23. You are my biggest happiness....

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Thanks everyone for waiting patiently.... Almost 10 days na... Sorry for being late....

Happy that the last chapter got 130 votes which is the highest so far for this story .. Don't wanna bore you all further....

Read the shot at your own risk...


Contains some Mature content....

Those who are below aged and those who are not comfortable with the contents of this part, kindly skip this part....

Don't blame me saying that I corrupted your minds or spoiled u all rotten... 😉😉😉😉... Im not at all responsible for the consequences...

Don't expect clichy or adult rated explanations from me but... tsk...tsk... Tsk...

Wanna know what's it... Read further... 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


No bak baks...

Directly to shot. 23:

Abhi is scanning his fuggy from top to toe... He knows pretty well and understands easily why the room is decorated like this and why his fuggy has dressed up from him...

Abhi smiles brightly knowing that his fuggy is always a healing medicine for his broken wounds... He always has a strong belief that his wife pragya is going to be the miracle angel to wipe away all the sorrows of his life....

A mischievous and naughty smirk errupted in abhi's lips on thinking about the punishments his fuggy has given to him...

He matches the dots and understands clearly that its all his fuggy's prank to do such arrangements to surprise him and that too on the miserable day of his life to start a new beginning of their lives....

Abhi suddenly pulls pragya closer and back hugs her and kisses her cheeks soundly with full of love....

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... Please forgive me... I wont repeat this mistake ever... Don't cry sweet heart... Smile na darling....

Pragya protests and tries to get out from his hold... But abhi tightens the grip... He holds pragya's waist seductively and pragya too starts to melt in his touch... Quickly she composes herself and frowns on abhi...

Pragya (in a Stern tone) : just leave me abhi... Don't show your fake concern towards me... You dont want me na... Leave me... Dont try to seduce me and Im not going to melt my dear husband...

You are a big sacrificer and a big mahaan na... You want to throw your newly wedded wife out from your life and want her to marry to another man na... Disgusting... How could you say like this abhi???

Abhi pulls her cheeks and nuzzles her neck seductively ... He bites her ear lobes and licks it as if he is licking an ice cream... A sensual moan escapes from pragya's side uncontrollably...

Pragya: Ab... Abh... Abhiii... Leave me...

Abhi: Nooooo... Darling... Im not going to leave you anytime... You are only mine... There is no abhi without pragya... Abhi's heart beats only for his fuggy only....

I cant even breath without you fuggy... Im sooo sooo sorry darling... You know about your silly hubby na... Always messing up everything and facing your wrath...

Pragya: Leave me abhi... Your words are not going to melt me today... Go and hug your pillow and sleep...

Abhi: whattttt 😱😱😱😱😱😱.... No... No... You can't do this to me fuggy...

Pragya: I know what Im doing... You were so adamant to drown in your darkness only na... Go... Go... Go and think only that... Why are you going to get concerned about me??.

Who am I to you??? I am just a silly girl who always thinks for your happiness... When I came to know about your past, I can't tolerate it... I want to wipe away all your sorrows ...

But what you did, you are hell adamant to throw me out na... I want your life to be filled only with happiness but you are very great abhi... Wah... Wah...👍👍👍👍

You have forgotten me so easily na abhi... Just 4 days abhi since we got married, but you are ready to get rid of me...

Even we didn't start our life too... Where is your so called love abhi??? Is this your love on me or is your love so weak???

Where are the seven vows you have given to me??? Why did you tied this mangalsutra in my neck??? What's the use of keeping the kumkum in my forehead???

Tell me now... What do you want in your life??? Choose either me or your dark past... I am not able to bear my abhi's sorrows anymore... If you wish to continue this, be like this...

As you wished, I will go out from this house... But keep it in your thick head that this pragya will remain as the wife of Abhishek prem mehra only.... Never and ever there is another man in my life .. Is that clear????

Pragya cries hardly... Abhi hugs her tightly and kisses her all through his face...

Abhi: sorry fuggy... I need only you... I swear on you fuggy... I will never and ever think about my dark past and drown in that...

Happy... Smile please... Aww... So sweet... Fuggy I need nothing... Your smile is enough for me to melt... I can do anything to make you smile...

