{Request} Anti x Half Dragon Reader

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Request by- P4ttka


I was laying on the trunk of an old sikamore tree reading a book with the sun shining over head, I was just outside the human town. Humans didn't like me much as they were scared of me cause I'm a half dragon I have a f/c tail and wings, many people think I can breath fire but I can't, it's so annoying how often the boys from the town shout at me "hey go set fire to someone elses town!" All this was getting to me as I wish people didn't view me in this way I'd love contact with a person without then running off.

I got up glancing at the people who were across across the river from me,  2 men and a woman one with brown hair, a short brown beard and glistening blue eyes while the other had the same hair/ beard but also had a large gash along his throat and gages in his ears, he also appeared to be glitching. The girl had brown hair with brown eyes and was quite tall, they'd likely be scared of me too. As I walked off towards my place I noticed that the 2nd man was looking at me curiously probably freaked out.

Anti POV

Who is that? Their beautiful/handsome (which ever 1 fits your gender preference) I saw them walk away f/c tail sweeping on the ground as they trotted off, "hey Seán?" I requested his attension "what's up Anti?" He asked me confused as to why I'm willingly talking to him "is there a girl/ boy that is part dragon round here?" "Yeah their names Y/N, people are quite scared of them as of course they're half dragon" he expained to me "do you know where they stay?" "Nah I think it's just past town though" he debated "wait why are you-?" But before he could finish I teleported away to where I had seen them, I wanted to see them again.


I walked up to my house, which was a shack I had built up in the tops of some large trees. I flew in through the door to the living room placing the book back on the self before sitting down to a puzzle I had out, I placed a few more pieces before I heard a voice "Y/N?" SOMEONE IS LOOKING FOR ME, I jumped off the sofa flying out my door to find the 2nd man from earlier looking round for me "what do you want?" I growled landing infront of him he looked at me shocked until a smile creased his face "just wanted to come say 'hi' I saw you earlier" he remarked "yeah I know" I smirked taking a step closer to him "you said 'hi' now you can leave" I bared my teeth at him to which he laughed. "What's so funny!" I yelled at him getting in a fighting pose "how defensive you are that's what, I'm not here to do anything bad to ya I just saw that you were alone and thought you could use some company" "and why would a human want to help me?" I barked "bĕĺïēvə mə Į'm ñø húmąņ" he replied his voice and whole body spazaming and glitching around, I backed up slightly "what are you then?" I retorted retaking my step "a demon Puppet, a demon" "pttfff I don't believe that" suddenly he wasn't infront of me. I felt something touching me so I spun round to find him there stroking my wings so I wrenched them away from him "hey keep off their not something to play with" I yipped at him so he giggled "glad your more comfortable with me" "well you haven't tried to hurt me yet" I replied blank faced, "hey do you want to hang out as we are both outcasts?" He asked me putting an arm round my shoulder "sure I guess" I shrugged, I gripped him round the waist spreding my wings flying up to my place.

"I'm Anti by the way"

Another request completed, send them in please.

Author x

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