Getting to him Part 2

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"Hëłĺø...." Anti replied into the phone, holding it close to his ear, a look of pure anger on his face which he covered up surprisingly well in his voice. "Hey Anti it's Seán I was wondering if you could help me out with a video as people have been missing you in videos" "Ýøů mēąñ ţhėý mī§š țhə fåķĕ më" Anti kind of spat into the phone, "um yeah I guess but would you help please?" "FÌÑĒ §ÌŇĆƏ ÝØŰ §ÂÌĐ PŁĔŠĒ" Anti slambed the 'end call'button before placing his phone aggressively onto the table top.

Anti leaned over to you placing a kiss on your cheek before glitching out the room.

Anti POV

As I got to Seán's house, he had his recording space set up like useal, his same green and black chair was at an angle facing his ajar room door and a couple of games were scattered on his desk.

Seán walked into the room and almost spilled his coffee when he saw me standing in the room before letting out a chuckle at his own reaction. "Awh Anti good to see you, you proberbly want to know what you have to say...." "ñøť łïķę Ï håvə ä čhøīćĕ" I mumbled so he couldn't hear.


When we had gone over the lines enough times Seán pointed the camera at me, we were now in the useal black room we did all my scenes in. I had my useal knife in my hand which made me feel a little uneasy always as I didn't want to accidently hurt Seán, sure he was annoying but I cared about him a small amount.

"Whý ï§ ă ŕąvəń łìķę æ wřįťîñģ đė§ķ? Ïť'§ qůīťê §ìmpļê, bøťh øf ţhěm ćāñ bə ď꧝řøýéđ èäşý. Būť ņøț ⧠ēæşý å§ ýøůř fãvőůřïţë BØÝ'š mįňđ. Ī hèąř ýøù hąvè ğřöwņ ťīřê§òm føŕ mý řêţųřņ ăfțĕř ā whøľə ÝÊĀŘ wįțhőųț mə, whįćh şhów§ ćļěăřłý høw műčh ýøų mûşť wáñţ hïm ĞÔŃƏ! Şó Ì'm hêřë țø āņšwěŕ ťhóşĕ PŁĔÂ'Ş" suddenly the light fell on Seán tied to a chair in the centre of the room. "Bůť høw šhöűłđ Ï ďô įț? Ýőú ťĕļĺ mĕ."And with that I rushed over turned off the camera and set Seán free.

"Thanks for that Anti, but before we did this you wanted to tell me something" Seán remembered "ýéăh Ì ŕəáłĺý wăńť țő şťôp đõīńğ ťhįş ăş įț'§ şhøwįņğ mə țő bĕ şõmèťhįņğ Í'm ńõț" I said glitching a bit from neverousness, "oh Anti I thought you enjoyed this I never ment to make you feel this way buddy I'm sorry I just don't know how to make this fit with what I have you doing in this" "măýbê ýöù ćāň ģəț Řôbįń ťó ĕđįț ýœû ľíķə mé íņşťêăđ őf mê ģľıťćhįņģ şő ýøű ćąń §țįłĺ űşə mé įņ ýøųř vīďĕőş?" I suggested hoping he'd do that so I could be free, "yeah alright buddy I'm sure Robin won't mind" he replied smiling but not as big as me though. "Țhāņķ ýőű" I said giving Seán a one armed bro hug, before vanishing back to Y/N.


Anti appeared back in your living room after about 2 hours with a massive grin on his face, genuine though not evil. He picked you up spinning you round his head, "hě şăíđ Ī çœņ šțœp" "that's awesome Anti" you said as you kissed him slowly on the lips,

"ńôw møřě țímə føŕ ýóù!"


I dont think im going to do the werid writing anymore as it takes so long, so Anti will just speak in bold writing.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro