Chp.50 All Might's Limits Ends Here

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As we left off, All Might had the advantage on going one on one against All For One, but it's not going that good. All Might's power and form has becoming weaker and weaker...knowing that his limits, has now reached to its end of his limits. Meanwhile, in the end of an alley way, the other side of the road were bunch of citizens watching the fight between the greatest hero All Might, against the greatest villain All For One, in the end of alley way, (YN) soon to appear from falling down to the air after getting out from the battlefield and brining Izuki safe with him...Izuki then let's him go as she collapsed to the floor, exhausted...

(YN): You okay Izuki?!

Izuki: Y-Yeah, I'm fine.

(YN) hugs Izuki...

(YN): I'm just glad you're safe with me. I'm happy your okay.

Izuki then started to feel emotional as she replies...

Izuki: I-I missed you...I've always missed you (YN)...I-I should have never left you back there, even though what Kachan did to me, but doesn't matter what happens in the past, what matters is that I wanna be with you, no matter what, I wanna be in your life forever.

(YN) smiles with joy...Suddenly, (YN)'s name was heard, and happens to be his mother, Tekka, alongside with Ms.Midoriya, Inko...

Tekka: (YN)!? (YN)! Sweetie!

(YN): Mother!

Tekka rush towards (YN) as she gave him a as (YN)...

Tekka: I'm so glad that your safe! Did he hurt you?! What did that bastard do to you?! Please tell me-

(YN): It's fine mom. Thanks to All Might, I manage to escape from him.

Tekka: I-I'm just glad your okay and nothing bad happen to you...I'm so relief.

Inko: We're just glad your okay (YN).

Inko: Ms.Midoriya, your here too?

Inko: Why of course. I've been worried about you after the incident at camp, so I kept company with your mother until they find you, but luckily, we found you.

(YN): Well don't worry. I'm safe.

Tekka: Oh I'm so happy.

Inko: Say (YN), who's that girl behind you?

(YN): O-Oh right! Hey, you can show yourself.

Izuki then got out from the shadow...having her face looking down, and slowly lifting it up as she reveals herself to Tekka and she reveled herself, Tekka was surprised to see who she actually is..

Tekka: Oh my. Y-Your alive!

Inko: I-Is that...Is that...

Inko started to walk slowly towards Izuki, as she does, she takes a good look at Izuki's face, she suddenly started to recognize her...

Inko: A-Are you...

Izuki:'s me, Izuki...

Suddenly, Inko's eyes started to become watery as she soon started to cry and hug Izuki as Izuki hugs her as well...

Inko: Izuki!! Your alive!! Oh my baby! B-But I thought-and-y-you-

Izuki: I-I'm sorry mom...I'm sorry for leaving you alone for these past 4 years...I shouldn't have leave you alone...I'm so sorry mom. Please forgive me...

Izuki started to cry as well, knowing how guilty she was for leaving her mother alone for the past 4 years...Inko then lifts Izuki's head up, smiling at her as she said...

Inko: Do not worry about the past sweetie. What matters now, is that your alive, and your with me. I'm just happy your alive!

Izuki smiles as she was also happy to be back with her mother, knowing that she has missed her always...Tekka and (YN) joined in...

Tekka: I'm glad your okay and alive Izuki, honestly. I'm so relief.

Izuki: Thank you, Ms.Tekka.

Both Izuki and (YN) stare at each other as she blushes a little...until suddenly...a huge TV was showing LIVE on the incident that is currently happening right now, Tekka, (YN), Izuki and Inko go over to the other people that are watching it...

News Reporter: I'm live in this destruction area that is happening right now! The number one hero All Might along side with his former teacher, Gran Torino. It seem that the two of them have been demolished in a single horrifying instance. All Might himself is currently figuring the villain that caused the blast! And I can't believe it! How is one villain like him so strong ?! He single handed destroyed half the city on its own against the symbol of peace!

All the people around the city that is watching this on the big screen are commenting about the trouble All Might is having and dealing with...

Person #5: You're seeing this?! Geez!

Person #1: Oh crap! That looks terrible!

