21. The plan behind the sweet punishment...

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Directly to shot. 21:

Abhi asks Pragya to come and sleep with him... Pragya is sweating too hard that her plan shouldn't gets flopped, by any means
... She nervously walks and moves near Abhi..

Abhi pulls Pragya closer... She falls on his chest... Abhi hugs her tightly and  closes his eyes with a bright smile in his face... Abhi didn't do anything but the closeness of his bare skin is evoking the senses in Pragya....

Pragya is struggling very hard to control herself... The intimate position, the half naked husband of hers, his hot breath, his tickling subtle on her skin is making pragya's hormone levels to reach its peak... Pragya is very nervous and is trembling in fear....

Pragya's pov: Control... Control... Control yourself pragya... Don't cross your limits... Just 24 hours left... Be in your limits... Don't do anything stupid to spoil the plans..

Abhi deserves all the happiness... His wishes has to be fulfilled by me... I have to shower him with all the love I have on him... But I want to make everything special for him as he is the one who showed me what love is....

I know pretty well that this abhi is doing everything purposely... I accept my dear husband, you are a great seducer... You know my weakness fully abhi ... Your closeness is enough for me to go weak losing all my self control...

Don't do this to me abhi... Please... I am doing it everything on a purpose and I want to show and prove you that your fuggy is also madly in love with you and can go to any extreme to make you happy....

Abhi... I love you so much... Please understand that your fuggy is not at all angry on you... I am just doing it deliberately and played with you saying that im giving punishment and all... Im waiting for the right time to give the maximum happiness to you ...

Abhi... You are my prince charming and you are the dream come true for me abhi ... You are the first person in this world to love me like this... You gave me a family which is filled with all the important persons in my life..

Never in my wild dreams too, Iv imagined a life like this... Iv a fear always that no one will like an orphan like me... I even have a doubt that I won't get married and will die at old age without being loved by anyone..

I always fears for the loneliness and many a times, I cried that why am I not blessed enough to have a  happy life for me????

I am always shattered and broken down with the bitter reality of my life that Im the unwanted kid to my parents and they thrown me in trash within the hours i was born...

I always builds a wall beneath me and doesn't want to build up any hopes on seeing any happy family... I cant control myself that whenever I saw any such family, my eyes will well up that why I have a cursed life???

Everything changed in my life after you came in my life abhi... I heard people talking about love, marriage and happily ever after with their soulmate...

I thought its only for blessed people and I curse my fate always that no one is there to love me for the sake of courtesy too... I never dreamt to have a life of a fairy tale...

But you made to feel that Im the most blessed and lucky one in this whole universe... What have I done to get such love from you abhi??? Why are you loving me like this abhi???.

I don't know whether I deserve to get  your love or not.... Each and every action of yours shows your love for me... Im trying a lot to prove that I too love you so much...

I can very well see your love in your gestures, actions, care, anger, naggings, pleadings, warnings, threats, blackmails, even I feel your love in your smirk, pouts and smile too...

I want to wipe away the bitter past of yours abhi and I want to be a medicine to your broken soul... I want to give myself to you on the day which you thought as the cursed day of your life....

I want to start our life on the same day and I want to erase all the curses of your life.... I don't want your past to haunt you anymore and I want it to replaced by my love for you...

I was very nervous and worried how to tell that on the day of our suhagraat... But poor abhi, you made my work way too easier.... When I entered our room on our first night, I was extremely shocked and stunned to see the room...

Really abhi, no one in this world will get such a caring and loving soulmate... How much you care for me??? The moment I decided that Im going to fulfill all your wishes... I executed my plan and acted pretty well...

But the shocking twist is that all in the house too supported me... Later the next day, I explained to everyone and asked for their help... All happily wished me and helped me to fulfill my plans...

Abhi is always a package of surprises... The surprised gift to the orphanage is which I never expected... My mind screamed at that time to run and kiss my abhi as much I can... But I controlled myself that I don't want to back away from my plan and acted as if I don't know anything...

But today, this abhi is hell adamant in seducing me... He is purposely doing everything and acting as if its happening accidentally.... You are too bad abhi...

See now also this abhi is making me turn on... He said to me that he want to sleep near me... But this abhi is too much... He is hugging me as if Im his teddy bear and even air cant pass between us...

His body is completely entangled in mine... He is touching me as intimately as he can... Huh.. control pragya... Close your eyes tight... Don't react and sleep soon... "

Pragya tried hard and slept off in her husband's embrace dreaming about their happy life... But poor abhi who is acting till now opens his eyes as he didn't find the expected reaction from his fuggy... Abhi admires his wife who is looking like a little baby...

Abhi smiles and kisses pragya's forehead and he wishes to give all the happiness for her which she has not yet got till now... The smiling face of his fuggy is all he want to see and he hugged her tight and drifted to sleep....


The next day morning, pragya woke up lazily in her bed... She gets up from her bed and stretches her hand... She finds the bed side empty and abhi is no where to be found in the room..

But pragya understands that abhi is about to fulfill the punishment she has given to him... She smiles brightly on seeing a note and a tray with flask full of tea and a plate of biscuits too is placed in the side table...

The note reads...

