17. Dreamy suhagraat or Horrible suhagraat???

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Thanks for all your love and support... I'm so happy that this story has become my 3rd story to cross 110+ votes (that too 3 chapters crossed 110 votes) and with a maximum of 111 votes in previous chapter...

Now to shot. 17:

Abhi whistles happily and rushes to the room as finally his dream to make his fuggy as his will be going to come true in few minutes... The long wait of his six months carvings and longiness is going to be fulfilled in their suhagraat....

Abhi with a happy smile imagines that his fuggy will be seated in the middle of the bed in the bridal lehenga covering her face in veil with a blushy smile waiting for Abhi to come and lift the veil .... This thought itself makes abhi to giggle in happiness....

Poor abhi does not know the fact that his dreams are going to be shattered because of his over protectiveness and stupidity.... Abhi enters the room with a happy smile and keeps the do not disturb board outside and locks the room carefully...

He checks the locks too properly so that no one disturbs their romantic night and interrupt their morning romance too.... After checking everything is perfect, abhi's heart starts to beat fast...

Abhi turns to see his fuggy as per his wish... But to his dismay and misery, pragya is dressed up in her usual long anarkali but her face is not at all happy... Instead abhi can feel that a fuming and boiling volcano is erupting in his fuggy's face...

Abhi gulps hard and he couldn't figure out what made his fuggy to get angry so much... Abhi horrifies and runs and kneels before pragya....

Abhi: Fuggy darling... What happened???? Why are you so much angry??? Did anyone say anything to you sweetie????

Pragya: Its youuuuuu..... Why not I kill you???? Move away from me
Mr. Abhishekh Mehra... Never dare to touch me... See... You have to sleep in that couch for three months and never ever dream that we will have our suhagraat today....

Abhi: whaaaatttt 😨😨😨😨 😱😱😱😱😱.... why???? You are kidding me right fuggy....

Don't pour water in my dreams sweetheart.... My long term wish to have my fuggy in my arms will be shattered dear ....  Please darling show some mercy on me na...

Pragya: Its not me... Its you who spoiled everything.... You spoiled all my dreams... You poured water in my romantic night... You have made me angry with your irritating behavior and I will not forgive you so easily abhi.... Sleep in the couch so that you will realize your mistake...

Abhi: Arrey... This much anger.... Calm down baby... What did you do abhi???? Fuggy darling... Still I could not figure out what mistake  I have done....

Pragya: Dumbo...  what else left to do abhi... Call everyone right now... I will give you two minutes.... Dadi , dasi, aaliya bhabhi, arjun bhai,  purab bhai and bulbul should come to this room... They will tell you what have you done...

Abhi: Is it necessary fuggy???

Pragya glares: 😡😡😡😡....  call them or else???

Abhi gets really scared and calls everyone to come to their room immediately.... Dadi knocks the door and they all gets inside to see the pitiful look of abhi and anger filled face of pragya...

Dadi: what happened abhi beta??? Why did you called us hurriedly??? Pragya you are fine na...

Abhi: She is alright dadi... Your bahu only asked me to call you all .. She is hell angry on me dadi and I cant understand what mistake Iv done....

Pragya: Why will I not get angry on you, the dumbo and irritating husband of mine.... Everyone please look at this room and see what he has done here...  Tell him that my anger is correct only..

Just then all scans the room and all bursts into laughter seeing the room set up for suhagraat.... Abhi blinks why all are laughing madly like this...

Abhi: Why all of you are laughing like this???? Are we doing some comic shows here???

Dadi: 😂😂😂😂... Too bad abhi... I did not expect this from you... You made pragya angry... So face it on your own...

Dasi: Dont leave him pragya 😡😡😡😡... Teach this stupid abhi a good lesson and punish him.... Spoiling everything...  abhi you are really an idiot to spoil your own suhagraat..

Arjun and purab laughs hard irking abhi to the core...

Arjun/ purab : so abhi... No suhagraat for you today for sure .... 😂😂😂😂😂..... Enjoy sleeping in couch man... All the best abhi.... 😂😂😂😂... Chotti dont leave your so caring husband....

