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Back at the battlefield, All Might seem to be struggling, with an broken arm and ribs broken now...All For One was holding him down...all the citizens were rooting for All Might to not give up and fight back and win this...but All Might can't, he can't hold on to his buff form any longer, he can't use his powers no more, he can't do nothing else...

All Might: *I-I can't keep this up...I-I can't. My form..I can't hold it much longer...I-I actually reached my limits...I cannot fight like this no more!*

All For One: Whats the matter, symbol of peace? Cant fight back? Cant even lay a finger on me anymore? How pathetic. You really have gone weaker. Now, I will end you here and now...and I'll be taking back my son.

All Might: ..N-No...! I-I won't let you...!

All For One's whole left arm started to expand bigger as he aims it towards All Might...

All For One: There's nothing for you to do. Your already weak, you can't fight back no more...just give up, you worthless hero.

All Might: *T-Tekka...(YN) friends...I-I'm sorry...I've failed you all...Forgive me...*

All For One: So long, All Might-

Suddenly, (YN) surprisingly appeared out of now where with the speed he's using with his quirk, One For All. (YN) swing his whole right arm and strikes a punch towards his father's face, backing him away and letting All Might go...

All Might: (Y-YN)?! What are you-

(YN): It's okay All Might! Don't worry, I am here for you! I'm gonna save you!

All Might: ...(YN)-

(YN): Don't speak. Your losing too much blood. I need to get you out of here quick before-

All For One: Well...Well...Well, what a surprise to see you again, son.

(YN) then suddenly turned around quickly as he sees his father, All For One still standing and slowly walking towards Him..

All For One: Why, it's so nice to see you again son.

All Might: (Y-YN)! Get away! You're gonna-

(YN): No! I'm not leaving you! I can't let this bastard keep hurting you! Because...I'm gonna be the one taking him down!

All Might: Wh-What?!? What are you even saying-

All For One: You? Fight me? Fight your own father??? Now son, if you do end up fighting me, then you'll-


All Might: Young (YN)!

(YN) charges at his father as he uses One For All to swing a punch towards All For One's gut, as he Lena the punch, it didn't do no affect, All For One was still standing...

(YN): What?!-

All For One: Now, as a father...I'm not impressed.

All For One grabs (YN)'s neck, lifts him up and tosses him behind him...

All Might: (YN)-AAGH!!!

All For One quickly lands a punch towards All Might's face, seeming him flying crashing with Gran Torino...

All For One: Now then, I'll teach you a lesson for laying a finger on your own father.

(YN) started to get up as he recovers himself...

(YN): I-I told you...your not my father!!!!

(YN) aggressively charges at his father, using his quirk to land punches at him, he started throwing barrage punches at him, kicks, elbows and knee strikes to him, but all those punches and kicks were still no affecting All For One...

(YN): H-How!?!

All For One: As you can see, my shock absorption is quietly useful when I'm about to get punched. Now then, my turn.

All For One rushes to (YN) as he lands a vicious knee strike towards (YN)'s gut, causing him to spat out blood, and then grabs his neck again, lifting him up, choking him, (YN) started grabbing his father's hand to try and fight back...

All For One: My, you got a grip there my boy, but mines is stronger than yours.

All For One strengths his arm as he grips (YN)'s neck even harder, causing him to be choked hard and spitting out blood, after that, All For One viciously slams (YN) to the ground as he then stomps on him towards his gut, after that stomp, All For One lifts him up again by his arm, and he tosses him like a rag doll, seeming (YN) flying away, crashing towards a building...everyone in the city was watching, and they can't even believe what their witnessing, seeing a teenager like (YN) be tortured and hurt by the most dangerous villain, even Tekka can't take it no more...seeing her son being hurt by his ex husband...Inko as well, and especially Izuki, she started feel like she can't watch this no more and just has the urge to go and rescue him...back at the battlefield, (YN) seem to be a lot in pain, several horrible wounds, blood every where coming from his mouth and head, he can barely get up...soon All For One appeared in front of (YN) as he soon to place his arm on his shoulders, and then strikes a brutal punch towards (YN)'s gut, causing him to spat out more blood out from his mouth as he started coughing some out of it as well...All For One grabs his neck again and tosses him away again like a rag doll, (YN) was so badly injured, he can barely get up, and kept coughing too much blood out from his mouth...All For One stated walking slowly towards (YN) and says...

All For One: Look at you, your weak as well. So pathetic too. This is why I never wonted you to become a hero, you make yourself look embarrassed, and useless in front of the people. And for me, you make me disappointed ever since you were a brat. Always telling me you wanted to become a hero, and that makes me sick.

(YN) couldn't speak the fact he's losing too much blood as well from his mouth...he can't even fight back as well, with all those wounds he got...he's defenseless...

