24. Falling in love over and over again...

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Thanks for all the love and support... Soon this story too gonna break a big record... Fingers crossed...

Now to shot. 24:

The biggest and wise thing Iv done ever in my life is that Iv given my heart to you... It beats only for you and it is filled only with you...

🌹🌹 Is it true that a person can fall in love only once??? 🌹🌹

🌺🌺 Can love happen more than once??? 🌺🌺

🍁🍁 Will a person with true love never falls in love again???🍁🍁

But why my heart, mind and soul is betraying me by falling in love with you over and over again when I look at your eyes and your smile is making me to love you more and more...

Its very hard these days to see true love which has full of care, understanding and trust on each other... Its not so easy to forgive and forget each other's faults and accept them as they are...

True love requires lot of patience to mend the broken hearts and it will take time for them to understand their bonding and relationship... True love acts as a healing medicine for each others wounds...

The love which Iv on you helps me to mend my heart and it controls the fire and rage inside me... When Im with you, I feel safe from the things that hurts me inside and your love never lets me to broke down....

Abhishek prem mehra, who is a ruthless, arrogant, stubborn, terror, cold hearted, egoistic and angry man who has a bitter and dark past which makes him to behave like that...

After the death of his mother and the unexpected happenings which makes a big blow in the lives of abhi and his sister aaliya... An unexpected blow made their conditions really worse...

Daljeet dadi and Indu dasi are the two elderly people who takes cares of them from the ruthless monster who is none other than dadi's son or simply saying the father of abhi and aaliya....

Abhi being the youngest is a well matured guy and he works hard to keep his sister, dadi and dasi happy... He hates his father to the core and he feels himself to be a dirty and ugly soul as he has the blood of that heartless man...

Though dadi, dasi and aaliya takes care of abhi really well, abhi has built a big wall beneath him... He is a very caring and lovable man towards his family but he terribly misses his mom a lot...

Abhi has never thought in his wild dreams too that he will love a woman more than his mother... Abhi has not thought in his life, he will love a girl very madly and get married to her....

Abhishek prem mehra who hates woman a lot other than his family woman, falls in love on head over in heels with pragya on the very first instance itself...

Its not out of loss, obsession or any forced acts from abhi... Abhi loves pragya from the bottom of his heart and all he want in his life is to take care of her like a queen... He wants to be a role model to all men in the world how to treat their wife...

Abhi always has a will to show his father that how to love a wife and takes care of her and not to look at any random woman with lust.... Abhi wants to prove his love is very pure and genuine to the whole world....


Its a fine morning... The whole mehra clan is seated in the living hall with a worried and pale face. .. No one had their food and all are looking very dull and upset...

Aaliya: Im completely scared ajju... Nothing wrong would have happened right... Chottu n pragya will be fine na...

Arjun: Aalu darling... What's wrong??? Why are you sulking like this??? All will be fine dear...

Bulbul: Jiju... Im too scared like aaliya di... Im worried a lot...

Purab: uffo... You are scaring us too bulbul... Lets think everything positive...

Aaliya: We all went and see in the guest room na how the room is looking... Its completely seen like as if its hit by a big storm....

Im scared and worried a lot.... The traces of blood is making me to shreek like hell... Both abhi and pragya's mobiles too were switched off... God... Don't know what's going on...

Arjun: Chill up aalu... Nothing like would have happened as you think... Im damn sure my chotti pragya would have solved the problem.... Dadi... Dasi... Why you two are not saying anything???

Dasi: I believe in pragya and abhi.. I know pretty well that there wont be any mishaps... What say Didi???

Dadi: I hope nothing wrong would have happened to the kids... I know my abhi wont hurt pragya for sure... He wont be like his father and abhi loves pragya a lot...

More than anything, I trust pragya so much... I know she would have mend my abhi's broken heart... Im damn sure that we are going to hear a happy news in this sad day...

Aaliya: Dadi... If it happens as you said, we all will be very happy na...

Arjun encircles his hand around aaliya: Love will going to overflow in this house... All our bad days are going to end... We are going to see a new abhi for sure...

