Anti x Murderer reader

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[_] = flashback


I walked down the alleyway by my old school, I hadn't been near here since those days.

["Stay away" I cried tears pouring from my eyes, "no Y/N I won't you faggot!" B/N (bully name) said as they shoved me into the locker and punched me in the gut. Blood sprayed out my mouth onto my their shirt "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" They slambed my head over and over again my blood stuck to the locker, I cried my eyes out that night at home why did this happen to me? What did I do?]

I really wanted to find those who made my life shit, those who made my life a living hell.

[I sliced the blade along my arm letting the blood spill out of it onto the floor underneath me, the crimson mess releasing all the stress that had built up in my system.]

I turned a corner and saw E/N themself walking past the old school doors. I pulled my hood over my head and drew my cirated knife out my pocket, the same 1 I cut myself with, hiding it behind my back as strolled over to them. As I got close I placed the knife across their throat digging it in "ARH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" E/N yelled "revenge" I snarled "Y-Y/N" they stuttered "say goodbye" I whispered before I dragged the knife across their throat their blood splashing down onto my hands. A smile creeped across my face as I giggled, that felt so good to see their pain after all those years of bullying.




I span round knife raised, a man stood their in full black with brown hair and beard in full black clothes. He had 1 black eye while they other shined like a green star, he had a large slit across his throat and a stupid smirk on his pale green face. "Good one" he giggled at me causing my eyes to narrow "if you tell a soul your head will be on my wall" I growled at him which resulted in him laughing quite glitchly and high pitched. "Me tell, why would a demon tell a human that another human killed someone" "that'd explain why you're not dead with a throat like that" I sneered at him "yeah, anyway that was a good kill" "thanks I guess, now what do you want?" "Țő ğëț țő kñøw ýøů beţťəŕ."


"Puppet!" He yelled from upstairs "what's up babe?" I called back "do you know where Sam is?" He asked "isn't he in his tank?" I questioned "no he isn't" he responded appearing infront of me, SQUEEK we both looked over and saw Sam (our pet turtle) on the table "how the fuck did you get down here" I wondered outloud picking him up by the shell "I have no idea" he replied standing next to me teleporting Sam back to his tank. Afterwards he pressed a kiss onto my neck, I giggled at the action and we lip locked "love you Anti" "love you too my little Puppet"

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