13. Romancing my fuggy secretly ..

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Thanks for the huge response...

Oh my god!!!! 101 votes... So soon... My first ever story to achieve this in the 12 th chapter itself... Unbelievable... Thanks for the love and support... Feeling like flying in the air....

Special dedication to my silly buddy Shakiabhigya who nagged me to write some romance... Tried to write my level best... Hope you all will like this...

Dedicating this chapter to all my buddies here... Im a person who did not believe in one day to celebrate or cherish a thing... For me friendship is a very valuable thing and I can do anything to see smile in my buddies face...

So, I dont think a single day is enough to wish, celebrate and cherish friendship... But for me all the days are friendship days and I always cherish those friendship for all the 365 days... Enjoy all your days and value the friends you have ..

Thank you so much buddies for all your immense love and support...

No baks baks lets move to shot. 13:

Abhi is fuming like anything .. He could not control his anger as no one is allowing to see his fuggy... His anger rose like a mountain as they are not even allowing him to talk in mobile too...

The travel to the secret  place for marriage is a mere torture for abhi as dadi accompanied him... Abhi sulks and his irritation is clearly visible in the face...

Abhi: Its unfair dadi...

Dadi: All is fair beta .. keep calm... Just 3 days na.. Then she is all yours... Who is going to stop you afterwards...

Abhi: But dadi...

Dadi: Its ritual abhi... So only, Im doing so beta... Lets do one thing... You have three days na... We all know many things about pragya... Why not you gather all the infos and keep it stored in you and impress her...

Abhi: Oh my god dadi... You are unbelievable... You are shutting my mouth very easily...

Abhi hugs dadi and hears and gathers about many infos about pragya... The three cars are moving along with 2 big vans...

In one car abhi and dadi along with the driver is there followed by purab, bulbul and the cook robin in the other car and the third one with arjun, aaliya and pragya....

One van is full of pragya's orphange people and the next van with the stage decorators, make up artist and the wedding planners completely handled by Abhi's pa uma...

They reached the place which is completely secured... No one other than with the security access can enter inside the place...

Abhi make sure that no harm should touch his loved ones... After a lot of scanning and interviewing, all the people to take care of wedding were selected... Even arjun and purab make sure and checked their loyalty, reputation and even their family backgrounds too...

All enters inside after the security check... Everyone is awestruck to see such a beautiful place... The kids from orphanage giggled and shouted in happiness...

Abhi just have a glimpse of his fuggy's  smiling face on seeing the children's happiness... He felt contented on seeing the mesmerising smile of his fuggy but he could not near her as everyone is surrounding her ..

Abhi fumes and enters his room and lays on his bed ... He could not sleep a single minute... All he want is to have his fuggy to be with him for some time...

After thinking a lot, Abhi calls his p.a. Uma...

Abhi: Hello uma..

Uma: What's it bhai??? You sound so low... Are you okay???

Abhi: Not at all fine uma... Im not feeling well...

Uma: Shall I ask aaliya di or dadi to come there??? Or shall I ask the doctor to come to your room???

Abhi: You stupid girl... Dont do any such stunts okay...

Uma: 😂😂😂😂.... I know bhai... You want to meet bhabhi na...

Abhi: Hey how did u know tht???

Uma: I know bhai.... Dont worry... Your love will come there in few minutes... But make it fast bhai... Only half an hour... If anyone knows, they will kill me for sure...

Abhi: Oh my sweety... I will make sure no one touches you ..

Uma giggles and cuts the call and thinks how to distract everyone and to make pragya go to abhi's room....


After sometime, pragya peeps into abhi's room and sees him completely covered in duvet... She sees abhi shivering inside... Pragya panics and rushes and goes near abhi...

Pragya: Suniye... Abhishekh ji... What happened??? You okay na...

Abhi: Fu... Fuggy... (Coughs)... You came... Im not feeling well fuggy... (Coughs) Im having fe... Fever... And im shi... Shivering in cold...