Aaliya smiles brightly and hugs Arjun... Purab and bulbul teased them a lot... All their eyes were fixed on the stairs and all are waiting for abhi and pragya to come down...

No one knows that the mad and passionate, love sick abhi and pragya are turning way too crazy in their love making and it's very hard for them to come down soon as they expected....


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ Few hours Back...

The early morning is looking serene and enchanting with the little drizzles which is making the morning look completely blissful and way too romantic.... The nature is a beautiful gift of god which bring peace and calmness in everyone's mind and soul...

The broken souls who carved for love and care all these years are drowning in their love and they are snuggling close to each other enjoying the needed warmth from their soulmate...

Out of habit, pragya's mobile start to buzz at 5.00 a.m... Pragya was hell tired and she gets irritated with the sound... She buries her face in abhi's broad chest and drifted to sleep...

Abhi slowly came out from his sleep because of the alarm sound... Finding no movement from his fuggy, Abhi groans and picks up the mobile with much difficulty... He makes a naughty smirk and switched off both their mobiles...

Abhi admires the sleeping form of his figgy lovingly.. He doesn't know how long he has been watching her face... Suddenly he hears some murmuring sounds from his fuggy's side... A teasing smile appears in abhi's face...

Abhi: Fuggy... Fuggy... Wake up... You have become irresponsible...

Pragya in sleepy tone: Abhi .. please... Allow me to sleep... Im hell tired...

Abhi: Then its upto you... Dont blame me that I didn't wake you up... Dadi and dasi are always proud of their bahu... But today... Huh... So sad...

Pragya jerks up from her sleep and blinks her eyes....

Pragya: Abhi... What are you saying??? I didn't get you...

Abhi: You have become a lazy head fuggy... Its almost lunch time and you are sleeping...

Pragya screams: whaattttt,??? 😱😱😱😱... You are such an idiot abhi... Why you didn't wake me up!?? What will dadi think of me???? You are very bad...

Pragya hits abhi in fury but she forgets to notice the teasing smile in abhi's face... She didn't see in what condition she is and her eyes popped out on seeing the clock which shows its 5.45 in morning...

Pragya: You idiot mehra.... How dare you to tease me in the morning itself??? I gonna kill you...

Abhi: You are already killing me darling... Huh... What a scene... Im ready to do this daily if I can get to see such beautiful sight in morning itself...

Pragya couldn't understand what abhi is saying... She sees a different kind of emotion in abhi's eyes which is filled with raw passion... Just then pragya notices her position...

Her cheeks turns red to notice that her body is completely entangled with her husband and they are very close to each other and there is no barrier between them...

Abhi huskily whispers: How about a morning pooja fuggy??? A dirty romantic morning... What say???

Pragya blushes very hard and nods her head as no... She tries to get up from the bed but abhi catches her in nick of time and continues his assault and do the works which he wishes....

After sometime,

Pragya: Abhi... Don't forget what I said... Nothing doing if you didn't get that.... Abhi... Im saying to you only...

Abhi: Haan... Haan... Iv decided something else...

Pragya: whaattt???

Abhi: Fuggy... You know na this Abhishek prem Mehra always wants to be a winner and wants to come first in everything... So Iv decided...

Pragya: What's that???

Abhi: How about us giving the grand children to dadi and dasi soon??? I want us to be the first...

Pragya: seriously...

Abhi: ya... This ajju jiju and that idiot purab are completely waste... Not at all planning for family till now... I want to be an inspiration to them...

Pragya: shameless... But
Mr. Abhishek Mehra your wife wants her husband only for her at least for six months... So, lets plan the family after that....

Abhi: Fuggy... Please...

Pragya: How about sleeping on the couch or using ....???

Abhi: This is unfair....

Pragya: All is fair...

Pragya winks at abhi and gives a quick peck in his lips making abhi to groan... Pragya giggles and rushes to washroom escaping from abhi...

Abhi didn't allow pragya to go out... He is completely in a mood to romance his fuggy and he is not at all ready to leave her for a single minute too...

Pragya: Abhi... Im hungry...

Abhi: My goodness... Wah... Wah... You have a lot of appetite fuggy... Not bad... Im all yours... Eat me...

Pragya: You naughty... Im really hungry... Im starving...

