Chp.6 All Might's True Look

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The next day, it was another school day and yet, there is couple more months until the starting of the UA Entrance Exam. (YN) was ready for it and has hope that he will end up passing the UA Entrance Exam and enter UA High. After School ended, (YN) was heading back home as he then finds himself Inko Midoriya having trouble getting and holding some groceries as she was heading home...he then walks over as Inko was so close to drop off some groceries bags on the floor, until (YN) was lucky to arrange and help her and he all of them...

(YN): Need Help Ms.Inko?

Inko: (YN)! oh yes. I do. Would you mind walking me home?

(YN): Of course.

(YN) then started walking with Inko while helping her holding onto some groceries. As minutes go by, the two arrive at Inko's home apartment as (YN) then entered her room, and placing the groceries on the table...

Inko: Thank You so much (YN).

(YN): Anytime Ms.Inko, you know I'm here for you. Mom as well.

Inko: Of course.

As soon as (YN) was about to leave Inko's apartment, Inko then calls him..

Inko: (YN)...

(YN): ...Yeah?

(YN) turned around as soon to notice Inko walking towards him as she tells him...

Inko: It's okay to fell like this. I can tell how much you miss my Izuki.

(YN): It's just that...

Inko then places her hand onto (YN)'s shoulder as she smiles at (YN) and says to him...

Inko: Here's a little advice sweetie. Take your time, honor her for your kind caring, eat what she likes, and stay active.

Those words...those words were exactly like All Might told him yesterday...he then smiles and replies...

(YN): I will. You sure you don't need anything in help?

Inko: Oh no I'm fine for now (YN). Just head home. Your mom is probably worried about you no?

(YN): She will, but then again she's not home, she has work.

Inko: Oh, but still. I want you home and get there safe. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll call you or your mom if I need anything.

(YN): Sure.

Inko: Thank you again for the help (YN).

(YN): Anytime Ms.Inko.

(YN) then exits Inko's home apartment as he then exits out the apartment he was about to head home, he suddenly heard a loud sound, like if something crash...he then goes for a search and looks for the loud bang he heard. Later, he then arrive to the city to notice people crowded, he then joins the crowd to notice that the sludge villain that attacked him once...he was on a rampage...until All Might suddenly arrive out of no where...

Sludge Villain: You again!?!? Nrrrgh! This time I'll hijack your body!!

All Might: Not in my watch!! I defeated once, and I'll do it again! Why? Cause I am All Might!!!

Sludge Villain: Your body is mine!!!

All Might: Texas..SMAAASH!!!

With All Might's powerful Texas Smash punch, he was able to again defeat the Sludge Villain and spread him into pieces...after that the whole crowd cheered for, (YN) as well, the sludge villain was now in a jar again and this time taken by the police again...after that, All Might then turns around and waves at his fans as the fans cheered more for him, until suddenly (YN) notice something about him...some smoke was coming out from his body as All Might notices...he then waves at his fans goodbye as he quickly leaps away as smoke was still coming out from his body...for some reason, (YN) was starting to wonder and curious why is smoke coming out from All Night's body...he then exits from the crowd as he follows All Might with his speed, he was able to catch him up for a while until he notice All Might landed and stop on top of a building as (YN) can see more smoke coming out...

(YN): Whats with that smoke!? Is All Might Okay!? I have to know!

He then somehow leaps towards the building as he started climbing on the building with his strength. After that, he finally manage to get up on the building and arrive on top of the roof...

(YN): All Might! Are you okay!? I couldn't help it but I notice some smoke coming out from your body and I wanted to know that-

As the smoke then clears out...(YN) suddenly stood quiet and shock to notice that what he's seeing right now, is All Might...but then again, the All Might he seeing, was now skinny, boney looking...

All Might: ...oh no. Young (YN), I can-

(YN): WH-WHAAAAAT!?!? What the!? What!?! Who!?! All Might!?! No! That can't be!! Maybe your an imposter! Yeah!!! You are! With that smoke coming out from your body!! Even back at your fight, you looked kinda Sus!!!

All Might: *sighs* I can assure you that I am All Might...

(YN): Y-Your serious!?! No way! B-But what the hell happen!? Why are you like that!?!

All Might: *sighs* You know guys at the pool that be flexing and sucking their gut in to look buff...yeah, I'm one of those.

