Sinbad's S/O (Yein) Dealings

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(Hey Guys! Yukino here! and it's really late at night for me, plus I've been feeling anxious lately. So I thought, 'Hey. I like magi and I'm going through something I feel every strongly at the moment. Why not make it into a one-shot! :D' were my exact thoughts. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

I awoke with a start and shot up from beneath the covers, drenched in a cold sweat.


Even awake, the feeling of hopelessness didn't seem to want to go away. It was like no matter how hard you forget something, no matter how much you try to ignore it, it hangs on and tries eating you alive. Getting you closer and closer to your breaking point.

Panting I held my hands to my head.

Calm down. Calm down. Think of something else. Think of what's around you. Common Yein, focus on your surroundings.

Trying to take steady breaths, I glanced around the dark room.

I skimmed over the dressers and plants that decorated the walls and furniture. I could make out the faint outlines of the two couches and small table in the moonlight that got through the silk curtains that billowed in the sea breeze.

That didn't seem to work. My breathing got heavier and louder, despite my attempts to calm down. My eyes were moving to fast and I kept seeing those horrible thoughts being played out in my mind.


I continued searching around the room, hoping to find something that would calm down these horrifying thoughts. Finally, my eyes landed on the masculine figure next to me in bed. His chest raised and fell in a steady rhythm, signaling that I had yet to wake him up.

Even at the sight of my beloved, and his long, flowing, purple hair, I couldn't calm down.

I grit my teeth and held my head between my hands and knees. Nothings working. Maybe a glass of water. Ja'far always says taking a glass of water calms one down.

As quietly as I could, I got up as fast as I could and slipped on my robe. Still in a cold sweat, I tiptoed to the door and entered the hall way. Closing the door, I made my way to the kitchen on the bottom level of the Purple Leo Tower.

Please don't let me wake anybody up. I don't know what to say if they asked why I was up this late. Thinking about how i would have to explain my anxiety to them, I grew more panicked as my thoughts turned to what awoke me in the first place.

Stop! Stop thinking those things!

Without realizing it, I had sprinted to the kitchen all the way from the top level. The sight of an empty kitchen with no palace servants being awake, was a relief. But I got an even better relief when I spied the water that was to be used for Sinbad's hangover he would wake up with in a few hours or so.

Whipping my head around, I spotted the cabinet that the dishes were stored in and speed walked over to it.

Grabbing a glass, I went over to the pail and got some water out of it. Then forcing my self to calm down, I slowly walked over to a seat at one of the tables and sat down.

Holding the glass like it was a precious treasure that I have always had, I took a drink from the cup. Instantly, the cool water filled my mouth and slid down my throat, giving me a slightly less panicked state of mind.

"*sigh* Well at least it helped a little."


Startled by the voice, I turned around to see my beloved, Sinbad standing in the doorway with a sleepy yet concerned look on his face. Thankfully he was wearing his robe and hadn't come here nude like he was in bed.

"Sinbad? Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"That's fine."

Sinbad made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Is it one of those guys again?"

I stiffened and tried turning away from his embrace. When this had first happened here in Sindria, I myself was quite shocked by it since the last time I had an attack at the time was years before. I didn't have one for a year so I had figured I was finally over it. But when the attack came, it was in broad daylight and I was on a date with Sinbad. Once the attack had hit, I had literally run away from Sin, leaving him in a confused state. Once calming down, I found Sin and apologized and explained to him what had happened. He had been confused at first and I tried to reassure him that it was a one time thing.

How wrong I had been.

With this, this will be the sixth time I have had an attack within the past nine weeks. I felt ashamed really. I didn't want to cause anyone any unnecessary worry, but look at me now.

KEeping silent, Sinbad took my silence as a yes and sighed.

"Hey Yein. Can you stand up real quick?"

Keeping my head down, I nodded my head and stood up facing him, though I kept my eyes on the ground though. I felt tears of shame pricking my eyes and I didn't want him to see them.