All For One: Since you're looking for a path of becoming a hero, then I shall kill you, and you will die as a pathetic, worthless, and useless hero! Now, fear the ultimate attack that I'm about to give you!

Suddenly, All For One's whole right arm started to expand bigger, and bigger for some reason as he started combining the stolen quirks he has steal at the past...

All For One: Springlike limbs, kinetic boosters times four, strength enchanter times three, multiplier, hypertrophic, rivets, air walk, spear like booms!

Everyone in the city watching this, was making them feel fear about All For One...

Tekka: Wh-What is that monster doing!!?!

Izuki: N-No! He can't! (YN)!!!!!

Inko: Izuki wait! Come back!!!

And so, All For One's whole right arm was so big, it was filled with all the quirks he has stored up on his body and stolen in the past...

All For One: Now, in order to put you down for good, I'll punch you with the ultimate combination quirks I have stored up within me right now! This will end you! And after that...I'll go and end that "symbol of peace" All Might as well...and your mother too.

(YN): N-No.....!

All For One: I never thought I will be killing my own son with my bear hands, but I have no choice. I've never raised a son to become a worthless hero. So, you die.

(YN) couldn't do nothing else, he has nothing to guard him, he's too injured to fight back, and yet...he has no choice...but to let himself get killed by his own father...

(YN): *I-Im friends...and...Izuki...I failed you all...and I can all forgive me, when this ends.*

...Suddenly, a voice was to heard, it sounded like a female voice, more over, it was Izuki as she shouts out...

Izuki: (YN)!!!!!!!!!!!

She happens to appear close to the battlefield...

(YN): I-Izuki...?!

Izuki: Don't give up!!! You can't die!!! You got so many things coming to your life!!! Be the hero you are!!! Don't give up!!! Show the world that you'll be the future number one hero!!! And the next future symbol of peace!!!! That's your dream isn't it?! To become like All Might!!! If you do want to become like him, then show everyone that you can be a hero and protect us, just like All Might!!! Show them all that you're the next All Might!!!! Please!!! I don't wanna lose you!!!

After that, the whole city stood quiet...until some people suddenly and surprisingly started to root for (YN), giving him hope, not to give up and inspiring him...even All Might, he's badly injured, but he heard everything what Izuki said to (YN)...

All Might: *Y-Young Izuki...Your giving (YN) some words of wisdom and hope...I-I see now...(YN) my boy...don't you dare give up on me...remember who you are...your the next future symbol of peace, your the reason why I chose you, not because I wanted to, Because I saw light from you, hope as well...because you have a bright future as well. You will be a pillar, one that will not be broken, you will become number one hero...your mother...she is rooting for you, I can feel it...even your friends at can hear them as well. Your friends are seeing you live as well! They are seeing you of how heroic you will be in the future! Come on (YN)! Show them the people of this city...with your chest, and tell them, "Have no fear, because I...Am...HERE!"*

Around the city, (YN)'s friends in UA, were at their own homes, watching him live on their TV's as well, rooting for him, to not give up, and win as a hero. His mother as well, Inko too, All Might as well, the people of this city are rooting for (YN) as well....even Izuki...

All For One: How pointless!

Izuki: (YN)!!!

All Might: Noo!!!

Tekka: (YNNNN)!!!

Inko: No!!!!

And so, All For One swings his whole right arm, filled with combination quirks towards (YN), soon to caused a huge destruction around the city and causing a huge air wind wave around the battlefield and city...meaning that he used his ultimate combination attack on (YN)...and hit him...after the huge destruction, a lot of smoke was covering around..

All For One: Hehehe. Looks like he's done for.

Tekka: baby...(YN)...

Izuki: (Y-YN)...No!

All Might: ...N-Nooo!!!

....but suddenly, the punch did hit (YN), but not towards him, after the smoke was clearing out, it would have seem that (YN) suddenly had the strength to block that powerful punch from All For One, with just one arm, and it seems like he was using his quirk too to block that punch...

Izuki: (YN)!

All Might: Yes..!

All For One: Wh-What?!?! How!?! That's impossible!!

Suddenly, blue aura around (YN)'s body started to glow, he was still holding on to All For One's arm as he pushes him away with full strength...

All For One: How are you still standing!?! You should drop dead now!!! Impossible!!!

(YN)'s head was down as he replies...

(YN): ...A hero, never goes down...A hero, never gives up...A hero always stands tall...A hero, stays strong! and A hero, will never lose!...

(YN) lifted his head up, soon to look different, his eye mates were complaining white, eye colors gone, and soon to have his blue aura glowing more and more as well, soon to power up his One For All quirk...

(YN): I will not lose to you! I will not!! This time, I will show a hero defeats villains like you!!! I'm going to defeat you with my bear hands, no matter what I will take you down and end you for good!!! Why?! Because I am (YN) (LN)! The next future symbol of peace! And I will defeat you for good!

The end of All For One continues on the next chapter...


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