18. What's needed in marriage??? ...

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Very happy to inform you all that this story has crossed a big milestone ...

This story has become my 6th story
(After loving husband, i fell for your eyes, i want my fuggy, arrogancy vs attitude, from the day I met you) to cross 10000+ reads with a maximum of 114 votes to its credit with 8 chapters crossing 100+ votes...

Im so happy this story is one of the well appreciated work of mine from my lovely readers and supporters .. Hope I will keep up to your expectations and write something nice further too...

Soon it gonna cross another big milestone too very soon... Fingers crossed..

So, here is the new cover for this story... Seriously Im getting obsessed in making new covers often... Anyone need covers for your stories or dps for your profiles, just ping me... Im ready to do it for you ....

(This is the original edited photo)

No more bak baks...

Now to shot. 18:

The newly married bride Pragya Abhishek Mehra is fuming and boiling in anger... The naive, calm and innocent pragya is completely turning into a terrific and boiling volcano...

All credits goes to her beloved husband Abhishekh prem Mehra for digging his own grave and making pragya to turn into a angry, mogambo mode... Already pragya is very upset with abhi as he spoiled their big romantic night and also not minding to see her in the room when she is awake....

Pragya who decides to forgive abhi came very happily to see him but the sincere businessman was sleeping peacefully covering himself fully  ... Already irked pragya, writes a note and comes down pouring the full jug of  water on abhi...

Pragya's anger reach its peak when abhi did not mind to look at her when he comes down... Pragya who strained hard and prepared all the food which are abhi's favorite for breakfast is waiting eagerly for abhi to have it... Its her long term wish that in the first day of their wedding, her husband should eat it in her own hands...

But abhi being a spoiler sport always, poured water to his romantic time with his fuggy... He again and again messed up everything unknowingly... Just to tease his wife fuggy , Abhi did not look at her...

He smirks and whistles , takes the apple in his hands and moves to the living room and engrossed himself busy in his work.... He did not spare to look at her too and pragya is completely irritated with abhi's rude behavior...

Everyone in the house are watching the cold war going on between abhi and pragya... No one says anything and interfere in between them as they want them to settle their issues on their own and to get patched up by themselves...

Pragya couldn't take the neglect of his husband anymore... She being a loveless soul all her life started to think too much and moves from that place.... Her eyes welled up automatically...

Pragya did not bothered what is going on outside and what has abhi done for her... Pragya neither heard the talks of abhi with orphanage people and she failed to notice the big thing abhi has done on behalf of her...

Pragya is drowning in her own misery... She is completely upset as her husband is not at all paying any interest towards her and didn't mind to eat the food she has prepared for him... Her angry looks itself sqeezed the apple in abhi's hand into trillion pieces....

Silly pragya could not understand the fact that abhi is just teasing her and playing with her... Abhi has  been drooling only her for a long time from upstairs without her knowledge ..

Pragya's pov.: Why??? Its me... Why there is no one to love me??? Why is abhi ignoring me like this??? He is doing it purposely to irritate me or did not he like  me at all...

Did abhi stopped loving me as I did not allow him to touch me on our suhagraat??? He only did a mistake and makes me get irritated by his over protectiveness...

Seriously, I got really upset... There is nothing romantic in the room... How will I forgive him for ruining the most important moment in our life???

I can't take that very easily... I accept he cares for me a lot but he should not do like that... Its the time to enjoy our togetherness but he destroyed everything with his stupidity...

Now from morning, he is purposely ignoring me... Did abhi stopped loving me??? Just a night passed since we got married... But instead of making me smile you are making me cry abhi...

Im hell angry on you abhi... Don't come near me and don't talk to me... Go and hug your laptop, mobile and pillow alone.. your permanent place is going to be couch only...

Your puppy look is not going to work on me... Let me see what you will do... You dare to come near me, I will ask dadi, dasi and aaliya bhabhi to punish you and my two bhais will teach you a good lesson..."

