Part 4

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I jolt up in my bed gasping for air, I put my face in my hands and start sobbing gently. What did I do......Is that what it felt like for Anti? That was terrible. There was a knock at my door, "Not now" I said sadly to the person, but they came in anyways "Dude are you ok?"

I look up at the person and it was Chase. I shook my head sadly and then told him about my nightmare... He just sat on my bed and hugged me "This is my fault...." I say softly and Chase shakes his head "It's not anyone's fault but Darks, we make mistakes, it's what makes us human"

He released the hug and I felt a little better but not much, he grabbed my hand and pulled me off my bed and, we went downstairs to try and get Anti back.

Anti's POV
I was wandering around the walls of this prison trying to find any exit at all, suddenly my surroundings change and I realized that Dark had teleported me back to where he was. I turn around and he was right there, looming over me, he looked down at me and smirked.

I started backing away but he pinned me down with his shoe, I couldn't move and it sort of hurt, I just heard Dark laughing menacingly and I just wanted to go home. "What should I do with you? After all pests deserve to be forgotten" Tears started rolling down my face and I couldn't stop them.

Dark is going to kill me and there is nothing I or anybody can do about it, everything is going to shit right now, Jack and the other egos hate me, Dark is trying to kill me, and I have no way out of this shit hole.

Dark slightly added more pressure and then lifted me by the back of my shirt. "Pathetic" He dropped me after lifting me really high and I fell to be ground with a thud and something grabbed my ankle and started pulling me across the floor.

I cried out for help but nobody came, I heard Dark gasp and I looked at who was dragging me and it looked like a teenager version of me, he looked to be about 15 or 16 suddenly we were teleported into the place I was before.

"You ok?" He asked me, I stared in awe at him, how is this even possible? I nodded my head, and he smiled "I've never seen another borrower here before" He said, suddenly I remembered what happened in the first chapter, I sort of rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly before he started backing up,

"Wait a minuet..... Y - you have fangs?" But then he realized that we look the exact same.

Anti Jr's POV

I started backing when I saw he had fangs, but then I realized that we look the same, except he's older. I wouldn't be surprised if we had the same name to be honest. I didn't know how the heck this is possible but.... I couldn't just let him die there.

I took a deep breath and stuck out my hand for him to shake, "I'm Anti" he shook my hand and I was right, he has the same name. He asked me if he could call me Jr and I nodded my head, it could get confusing since the whole same name thing.

He started telling me everything all at once and it took me a couple minuets to process the information. "So here's the thing, I'm not a borrower. I was shrunken and that person out there hates me, and is trying to kill me. I know what a borrower is, but basically everyone is trying to kill me."

He slowly started sliding down the wall, he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. I could see some tears rolling down his face. I sat down next to him and hugged him, I know how it feels to have everyone hate you. He just started actually crying now, he apologized for it.

Anti's POV

Jr was hugging me and that's when I started letting everything loose, it's been forever since I've been hugged by someone. I quickly apologized because I knew he shouldn't have to deal with my shit, he just nodded his head then released the hug.

"Look, I don't belong here and I don't know how to get back, I don't even know if I want to go back." He just nodded his head and I was getting annoyed that he wasn't saying anything to me, although this is probably weird to him.

It's still weird to me, I wish I could tell him that I'm a predator but I didn't want to risk loosing him. He's the only person that I've seen since Jack shrunk me, I really needed human contact, even if he's not actually human.

I mean I'm not technically human either, but I don't have my powers. "Why don't you try teleporting home? I mean you have fangs so you must be a demon" I was going to roll with that idea, he can never know what a monster I truly am.

"I can't I got my powers taken away" He nodded thoughtfully and grabbed my hand "Think of your home, and I'll teleport us there" I nodded my head and started thinking about the ego house and what it looked like and my room, what was in it, what colors the walls were, everything.

I opened my eyes and we were in my room on my dresser. I hugged Jr and he hugged back, I whispered a thank you and asked him if he wanted to stay here with me. He nodded his head,

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