Part 2

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Anti's POV

Dark and I aren't the best of friends, we are always at each others throats and competing with one another. Now that I'm borrower size, and Jack hates me there will be no one to save me from Dark, he reached his hand down and I tried to get away by burying my self in the papers. It sort of worked but my leg was sticking out so I tried to move down deeper but Dark grabbed my leg and pulled me out, he lifted me higher and higher until I was in front of his face. He chuckled and suddenly our surroundings changed and I wasn't in Jacks recording room anymore, I started to panic because now I was sure I was going to die. He was still dangling me by my leg, I heard metal screeching and then he practically threw me into a cage and locked the door. The bars on the cage were packed together and there was little space between them, not enough for me to fit through. "Anti.... Long time no see, you've changed. Oh wait..... You're still a pest." He leaned his face closer to the cage and smirked bearing his teeth, and I noticed something that made my heart stop... He had fangs. I started backing up scared, he left me in there and I hugged me knees to my chest and silently started to cry, I didn't want this, I start to rethink every one of my life decisions.

Dark's POV

I had special plans for Anti..... I hate him, he is fucking annoying and he deserves to die. He is literally a bug right now and I'm trying to figure out what I should do with him. I'll have to torture him in every way possible, even if I kill him. No one cares about him and they have every right to, my stomach growled and I knew how I was going to torture him first. I walked back into the room and saw him crying like the baby he is, I slammed the door behind me and he instantly jolted up terrified and backed all the way up against the bars. I unlocked the door and he whimpered I rolled my eyes and then grabbed him tight and he tried wiggling in my grasp clearly terrified. I love it when people are terrified of me, my stomach growled again and he started screaming I laughed. This was going to be good.....

Anti's POV

His stomach growled and that's when I knew what he was going to do to me, I started screaming my tiny lungs out "Dark!! Please!!" He just laughed and ignored me lifting me higher above his head, he was now gripping the back of my shirt and he looked up at me and opened his mouth. My heart was beating the fastest it's ever been as he toyed with me, he outstretched his tongue and lowered me down and started licking my legs. He then brought me back up and hummed "You're going to go down wonderfully"

Vore warning

I whimpered again and tried to get free, "Somebody wants me to let them go.." I nodded my head and his grip full released me and I realized the mistake I had just made, he closed me in and I ran up banging on his teeth when he started licking me all over, I had to get out of here somehow the saliva built up a lot I heard him hum again as he continued licking me and he eventually tilted his head back and I started going down to the back of the throat. I was sopping wet drenched with a thick coating of saliva and he gulped me down with a sound that filled the quiet room that we were in. His esophagus muscles kept pushing me down until I was in his stomach, This is how I die isn't it. I started to drift off but I wanted to stay awake as long as possible but I drifted to sleep anyways.

Anti's dream ( Anti's POV )

I woke up in Jack's recording room but I was still borrower size I heard a thud and I looked and there was a huge shoe right in front of me. "Guy's! I think I found Anti" A pale hand came down and squeezed around my frame making it hard for me to breathe, what I'm assuming is that it's Jack and he lifted me up to his face and it was Jack. He smirked at me showing his fangs he picked me up by the back of my shirt "Oh, never mind it's a piece of trash!" I heard a voice call out in the distance that sounded like one of the other egos "Well put it in the trash so I can take the garbage out" Jack carried me to the trash can and smirked evilly at me one last time and threw me out. I tried to climb out but before I could someone closed the bag  and knotted it, there was another thud as the bag was harshly placed on the curb and the footsteps grew silent. I had no way out and I was doomed, how did this even happen I just want everything to be back the way it was.

End of dream

I woke back up in my cage and sighed in relief that it was just a dream, but I didn't want to see what else Dark has in store for me so I have to move quick and find a way out of here.

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