Fuggy.. my love... Don't search for me today... Im in this home only... But as you insisted, Im hidden from your eyes and I wont meet anyone in this house too today....

I will prove you that my love is very strong... I will surely get over your punishment and we will meet tomorrow morning exactly at the same time sweetie...

Love you so much... 😘😘😘😘😘... Will miss you too badly today... But I don't have a problem as  Im going to watch all the videos of your cute antics which is recorded in my phone till today morning....

Smile brightly... Get ready sweet heart.... Your abhi will pass this test soon and is waiting for your call to come back to you...

I will make you mine soon my little wife and after that Im  damn sure you are going to run behind me .. Love you soooooo much.... Have a bright day filled with abhi's thoughts... "

Pragya blushes too hard and gets ready to execute the plan... She gets freshen up, dressed up and comes down to see everyone seated there in the dining hall...

Pragya: Good morning....

Dadi: pragya beta... You came... What happened to this abhi??? Why he is locked up inside the guest room and is not permitting anyone to enter inside???

Dasi: Did you guys fight again???

Pragya: No... No... Dadi... Dasi.... Its a deal between us...

Aaliya: pragya... How about your plan??? Did chottu find out anything???

Pragya: No bhabhi... He is not aware of anything... I just said that Im giving punishment to him and he has to hide away from me for 24 hours and not to trouble anyone too and he shouldn't enquire about me to anyone ...

Arjun: Chotti... This is too too much.... Poor abhi... I hope nothing wrong should happen... you are testing his patience and his immense love on you chotti....

Purab: ya chotti.... I hope everything happens as planned... As the time nears, Im getting very much scared...

Bulbul: shut up purab... Don't scare pragya and you are scaring everyone...

Pragya: Ya me too has a fear for that... I don't know what will happen if abhi finds about the date... Im worried much about that ..

Aaliya: Don't worry pragya... I think abhi has completely forgotten about that day as his mind is filled only with your thoughtsand your love... So, you can very well implement your plan and I hope abhi will be happy after that and will forget everything....

Pragya: But bhabhi... I want him to talk about that to me and pour it out what's inside his heart before we start our life....

All shouted in unison: whaaaattttt????? Are you mad pragya....

Pragya shuts her ears on hearing their loud screams....

Pragya: Why all are shouting and scaring me like this???

Dasi: Pragya beta... Think before you do anything... This is not a child's play... Its your life pragya... You don't know anything about abhi's anger and he will lose his sense if he is reminded of his past....

Aaliya: But dasi... How long will abhi run behind that past??? He has to come out of that na... I have a strong confidence in pragya that she will bring back our abhi back to us fully...

Guys... What say??? You all believe in pragya right???

All nods their head as yes... Dadi didn't reacted to anything and is staring at the ceiling trying to bury the sorrow of their lives... Pragya who is expecting for dadi's wishes is worried to see dadi like that...

Pragya: What happened dadi??? Am I doing anything wrong????

Dadi: No... No... Beta... No one would have thought like you... We are really blessed to have a bahu like you... Abhi is  very lucky to have such a loving and caring wife like you ...

You are an angel in our dark life pragya... Stay happy and I know god will bless you  with all happiness... Abhi will surely understand you and I know pretty well that you two will become the best couples for sure...

Pragya blushes and hugs dadi happily...

Bulbul: So, pragya shall we start our work...  Are you all ready???

All cheers to execute the plan... Abhi who is not aware of anything happening inside the house is planning for the family trip and arranging for the dresses and room bookings and all.... He arranged for tickets and wishes to take them in two days for the trip....

Later at night , pragya is getting ready beautifully to present herself to her husband.... Aaliya and bulbul helped pragya to dress up and look like a diva... Arjun and purab has arranged the room as per the wishes of pragya...

It was past 12 o'clock... Pragya smiles brightly and walks slowly towards the guest room in which abhi is sleeping... Pragya is blushing too hard and is way too eager to know how  abhi will react on seeing her....

Pragya slowly knocks the room door... Much to her surprise, the room is not at all locked... She gets inside the room and is shocked to see the room is completely dark...

Pragya is horrified as the darkness of the room is creating a sense of fear inside her mind.... She starts to sweat heavily and is getting nervous to take a step further to see what's going on inside the room..

The silence of the room is making her mind to scream with many silly and negative thoughts... She composes herself and gathers all her courage to look for the switch board....

Pragya switches on the light and is praying that nothing wrong should have happened... She turns to look for abhi and is completely startled to see abhi in that state...

Pragya is heart broken to see abhi like that... This is what she feared the most.... This is what she never want to see in her life... This is what she want to wipe away from him....

Pragya's heart starts to bleed on seeing abhi's condition... Her eyes starts to well up and her throat is drained and no words escaped from her mouth....

Pragya can't take it anymore.... She cant control herself... She gathers all her courage and she knows pretty well that her love will help her to bring back her abhi to her fully....

Pragya screams aloud and cries
" Abhiiiii.... 😭😭😭😭😭"

So what has happened????

What made pragya's happiness to gone???

What is the condition of abhi???

What is abhi's bitter past???

Will abhi and pragya start their life happily???

To know more stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2375+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and silly grammatical mistakes if any as it's unedited....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Signing off

Will be


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