I Miss Her!

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Shivay brings Anika back home... He carries her into their bedroom... He makes her lie on the bed... Shivay caresses Anikas face...And wipes her tears..

Shivay- I will get something for you to eat... You must be bored by eating the food which they offered you..

Anika smiles through her tears... Shivay kisses her forehead and leaves... Om comes to Shivay when he is working in the kitchen...

Om- How is she now?

Shivay- Still the same.. Her tears arent stopping... I cant see her like that Om.. It is breaking me...

Om keeps his hand on Shivays shoulder...

Om- Shivay everything is gonna be alright sooon... Haann..

Shivay- I hope so bro!

After a pause..

Shivay- Ek baat bolun..

Om- Ofc..

Shivay- Can I get a hug.??

Om smiles and hugs him right away tightly... Shivay clenches Om.. .

Shivay- I really needed this..

Om wipes out Shivays tears..

Om- You need to be strong... Or else who will take care of bhabhi?

Shivay- Yes.. I will be

Shivay continues to work along with Oms help... He makes something special for ANIKA... Gauri who observed this has tears in her eyes.. She goes to Anikas room and peeps in... She looks at Anika holding a photo frame and crying... Gauri walks away... Shivay enters and looks Anika in the same position...he goes to her and sits beside her..

Anika- I miss mummah so much today...

Shivay side hugs her...

Anika- you know Shivay... When I was small.. I used to trouble her alot... After all I was papas princess na.. Then mummah used to tell that one day when she will leave me... I am going to miss her terribly...After she departed.. I found my Mummah in Pinky aunty... But today I really miss her... I wish she could be here with me.. Why is it always us Shivay? Why God testify us this much? What does he want from us? First my mom left me.. Then  my baby left me.. Tomorrow you will leave... You will not leave me na Shivay.. Will you? Tell..

Shivay hugs her tightly..

Shivay- Anika.. No Anika listen to me... I am not going to leave you never... I have vowed that we will live together and due together... I have vowed that all your sorrows are mine.. And I promise this pain will also heal by time... Its just the matter of time Anika.. And all will be well soon...

Shivay wipes Anikas tears and makes her eat what he has made for her... She eats it and makes him eat too... After a while she falls asleep...Shivay drapes a blanket over her and leaves the room... He goes to the balcony and stares at the sky...

Gauri- Adoring the sky?

Shivay looks at her and smiles.. Gauri goes to him and stands beside him..

Gauri- God plays different games with human...kisiko deke azmaate hai to kisise leke azmaate hai... Its just about testing us..

Shivay- Anika she is so broken.. Shattered...all these days she never mentioned about her mom... But today she sat hugging her mom and wished if she was here..

Gauri- You know what bhaiyya.. I believe who ever die they become stars.. They arent in our lives but the spread light in our lives when they arent with us...

Shivay- That means Anikas mom is also one such star?

Gauri- Yes..

Shivay smiles and looks at the sky..

Shivay- You know Gauri I just love stars... From childhood... They give you pleasure.. When you are stressed just look at them.. They spread happiness through their light...

Gauri- I agree...There is nothing as beautiful as these stars to be watched..They are so soothing... Relaxing...

Shivay- I wonder we were brother and sister in our last birth..

Gauri- Who were lost in excursions?

They both laugh...

Shivay- You believe in rebirths?

Gauri- No.. You?

Shivay- No...

They smile and stare at the stars together..

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