27. Memories made with love....

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If you are alone, you can do nothing... If you are together, you can do everything...

Family is a biggest strength for everyone to face any challenges and keeps us going on and on bravely, whatever the hurdles, we come across... Family is a boon in everyone's life...

Family is a blessing to every fellow human beings... Its not only an important thing for a happy life, its all our everything which makes to enjoy our life....

Family is where our life starts and progress with the never ending love... Family fills the voids of our lives and makes us happy always....

Abhi is admiring the happy family of his with a heartfelt and contented smile... He had happy tears in his face seeing the smiles of  his dadi, dasi, his elder sister aaliya and his jiju arjun, his friend cum brother purab and his sister like friend bulbul...

Only abhi knows how much he has suffered and struggled to give this happiness to his family... The pain and problems he has gone through all these years is nothing, in front of seeing them happy like this.... He vows to keep them happy forever...

Abhi chuckles as he has been poked hardly in his shoulder... He knows pretty well about his wife pragya who is protesting for a long time as abhi has kept their destination as top secret...

Pragya knows that her husband wont take her to any cold or hilly places... As dadi and dasi are also accompanying them, she knows well that abhi would have chosen some near by places but she expected that there will be some sort of surprise over there for her....

As abhi is a package of surprises, pragya's curiosity is increasing at its peak... She is debating inside her where will abhi take her...Pragya frowns as abhi closes his eyes without replying to her question...

Pragya: Abhiiiii 😬😬😬😬😬

Abhi: Huh... Spare my ears darling... You are turning too noisy now a days and cribbing like a small kid... What do you want now my sweetie??? Im feeling too sleepy... Let's talk later and please allow me to  sleep now ..

Pragya: Mr. Mehra... If you didn't answer my question right now, I swear that there is no honeymoon and romance for you... Enjoy alone....
I will go and sleep with dadi and dasi all through this trip...

Abhi: whaatttt 😨😨😨😨... This is too much fuggy... Don't pour acid in my long term dream... Girl I will kill you, if you spoil our honeymoon...

Pragya: Aww... My poor baby... You're so cute when you get angry... Now be a good boy and answer me... Don't whine afterwards...

Abhi: Fuggy... You are an impossible girl... you have understood my weakness and playing your cards well right .. Too bad fuggy. 

Pragya: Yup... Of course... After all Im your wife na.... Pragya Abhishek mehra should be very smart enough to handle her husband right...

Abhi: Oh my sweety... Im impressed.... We are nearing our destination... Just 10 minutes, spare some romantic time with your husband, then I will show you the surprise...

Abhi pulls pragya closer... He brushes his nose with hers... Pragya blushes too hard and their lips gets closer and closer... But they parts apart as they heard a heavy cough...

Abhi turns with anger as who came to spoil his romance but he controls it on seeing his dasi standing there with a teasing smile in her lips...

Pragya is completely embarrassed and closes her eyes but she cant control her cheeks turning red... Abhi blinks his eyes and stares at dasi helplessly...

Dasi: Abhi beta... Sorry for spoiling your mood and romance... just came to ask you, when we will reach the place...

Abhi: Just 15 more minutes dasi... We will reach... Anything else dasi... You need something...

Dasi: Nothing beta... You continue your unfinished work... Pragya beta... Give what my abhi asks okay...

Dasi hi-fied with abhi and moves to her place... Abhi pulls pragya closer and continues his unfinished work happily...

After sometime, abhi asks pragya to look outside... Pragya with a wide eyes enjoys the serenity of the place and squeals like a kid and jumping happily... The place is completely glowing with lights adding to the beauty of the city....

They soon arrived the city of dreams and they finished all the formalities and comes out after collecting all their baggagaes...  The travel to the hotel was very smooth as abhi had made everything ready and they were escorted by a security team...

They soon arrive at a five star hotel and collects their keys... Little did they know that nikhil has just got his room keys and left the reception a minute back... Abhi and pragya moves ahead followed by the family....

