Muu's S/O (Minah's) Dealings

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(Okay guys! Minah is how I spell the japanese word for everyone. Sorry, ran out of names.  -_-' ............and sorry, this is a long one-shot. There may editing involved later on. -_-' I hope this story at least grabs your heart strings. *_*  ENJOY! :D)

Without realizing it, tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall. My eyes stung.

Surprised I tried wiping my eyes. Only, the tears weren't stopping.

Gritting my teeth I silently cursed.

Damnit. Why does this always happen? Why am I always left out?!

Beating myself up I turned my back on the others. I left the grand hall, hoping to whoever is up there that no one notices me.

Not that no one ever does.

Passing a few fanalis along the way, I kept my head low and walked past them.

Crying is embarrassing enough. If anyone actually sees me......if they see me....

No. I should stop. I can't let my thoughts control me to much.

Thinking so, I reached the grandiose doors that led to outside the palace and slipped out into the night.

Making my way down the tall steps, I tried my best to stop my tears and kept telling myself to stop crying.

Stop it. 

Stop it, Minah! 

You can't cry. 

You should never cry! 

You can't let anyone see you!

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I looked up a bit to see where I was going and stopped cold. Eyes widen in horror. In front of me was a mass of people maneuvering around me to get up the stairs. Some even looked at me with curious glances while others simply looked at me in disgust as salty water poured down my face.

My tears seemed to come down faster as I was frozen in place.





Without a care I shoved people out  of the way and ran like I was being chased. Tears were still streaming down my face.

Running through the crowd, I'm pretty sure I knocked over an official. But really, I don't care. 

I need to get out of here!

I need to run away!







But........why am I running?

I slowed down and came to a complete stop. I kneeled over and began panting harder. My face dried from my tears.

Trying to stay calm I tried telling myself that I was fine and everything was fine.

"Everything is...fine....."

I felt my eyes beginning to sting once again as unwanted images entered my mind.

Muu surrounded by ladies with Lo'lo and Myron.

Three of the ladies hugging him.

Muu, laughing. Seeming used to it.





Being kissed by one of the ladies. And 












Muu blushing.











And smiling about it.

I felt more tears stream down my face and gritted my teeth.

I gave up.

Falling to me knees, I clenched my fists and punched the ground. Screaming and crying.

My screams echoed around me as I continued to fall apart.

I.......really don't belong here.

I seriously thought...................he loved me enough.

When I had ran, I had finally come to a stop in the forest just outside the city. I broke down in the heart of the forest surrounded by dying trees and moss covered ground.

I ended up crying myself to sleep. My last thought being.

I'm really.....such a...........idiot.

~Time Skip!~

I woke up to the feeling of swaying. Similar to the feeling of being on a boat.

Did............I get kidnapped?

The thought left me rigid and I tensed up at the thought.

No. Wait! I haven't even said goodbye to Muu!! 

"You're awake?"

My eyes flew open and I stared, wide eyed at the sound of the persons, a man's, deep yet soothing voice that was all too familiar.


Looking back at me were the red eyes and matching hair of the Fanalis Corps Captain, and also my lover, Muu Alexius. 

Muu gave me a smile like usual as he walked while carrying me bridal style, but I was looking at his eyes and I saw the look of relief showing as clear as day despite being night.

"I'm glad you're awake."

I must be dreaming because the always happy yet serious Muu was showing me an expression and voice I've never seen him give anyone, even me. Someone he's been dating for 2 years.

Concerned, I asked him about it. "Muu, what's wrong?"

Muu froze in his tracks and looked at me like I all of a sudden became a horse. Confused I stared at him wondering what happened.

Sighing, Muu sat on the ground with me in his lap, causing me to blush badly and look down. The last time he did this was.............................................................never actually.

" "What's wrong?" You disappeared during the party and it's been hours since it ended."

I felt his big calloused hand softly touch my cheek and tilted my face upwards allowing him to my blushing bug eyed face, just as I saw his concerned eyes looking at me. "I've been searching for you for hours. I should be the one asking you that."


"Muu, you've been looking for me?"

Muu turned his head for a second before turning back to me and giving me a smile. " Why wouldn't I? You're my lover. It's natural."

A stabbing pain hit my heart and I felt like crying again. Feeling my eyes begin to sting again, I looked down. 

Then, he didn't come because he loves me.

"I'm sorry. For causing you trouble."

There was a moment of silence before I felt Muu touch his forehead with mine with his hand now on my head to stop me from pulling away. 

"Minah, what happened?"

Never let them know how much you've been hurt. Be strong Minah. Keep it together.

But, no matter how much I try to convince myself. No matter how much I push him away, I could never fully keep up my composure in his presence.

What was a single tear drop, became two. Then three. Then five. The tears slowly began building and overflowing. It hurt to close my eyes but I did so anyway as I put a hand to my mouth to stifle my cries.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Muu." Through my tears, I poured out my heart. Sobbing between sentences, furthering my embarrassment. Unconsciously, feeling more pressure from Muu's hand as I continued to tell him my thoughts.

Silence filled the space between us as I cried and Muu held me in place with his forehead against mine. It wasn't much, but, just this action was more than enough for me to know what he meant. Cry as much as you want. I won't stop you. So go ahead and cry. I'm not going anywhere.

And I did. 

I cried and cried for what seemed like a few minutes was actually about half an hour. Sniffling and trying to get myself together, only to break down again. Every time I would think I'm done....the feeling of Muu's hand.....his breath hitting my frozen cheeks....the thought that I will eventually say goodbye to this man....this wonderful man who is loyal to a fault......this man who captured this murders heart.....

I won't be with him forever.

