YN) smiled...

Tomura: H-Hey hey hey! What gives?! What the hell are you saying Izuki?!

Izuki stood up as she turns around and replies...

Izuki: I'm saying I'm not a villain no more! I don't care if I'm quirkless or not! Even though I had one using one before, until "he" took it away from me just for that! I don't care if I'm quirkless or not, I want my life back!

Tomura: ...You...You...YOU BITCH!!!

Tomura rushes to Izuki to try and hurt her, but (YN) won't let that happen as he quickly appears in-front of Tomura, grabs his hand, pulls him towards as he gives him a head bury to the face, causing Tomura to back away...

Izuki: (Y-YN)!

(YN): I won't let you lays finger on her! Don't worry Izuki, I'm here for you.

Tomura: were playing with us weren't you...and here I thought everything will go smooth as I thought it will be and wish that (YN) and I will come to an understanding...but I was wrong.

(YN): Tch. You think we're the same?! Not a chance!

Tomura: Then I have no choice. The hero said they'd continue their investigations four group. So we don't have time here to stand and talk...Master, lend me your power.

(YN): Master?? Wait! You don't mean-

All For One was meant to be heard in the computer...

All For One: Hehe. That is a wise decision, Tomura Shigaraki.

(YN): Master...this "Master" wouldn't happen to father wouldn't it?

All For One: (YN)'s so good to hear you, my son. But I don't have time to chat. I have business to settle.

(YN): Y-You bastard! Where the hell are you!?! Show yourself Damn it!

Izuki: C-Calm down (YN)...

Tomura: Don't you dare talk to him like that!

All For One: It's alright Tomura, besides, I'll be there. Just wait.

The computer suddenly turned off...

(YN): Hehe. And here I thought your the boss here, but now I see it. Your still nothing but a sidekick.

Tomura: Nrrrrgh! Kurogiri, Compress, put him back to sleep! And Izuki as well!

Kurogiri and Compress were walking towards (YN) and Izuki to put them to sleep...

Izuki: (YN), what now??!

(YN): Just stay with me Izuki. I'll find a way to get out of here.

(YN) then was finding a way to escape from the building and escape free. Until Suddenly...the door was to be knocked...

???: Hello?? I got a pizza delivery here.

The villains, (YN) and Izuki were confuse, knowing that someone knocked on a door for a pizza delivery....until...

All Might: SMAAAAASH!!!

Soon All Might burst out from the wall, and he is here for rescue! Kurogiri try to use his quirk to open a wrap gate to escape, but luckily All Might came with backup, another pro hero, Kamui Woods, his quirk is Arbor, allowing him to control wood from his body, he use his wood quirk to spread lots of wood roots to capture the villains from trying to escape, Dabi tried to use his flames to burn it down, but luckily, Gran Torino also appeared as he knocked out Dabi from burning the woods, and the person who knocked the door, it happen to be a police officer, who came with more than just him, more police officers are surrounding the hideout, with more pro heroes such as the pro hero Edgeshot, Endeavor, Mt. Lady, and Beans Jeanist...Edgeshot then uses his quirk, Foldabody, to put Kurogiri unconscious by cutting off his blood flow with pointed strings for Kurogiri not to help them to escape...

All Might: We are here!! And this time you won't run away villains!

Gran Torino: Toshinori, look. (YN).

All Might notices (YN) is save and sound...but soon to know Izuki was with him...

All Might: Young (YN), you're alive...and Young Izuki as well, good. But-

(YN): All Might. Don't worry, she's not with them, she's with me, serious! Please you have to-

All Might: I get it Young (YN). She doesn't belong here any ways, she belongs with her mother. Don't you worry young Izuki, we'll take you back home safe and sound with your mother. She knows your alive, we told her.

Izuki: O-Okay..

All Might: And I'm glad the two of you are okay.

(YN): We are.

(YN) holds on Izuki's hand as Izuki blushes and smiles a little...

Tomura: N-No! This wasn't suppose to happen! After all I planned!! I-It had to be ruined!!! By that piece of shit pro hero!!! Why?!? Why?!? 

All Might: Now that we save Young (YN) and Izuki, tell me, Tomura Shigaraki...

Tomura: Huh?!?

All Might: ..Where is he?!

Tomura: Who-

All Might: Don't act! You know who I'm talking about! Where is Shigaraki!?!

Tomura: ....N-Nooooooo. G-Go away...

All Might: Where is he now!?!

Tomura: Go away! Leave! Disappear!

All Might: Nrrrrgh!! Damn it Shigaraki where is he!?!!

Tomura: I HATE YOU!!!!

Suddenly, several warp gates appeared, and soon a bunch of Nomu's started to appear out from it...

Kamui: Nomu's!?! How they get here!?! What is it!??

Gran Torino: Damn it Edgeshot! Stop Kurogiri!

Edgeshot: He's still out. This ain't him what he's doing.

Gran Torino: Their coming!

All Might: Kamui! Don't release these villains under any circumstances got it?!

Kamui: Right!

Suddenly, a warp gate appeared out of nowhere where (YN) and Izuki are standing...

(YN): Wh-What the-!?!!

Izuki: All Might!!!

All Might: (YN)! Izuki!

The warp gate suddenly took them away...

All Might: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Kamui: Endeavor! Help us-

Kamui suddenly realizes that Endeavor and Naomasa were having problems as well, Nomu's were appearing outside as well as him, Endeavor and the officer were taking the Nomu's down...

Endeavor: Naomasa! Evacuate the area now!

Naomasa: They notice the hideout?! How they now!!?

Naomasa then makes a call on the walkie talkie to Beat Jeanist...

Naomasa: Come on Jeanist! What the hell is happening!? ...Jeanist! *Whu isn't he answering!?!*

Back at the bar, All Might, Gran Torino, and Edgeshot were taking down the Nomu's...

Gran Torino: Toshinori! What now?!

All Might: They shouldn't have been able to warp Nomu's herr! And this backup came too fast! *I fear that...he has arrived and made his move!*


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