28. You are my lucky charm...

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Thanks for all your support....

No one said the correct answer, as I expected.... No one guessed, where did abhi, purab and arjun has went leaving their wives...

😂😂😂😂.... All thought the guys has went to plan for a surprise for their wives... Hey na... But sorry to say...

The answer is A very big nooooo... Too bad guess... 😂😂😂😂... Better luck next time buddies....

Haan... Abhishek Prem Mehra, the famous business tycoon has taken his whole family for a happy family trip and combined his honeymoon too together saying its his fuggy's wish... But this guy has something too in his mind for choosing dubai as their destination...

And one more thing, many said that the guys will fall on their wives' legs and some said abhi will kiss his fuggy before everyone... You guys guessed it very wrong...

So, let's peep in to know what is going on over there...

Abhi, Purab and Arjun came inside the room happily, as if they have won the whole world... Happiness is clearly visible in their faces...

Pragya, Aaliya and Bulbul are highly irritated to see their husbands standing there in their business suits, with their laptops and suitcases as if they have went for some business meeting and won a big business deal...

The trio's blood starts to boil and they are oozing out like a volcano when their husbands ignore them completely and didn't mind their presence too in the room... Abhi, purab and arjun are way too happy and gets blessings from dadi and dasi...

Abhi hugs dadi and dasi happily and squeals like a kid..

Abhi: Hey my sweet ladies.... Iv did it at last... All my years, hardwork has been paid off...

Your grandson Abhishek Mehra has made it finally.... Oohoo... Dadi, dasi Im feeling on the top of the world... I cant express my happiness and I made my maa's dream to come true finally...

Im going to stand in the world's largest building and shout that I have collapsed my enemy... The destructor of my life has failed in front of me... Abhi has proved to the world finally dadi....

Dadi: Im very happy for you beta... God bless you with all happiness... Your hard work got its fruits today... My abhi is always the best... Long live with all the happiness...

Dasi: Congrats beta... You proved that you are the best... Hey pragya... Aaliya... Bulbul... Why you three are standing like statues??? Come and wish them...

Dadi: Haan pragya... Its abhi's life time dream and achievement... Your mother - in - law's last wish... Abhi's dream come true... See how happy he is... Come... Come here and wish him...

The girls were twisting their sarees as
they couldn't vent out their anger on their husbands for hiding the biggest thing from them...

Though they were happy for their success but they were hurted a lot as their husbands had cleverly and tactically clubbed the business meet along with the family trip....

Aaliya and bulbul are angry on their husbands for hiding this important matter to them while pragya is feeling bad as abhi has kept her in the darkness and not revealed the news to her earlier...

Purab and Arjun are grinning on looking at their wives while Abhi makes a teasing look on seeing his fuggy and winks at her... The trio girls just wished their husbands congratulations for a name sake or for dadi/ dasi's sake...

Purab: Alright Abhi... Im really tired man... I wanna hit the bed asap...

Arjun: Me too puru... This abhi has sucked all our blood... Lost my beautiful sleep more than a month... Huh... Have to sleep in peace without any hindrances...

Abhi: Hello... we came here to enjoy our days and not to sleep you two lazy gooses... Haan you guys need sleep hun... Go ahead... But clear my doubts first...

So, you guys mean to say that my sisters aaliya and bulbul as your trouble makers and not allowing you two to sleep peacefully right... 😉😉😉😉

Arjun and Purab shouts in shock while Aaliya and Bulbul barges on their husbands angrily... Abhi winks at them and starts to laugh aloud...

Pragya is admiring her husband's carefree laughter uncontrollably... She cant divert her attention from abhi for a second too and she completely forgets that she is angry on him...

Abhi raises his brow and looks at pragya intensely.... Pragya stammers with abhi's looks and hungs her head down as the gaze is havocing tension in her body....

Abhi mentally pats himself for having such an effect on his lovely wife pragya... He just want to scoop her in his arms and show how much he loves her and how her arrival has brought him many happiness in his life...

But he controls himself for sometime as he is going to give his fuggy an unexpectedable thing to her....

Abhi: Alright... Listen to me now... Jiju , purab, Aaliya di and bulbul ... Iv a suprise for you four... Just a small token of my love for jiju and purab's hardwork... But promise me, you all will do what I say??? I need a return gift from you all very soon...

Aaliya: Huh... A return gift... What's it chottu???

