Chp.5 Timeskip/All Might Is Here

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8 months has pass since the day Izuki sadly die due to suicide...for months (YN) could never forget the moment he witness to see his friend die right of him...after the day she died...all the class mates from Aldera High already knew what happen to Izuki...and sadly all of them felt bad for her...but as for Bakugo...he somehow felt bad as well, but didn't even bother asking (YN) why she did it...cause the two of them are no longer for (YN), when he always sees Bakugo...he has this anger growing inside his body and wanted to beat him up so bad for what he did to Izuki to kill herself...but then again, he won't and never will, if he does, then it can effect his chances of applying UA....for these pass months, he has to to live alone without Izuki for these pass months and doesn't feel the same with her around (YN)...him and his mother have been visiting Ms.Inko to check on her about her lost (YN) was heading back home from school, he then takes out a necklace out from his neck and looks at a picture of two little kids smiling and having so much fun together..:these two kids were (YN) and Izuki...the necklace was made by his mom Tekka...and the picture was give by Inko, Izuki's mom...he looks at it for a while as he then puts it back away as he was about to enter a tunnel that leads him to his house...As he was heading through the tunnel...he suddenly started hearing something behind if someone was following him...he turns around to not see anything...

(YN): Whats weird. I could have sworn someone's following me.

He then turns back as he continues walking through the tunnel...until he suddenly heard noises again, and this time, it sounded like it was coming closer and closer as he then turns around and notices a huge green sludge who happens to have terrifying eyes and a mouth...and also known to be as a villain...

(YN): What the!?!

Sludge Villain: Hey there! Mind if I take your body!

The sludge villain strikes at (YN) as (YN) quickly leaps away from the sludge villain with his speed...

Sludge Villain: Oh? You're pretty fast.

(YN): A villain!?

Sludge Villain: Come on! Let me borrow that body of yours...or I have to force you to give me it!!

The sludge villain then uses its sludge to stretch to (YN) and grab one of his hand...

(YN): Shit! It got me!

The Sludge Villain then pulls (YN) towards him. (YN) wanted time right back as he uses his strength power to strike a powerful punch at the sludge villain straight to the face, but it did no affect at all..

(YN): WHAT-!?

The sludge villain then was able to grab (YN) and starting to put its sludge to his mouth m, choking him as (YN) was struggling to free himself...

Sludge Villain: Your body will make a perfect skin mark for me! Don't worry, I just want to hijack your body that's all, calm down, it'll hurt for a minute and it will be all over! Heh, your a real hero for lending me borrow this body! *I gotta move closer to the shadow before he finds me here*

(YN) Mind: I-I can't breathe...M-My body is weak...I-I can't use my strength to break free...h-he's got me...I-I can't do nothing...I-I can't...

As the Sludge Villain was about to Hijack (YN)'s body, suddenly, a loud crash was heard as if someone landed on the ground, the sludge villain turns around with a shocking look in its face to see someone saving the day and to save (YN)...

???: Have no fear young man. Your safe. Now that I am here that is!

This person wasn't just ordinary citizen, this person was about 7ft tall and so muscular, had a all white shirt and dark green cargo pants and short blond hair, swept backwards, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side, which often casts a dark shadow over his face...this person is a hero, not just an ordinary hero...the number one hero and the greatest hero of them all...All Might!

The sludge villain without any hesitation started striking at All Might with his sludge, but All Might was faster and quicker than him, All Might got on close range as he clench his first and ready to strike his powerful punch at the sludge Villain...

All Might: Texas...SMASH!!!!!

With his Texas Smash, he strike a powerful punch at the sludge villain, but not just ordinary punch, it was also a shockwave that caused the Sludge monster to let go of (YN) and causing his sludge body to split into pieces as the sludge villain was now defeat and (YN) saves by All Might...


2 minutes later, after the sludge villain was defeat and kept in a jar by All Might in his pocket, All Might then was waking up (YN) by giving him a couple of slightly slaps to his cheeks...

All Might: Hey! Wake up! Hey!

(YN) eyes were open as All Might was relief to be awoken...

All Might: Ha! Thought we lost you there.

(YN) then notice that All Might, THE All Might was informer of him as he shakes in excitement as he quickly stood up...

(YN): N-No way!!

All Might: HaHa! Looks like you're moving perfectly fine. Sorry about earlier. I should have never interfere my justice on you. But I'm glad your okay and safe thanks to me!

(YN): I-It's All Might!?! It's actually THE All Might! I can't believe I'm standing here right informer of the greatest and number one hero of all time!!

All Might: HaHaHa! That's right!! Now will you excuse me I will be-

(YN): Wait! Just wait for a sec please! I-I just want an autograph from you that's all! Let me just...Crap where's my pencil!? And my notebook!? Oh! Found it!

As he then takes out his notebook and pencil out fro All Might to give him an autograph, as he opens his notebook, he sees a page where it has Al Might's signature name...

(YN): No way! He already did! Oh man! Thank you so Damn much All Might! It means so much to me!

All Might: Anytime Young One! Oh and uh...

All Might then pulled out something out from his pocket that happens to be a necklace, (YN)'s necklace...

All Might: You dropped this while you're trying fighting back against the sludge villain...

(YN): O-Oh...shit. My necklace...

(YN) walks over to All Might as he then hands (YN) his necklace back..

(YN): Thank you All Might...Well, see you around. And thanks for that autograph again. Really appreciated it.

As soon (YN) was heading back home, All Might then said...

All Might: That and that young girl...I know her.

(YN) then stop as he then slowly turns around and tells All Might...

(YN): Y-You do??!

All Might: Yes, I surely do...Izuki Midoriya...and I wanted to say...I'm sorry. I heard what happen to her. I know how you feel to lose a friend that you really care.

(YN): ....

All Might: The reason why I'm telling you this young...Uh...

(YN): (YN), the names (YN).

All Might: Right, you see young (YN)...I knew young Midoriya during her beginning third year of Aldera High. She was always eager to become a hero. Yes, she told me she didn't had a quirk, but she told me she'll still become one no matter what. I'd never knew I see a young student like her who stil has the hopes and dreams to become a hero without a quirk, I'll give her that...but once I found out that...she...

The two stood quite the fact they knew that Izuki sadly die of suicide....

(YN): Yeah...I know.

All Might: Young (YN)...again, I'm truly sorry for your lost on young Midoriya...I can see that the two of you have been best friends since child must miss her, don't ya?

(YN): ...A lot.

All Might: It's okay. Take your time, honor the person you care, eat things she love to eat, and stay active always.

(YN): Right. I will...Thanks for the advice All Might.

All Might: Any time kid. Now excuse me, I must get back to my hero duty and take this sludge villain back to the police.

All Might then turns around as he then squats down and then takes a huge jump and starts flying away...after that, (YN) looks at his necklace with the picture of him and Izuki together...he started to feel emotional, but then again he must stay strong and honor her her for caring her so much as a friend...he starts heading back home as he then smiles and says

(YN): Izuki...for now, I have a dream already...a dream that I'm going to be the next number one hero like All Might. And I'm not going to do this not only for everyone, but I'm going to be one for my mom, for your mom..:and for you as well.


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