Aaliya: I did not expect this from you chottu... I thought you will do something romantic for pragya but you spoiled everything..... Pragya do whatever you wish.... I will support you....

Bulbul: 😂😂😂😂😂.... so Bhai... You mood off my buddy pragya... Too bad...  How many days punishment for you????

Abhi pouts: 3 months...

Bulbul: 😂😂😂😂.... You deserve it bhai.... Enjoy... Good job pragya....

All left the room laugjing very hard irking abhi to the core and adding fuel to pragya's anger...

Abhi: Fuggy... Fuggy darling... Please na... See no one helped me... Tell me why all are scolding and laughing at me.... What mistake have I done to face everyone's wrath....

Pragya: Don't you know what's tonight???

Abhi: How will I forget that sweetie??? Its our suhagraat.... My long term dream... I myself  did all the arrangements for this....

Pragya: Dont irritate me abhi...

Abhi: Arrey... I have cleaned the room with my own hands and made all this set up for our big night....

Pragya: 😡😡😡😡😡😡 .... Idiot... Dont say this as a setup.... Is it looking like suhagraat room... Atleast I expected some balloons or some artificial flowers or atleast  a heart shaped pillow or atleast some nice bed covers.... Huh... Idiot...

But what have you done..... Is it anyways looking like suhagraat room??? Is there anything to say romantic in this room???? Who the hell will get romantic in this set up???

You stupid hubby of mine spoiled my mood and  making this room as a mini hospital.... Do hell with your set up... I wont forgive you abhi for making me irritated in our suhagraat and shattering all my dreams... Go and sleep in couch... Never dream to come near me...

Abhi: Fuggy... Dont say likethat please... I thought its needed and I believed it will make you comfortable...

Pragya: Do hell with that... Go and  hug and sleep with your setup... Im going to the guest room if you did not move away from me and sleep in the couch...

Abhi: sorry fuggy... My mistake... Sorry for spoiling your mood... You sleep in bed... I will sleep in couch... Dont go away from my sight please....

Pragya: Alright... Move away... Im feeling sleepy ..

Pragya sleeps in bed... Abhi sighs and changes his dress and looks at his fuggy longingly...

Pragya: your looks wont work out abhi... Im not going to forgive you soon.... Sleep now or else...

Abhi covers his face with duvet not to irritate his fuggy anymore... But he could not sleep a bit at all... His mind is filled with dirty thoughts to make love with his fuggy... But he could not do anything as his fuggy is hell angry on him...

Abhi thinks really hard how to cool down his fuggy... He could not get any clues how to get apology from his wife... The great Abhishek mehra who is a terror ,  angry man is fearing on seeing his naive wife's anger...  He thinks on and on to cool down his fuggy but sleeps over powers him because of the tiresome day he had...


The morning sun rays peeps in irritating abhi to the core... He gets irked as who has the guts to open the curtains in his room spoiling his mood in the morning itself...

Abhi is very much  angry to know that its only 6 in the morning and he knows pretty well that its his fuggy's rude behavior and revenge for spoiling their suhagraat... Abhi sighs and closes his eyes...

Abhi covers his face with the duvet completely and drifted to sleep again.... After sometime, pragya who comes there really gets irritated to see abhi sleeping without having a glimpse of her...

She scans the room and makes an evil smirk and smiles to implement her plan... She places the tray with coffee in the nearby table and writes a note and keep it along with that... She takes the jug full of water and makes a smirk and pours the water on abhi....

Abhi shouts : What the hell???? Who dare to pour water on The Abhishek Mehra... I will trash you idiot....

Abhi gets up in fury but does not find anyone there... Just then he notices that a tray is placed near him with his morning coffee and a note with that...

Abhi took the note and reads...

" Dear Irritating husband,
Dont scream to the top of your lungs .. No one is going to come and console you... Just a small teaser to start your day... 😂😂😂😂... Enjoying my love...

Alright... Be a good boy and smile now .. arrey smile my love... Haan that's better.... Smiling abhi is hot and sexy than  angry  abhishekh... Go and freshenup and come down okay...