Abhi: Yes of course di... A return gift ... Not now but after some months...

Bulbul: What's it bhai??? I couldn't get you...

Arjun and Purab understands what abhi is saying and whispers in their wives ears what abhi is demanding... Aaliya and bulbul blushes uncontrollably...

Dadi: What's it abhi beta... What are you asking them in return???

Abhi: Im asking my aaliya di and my little bulbul to make me uncle soon and to make you two grand mother soon....

Dasi: hoi hoi... Bhalle bhalle... So, you young women are gonna make us old... Not bad... We two are also feeling really bored as you all got married... So, say the good news soon... We can play with the babies, hey na didi...

Dadi: Of course indu... But I cant understand one thing.. Abhi beta... You are also married na... Why are you asking them alone to say the good news soon??? What about you???

Abhi: Im not lucky enough for this dadi... My poor fate... 😞😞😞😞...

All gasps in shock and they couldn't figure out what's the issue... Pragya pleads to abhi not to blurt out anything with her gestures... But abhi makes a teasing smile and shrugs his shoulders...

Arjun: Abhi.. is there is any problem??? Why are you saying like this??? Chotti is there is anything you are hiding from us??? You are okay na..

Abhi: Yeah jiju... Your lovable sister is the main problem... Don't you know, abhi always want to be the first in everything.. But in this matter, Im giving up, as my fuggy is not at all supporting me...

Dadi: Pragya beta... What happened to you??? Don't you want to give us a grand child... Is there any problem between you and abhi or else any health issues???

Pragya: No... No dadi... Its not like as you think... Vo... Vo... 😊😊😊😊... I too like babies.... But... The thing is...

Abhi: Dadi... Dont threaten my fuggy like this... See how she is sweating... Oh my poor baby.... Come here darling...
( Abhi holds pragya near him and she is blushing too hard and stammering a lot... Abhi squeezes pragya's hands and smiles at her)

Dadi... The issue is that my wife pragya wishes to spend and dedicate her time exclusively in loving only me at least for a period of six months...

She is so possessive on me dadi and she doesn't want even our child too to interrupt our romance .. So, Im unlucky not to become a father soon...

All bursts out into laughter and teases pragya and she blushes and hides behind abhi... But abhi and pragya were not aware that this decision of theirs is going to make a biggest trouble for them in future...

All gets blessings from dadi and dasi together as couples... Abhi hands over the surprise package for purab and Arjun for a stay in Yas island...


Abhi and pragya enters their room... Abhi didn't say anything and went inside the washroom to freshen up... Pragya feels an unknown anger creeping in her body as Abhi has not said anything to her or gifted her anything...

Abhi whistles and comes out and he screams aloud by the unexpected attack... Pragya hits him hardly with the pillows and turns her head in anger...

Abhi chuckles knowing pretty well why pragya is angry on him... He back hugs her and nuzzles her neck way too sensually making pragya's senses to go in haywire....

Pragya pushes abhi hardly and starts to punish him with her lips... Abhi is startled with his fuggy's wild yet sweet torture... Both were enjoying their blissful and passionate time...

Words were not exchanged... Abhi understands that its his fuggy's way of appreciating him for doing the biggest achievement and also for making the dream come true or his lufe time ambition...

After sometime, pragya snuggles closer to abhi... Abhi hugs her very tightly in his embrace and is closing the eyes cherishing each and every second with his fuggy... Happiness is clearly visible in his face and he feels contented with the way his life is progressing...

Pragya: Abhi... What happened??? Why are you not saying anything???

Abhi: Nothing fuggy... This is a very big day for me fuggy... The day which I longed to come true for all these years... The day my maa's soul gonna smile at me happily and rest in peace....

This is the day I got as a result of my hard work fuggy... I cant explain my happiness fuggy... Thank you so much for coming in my life and making me strong enough....

You are my lucky charm fuggy and this Abhishek Mehra is going to walk far ahead and reach greater heights along with you fuggy... Thanks for this lovable gift you have given me fuggy...

I know you will be hurted and angry on me for clubbing this with our happy trip and also for hiding this fron you.. Sorry fuggy... Im not in any intention to do this...

But you know na our marriage happened very quickly... This meeting is scheduled months back and I cant back out from this.... So, only... Please forgive me darling...

I dont want to be a loser in front of you.. I want to dedicate my victory to you fuggy.. So only I hide it from you.. sorry darling...

