22. I'm nothing without you...

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Warning: Read at your own risk.... Strictly no bashing is allowed....

So lets move to shot. 22 directly:

Pragya has dressed up beautifully for the joyous moments of their lives which is going to mark their togetherness and unite them as husband and wife in true sense...

She is waiting restlessly for the right time to come... When the expected moment arrives, Pragya's heart is jittering with varied emotions.. She is turning pinkish and all blushy blushy with the thought of being with her Abhi...

She closed her face and smiles coyly... She takes a deep breath and checks whether everything is perfect in the room for their suhagraat as she planned... She wants everything to be best for her Abhi...

Pragya has willfully decorated the room with her own hands... The room is adored with beautiful heart shaped balloons and a classy bed spread is placed with heart shaped pillows... The room is set up with dim light making the room to look romantic in all sense...

Pragya with a wide smile takes baby steps and nears the guest room in which abhi is sleeping... Pragya's heart is filling with varied emotions and she is very eager to know how abhi will react on seeing her and after hearing that they are going to have their suhagraat...

When Pragya is about to knock the door, the door creaks open and its quite a surprise for Pragya as she didn't expect that at all... Much to Pragya's shock, the room is completely dark without even a single bit of light...


Pragya's pov.:

"Oh my God!!! Why this room is like this??? This much darkness is suffocating me and bringing in negative vibes inside my mind... No... No...

Stupid Pragya... At this auspicious and good time, why are you thinking like this... Don't be a fool and superstitious... Nothing wrong is happening okay... Don't panic... Take a deep breath...

Calm down Pragya... Don't stress yourself .. This is the moment which you expected in all your life... Nothing should spoil it at any cost... Be happy and cool..

Whatever happens, remember you have to be abhi's support... You have to be abhi's savior and dont get sad or afraid... Be brave and do it... "

Pragya takes a deep breath and walks ahead... She stumbles in her steps as something pierced her legs... She feels a stinge of pain but she didn't mind that and walks ahead and searches for the switch board...

When Pragya switches the light on, her throats dried on seeing the sight there... She frozes on her steps and hot tears rolled from her eyes uncontrollably on seeing her Abhi's condition ..

This is what everybody in the family fears the most ... This is what Pragya never wished to see in her life... But the bitter dark past can push anyone to do like this without minding anything...

Pragya's hearts bleeds on seeing abhi's devasted state... The room is completely in a mess... Things were scattered all around... Many things are broken into pieces

Abhi is crumpled like a trashed paper and is in a complete devastated state... His eyes are in blood red colour... The charm, the love, the cool attitude of Abhi can't be seen by pragya...

Rather she sees a fragile man who is looking like he has lost everything in his life and has no reason to live in this world.. He is starting at the ceiling and no sort of emotions are visible in his face....

Strains of tears are clearly spotted all around his face... Some sort of bruishes and rashes are found in his body because of breaking the glass items....

Pragya gulps hard and sits near abhi and caress his head lovingly...

Pragya: Abhi...

Without saying anything, Abhi pushes Pragya's hands and  moves away from her... Pragya is completely shocked by abhi's cold behavior... Pragya moves even more closer to Abhi...

Pragya: Abhi what happened to you???

Abhi (in a cold tone) : Get out from here... I don't want to see anyone today... Go away from me Pragya....

This is not the Abhi, you loved and married... This is Abhishek, the heartless monster..  Get out before things get ugly between us...

Pragya: Abhi why are you talking like this???? I'm notgoing anywhere... Why I've to go??? You are my husband and I will be with you only...

Abhi yells: Can't you hear what I said??? Don't be stubborn and irritate me...  Just leave me alone...

I dont want to harm you... Get out from here before you regret for my deeds... I want peace.... Just go away from my sight... Get lost... 

Pragya (in a stubborn tone) : I said I'm not moving anywhere.... I don't mind whatever happens to me... Even if you kill me too, Im ready to bear that.. Im not going to leave you alone today...