When dadi turns , she saw the unwanted person of their life in far....
Dadi didn't want to upset abhi and spoil anyone's happiness... So, she doesn't inform anything to abhi not aware of the problem they gonna face soon....

When everyone enters the lift, Tanu and the old man enters the reception and gets the key for their room, they have booked already...

After sometime,

Pragya is leaning to her husband's shoulder and abhi is caressing her head lovingly and kisses her forehead... Abhi admires his fuggy who is silent all through this time...

Abhi: What Happened darling??? Why are you so silent??? Didn't you liked the place???

Pragya: Hmm... How do you know abhi???

Abhi: What I know??? I couldn't get you fuggy...

Pragya: Don't act smart abhi... How do you know, its my life time dream to visit dubai once in my life...

Abhi chuckles: I have my secret sources fuggy .. I thought of taking you somewhere... But my fuggy's wish comes in my priority list first... So, Iv chosen this place... Simple...

Now go and get ready.. We are going to meet an important person... Fuggy... no saree .. Wear something traditional yet modern... How about the dress I gave you as our engagement gift...

Pragya kisses abhi's cheeks all of a sudden making him to grin in happiness... She shows thumbs up to abhi and rushes to get ready...

Pragya got ready and comes out... Abhi cant control himself on seeing his fuggy who is looking no less than an angel and he is drooling her without blinking his face...

Pragya snaps her fingers before abhi and abhi praises her beauty all through the way making pragya to blush took hard... The family too joins them and they meet the important security team head who is like their family friend....

Without having the food in the restaurant over there, abhi took his family in the car... Abhi didn't answer the constant naggings of his ladies and all starts to trouble him as they are very hungry...

Purab and arjun are enjoying the show happily as they are escaped from the ladies.... As abhi is the target, they smiles inwardly and enjoys it to the fullest...

All were stunned to see the place where abhi has took them for the dinner... Its the famous dhow dinner cruise... Pragya admires
the glowing boat sailing in the middle of the sea....

The buffet dinner was quite classy and all enjoys it happily as it was quite different... The chill breeze from the sea, the shaky boat, the glowing lights, the rhythmic sound of the waves makes their dinner a happy one...

After dinner, abhi and pragya were standing on the top of the ship enjoying the view... Abhi is holding pragya in his embrace and pragya is very calm and silent viewing the place...

Abhi: So, how is it fuggy??? I fulfilled your wish to go to beach at night...

Pragya: yeah... But husband I have one more wish...

Abhi: Dont say you want to pose like titanic couples...

Pragya: This is what I like in you so much.. You understand me pretty well... please can we take...

Abhi: Alright... Give my bribe first... Then take as  many photos you want...

Pragya: You're demanding too much abhi... Can't you do it without expecting anything in return....

Abhi: No ways... My wife... My rights... what's your problem... Come on quick... Give soon, before I change my mind...

Pragya blushes and gives a slow and deep smooch on his lips making abhi to drown in passion... The sudden flash of light makes them to gasp in shock...

Pragya is startled to see aaliya and arjun standing there with a camera capturing their romantic moment with a teasing smiles in their faces...

Abhi: What's happening here???

Aaliya: Cant you see abhi??? We're taking photos... Pay us properly okay..

Pragya whines: What's this Bhai and bhabhi???

Arjun: chotti... Nothing to worry okay.. These are good and lovable memories which you two can cherish in your life... What say abhi??? Am I wrong...

Abhi: Thanks jiju and di... That's very thoughtful...

As wished by abhi, many photos were taken over there... Even they snapped a lot of photos with the family too... They returned to their room with a smile in their faces...


Much to the surpise of abhi, pragya comes out wearing a short knee length satin night gown... She walks out seductively swaying her hips making abhi to go gaga over his fuggy's seductive acts and his hormones doing all sorts of naughty jumps...

