Daksh And Elaika

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Anika who is still on the stretcher and Shivay is sitting beside her... With his hands entwind in hers.. The tears continously falls of from her eyes... She kisses Shivays hand hugs it and cries.. Shivay rubs her hair...

Shivay- Anika.. Plz stop crying...

Anika- I ruined everything... Everyone must be upset with me.. Om Gauri I ruined their wedding.. I ruined everyones happines... And yiur happiness... You were so happy for this child and today because of me... These tears in your eyes... Plz dont hate me for this Shivay plz...

Shivay kisses her forehead..

Shivay- Anika I dont hate you... Maybe it was the circumstance... Maybe the God didnt want our child to live in this world.. Its not your fault Anika... I loved you then and I love you now... And I will always love you all through my life... Anika greifs come and go but love stays always...

Elaika walks into Dakshs room...

Elaika- Hey partner.. Whats up?

Daksh hugs Elaika...

Daksh- I am so happy... So so happy... Everything is happening according to my plan... Now Anika lost her child..

Elaika- And as far as we know Shivay Singh Oberois mom..The Pinky Singh Oberoi She will kick Anika out of the Mansion...

Daksh- And then Anika mine and Shivay is yours...

They laugh evilly... Cheering on their first victory

Elaika- So how did your love story start?

Daksh- From the day I saw her in college..

Elaika- College?

Daksh- yes but there also this Shivay Singh Oberoi was with her.. And then when I came to know that Shivay was marrying Tia I tried to get closer to Anika... But it wasnt possible.. As Shaurya was always behind her..

Elaika- Oh God how many men were there in her life?

Daksh- I dont know.. I just know that whenever I wanted to go to her she never noticed me... And then one day all of a suddn she married Shivay... I tied to keep them away... And I planned their accident but the mistake was that Anika was driving and she got injuries and not Shivay... and she went through partial Amnesia... I sent my sister to trap Shivay... Sonia... But she couldnt stay for long... And then I played a game with them.. And in that also they escaped...Urgghhh...I just dont get it... Why the hell is it so hard to separate them...? They keep on saying Anything For you and deal up all the problems...

Elaika- Its ok chill... Thus time they have got really hard party to deal with... Yes.. When we are here lets see who will help them to stay together...

Daksh- You just have lost your child Anika.. Now you will have to lose Shivay.. And come to me.. You will have to come to me.. Coz I love you more than him..

And laughs evilly...

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