Part 5

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Anti's POV

I started showing Jr around my room and he was amazed, I guess it's because he's a borrower and I dunno. Although this made me feel even more terrible about myself because he is so sweet.

I wonder if all borrowers are like this. Then I felt really bad because I'm a predator and I eat them, he can never know.........

Anyways we were having a splendid ol' time when we heard voices and Jr grabbed my hand and ran under the bed to hide because I didn't tell him about the others yet. I heard Jack's voice coming from within the room,

"How could I fucking do that..... What's wrong with me" I could tell he was just walking around looking at all my stuff.

I just rolled my eyes but then I remembered the first chapter again and how Jack wanted to kill me and fear washed over me again, I didn't want to be here anymore.

He sat down on my bed and started crying, I just backed up even more until I hit the wall which made a small noise and then Jack stopped crying.

He got up and I could hear the movement of his cloths indicating that he was bending down.

Jr grabbed my hand again and started running to a random hole in the wall, just as I heard Jack gasp in surprise. He led me throughout the walls until we had to bend over from lack of oxygen.

I started gulping up the air as I felt like it wasn't getting to my lungs fast enough. Now that Jack knows I'm here he will definitely kill me, or throw me out again, or....

Tears started rolling down my face, I leaned against the wall and curled up thinking of all the horrible things that could happen.

Jr took my hand and started running again, I didn't know where he was taking us but I trusted him.

We stopped when we reached a small room, we were gasping for air again. "Hey Jr? D~Do you trust me?"

He looked at me and then said "Of course! Why wouldn't I? You've been nothing but nice to me this entire time."

He's going to find out eventually and he's going to hate you....... Just like everyone else.

Blue sparkles suddenly started surrounding me, Jr backed up a little surprised, "A~Anti what's happening?!"

He screamed out, before I could answer I was suddenly somewhere different. I looked around and I was in my room but on something,

I looked down and I saw pale and that's when I realized that I was in Jacks hands.

I looked up to him and started backing up, afraid now that I was back in the hands of the person who wanted to kill me. I didn't know what to do, Jr was on my dresser that Jack had his back to,

"Anti, Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I fell to my knees and gripped my head trying to block out his lies. I looked back up and noticed he didn't have fangs anymore?

"J~J~Jack? W~hat hap~happened to your f~fangs?" "Those were fake, I was only trying to imitate you so you knew how it felt to be around another predator"

My heart stopped when he said that. Jr was still on my dresser but now backing up and he ran into the hole in the wall. I was still on my knees but I just realized that I probably just lost my only friend who cared about me.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" I screamed at him, he flinched at my outburst, I ran and jumped off of his hand, I had to get to Jr and explain. I landed on the soft carpet and booked it to the hole under my bed and hoped that I could find Jr.

I was running through the halls when I heard soft crying.

Anti Jr's POV

I soon as I heard he was a predator I started booking back into the hole, He he lied to me.... Tears started rolling down my face as I thought that I knew him, I found the room from before and sat up against the wall and started sobbing

"How did I not know? He he was my friend, someone I could trust. As soon as he gets bigger I'll mean nothing to him, I'll just become his food" I placed my head in my hands and started sobbing again.

"Jr?" I got up and ran away, I could tell he started following me "Wait, I can explain!" He called after me, I kept running when something grabbed my arm. I screamed and punched him in the face and continued running.

Anti' s POV

He punched me in the face and he started running again, I fell to my knees and started full on crying, I just lost someone who I considered my friend, just because of what I used to do.

I wouldn't do what I was doing again, not after this experience. Everyone's against me and I'm back to being alone, I. want. to. die. I walked back into the room and just laid down, I just heard squeaking and looked over and it was a mouse.

I sighed and laid backed down waiting for the animal to kill me. He approached me and started sniffing me, "Just kill me already" I mumbled I knew it couldn't understand me.

I heard a gasp and looked over to where it came from and it was Jr. And I just ignored him and laid my head back down. I saw his face looming over mine

Jr's POV

He was just laying on the ground and a mouse was near him and he wasn't doing anything, he was just laying there. I walked over and he had tears in his eyes and streaming down his face,

"Just leave me to die," He turned his head away from me and started crying again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and instantly hugged him. He slowly wrapped his arms around me, and started crying into my shirt.

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