(YN): No way! ...but why!? And how!? You're always a big buff hero who saves people and defeating evil! And with that perfectly smile you have with no fear at all!

All Might: ...there's plenty of fear behind my smile.

All Might sits down as (YN) joins with him...

(YN): All Might...what happen?

All Might: ...If I tell you, can you keep it a secret and keeping your mouth quiet? Can I count on you with that?

(YN): Y-Yeah...

All Might: Good...

All Might then lifts his shirt up and reveals (YN) his giant, nasty bruise he has on the side of the gut as (YN) gasp in shock..

All Might: Pretty gross huh? Got this in a big fight a few years back. My respiratory system is basically destroyed and lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries has pretty worn me out...and can't be fix. Now I can do hero work for only three hours a day. Rest of the time, this is what I look like.

(YN): No way! Few years ago?! Was it the fight against Toxic Chainsaw?!

All Might: Heh, you know your stuff. But no, the bastard may have gave me some hits, but couldn't bring me down. Most of the world has never heard of this fight. I did everything to keep it under a wrap. I'm supposed to be the hero and that guy to be smiling, I'm the symbol of peace. People everywhere have to know that I'm not afraid. But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside. And let me tell you, this job ain't easy. Being a pro heroes means to risk your lives. Some villains can't be beaten without power.

(YN): ...I see. Sorry to hear that from you, All Might. Really.

The two then stood up...

All Might: Well that's all I can tell you kid...

(YN): Right....Well, I should be heading back home. I'll see you later-

All Might: Wait, Young (YN). A word with you again?

(YN): Oh...Sure. What's up?

All Might: I didn't even notice you coming from the stairs, did you actually climb your way up here with your bear hands and feet?

(YN): Oh. Yeah.

All Might: I see, so you have a quirk as well??

(YN): ...No. not really....but, I do have super human strength and speed....but it's just that...I just don't have a quirk for some reason.

All Might: Super human strength and speed....I'm not buying it.

(YN) then picks up a rock as he then stands in a pitcher poser, he then pitches the rock and throws it straight, tossing the rock with such strength and speed as the rock was flying all the way as it then reach to the the bridge...

All Might: Impressive...but, I hate to say this kid, but if your trying to enter the UA Entrance Exam and try to enter UA High. Then you need a quirk, power usage isn't allowed.

(YN): Wait really?! No way!

All Might: Hate to say it, but it's against the rule of entering UA.

(YN) suddenly started to feel sad the fact he won't be able to have his dream come true, and failed Izuki...

All Might: ...You really wanna become a hero?

(YN): Yes! A lot! And I made a promise to my mom..and Izuki. That I'll be a hero and become the next generation heroes!

All Might: Heh, I like your style kid....You know, There is one way you can have a quirk.

(YN): Really?! How!?

All Might: ...Since I can tell you have a dream to become one...I will deem you worthy of my power, and my quirk is yours to inherit.

(YN): H-Huh??? Wait. What do you mean Inherit??

All Might: Listen well young (YN), this will be your choice. Are you willingly to accept my awesome power or not!?

(YN): Wait?? Power??! What do you mean??

All Might: Young (YN), there's something you have to know about my abilities. During my hero days, journalists always guess that my quirk is super human strength, or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always ask a joke, and dodge the question. That's because everyone here has to know that their symbol of peace is just a natural born hero. And there's. I thing natural about my power and ability. I wasn't born with this power, this quirk power was sync to me and passed to me by someone else.

(YN): Someone have you this quirk??!

All Might: Yes. And your next! I can give you my abilities. You just have to adjust the reality and accept this quirk that km about to pass you. I can transfer my quirk to someone else. And that's one secret of my abilities. The true name of my power quirk, is One For All.

(YN): One..For All..?

All Might: Yes. One person improves the power, then hands it to another person. It continues to grow as it passes along. It is this cultivated power that It allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength.

(YN): But...why would you give me it like that??

All Might: To be honest, I kinda have the same thing like you, but different. You have a dream of becoming one, and you seem you can act like one. So, you accept my offer?

(YN) then looks at his necklace with him and Izuki, he smiles, looks back at All Might, he smiles and says...

(YN): Okay! I'll do it!

All Might: Heh, no reluctance. That's exactly how I figured you respond. Alrighty then, your training starts tomorrow. Don't ask why, just come in the morning at Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

(YN): Right!


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