Abhi: Get changed... Lets go down... But I will help you to dress up today...

Pragya takes a quick bath and comes out... But abhi in the name of helping started his important pooja already... Pragya can't control abhi at all...

She is also drowning in passion.... Abhi slowly skids her wet hair and starts to kiss her bare back which is wet... He keeps on kissing his fuggy and not at allowing her to get ready... Both are drowning in passion and their eyes are burning with fire with their intimacy...

Abhigya has to part away as they had a loud bang at the door... Abhi gets furious as his romantic kiss is being interrupted and pragya bursts out into laughter hearing the sounds of dadi and dasi...

Abhi suddenly pulls pragya closer and gives a wild kiss in her lips and moves to open the door... Pragya is dumbstruck and is standing like a statue...

Abhi: Good morning my lovely ladies...
What's up??? You two are way too early here...

Dasi: Don't kid us abhi... Its not morning... Its lunch time...

Dadi: Abhi... You are fine na.. Nothing wrong right... Why you two didn't come down??? Why pragya beta is standing like this??? She is okay na...

Abhi: Nothing is fine dadi... 😔😔😔😔... I told this fuggy to behave properly.... But... 😱😱😱😱

Pragya horrifies and rushes and closes abhi's mouth....

Dadi: What are you saying abhi??? Im worried... Indu... I told you na... Something is wrong between them... But you didn't hear me at all...

When dadi turns to talk to dasi, abhi pulls pragya and keeps on kissing her with a teasing smirk in his face... Pragys gaaps in shock and pushes abhi and comes near dadi...

Pragya: Dadi... Nothing to worry... He is just teasing you... (Turns to abhi and whispers) You idiot abhi... What are you upto??? 😬😬😬😬

Abhi whines: See... Dadi... Your bahu is scaring me... No respect for her husband at all...

Pragya stomps her feet making abhi to yelp in pain... Abhi screams but pragya gestures abhi to keep quiet and she points out the couch making abhi to shut his mouth tight...

Dasi: What were you two doing till this time??? Why you two didn't come for breakfast too??? Why your mobiles too were switched off???

Pragya: Dasi... Vo.. vo..

Abhi: Nothing to get panick dasi... we planned to do an important pooja dadi and dasi... We were sincerely doing that pooja only till now... Hey na fuggy??? Nice, poweful and a very sacred and the most important pooja that couples should do without fail...

Abhi winks and pragya blushes and bends her heads down...

Dadi: special Pooja??? What pooja pragya beta??? Why are you blushing like this???

Just then dasi notices the condition of the room and gestures dadi to look at... Then they see the glow in both abhi and pragya's face... Dadi smiles brightly and cups pragya's face and kisses her forehead...

Dadi: im so happy beta... God will bless you with all happiness... You are the blessing to our family... Keep our abhi happy like this always...

Pragya blushes too hard as abhi pulls her closer and kisses in her cheeks again but this time when dadi is watching making pragya's eyes to pop out...

Dasi: hoye... Hoye... Romance overflows hun...

Abhi: So, how is our jodi dadi, dasi???

Dadi: you are looking like ram and sita...

Dasi: The most Romantic couples of all time... Stay happy like this always...

Abhi smiles and hugs dadi and dasi... He pulls pragya by her waist and they share a group hug happily...

Later at that evening, abhi, purab and arjun are having an important discussion in the living room and are discussing way too serious about an important issue...

Just then abhi's phone starts to ring... He picks up the call but his face turns pale on hearing the news... His eyes is burning in fury and he grits his teeth in anger... He fists his hands in anger and bangs hardly on the glass table making it to broke into pieces...

Pragya gasps in shock on hearing the sound... She rushes out and startled to see abhi's hands smearing with blood... Her eyes welled up and she rushes near abhi and slaps him very hard making all to get stunned with pragya's sudden assault...

So, what's going on???

What is the news that makes abhi to get furious like this???

Why did pragya slapped abhi???

What happened in abhi's past making him to turn arrogant???

Who is abhi's father and why did abhi hates him???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with along update of 2525+ words...

Sorry for typing mistakes and grammatical errors if any, as its not proof read......


Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be


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