Having calmed down abit, I rested my head against Muu's more. Exhausted from my shameful outbreak, as my head felt heavy and eyes hurting from the constant cascade of tears. Arms and legs limp for no reason other than for not being used for so long. 

Truly shameful.

I felt the pressure from the back of my head be removed, making that part of my head feel cold. Then feeling Muu's large muscular arms circling around me as I felt myself be pressed against his armor covered chest.

"Are.....are you feeling better?" As he spoke, I could feel the breath he took before he asked his question.

I was quiet. I didn't want that moment to end. Pausing for a moment, I lifted my hand to one of Muu's arms, and nudged it away from me. Giving me enough space to move out of Muu's lap. Muu allowed it, his other arm not keeping me in place. I then shifted around so I was facing him, with my head down as I sat on my knees.

"I.. must apologize. I shouldn't have made you worried like that." Looking up, I gave Muu a forced closed eyed smile. "It wouldn't be good if people got the wrong idea."

A small breeze blew by tussling both mine and Muu's hair as we both remained quiet.

What's wrong? Muu usually tries to keep things lighthearted. What's-

As I grew worried, Muu finally spoke up. "Minah. Why did you bring up what others might think?"

Opening my eyes, I looked at Muu in confusion and slight worry. His face shadowed as he waited for my answer. "Huh? Because, it wouldn't be good for you. If your significant other went missing all of a sudd-."

As fast as lightning, Muu had got on his knees and reached out and grabbed me by my shoulders, staring at me with narrowed eyes. I stared back in shock. Muu looked angry, hurt even.

Huh? What did I say? What happened?

Looking at Muu's face, he looked in pain as he stared in my eyes, almost as if searching for something.


One moment he's looking with hurt eyes when I say his name, the next he's hugging me close. He held me close as he pushed me against him even more, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I was stunned. Muu. The gentlemen of Riem. The captain of the Fanalis Corp. He's never acted like this before.

"Minah." Feeling his breath on my throat, I blushed. 

"Y-Yes?" I asked trying to look down at him.

 Realizing my intentions, Muu lifted his head and released one of his arms from around me. As he stared down at me, he brought his hand up to my face and began to stroke it. I just continued to watch Muu in confusion and worry.

Why is he acting like this?

Muu stared at me a moment before he slowly cupped my cheek. Instinctively, I leaned into his palm, wanting to feel warm after being out in the cold for who knows how long. When I looked back into Muu's eyes, I found him giving me a sad smile.

"Minah, I don't know what happened, and you don't have to tell me of you want, but please remember this. I love you. And only you. I don't care what others think about us. If they have a problem then they can deal with it. But, if you feel threatened in anyway, shape or form, then please come to me about it. I want us to deal with it together. I, I want to protect you.........can I ask for that much?" He finished, finally trying to make the situation lighthearted as he gave me a soft closed eyed smile.

I stared at Muu in shock. Eyes wide and more tears threatening to spill over. He loves me? Muu? Thinking that, I felt warm tears fall from my eyes as I continued to stare at Muu. 

Opening his eyes, Muu saw my tears and looked like he about had a heart attack. Giving a worried look, his hand cupping my cheek wiped the tears falling from my eyes as he panicked and began asking me if I was alright.

"M-Muu," He immediately stopped asking me questions and looked at my face in worry. "You.....did you really mean? What you said just now."

Muu gave a confused look before answering, "That I want to protect you?"

"N-No. When.......when you" I whispered, hoping to whatever being is up above and allowing this to happen that he both heard me and that he meant it.

Muu gave me a stunned look before his cheeks began to turn red and he looked to the side, avoiding my gaze. "Yeah. I meant it." He grumbled.

Shocked, I looked down at Muu's chest since he still held me close and slipping out of his hand that cupped my cheek. I felt my tears begin to fall much faster now.

He loves me. Muu loves me. Muu Alexius loves me. My.........My Muu loves me.

"M-Minah? What's wrong?"

Smiling, I raised my head to look at Muu. He looked shocked seeing me smile while my tears fell.

"Yes. I'm fine. Muu," I lifted my hands up to his face and looked into the red eyes of the man that have captured me since day 1. I want to cherish this moment. I want to see his face as say this. I don't want him to have a chance to look away. "I love you."

Muu looked at me in shock for one moment then he slowly smiled. This smile was so much more brighter than usual. It was filled with happiness and glee and all around joy. "I see. Then it's mutual."

Blushing, I continued to look at him as I instinctively leaned away and nodded my head. Noticing my reaction, Muu's eyes began to glint with mischievousness as he tightened his grip around my waist and lifted my chin so I was looking straight at him. He began closing the distance as I felt my face begin to burn. But at the same time, I was also leaning forward as my eyes drifted closed once more that night. Waiting for Muu's lips to meet mine in our very first kiss.

All I can say about that kiss is this: my first kiss was one of many that I shared with Muu.

And I couldn't be happier.

3rd P.O.V~ 

In the weeks that followed, Minah had felt shameful for doubting her lover and had refused to tell him. But she did open up to his sister, Myron, who reported it back to Muu.

When Muu was told the reason, he had immediately dropped everything, and went barreling away to find Minah. Once he found her, had hugged her close and wouldn't let go for the rest of the day and all the next day.

He would have let her go the next day, but she told him how she was going to ask Lady Scheherazade and Myron to help train her to be more lady like. He had pouted and had asked not to. Minah however was stubborn and got Muu to agree. But only if she would be near him for entire day.

From that day onward, Minah became known to all of Riem as Muu's woman, having been seen with the captain carrying a protesting woman around in his arms that he kissed openly and flirted with.

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