Pragya comes out from kitchen after a  long time... As all are busy in sending off the orphange kids, everyone failed to notice that pragya is missing when the most important event takes place there...

When pragya comes out,  abhi is really busy in an international client's call... Pragya looks at him longingly but he is talking happily to them smilingly and not paying any heed to her...

Abhi did not know that pragya is looking at him as he is completely engrossed in finalizing a big deal... Pragya is irked to the core because abhi is not at all looking at  her and hot tears rolls from her eyes...

Pragya's mind and heart are not in control and her anger is blinding the love which abhi has on her... Her insecurities, her loneliness all these years, the sudden ignorance by abhi starts to suffocate pragya a lot...

She feels her world will come down... Her head starts to spin... She holds the chair near the dining table tightly... Her breast starts to pain and heart is bleeding with the cold attitude of abhi....

Pragya's breaths starts to get uneven... She is huffing and panting and she could not open her mouth to call anyone.... She could not move to get her medicines too...

Just then abhi cuts the call and turns smilingly to look for his fuggy... Abhi is way too shocked to see pragya in a miserable state... She is looking completely pale and sad but anger is flaring in her face...

The red blood eyes, the dried up tears, the uneven breaths, the way she holds the chairs really makes abhi scared to death.... Abhi shouts fuggy and rushes to hold her... All comes out hearing abhi's shout....

Pragya didn't allow abhi to touch her and she protests a lot... Hot tears rolls from her eyes...

Abhi: Fuggy... Fuggy.. what happened to you???? Why are you like this sweetie??? Did anyone say anything???

Pragya: You... 😭😭😭😭.... You only...

Abhi: Fuggy.. fuggy... Dont cry na... Please .. It will increase your problem.... Purab.... Go and take pragya's medicines.... Aaliya di make something hot for pragya to drink.... Bulbul take the nebilizer... Quick everyone....

Inspite of pragya's protest, abhi gently took her in his arms and makes her to sit in the living room.... He helps her to have her medicines and pats her back to control her breathing issues....

After sometime pragya calms herself down... She pushes abhi's hand who is holding her hand possessively....

Pragya: Dadi... Ask him to move away from me... I don't need his fake concern on me... Please dadi ask him go from here...

Dadi smiles on seeing pragya's silly anger on abhi... Dadi speaks: Okay... Okay... Calm down pragya beta...  Dotn stress yourself... Abhi move off from here...

Abhi is startled and frowns: Dadi... What are you saying??? How can I leave my fuggy when she is not well???

Dasi: Enough abhi... Dont stress pragya... Go out for sometime...

Abhi: I won't go anywhere dasi... She is my wife... Have you all forgotten we got married yesterday and I have all rights to be with her.... No one dare to say to move away from my fuggy...

Pragya: Now only you know that Im your wife and your fuggy... Liar...

Aaliya chuckles on seeing the scenario and the childish complaints of pragya.... Bulbul, arjun and purab does not know what to do to calm down pragya who is blaming abhi for no reasons....

Aaliya: Chottu... Its your mistake only... Why did you ignore pragya??? Why did you make her angry???? So, you won't be forgiven soon...

Abhi: Aaliya di... This is unfair.... Im not fault...

Bulbul: How can you do like that bhai??? Why didn't you eat pragya's hand made tasty food??? You spoiled pragya's dreams bhai.... So, you shouldn't be forgiven...

Arjun and purab too joins them in bashing abhi.... Poor abhi doesn't know how to console his fuggy...

Abhi: Alright... No one is there to support me na... All loves pragya and not me na... It's okay.... I dont need anyone... I have my fuggy for me... She will love me 100 times more than you all....

Pragya... Take your own time... Calm down your anger... Don't stress yourself.... I don't like you to get sick often.... Take care sweetie....

But remember you are abhi's heart beat.... Abhi can't live without his fuggy for even a single second too.... This Abhishek mehra is ready to do anything to see your smile... But, dont say I didn't love you...