God... You are just seducing me with this sweeto... Please forgive me fuggy... See... Its getting very late... Why not we do what you wished for??? will you allow me to do???

Pragya: Not so easily Mr. Mehra... You have to get punishment for your stupid stunts na...

Abhi: huh... Alright Im ready to get any punishment from you... But I need a return promise from you....

Pragya gasps in shock as abhi starts to give open mouth kisses in her back... He is touching her way to sensually making her to drown in passion..

Abhi blows air in pragya's face making her shiver in pleasure... Pragya starts tremble and sweat beads formed in her forehead... Abhi twirls her and sucks it and comes very closely near her ears....

Abhi whispers huskily: I want you to promise me that you will be my side always... I want to see your smile always...

You are not allowed to cry but you can cry only in pleasure and scream my name as much as you want when we are drowing in passion...

Whatever happens, my fuggy has to come to me and spit out like this face to face... No hidden truths between us... Fuggy... My last wish is that whenever Im hurt, I want you to be the medicine for my pain... Will you do that???

Pragya nods her happily and a blushy smile creeps in her face....

Abhi: So, may I know why this set up is for???

Pragya frowns: Hmmm... To do pooja...

Abhi: yup... An important pooja isn't it... Remember fuggy, god will punish us if we delay our relationship to start... See you wasted 4 long days...

Pragys: 😊😊😊 shameless...

Abhi: That Im sweetie 😉😉😉😉😉... When my wife has dressed up gorgeously and sexily like this invoking all the hormones inside me to enlighten , why not I be shameless baby...

Abhi pulls her closer and slowly traces his lips with pragya's lips... Pragya trembles and clutches abhi's shirt tightly... Its a very slow smooches and its not at all even a peck too....

It seems like abhi massages pragya's lips slowly with his... He smiles and scans her from top to bottom making pragya to turm crimson red... But pragya couldn't understand why abhi has not kissed her passionately when she allowed him to proceed further...

Pragya: Abhi.. Don't mistake me okay... Why you didn't???

Abhi: wanna know why I didn't kiss you to deeply in your lips with full of passion right???

Pragya with a surprised tone: How do you know that???

Abhi: Simple... I love you madly and I dont want anything to spoil our beautiful moment... So, for safety reasons, Im taking it very slow...

Pragya: I love you so much abhi.... I dont know what goodness Iv done to get you in my life...

Abhi: You are my angel fuggy... You have brought happiness inside me and to the whole mehra family... As dadi used to say, you are the diya and brightness of the house...

See.. now too you turned the worst day of my life to a very beautiful and happy day... How much you have thought about me fuggy??? You are ready to postpone our suhagraat and us being waiting for me for this day...

You are ready to face anything for me and get me out from my misery.. now tell me na... Am I not blessed to have you in my life???

Uncontrollably abhi and pragya's eyes welled up.... They hugs each other tightly... They stand for a long time in each other embrace and cried ther heart out pouring out all their pains and sorrows and wait for a new beginning of their lives...


Abhi kisses pragya's forehead lovingly... He starts to kiss her whole face very slowly but passionately...

Abhi: See... Its very late... Almost 3 in the morning... You are looking very tired too... Come lets sleep....

Pragya frowns and throws daggers at abhi and a teasing smile appears in abhi's face...

Abhi: what happened darling???

Pragya: nothing... I'm feeling so pity for you abhi.. so sad... Im imagining your poor state... Too bad... What to do??? Your ill fate...

Cant help with that.. so, abhi... Why not you get a big couch which is way too comfortable for your size... Get it quickly as you gonna enjoy sleeping in couch for one year na... Feeling really pity for you...

Abhi horrifies and almost shouted on hearing pragya who is standing there with a mischievous smirk in her face... Abhi cant take it anymore and he starts to chase pragya hardly.

Pragya runs away from abhi's clutches but abhi jumps beside the bed and clutches pragya's blouse dori and in a swift and it opens making the blouse to slip down slightly... Pragya gasps in shock as abhi got hold of her saree too...

Abhi slowly pulls pragya and backs hugs her...