Person #8: All Might looks beat up...I've never seen him like this before!

Person #7: Where are the other heroes and why aren't they helping out?! It's insane!

Person: #11: That or the heroes are just slacking off, I mean not to be rude, and hate to say it, but it's the truth. Besides, this is All Might we're talking about, he should win, he always does, right??!

Tekka: I-Is that...Toshinori?! Oh no! He looks terrible!

Inko: Dont worry Tekka, he'll beat him! Just don't worry about it, it's All Might after all. He can beat him.

Izuki: ...(YN)...are you okay?

(YN) was seeing the big screen at All Might is having trouble dealing against All For One, his own father, he just couldn't stand seeing him like this...


All For One: I find myself conflicted. Tomura has been the one chip away at society's trust in heroes. So is it fair that I should land the final blow? You know All Might, as much as you hate me, I think I probably loathe you more! I killed your master, sure. But you have taken away from me so much more from me. Everything I tried to built you just had to ruin it. That's why I want you to suffer until your last breathe, and die broken and disgraced for all the world to see! And I will kill you for trying to take my son away from me! After I'm done with you, I'll be taking him away, and this time for sure! and I'll make sure that damn woman of mines won't get in the way either or I will kill her this time!

All Might: SHUT UUUUP!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you dare talk to Tekka nor Young (YN) like that!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!

Gran Torino: Toshinori No!

All For One: I will obliterate everything you protected!!

All Might starts charging after All For One with such anger and make sure he won't do anything to (YN) and Tekka...suddenly, All For One aims his left hand towards All Might as his whole arm expands bigger and release another air cannon towards All Might, releasing such strong air wind towards him, the air wind was pushing All Might away as his form couldn't keep up with the such air force...after that, it caused a huge destruction and impact...after that, All For One said...

All For One: But first, your self respect and ridiculous public image. Show the world how pitiful you really are, symbol of peace.

All Might Mind: *N-No...*

And so, All Might wasn't in his form no more, as his time was up, his limits as well, he accidentally revealed his secret to all the citizens in this city...

Person #4: H-Hey...what's wrong with All Might?! He looks like a skeleton!

News Reporter: I-Is everyone seeing this?! It looks like...All Might has been shrunk somehow!!

(YN): *N-No! All Might...Your secret!*

All For One: Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. To think that you're their greatest hero. Now the adoring public knows your true form. Try not to be shame....your move.

All Might: ...N-Nrrgh. Even you expose my weaker form matter what my heart remains as the symbol of peace! And there's nothing you can stop me!!!!

All Mighy again charges after All For One in his weak form as he grows his left arm as he swings a punch to All For One, but All For One blocked that punch like nothing...

All For One: Ah. I forgot how stubborn you still really are. You just won't give up.

Suddenly, All For One with full strength ended up braking All Might's arm, All Might screamed in pain, and All For One punched All Might towards his gut, causing him to spat out a lot of blood....everyone in the city was looking at what was happening...

Person #7: N-No way! H-He got All Might!

Person #6: H-He can't lose like that!! He's All Might! He's the number one hero!

Tekka: T-Toshinori!!!

Inko: Tekka please calm down-

Tekka: I can't Inko! I can't! I can't see more of this! I can't see that cruel bastard keep hurting Toshinori like this! I can't! Why isn't anyone helping him!! Why?!?

(YN) suddenly started to grow angry, to see his fan favorite hero, his number one hero, being tortured by his cruel nightmare father, All For One as he shed a bit tear from his eye...

Izuki: (YN)...What are you-

(YN): I'm gonna go!

Izuki: Wh-What??!

Inko: What??!

Tekka: What?! (YN), what are you saying-

(YN): I'm saying that I'm going to save All Might! If no one isn't gonna help him, then I'll be the one to save him! Because that's what it takes to be a hero!

Tekka: (YN) No!!

(YN) suddenly started running down the opposite road as he goes down to go and save All Might...

Tekka: No!! Your gonna get yourself hurt!!! (YN)!!!

Izuki: *(YN)...Whatever your doing...please be careful! ...and be safe out there*


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