Suddenly, Sin embraced me yet again, though this time tighter. Hugging me to his chest as he bent down and buried his face in my neck.

Startled, I had put my hands up when I felt his arms around me as they now rested on his chest. I stiffened yet again from this man's actions. Usually, I would be teasing him or getting mad at him saying he stop using me as a means of escape when all else fails. But with my current state of mind and the time, I froze and was genuinely surprised.

Hesitating, I called out his name.


When he didn't answer, I began struggling to push him away, but he only held on to me tighter. To the point I couldn't breath really. Giving up, I just stood there in my lovers embrace.

After a while, Sinbad's hold loosened, but it was strong enough to know I wasn't going anywhere.


I was staring at his chest, waiting for the moment he would let me go. Instead, I felt his hand cup my face and forced me to look at him.

Even in the dark, I could clearly see my beloveds mesmerising golden eyes as he stared down at me in worry. He leaned his face closer until our foreheads were touching, making me look at him in confusion.

"Yein. At least rely on me in these times. I want to help you in anyway I can. I'll just get more worried if you keep these things from me."

My eyes widened in response. Sin always did what was best for his country, always using every means he had to keep it safe and to form alliances with countries that could help the Seven Seas Alliance. Which always made me wonder why I was special. I couldn't fight. Even in a group fight I was useless. I didn't have power, not even connections to powerful or influential people. I just simply existed. That being said, I always found the good in people and could easily predict what a person would do next, but that was only people I was close with. So, why anxious-filled me?

As I looked into his eyes, I felt at peace like I always have since the first day we met.

Sinbad gave me a slight smile, before kissing my forehead. I blushed a scarlet red at his action and felt my mouth fall open. Seeing my reaction, Sinbad let out a quiet laugh and held me closer.

"Please let me help you, Yein. I want to do something for you. Can't you at least allow me that?"

Flustered to the max, I began thinking of what I should do, or what I should be saying even to get out of this mess.

Sinbad has enough worries as King and head of the Seven Seas Alliance as it is! I can't bother him with these little fits I get every now and then!

As I thought that, I felt myself freeze again.

Huh? ......................I'

Thinking on it, I realized I wasn't even sweating anymore. In fact I felt refreshed, almost.

I was surprised. With all the recent attacks I've been getting, this is the first time, I've calmed down so quickly.

Amazed, I relaxed in Sinbad's embrace and wrapped my arms around him. A soft smile made it's way onto my lips.

"I can't promise that."

Sinbad seemed surprised by this because I felt him stiffen. I laughed quietly.

Not everyday I see this shady man surprised.

"But, I will say this." I pulled away slightly so I could look up at the man I fell in love with. And seemed to keep falling in love with as these months went by.

Looking at my beloveds confused expression, I gave him a smile.

"I will come to you when I can't take it anymore. When I feel close to my breaking point. When I feel like I'm about to go over the edge, I promise, you will be the first to know it from me, Sinbad."

Sin looked at me in astonishment. Then his expression softened and he gave me a breath taking smile. One that always made me feel weak in the knees really.

"Then, I'll hold you to that, Yien."

Giggling, I nodded my head in understanding. We shared a quite moment that was perfect.

Naturally, Sin always makes the first move.

The King of the Seven Seas gave a mischievous smile as he all of a sudden lifted me up into his arms.

"Eep!" I clung to his neck in surprise, making him laugh a little louder.

"Now then," Sin began making his way out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to our shared bedroom. "How about we get some rest? Or are you still wide awake?"

Looking at his face with wide eyes I saw the lude smile on his face.

He** No! I'm still a virgin you idiot!

For the next hour, we stayed up cuddling and talking about the recent events since Aladdin, Morgiana, and Alibaba left.

We fell asleep in each other's arms. The last of my thoughts being:

Thank the Rukh, my virginity is still in tact.

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