By the way, I forget to tell you...  I thought of forgiving you today if you have woken up earlier and waiting to see my face .. But you lazy goose is sleeping full covered...

So, 😂😂😂😂.... No forgiveness given today sweetheart... Come on hurry up... Get ready and come soon in half an hour or else your breakfast will also be cut..... "

Abhi takes a deep breath to control his anger and he knows pretty well that his anger is nothing in front of his fuggy's anger... He gets up and goes to washroom to freshen up...

Abhi comes down exactly in half an hour... Pragya is smiling brightly on seeing abhi and wishes to serve the breakfast she has prepared for him...  But abhi ignores that and takes an apple and settles in the living room itself making pragya to feel really hurted...

All watches the cold war going on between abhi and pragya... A smile crept on their faces but none says anything and they continues eating their breakfast....

Abhi gets busy with calls and some pending works he had... The orphanage head along with the kids and staffs comes there followed by Abhi's p.a. Uma...

Uma: Okay bhai... We have to start earlier... Thanks for inviting us for your wedding... Happy married life bhai... Have fun and enjoy well...

Abhi:. Thanks uma... My pleasure to have you dear... Take care... Will come to office soon... Purab and Arjun jiju wil resume theirs works from tomorrow... So, they will take care id everything... Just keep a close watch and inform me if there is any problem okay....

Orphanage head:  Thank you mr. Mehra   for your nice gesture towards us and to the kids .. we really feel happy to be part of your big day...

Abhi: No sir... I have to thank you all for  coming and making me happy... You did a big thing to me for taking care of my pragya all these years....

Hey kiddoos... Did you all enjoyed here... Did I really take care of all your needs??? If there is any mistake or if I did not fulfilled any of your wishes , please forgive me...

Kids: No uncle... You are very very good... We enjoyed a lot...

Abhi: Aww...That's so sweet of you all... Just a moment kiddoos, I have a gift for your all...

Orphanage head: Mr. Mehra... You did a lot for them... You gave them the best of the clothes, world class food, awesome place to stay and what else left.... Its enough for them to be Happy for a long time...

Abhi: No sir... Its a simple thing I did... But I want to give them life long happiness... If you dont mind accept this gift on behalf of me and my wife pragya...

Its a simple thing sir... This is a document of a property for the new orph... No ... Pragya's new home for  children... There I have constructed a big building for all to stay.... Everything is set up nearby...

My aaliya di and my loving sister bulbul will manage the orphanage works and takes  care of all the needs under the guidance of my wife pragya... Its just a small gift for taking care of my pragya all these years...

Orphanage head: I dont know what to say Mr. Mehra... Really we are very  happy...  pragya is a very lucky girl to have a husband like you... You are a very good soul... May god bless you with all happiness.... Have a longa and happy life and stay blessed...

Abhi: Thank you so much sir... Kiddoos are you all happy??? So,you all are going to new home...

Kids: Yes uncle.... Weall are happy...  You are too good... We love you...

After sometime, they all leave the place after thanking abhi so much.... Dadi, dasi, aaliya, bulbul, arjun & purab appreciates abhi a lot for doing such a big thing whole heartedly ....

Abhi expects his fuggy will atleast smile on seeing him..... But abhi horrifies on seeing his fuggy crying very hard and huffing and panting in need of breath....

So, what has happened???

Why is pragya crying???

No villains today too....

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Dont mistake me.... Im feeling that Im boring too much now a days by giving long shots... Some people are commenting "update soon", " continue soon", "waiting for next update" , some even ask some questions alone... But not a word how am I writing...

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Dont know how to impress you all... Im not talking about my buddies who never fail to appreciate and encourage me whatever I write...

Sorry, if Im boring you all.... Please ignore my stories if its not upto the mark..... Im not forcing anyone to read..... Sorry again if my words hurts anyone....

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Yours buddy,


Signing off

Will be


Words used: 2500+

Forgive me for typo errors and grammatical mistakes if any...

Sorry again if I bored you...

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