I know pretty well about you... You wont hurt me at any cost... One more thing, this is going to be the last day to end all your miseries...

I will be with you only... No one dare to get me out of this room unless and until I take you out with me for sure... Let me see what happens ..

Come on... Do it whatever you wish for... Im ready to face anything... Just go ahead.... Im not scared...

Abhi: Pragya... Please.... 🙏🙏🙏🙏.... I beg you...  Go out from here .. I don't want to turn into an animal... Don't trouble me today...

Pragya: I don't care... Come with me or I will be here only... By the way, call me fuggy and not pragya...

Abhi fists his hand in fury and hits the wall near pragya and she gets jerked up with abhi's rude behavior ..

Abhi (shouts): Shut up ... Don't make me angry... You are boiling my nerves... I don't mind to push you out... Get lost from here...

Pragya : Abhi please... Won't you believe me... Im your fuggy... I know your dark past is haunting you... This is the worst day in your life...

But I want you to forget this day and move on... Please abhi... Lets end all these sadness... Let it be a new beginning abhi... Please trust me abhi... I will help you to come out of this....

Abhi's eyes welled up: Did you know what day is today??? (Pragya nods her head as yes) Then how come you ask me forget that fuggy??? 😭😭😭😭... Just go away from me... Dont near this cursed man....

Pragya: Try to forget that Abhi... I will be your support .. I love you so much Abhi...

Abhi is crying very hard not able to to control his emotions and pragya hugs him from back... Abhi pushes her and folds hands before her...

Abhi: Please go away from me Fuggy... 😭😭😭😭 ..  I don't want anyone in my life... Your love has made me mad and I lost my senses completely... I forget my condition and married you...

I forget my priorities after seeing you... Your smile made me to forget everything...  Why did you come in my life fuggy ???

Im a dirty and stained man who is a son of an ugly monster ... Please leave me and have a happy life fuggy 😭😭😭😭😭... Im not worth for your love fuggy....

Pragya: Why are you talking like this Abhi??? I love you so much and I can't live without you... Please don't push me away from you 😭😭😭😭..

Abhi: Try to understand me fuggy... You know na I hate your tears... I love you so much but I fear to lose you fuggy...

You are my everything fuggy and what will happen if I failed to protect you from that monster... He will surely try to find you.... Please go away from me 😭😭😭😭.... I cant see you in misery...

Pragya: Nothing will happen to me Abhi ... No one dare to near me when my Abhi  is there... Please Abhi...  I will be with you only... 😭😭😭😭😭

Abhi: You are an angel in my  dark life fuggy .. You are the one who made me the happiest... You made me to smile and you made my life colourful and worth to live for ..

You are the reason for the birth of a cool n happy go man Abhi from the arrogant and rude Abhishekh mehra...It's  all because of you...

But I don't want you in my life anymore...😭😭😭😭... Please go away from me fuggy and live happily...

Take whatever you want... Money, jewels, properties whatever you wish for..  Have a happy life fuggy... Smile always which I want to see in  you always...

Get married to a man who will keep you happy... I will arrange for divorce too soon.. Thank god.. You are still a virgin... So, there won't be any problem in marriage too...

You will get the best man for you fuggy... All the best sweet heart... Im not blessed enough to have a happy life with you.... 😭😭😭😭... If you have a happy life, I will be the happiest....

Abhi felt a stinge of pain in his cheeks... Pragya is standing there furiously and slaps him again hardly... She pulls abhi's collar in full rage...

Pragya: What the hell you think of yourself??? What rubbish are you talking???? How am I looking to you??? Am I a cheap girl???

Tell me... Am I a bitch or a money digger??? How can you talk like that abhi??? What happened to the 7 vows you have given to me???

Tell me why did you tied this mangalsutra??? Answer me why did you filled my maang with kumum??? What about the promise you given haven to me???