I love you more than anything in this world... You are only my soulmate always.... Even death can't separate you from me.... Smile happily sweet heart... Your abhi will wait for you with all the love till his last breath....

Abhi smiles and kisses pragya's forehead and move to his room... Pragya doesn't know what to do.... She is twisting her saree end in confusion...

Dadi holds pragya's hand and pragya lies her head in dadi's lap...

Dadi: pragya beta... I know it's a small misunderstanding and I know you are insecured and questioning abhi's love on you ....

It's quite natural between husband and wife to have misunderstandings... Fights , teasings, expectations are common between people who are married...

Remember you both are loving each other a lot... You two are bounded in a beautiful relationship of marriage.... Never lose your trust on your husband... Getting anger and all is quite  common and it's your right on your husband...

No one will say anything to that and no one will come between you two.... But never allow any misunderstanding to spoil your beautiful marriage and love...

Trusting your love and hold your husband tightly... Never allow anything to break your relationship and  believing your spouse is very important in a marriage....

You should not have a single doubt anytime in your life whether abhi is not loving you or not .... You are abhi's life pragya... You are his everything.... Don't allow him to move away from you...

Go and grab his collars and fight with him... Do whatever you want with him... You only have all the rights... He should never dare to ignore you any a time and dont leave him easily or forgive him so soon for the mistakes he have done...

Is that clear pragya??? The arrogant Abhishek mehra should dance to your tunes... He should not say no to you any time... Go and get him... Run to him and punish him with your love... Go beta...

Dadi, dasi, arjun, aaliya, bulbul and purab shows thumbs up to pragya... Pragya smiles brightly and gets up in determination to fight for her rights.... All laughs on seeing pragya and abhi's childish silly fights....

Dasi: didi... Today abhi is going to face an angry lioness... 😂😂😂😂😂....

Aaliya: Haan... Haan... But I know... Abhi's love will cool pragya for sure...

Dadi: Okay okay... Check whether the foods are ready... Don't disturb abhi and pragya...  Let them sort out the issues and come down happily...

Bulbul: Chill up dadi... I will go and keep food outside the room and message bhai.... They can spend sometime together

Arjun: Why not we lock the room from outside after that???

Purab: wow... Brilliant idea jiju.... The lover boy abhi will be on fire and he will surely calm our chotti for sure....

All are very happy to execute the plans and prays for their togetherness and happy life...


Pragya enters the room with boiling anger.... Abhi is seated in the couch and is engrossed in deep thoughts....

Pragya gets inside and holds abhi's collar tightly.... Abhi is confused and shocked to see pragya's angry mood....

Pragya: you idiot Mr.mehra... If you dare to ignore me, I will kill you... How dare you to do that to me???

Don't you know who Im... Im pragya Abhishek mehra.... Do you want to face the wrath of the terror business tycoon's wife.... Ask sorry to me...

Abhi chuckles on seeing his fuggy's childish antics: Oh Im so sorry pragya madam....I wont repeat my mistake.... Sorry for the inconveniences caused.... Please accept my sincere apologies...

Im so sorry.... Its my mad love on my fuggy.... I cant control myself when its comes to my fuggy's well being and health.... I can go to any extreme to make my fuggy happy....

Pragya glares at abhi angrily: Liar.... Don't bluff okay....

Abhi: Seriously fuggy... I can do anything for you.... Won't you believe me...

Pragya: Really.... you can do anything for me...

Abhi: Yes.... Ofcourse... Order me... I will do it...

But poor abhi doesn't know that he is going to hear a shocking punishment from his fuggy....

So, what is pragya going to do???

Will their problems sort out soon????

No more villain's entry in  today's chapter too....

But next episode villains will come up for sure...

So, how is the chapter... Did you all like this shot???

Dont forget to cast your votes and pen down your views....

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


Yours buddy,


Winding up....

Will be


Words used: 2400+

Not proof read.... Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors....


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