Pragya starts to tease him a lot making abhi to lose all his senses... He enjoys it a lot and allows pragya to do whatever she wish for and he allowed her to take the lead...  The slow romance reaches its peak when the time passes making the place to fill with love and love only....


The next morning, pragya wakes up with a blushy smile in her face... She remembers what all the things she has done last night.. She is too much shy to face abhi and she knows pretty well that abhi will tease her for sure...

Much to her displeasure, abhi is no where to be found in the room... Pragya sees the nearby table is set with her morning tea, breakfast and her tablets...

She freshens up and comes out and had her food... She sees the sticky note posted on the dressing table...

" Good morning sweetheart... Had a nice sleep... Thanks for the sweet yet romantic surprise in the night... You are mind blowing fuggy and I loved and enjoyed it a lot...

No... No... No blushing please... You look so hot and sexy when you blush  darling... No... dont turn me on please... Get ready and go to dadi's room...

You will see some securities outside... They will take you to dadi's room... If you all want, go for shopping but these men will accompany you... Dont go anywhere without them as it's not safe...

Don't get angry sweetie... An important work... So, I have to leave... I will be back in evening and I have a special surprise for you tonight...

Love you so much... Thousands and thousands of kisses... 💏💏💏💏💏... A lot of hugs... Miss you... Smile darling thinking about romance...

Yours abhi"

Pragya shook her head in disbelief... She couldn't understand where abhi has left all of a sudden... She dresses up blusing too hard with the way abhi has worked up on her body..

She prays to god to keep the family happy always... She fills her maang with kumkum and goes to dadi's room escorted by the body guards...

Pragya gets blessings from dadi and dasi and spots bulbul and aaliya too are sitting there very angrily...

Pragya: Aaliya bhabi... Bulbul... You two are also here... Where is ajju bhai and puru bhai???

Bulbul: Don't talk about your puru bhai... Im planning to kill him... Let that idiot come over here..   I will teach him a good lesson...

Aaliya: Not only purab... This arjun and abhi too needs to be punished for doing all these... How dare these three???

Brought us all here in the name of trip and left us all abruptly with these stupid body guards... I just wanna smash their heads and rip them into pieces...

Pragya... Do you have any idea where these three went??? Did chottu say anything about this??? Aargh.... This three men were upto something...

Pragya: No bhabhi... I too came to know only in morning after I wake up... Even I am completely confused where they have gone...

Dasi: Let them come when they want... How about some alone girls time??? We can enjoy and we can do shopping too without the nuisance of these men.... What say???

All agrees with dasi and they went for shopping and purchases many a things... Pragya buys a suit for abhi and also some casuals too... They returned to the rooms after a tiresome shopping.. 

They kept all the things in dadi's room and chit chatting happily having their evening tea and snacks.. There is no trace of the missing trio abhi, purab and arjun all these while...

Pragya, bulbul and aaliya are hell angry with their husbands as none of the men called anyone and enquired about their well being or at least they didn't called to know how they are...

Unknown to the temperature in the room getting hotter because of  the anger from the ladies , Abhi, purab and arjun comes out of the car with a wide smile in their faces... Their happiness is unbounds and they were glowing as if they have won the world....

They entered dadi's room with a happy smile in their faces..  The trio runs and hugs dadi and dasi and gets their blessings....

They turns aside to look for their wives but their smiles dropped on seeing the three angry lioness ready to barge on their husbands and rip them into pieces..

The men looks at each other and they suddenly does an unexpected thing making all the ladies over there to gasp in shock and their eyes popped out as they didn't expected this from their husbands...

So, what has happened???

What did the men do to cool down their wives???

What is the surprise abhi is planning for his fuggy???

Where  did abhi, purab and arjun went and why they are happy???

Will the villains came to know that abhi is married with pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

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Sorry for typing errors and mistakes as it's not proof read ...

Words used: 2450+....

A long update as usual....


Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


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Have a nice day....

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