Is this your so called love??? I don't want anything in this life other than you... Just keep this in your thick head... I need my abhi only and nothing is important to me in this life...

Better you kill me with your own hands rather than pushing me away from you... 😭😭😭😭.... What's your mistake in this??? Remember you are born to a precious soul.... Why do you think of that bloody monster???

We all need you abhi... Dadi, dasi, aaliya bhabhi, ajju bhai , puru bhai, bulbul all are always with you abhi... More than that, your fuggy will be with you till her last breath abhi....

Please abhi... I love you so much... I want you... I want to be with you always.... Will you accept me and be with me always 😭😭😭😭...

Pragya cries hard uncontrollably... Abhi can't see Pragya's cries anymore and he doesn't want anything to worsen her health...

He panicks on seeing pragya's legs are bleeding too... He rushes and takes the first aid box in one hand and lifts Pragya in his arms tightly...

Pragya protests but Abhi held her tightly and possessively and takes her to their room... He places Pragya in the bed and starts to do the first aid...

Pragya:  Why are you doing all this??? Leave me... You don't need me na... Why will you love an orphan like me???

I'm not rich... I'm not beautiful, modern and I don't know how to dress  like models and all... I'm not blessed enough to be loved by anyone...

Before Pragya continues, her lips are being caged by abhi in full force... Slowly the two lips entwined which pours out all the pain, sorrows, frustrations, miseries, sadness , helplessness and at last an apology for behaving very badly...

They parted apart in need of breath after a long time... Abhi bends his head down and tears starts to over flow and he regrets for the words he said to his fuggy... Pragya hugs abhi tightly...

She starts to kiss inch by inch in Sbhi's face and assures him that she will be there for him always whatever happens... She gave slow smooches in abhi's lips wiping away the wounds in the hurted soul....

They hugs each other tightly... Even air cant pass between the two... No one speaks anything... Hot tears rolls from each others eyes... Their silence speaks volumes...

After sometime,

Abhi pulls Pragya closer and their foreheads meet....

Abhi:I'm  so sorry Fuggy... I regret for the words I said to you... Please forgive me.... I won't repeat this again...

Pragya: Whom am I to forgive you??? Im not important to you na...

Abhi: Fuggy darling... Please... Forgive your idiot husband abhi... He is such a fool na... Always messing up everything and spoiling your mood often...

I promised to give you a happy life..  But im the one doing everything upside down... Today too you are hurted because me... Im so sorry...

Pragya: Im not in a mood to forgive you Mr. Mehra..

Abhi doesn't know what to do to calm down his fuggy... Just then he notices the room is set up way too beautifully and romantically... He gasps in shock and turns his head....

Abhi's lips curved to a bright smile on seeing his fuggy, his love of life, his wife, his soulmate pragya dressed up very elegantly in the saree which he gifted for her...

Abhi scans her from top to toe and understands that why this set up and all... He really feels blessed to have his fuggy in his life who is an angel in his dark life ....

But, abhi being abhi , made a naughty smirk and a teasing smile appears in his face all of a sudden....

Abhi: Fuggy... Wont you forgive me...

Pragya: No... Not at all until you promise me that this is the last day you behave like this... Never and ever I should see you like this...

Abhi: Alright... I will promise you... But I want a return promise from you... Will you give it to me???

Pragya is nervous and don't know what will abhi ask from her... She is getting tensed and sweat beads forms in her face... Abhi sucks the sweat from pragya's face and whispers something in her ears....

So, what has happened???

What is the promise abhi asked for???

Who is the monster abhi is talking about???

What really happened in abhi's life???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

So, how is the chapter guys???

Abhi may have talked very rudely... But did you find fault in abhi's behavior??? His broken state and dark past has made him to behave like that... Will he be to forgiven by pragya???

As usual came up with a long update of 2500+ words.... Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views.... Got a maximum of 127 votes... Can I get more this time???


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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