20. Humma Humma...

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Directly to shot. 20:

Pragya is completely in the spell of Abhi... Abhi's tricks to seduce his wife, his fuggy is completely a success and she is reacting to his sensual touches and is drowing in passion and desire ...

Abhi being a spoiler sport always stops in the middle, as he is getting out of control.. He leaves pragya abruptly and goes and sit in the bed... He fears that pragya would have mistaken him for sure for doing like that. .

Abhi ruffles his hair, takes deep breaths to calm his urging hormones... Pragya is boiling in anger and is in full rage as abhi has left her just like that... She gave a death glare on seeing abhi....

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... I went out of box... Sorry, I didn't meant to cross the limits... But what shall I do??? When you are near me, Im losing all my self control and Im getting out of my senses ...

Pragya yells: Do hell with your sorry... Am I looking like a fool to you abhi???

Abhi: Whaattt??? I said sorry na... You only said that I have to get your punishments before having our suhagraat ... Sorry darling...

Pragya: Sorry my foot... Who wants you sorry??? My dumbo husband.... huh.. Why are you hell adamant in spoiling my happiness and interrupting our romantic time always???

God... Why this is happening to me always??? Stupid abhi... why are you doing like this ??? I can't believe you are the same abhi who is way too romantic before marriage... You have completely changed after marriage abhi...

Tell me directly abhi that you are not interested in romancing me... So, you are not at all ready and you don't want to make love with me right???

Abhi shouts: What the??? Who said like that fuggy??? Im longing and carving for that... Fuggy... Im madly in love with you and I want you to be mine completely as my wife sweetheart...

I want us to be husband and wife in true sense... How can you say that Im not interested in love making??? Silly girl... I planned a lot yesterday... But, You only stopped me and punished me in our suhagraat....

Pragya: Huh... Is it so??? You seduced me now right and I too accepted na... Then why did you leave me now in the middle idiot??? Can't you do what you started???

You turned me on , seduced me completely but you stopped at correct time... What will I do with you??? You are hell adamant in irritating me na ... Don't you have any sense abhi... You are spoiling our moments again and again...

Abhi smiles : That means you are okay with that darling... 😱😱😱😱.... Im such a fool... Sorry baby... I spoiled it again na... Wait... Don't get upset sweetie... Let me make up for that and we will surely do it now ..

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂... Time over... Golden chances never repeats... Stay where you are ... Don't step forward... You lost your chance my dear hubby... so sad for you... Nothing doing before you get the punishment...

Abhi: 😱😱😱😱... Its not fair...

Pragya: All is fair... You are very eager to get your punishment na... Then Im ready to give that.... Promise me that you will do it ...

Abhi: Huh... No one is villain to me... I have become a villain for my romance .. God...why is it happening to me???.

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... Its all your fault... The great business tycoon Abhishek Mehra who rules the business world doesn't know how to impress and love his wife but failing miserably because of his stupidity...

Abhi: Hoye... Who said you like that??? I will impress you pretty well... I will show you how Im great in romancing and loving you...

Pragya: Oh... Let me see that... Now listen to me okay... Are you ready to get the punishments????

Abhi: Yes .. I have no choice na... Go ahead... Im all ears...

Pragya: Alright... First thing is we are not going to honeymoon...

Abhi: Whaaaattttt 😱😱😱😱??? This is not done...

Pragya: Shhhh... No questions or interruptions in between... We are not going to honeymoon alone... It's going to be a family trip and all will join with us .. I want my family always with me...

Abhi really feels happy on hearing that... He really feels proud of his fuggy for loving his family so much...

Pragya: See... I have a reason for that... Aaliya bhabhi and arjun bhai, purab bhai and bulbul too are also married only six months back and they too can spend some happy time together...

Moreover, we can't leave dadi and dasi alone here... So, its better to be a family trip... It's finalized and no further arguments ... One week trip... Place is your choice...

Abhi: Okay done.... Next...

Pragya: There shouldn't be any secrets between us... Whatever happens good or bad , we have to share everything... Even if its hurts too, we have to convey whatever we have in our hearts...

No hiding or any secret between us... Remember you have to say about your whole life to me including your bitter past too... Promise me you will say that. ..

Abhi is completely startled and his eyes welled up automatically... Pragya rushes up and wipes his tears ..

Pragya: Abhii..... Please don't cry... I want to be your soulmate in all sense.... I want to be a healing medicine to all your bitter wounds... So, promise me you will say about your past to me without hiding anything...

Abhi: Okay... I will say that to you... But today Im not in a mood for that... Will you give me some time for me to say that later??? Please...

Pragya: Alright... Take your own time... But remember, I will ask you when the right time comes... You have to say me everything...

Abhi: yes... I promise you... I will say everything to you...

Pragya: So sweet... Next is ... You shouldn't come to this room or see me for atleast for one whole day until I call you... No cheating okay...

No phone calls... No questioning or troubling anyone and you should not ask about me what am I doing??? No hide and seek... You should not enter this room before I call you...

If you did that I will not forgive you for sure... Your place to sleep will be in couch only if you didn't obey this... How is it??? Nice punishment na...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨 ... Whaattt??? This is too much fuggy... How can I be like that fuggy??? Better I will sleep in couch, rather than doing that...