Pragya smiles: No need of any such explanations abhi... I understand and Don't feel sorry and all... Leave that... But I'm still angry on you abhi...

Abhi: Ahaan... Why is this for???

Pragya: You took me here for honey moon only na...

Abhi: Really... Did we came here for honeymoon??? Isn't it a family trip fuggy??? (Teasing tone)

Pragya: You 😠😠😠😠 Then I will sleep with dadi and dasi from now on... This is family trip na.. So no romance from now on...

Abhi: Whaaattttt .. what the hell!!!! Fugggyyyy... No please... Dont punish me like this sweetheart.. Show some mercy on your hubby na.. Dont you know your abhi needs you all the time.. Nooo please..

Pragya: yes please... When my husband is not in a mood to spend honeymoon with me, why I have to be here, hun???

Abhi: Hello madam ji... Can you please explain me what is honeymoon??? Who said Im not enjoying with you my angry fuggy??? Just look down and say.. Cant you see in what position we are now and have you forgetton what were we doing for the couple of hours...

Pragya blushes too hard... Abhi chuckles and pulls her even more closer... Both their foreheads touches and abhi nuzzles his nose with hers....

Abhi: Fuggy darling... How will I forget you sweetheart??? You are the reason behind all this... Wont I give you the best surprise and gift you deserve??

Pragya: Really... What's that??? Are we going out???

Abhi: Yes... Not only outside.. A big surprise  is waiting for you.. The place which you will like the most and your life time dream gonna be fulfilled by your abhi today .. Go and Get ready darling in the dress I wish to see you...

Pragya: abhi... What about dadi and dasi??? They will be alone here right... Can we take them too with us???  No one is here na with them...

Abhi: Aww .. my love... You are collapsing me completely with your care and love... Fuggy... You are making me fall for you again and again and Im getting mad in your love...

Hoye... no blushing anymore or we can't go out for sure.. Haan coming to dadi and dasi... Iv arranged for food and a tight security too...  As its a special treat to  my love of life, so you and me alone...

Dont worry about dadi and dasi... They will be safe and sound... I cant take any risk as I know pretty well that the bas***d will surely do any such dirty acts to trap me...

Pragya kisses abhi's cheeks  lovingly and ruffles his hair and asked him not to worry... Pragya whispers something in abhi's ears making abhi to get a sweet surprise which he never expected.. He smiles and nods his head and accepts to do as she said...


In the other side, a man is throwing and breaking all the things in the room.. Anger is clearly visible in his face... The room is looking like as if its hit by a huge hurricane...

The man shouts to the top of his lungs:

Noooooo.. I cant accept this defeat.. Abhishekh mehra 😠😠😠😠, you made me the biggest failure.. I don't want be a loser... I will seek my revenge for sure...

He gulps the drinks hardly and picks a photo frame.. Its a family photo of a man, his wife and with two kids a boy and a girl.. He crosses the photo of the boy very angrily...

" I will kill you abhi.. You are the reason for all my misery.. After you are born, everything changed in my life.. My wife got sick because of you...

Iv become like this, all because of you.. Do you know how much I loved your mom??? But after you came in our lives, everything changed...

My mom daljeet, my chachi indu, your mom radha and even my little princess aaliya starts to love you a lot more than me.. Everyone starts to neglect me and no one care for me at all..

You made a father to feel jealous of his own son.. I hate you abhi.. I hate you from the bottom of my heart.. You snatched everything from me and will I let you to live in peace...

I will snatch everything from you.. I wont kill you but I will snatch your love in front of your eyes and she will die before you.. You will also have a lonely life as of me and who knows you too can become like me... 😂😂😂😂😂

The man makes an evil laugh echoing the place...


Abhi gets ready happily and is gelling up his hair.. The door creaks open and pragya comes out nervously to see what will be abhi's reaction.. Abhi scans his fuggy from top to toe but pragya is tensed as abhi is not at sarisfied with her look..

So, what's going to happen next???

What is abhi going to give as a surprise to his fuggy???

What is abhi's father gonna do to abhi???

Will pragya be abhi's father's target???

What exactly happen in abhi's past!??

Will Abhi and pragya's love gets stronger or will they part apart with the evilness of the villains???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2700+ words...

Cast your votes and pen down your views...

Sorry for typo errors and mistakes if any...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Have a great day ahead..

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