Pragya touches abhi's forehead and worries a lot as its very hot...

Pragya: Suniye... Shall I call the doctor or shall I ask dadi to prepare any kada for you... Have you taken any tablet??? Wait... Let me prepare some soup... you will feel better...

Abhi: No... No...fuggy... Just be with me.... Please...

Pragya does not know what to do.... Abhi's face makes a naughty smirk but suddenly he changes his expression as if he is not well...

Abhi: Fuggy... If you dont mind, can you just come near me ... I will feel better...

Pragya does not think about anything all she want is to reduce abhi's shiverings... Pragya hugs abhi but she felt fishy as Abhi's hands and body are completely cold...

Pragya finds that something is wrong as abhi's body is very cold .. she gasps in shock when Abhi tightens the grip and touches pragya seductively...

Pragya: Su... Suniye... What are you doing???

Abhi: Im doing what iv to do... Its been almost 36 hours 15 minutes and 35 seconds 14 milliseconds since I saw you....you are very bad fuggy... You did not missed me na...

Pragya: Me too missed you so much... But what to do... Dadi strictly told me not to meet you.. But how did u get fever and shivering all of a sudden and how you are fine now???

Abhi made a sheepish smile: Top secret... leave that... Now you came na darling... Im fit and fine... Fuggy...

Pragya: hmmm...

Abhi: Fuggy...  Shall I???

Abhi starts to close the distance between them... Their hot breaths starts to mingle... The heart beats are rising rapidly.... Their lips are inch apart...

Suddenly, they felt a vibration between them... Abhi's mobile starts to ring spoiling their romantic moment .. Abhi felt really irritated bur picks its as the call is from uma...

Abhi: what's it uma??? Still 10 mins left na...

Uma: sorry bhai... You are in danger... Dadi, dasi and aaliya di are coming to your room... So, make sure that bhabhi is not in your room...

Abhi: Huh... Okay...  Bye... God... Why all are desperate to pour water to my romance... Too bad...

Abhi cuts the call and informs pragya to go to her room... Pragya's face saddens... Abhi pulls her by waist and give a quick kiss and ask her to smile... Pragya kissed abhi's cheeks, smiles brightly and moves to her room...


The next day, all are having breakfast... Pragya too comes down to have breakfast... Suddenly pragya is being pulled from a pillar... Pragya scares and about to shout..

But something sweet enters her mouth... Pragya's face glows as its her favourite chocolate but her jaws dropped when those chocolately lips are sucked softly by abhi....

Pragya blushes too hard and moves to the table... The kids from orphanage sees pragya and make a questioning look...

Kid 1: Di... Why your cheeks are red???

Kid 2: Di... Did you had chocolates??? But why your face too had chocolates???

Kid 3: Did you steal the chocolates from any ant family di???

Pragya: Hoye... What's that???

Kid 3 : you lips are swollen di... So, I thought may be ants have bitten you for stealing their chocolates...

Bulbul and Aaliya who hears all their convos starts to laugh aloud making pragya to embarrased to the core... She mentally slaps abhi for making her a laughing stock... Abhi watches all this from behind the pillar and smiles brightly...

Bulbul: Its not many ants kiddoos... I think a big ant has bitten pragya...

Aaliya: Haan... Haan... A big mischievous ant who is hiding behind the pillar has done for sure... Why not we ask dadi to look after that ant???

Abhi who hears this horrifies runs to his room... Pragya giggles on seeing the scenario...


That evening,

All gets ready for the haldi ceremony... Dadi makes arrangement in such a way that Abhi and pragya does not see each other's face... A big screen is kept inbetween them...

Arjun and purab keeps on teasing abhi...

Abhi: You two are good for nothing...

Purab: why are you talking like this abhi???

Abhi: Then what??? You guys are not helping me... Jiju... I dont know what you will do... I want to meet your chotti after the haldi cermony ends... Got it???