Pragya: Oh...Then let me extend the punishment for one year...

Abhi: Whaattt... No... No... You are blackmailing me fuggy... Alright just a day na... I will manage... I will go to office and make myself busy...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... The condition is you are not going to office abhi.. You have to be in this house only and stay in guest room all alone for one day ...

Abhi takes a deep breath: Alright .. You are hell adamant to test my love and care for you na ... I will win it for sure...

Pragya: Even I want you to win... And remember after you did all that, you dare to spoil my mood, I wont forgive you for sure...

Abhi: No... No... I won't do that.. Im not a fool... Now I understand what my fuggy's wish is... I will make you to drown in my love for sure... You will become a love sick puppy than me... 😉😉😉😉...

Pragya: Ahaan... let me see to that later .. Can we start this punishment from now on???

Abhi: I have one request from my sweet fuggy... A simple wish of a husband please... Don't say no to me...

Pragya: Yes go ahead .. what's your wish...

Abhi: I want to sleep today with you in bed.. Im ready to start the punishment from morning... My long term wish to sleep with my fuggy hugging her tight... Please... Please...

Don't glare at me fuggy... I promise I won't cross my limits for sure... I just want to hug and sleep with you... I wont kiss you too... If you permit, only a forehead kiss before sleeping...

If you are okay, I am also ready to accept my punishment..... If not, Im not going to do that and you have to forgive me without any punishment.... Please na... A small wish of your husband...

Pragya: huh... I find something fishy in your wish... No hidden motives right...

Abhi: No... No... nothing like that... I'm an innocent man... Believe me...

Abhi's pov: oh my god!!! I can't cheat this fuggy... She is really getting to know what's in my mind ... Great escape abhi... Silly girl believed me so easily... I have to show you na what your abhi can do...

Today's night is a trailer for you fuggy.... I'm gonna completely seduce you today, just by my hug alone... You stopped our suhagraat na... I will show you what all I have suffered ... A sweet revenge baby...

You itself will come to me... You will carve to be touched by me and you will force, threaten and blackmail me to make love.... I will do it fuggy .. Ours is a different kind of romance 😂😂😂😂😂....

Abhigya chit chat for a long time happily as they were locked from outside... Pragya and abhi sit in distance as its pragya's order... Abhi didn't mind that at all and excuses himself and is busy in searching the place to go for the family trip ...

Abhi starts to sing songs while making and searching for all the arrangements ... All the songs which abhi sings are all romantic songs.... Pragya finds abhi's behaviour very strange... Her cheeks turns red on hearing the sensual songs...

After sometime,

Abhi: Hey fuggy... All done... Everything finalized .. Let me confirm with everyone tomorrow and will plan accordingly...

Pragya: Abhi... Aaliya bhabhi messaged me that food is ready... Shall we have the dinner???

Abhi: Ya sure sure why not???

Abhi is in a complete mission to seduce his fuggy... He keeps his face innocent and pleads his fuggy to feed him saying some lame reasons... Pragya knows very well that abhi is acting but she is happy that his abhi is carving for her...

Pragya feeds him happily but abhi teases his fuggy so much... After their dinner , abhi pouts and sits with a sad and dull face...

Pragya: What happened to you now??? Why are you sad??? You are going to sleep with me as you wished right....

Abhi: Its not that fuggy... Do you know fuggy??? Iv a long term wish to dance with you but as you are not well, I didn't forced you to dance in our engagement n haldi too... Huh... My wish is not gonna fulfilled... Poor me not blessed to do that...

Pragya: Is it a problem??? If you want we will dance when you want???

Abhi: Aww... So sweet of you... If you don't mind, can we dance now??? Just one song is enough... I will lead you and you no need to strain at all...

Pragya: No hidden motives na...

Abhi: No not at all...

Abhi starts to sing humma humma and starts to dance with pragya sensually... Pragya finds it very hard to control her urging hormones with the closeness of abhi...

Pragya takes a deep breath as abhi says that he is tired and asks her to come and sleep with him... Pragya really feels nervous to sleep with abhi... She starts to sweat hard as abhi removes his shirt and falls in bed...

Pragya gulps hard and she fears to go near the bed... Abhi calls pragya to come soon as he is feeling very sleepy.. Abhi pulls her and hugs her tightly....

Abhi is very happy that his plan is working pretty well.... But, pragya is sweating hard that she should not lose her self control and her hidden plans should not get flopped...

So, what's gonna happen next??

Whose plans gonna win???

What is pragya's hidden plan???

Will abhigya lead a happy life???

Will there will be a problem because of the villains???

To know more stay tuned....

Today only Abhigya's scenes for you all to enjoy....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...

As usual a very long update of 2180+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

So, the story is going to the next phase very soon.... Abhi's hidden dark past will be revealed soon and the person behind that... The villains gonna meet abhi and pragya soon... So abhigya vs villains are going to set the stage on fire...

Hope I will keep up to all your expectations and impress you all...
Expecting all your love and support to write further..


Yours buddy,

Winding up...

Will be



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