Abhi: Fuggy... I didn't tell you till now.... You are looking too hot in this net saree.... But I like this blouse so much... So, easy for me to undo it na.... A single dory and a single hook is very easy for me to take out na... 😉😉😉

Pragya blushes too hard and abhi slowly unpins the pin in pragya's saree... He takes out the clip in pragya's head and makes her wavy hairs to flow...

He buries his face in pragya's hair and smells her hair which starts to turn him on... He slowly gets rids of the saree and throws it out...

Both were looking at each other very intently... Their heartbeats are heaving up and down with their closeness... Abhi starts to drown in passion as he drunk the features of his fuggy with his sensual touches and kisses....

They start to worship each other with their intimate touches and kisses... The room starts to fill with their husky voices, their passionate kissing sounds, the moans of pragya screaming abhi's name hardly and the groans of abhi getting harder and harder with their closeness....

The dresses they wore were being thrown out in the extreme corner of their rooms... The silk duvet covers their bodies and their bodies are mingled as if they are one....

They were drowning willfully in their love which is completely filled with desire and passion and they were in the verge to make love with the uncontrollable intensity of their extreme and wild foreplay...

Abhi: Fuggy... Still we have time... If you are not okay, I can stop and control... If not, I cant darling...

Abhi who is in completely turned on and filled with raw passion trying to control himself as he doesn't want to hurt his fuggy...

Pragya: Im not in a mood to wait anymore abhi... Dare to move away from me before making love, I will kill you...make me and mark me as yours...

Pragya pulls abhi closer and graps abhi's lips with hers... She sucks abhi's lips sensually making abhi to groan and he is in the verge to make love and he cant control it anymore...

Abhi and pragya deepens the kiss and they flow in the rhythm of their love making, breaking all the barriers between them... Pragya screams in pain and bites abhi hardly in his shoulder to control her cry...

Abhi takes it very slow and sucks hear tears and kisses her slowly to make her comfortable... Slowly all their pains vanishes and it replaces with the raw passion... They huffs and pants as they truly becomes each others and become one in all means....

Theirs love making not only takes off each other's virginity but potrays their love for each other... The poor souls who faced only troubles and sorrows all their lives wipes away all their problems in their love making...

They became a medicine for each other's wound... Pragya who has never been loved by anyone all her life is feeling blessed to have abhi on her life who loves her very madly...

Abhi who has a very bitter past and who always treats himself as a curse all these years starts to live his life only after seeing pragya...

They snuggles close to each other after their blissful love making... Pragya is completely blushing on seeing abhi's face filled with lipstick marks... She covers her face hardly as she sees abhi's body with many love bites...

Abhi: what Happened fuggy??? Why are you hiding your face??.

Pragya: Abhi... I didn't hurt you na...

Abhi: ,,😂😂😂😂 no not at all... I was worried a lot until an hour before as how am I going to handle my naive and innocent wife in the bed ....

But you surprised me a lot fuggy... Seriously saying, I did not expected this from you... I thought you will be like a humble rabbit in the bed... Now, I understand that my fuggy is a tigress in the bed....

Pragya: 😊😊😊😊. . sorry abhi... Your love on me is making me insane and Iv behaved like this... I won't repeat this abhi.... I will try to control myself...

Abhi: Mrs. Pragya Abhishek mehra... I want a wild tigress only in my bed... Im expecting 100 times more than this... Don't try to control yourself...

Im all yours... Do whatever you want to do with me... Don't feel shy or hesistant thinking that I will think wrong... Don't hide your feelings darling...

Pragya,: Really... You wont mind anything whatever I do...

Abhi: no.... Not at all... Do as you wish fuggy... Im ready to obey and fulfill whatever you wish for...

Pragya: Hmm... Abhi... 😊😊😊😊.... How about round 2 in which Im taking the lead??? Can we do it again???

Abhi: wow... Wow... Im way too impressed fuggy... This is what Im expecting from you .. Aww... Love you so much...

Slowly the room starts to fill with their love once again wiping all their sorrows and pains...

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will abhi and pragya lead a happy life???

Will tanu, nikhil and the hidden villain be an intruder in their happy lives???

What really happens in abhi's past and who is responsible for that misery???

What will happen when abhigya has the face off with the villains???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Given a very long update of 2650+ words....

So, how is the chapter guys????

Did you all like the emotional union of abhi and pragya???

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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