Arjun: But Abhi... Dadi will kill us if she knows that we allowed you to meet chotti....

Abhi: That's none of my concern... Do it or.else...

Arjun: Okay... Okay... Let me do it...
But dont make much time abhi... Please...

The haldi ceremony was really a happy moment for abhi and pragya... Though they dont have parents, they feel blessed to get the blessings from the orphanage people...

Dasi keeps on teasing abhi and pragya... Purab and Arjun are making plans on how to make abhi meet pragya without the knowledge of bulbul and aaliya also... They are worried that if they are caught, they have to face the wrath of their wives and have to sleep in couch...


In the mean time, Nikhil is fuming like anything... He anyhow manages and tries his level best to find details about the orphanage...

But to his dismay, the whole orphanage is being vacated without any notice... Nikhil enquired the nearby places but no one knows any details about where all those people in orphanage disappeared all of a sudden...

Nikhil is boiling in rage as his dream to get the girl is being disturbed often... His frustration level is getting its  peak .... He is annoyed when he gets a call from Tanu...

Nikhil: Tanu..   Im not in a mood to talk .. Dont irritate me okay... Lets talk tommorrow ..

Tanu: Listen to me bhai... Nothing much... Just called to remind you about the heir matter... I have found out a clue bhai...

This old man is having a secret room in the underground... I think his secrets are there I guess...

Nikhil: Good job Tanu.... Try to grab those details from him....

Nikhil cuts the call and engrossed in deep thoughts...


In the other side, the rituals ended in a grand manner... All are very happy... Pragya is glowing like a golden doll and her face has a beautiful smile which adds up to her beauty...

Arjun and purab drags pragya without the knowledge of aaliya and bulbul...

Pragya: What is ajju bhai and puru bhai??? Why are you two dragging me like this??? Dont tell me that my suniye has threatened you...

Purab: Exactly he did the same..

Pragya: He is such a sweet heart bhai... Why you two are trembling like this???

Arjun: Chotti... You know only the love sick Abhi... But the terror businessman Abhishekh Mehra is highly dangerous pragya... No one can bear his anger and wrath...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Okay... Now tell me what iv to do...

Purab: just 10 mins... Go to abhi's room....dont delay a single second please..

Pragya giggles and enters abhi's room... Pragya is dumbstruck to see the room is beautifully decorated with candles amd flowers... Abhi stands there with his ever smiling face...

Abhi: So, how is it???

Pragya: Amazing...

Abhi: just a sample for my fuggy... The main picture is in our suhagraat...

Pragya blushes and hugs Abhi tightly...

Abhi: Fuggy... You are happy na..

Pragya: Yes... Im so so happy... Thanks for coming in my life abhi...

Abhi: Haldi is not yet over my biwi.... I have to apply haldi to you na.

Pragya: How are you going to do??? Did you have haldi with you???

Abhi pulls pragya closer... Abhi starts to trace pragya's face with his haldi filled face... The little hairs in the subtle starts to tickle pragya and she feels  some unknown shiver in her spine and a big zoo is running in her stomach...

Abhi and pragya are hugging each other tightly and is enjoying the moment to the fullest...They heard the knock at the door... They did not mind about that and enjoying their secret romance...

When Arjun and purab is about to barge inside the room, they felt a gentle tap on the shoulders and their face became pale as if they have seen some ghosts...

The screen shifts to a person who is shouting angrily while talking in phone..

"You useless fellow... Where did that abhishekh and family went? Try to trap them... No more arguments .. Let me see how that Abhishekh Mehra gets married..."

The murdeous laughter of that person echoes the room...

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will abhi and pragya gets married without any interruptions????

Can they lead a happy life???

Will the villains mess up in abhi amd pragya's life????

To know more stay tuned...

A long update na... Almost 2275 + words ... Not edited as no time to proof read... Forgive me for grammatic mistakes as im completely sleepy while penning down..

Cast your votes and pen down your comments...


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be


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