Getting To Him

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Anti's dark green hair slipped gently through his fingers as he brought them through it, he sat there not wanting to talk to anyone feeling anxious as his mind was a blazen with thoughts about the situation.

Everyone thought he was some kind of psychopath!

To be honest he wasn't, he did like scaring people but he had never killed anyone in his life or attempted to ,even as a Demon. These videos Jacksepticeye put him in made him seem out to destroy everyone when truthly he was just asked to say those things by Jack.

You came into the living room with a tray ladden with cups of tea as you knew he liked to drink it when he felt down, as the warm feel of it running through his throat gave him pleasure. You sat down and asked "Anti would you like some tea?" You asked him hoping he would, otherwise you'd have to result to plan B. "Ñò bābę ìm fįňė" he said breathing heavily onto the gray carpet beneath.

Plan B it is then.

You rose from your seat with little to no reaction from Anti, he just glanced over before resuming his look at the carpet. As you walked into the kitchen, you whipped out all the ingredients for plan B and began to bake away (bake what do you think it is😉). Once done you placed all of them on a plate and brought them into Anti, their sweet smell irradiating off them as you walked. Once the smell met his nose he jumped up rushing over to you yelling in a happy way "ĆÔØĶÎƏ§". You laughed as he stuffed his wide mouth with as many cookies (or for us british folks biscuits😧) as he could. "Ťhãńķ ýøů §ø műčh Ý/Ñ" "no probelm Anti I know cookies always make you feel better when ever you're sad" you smiled getting an attempt at a return one from Anti, as he still was eating the cookies. "I know you don't feel good as Jack potrays you in a bad light but just know this YOU AREN'T A BAD GUY AND I LOVE YOU" you declared while putting an arm around Anti, "Ťhåňķ§ Î łøvë ýøů țøö"

Just as he said it his phone began to vibrate reading 'call from Jack', causing Anti to sigh and answer the phone.


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