Chp.52 The End Of All For One

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(YN) was still holding onto All For One's arm that is filled with combination quirk, as he suddenly found this strength to forcefully push him away, All For One recovers, as he was surprised and shocked about (YN), his own son still standing and shockingly blocked his punch...

All For One: How is this possible!?! That punch should have killed you!!

(YN): This time...with my power, given to me from All Might! I will use it to defeat you!!! I will go beyond full power! RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

(YN) gave a loud roar as he starred powering up One For Al and the blue aura around him started to grow more and glow more as well...

(YN): One For All...Full Cowling...100%!!!!

After powering up, (YN) then unlocked a new form for himself, this form seem so powerful, his aura glow brighter, hair standing up, hair color changed as well from his original color hair to blue hair, fully white eyes, and seeing more powerful...


(YN): This time..I will defeat you, and win as a hero!!!!

(YN) suddenly quickly dashed towards All For One...

All For One: You brat! I will-

(YN) somehow manage to land a punch towards All For One's gut and it did so much affect to him, All For One spat out saliva and bit of blood out, after that punch to the gut, (YN) uppercuts him to his chin, after that uppercut, (YN) then spin kicks All For One straight to his face, sending him flying away All For One recovers quickly, soon to catch his breathe...

All For One: H-How is he so quick?! How is he still stand-

(YN) suddenly appeared in front of All For One as he strikes a brutal elbow swing towards his gut as All For One spat out more blood out, and then, (YN) started throwing barrage brutal punches towards All For One, the barrage rapid punches were so brutal and powerful even All For One couldn't even use one of his shock absorption quirk, after that barrage rapid punches, (YN) lands a kick to the side of All For One's face, seeming him flying away as he crashes towards a building, All For One can barely get up as he soon started to grew angry..

All For One: Nrrrrgh!!! I will not be defeated by the hands of a disappointment like you!!!

All For One started blasting several amounts of air cannons with kinetic boosters....the air cannons were coming so quickly towards (YN), (YN) started to charge after All For One while he started dodging the air cannons, not letting them hit him, he was able to dodge them like nothing, as he dodged and avoided the last one, he then tries to land a punch towards All For One's face, but this time All For One blocks it and holds onto (YN)'s hands...

All For One: Not this time boy! Now feel my punch!

All For One lands a brutal punch towards (YN)'s side face, but that punch didn't even do no affect to (YN) as he kept starring down at his father, menacingly....

All For One: Wh-What?!? How can-

(YN): HAAGH!!!

(YN) pulls his father towards him as he then lands a brutal head butt towards his forehead, the head butt was so brutal and hard, it caused All For One's skull to make a little sound...

All For One: A-Aaagh!!! N-No-

(YN) again pulls All For One towards him and lands a brutal punch, that punch was brutal, even it caused All For One's ribs to be broken a little, and spitting out more blood...after that, he the tosses All For One away like a Ragdoll, sending him flying away as All For One can barely recover himself from being sent flying away, he can barely stand due to his ribs being broken a little and his skull fractured, and losing a lot of blood...

All For One: Th-This can't be happening! I-I can't be beaten by my own worthless son! I can't-

Suddenly, (YN) somehow quickly comes dashing towards him, as All For One's POV, everything was moving slow motion for him as he can only see (YN) so quickly as he was going behind him, All For One quickly turns around, as (YN) soon started throwing more barrage rapid punches to All For One as (YN) then lands the last punch towards All For One's face straight, (YN) then backs away as he clenched his right hand into a fist as it started to glow blue aura, he then swings his right fist straight aiming towards All For One as he created a powerful air cannon wind, going straight to All For One's stomach and as it does, the air cannon hits him, and sends him flying away, the air cannon punch cause All For One to spat out more and more blood of how powerful (YN)'s air cannon punch was way stronger than his...All For One then recovers himself as he couldn't take no more of the beating and is already frustrated about it and just wants to end this already.

All For One: Th-That's enough!! I'm tired of this!! I wont be beaten by my own worthless son!! This time, I'll kill you for sure!! Prepare yourself!

With All For One still having his whole left arm filled with the combination quirks, he started blasting max kinetic booster air cannons towards (YN), (YN) started running down to after All For One as he started dodging them, suddenly, (YN) clench his right hand as his whole right arm started to glow brighter and brighter and soon to have his whole arm growing bigger as well...

All For One: With this final Kinetic booster air cannon, I will add it up to 10x! You won't be able to dodge it nor deflect it!!! This is the end of you and this pathetic city of yours!!!

As All For One started charging up his ultimate attack against (YN), (YN) had his whole right arm charged up as well with One For All as he started saying in his mind while running towards All For One...

(YN) Mind: All Might...I heard you had your battle against my father back when I was a kid, saving me and my mother from him years ago, and I remember you telling me you used an ultimate attack to take him down, it seem powerful, but you didn't had the chance to use it against as the next future symbol of peace, and future number one hero, I will take him down with the ultimate attack! And this time, it will take him down!

Everyone in the city started rooting for (YN) more, his mother as well, Inko, his friends as well, rooting for him back at their homes, and Izuki as well, giving him as many hopes as she can to defeat All For One...

All For One: Thank you for such wonderful comedy you gave me! Because I...Win!!!

All For One release a power Kinect booster air cannon as it was blasting towards (YN), suddenly, (YN) gave out a mighty heroic roar as he suddenly goes through the air cannon and seem like he was able to not be damage by it, he soon arrive in close range to All For One...

All For One: ...No...!


With (YN) getting out from the air cannon blast, he soon swings his whole right arm that was charging up towards All For One and lands a brutal punch to his face as he then yells out....


With (YN) landing a powerful punch towards All For One's face, he then bring himself down and then brutally slams him straight to yeh ground as well with that punch, causing a huge destruction impact, almost causing a tornado around with the punch he gave All For One...after that huge impact, the citizens, Tekka, Inko, Izuki, All Might, Gran Torino, and everyone watching on TV were wondering if (YN) defeated All For One...after the smoke clears, the news reporter from the helicopter can see All For One on the ground, knocked out and also see (YN)...gladly standing up, having his arm raised up, with a a victory pose...

News Reporter: L-Ladies and gentlemen! Our junior hero has won! The villain is not moving and knocked out! The junior hero has saved us all!!!

The citizens cheered for (YN) and gladly were relief that he has won against All For One, All Might smiles, Gran Torino as well, Tekka cried with happiness to see her own son defeat his monstrous father, Inko as well, his friends that were watching cheered as well and we're happy and relief as well..:And as for Izuki, she cried as she was smiling and happy to know that (YN) has won, as a hero...

Izuki: (Y-YN)...*sniffs* M-My hero...

(YN) was stills standing with his heroic victory pose as he smiles and says ...

(YN): ..I-I won...Mother...All friends...and Izuki...I won...I did it.


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