37. You brought happiness in my life and you only complete me...

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Oh my goodness!!!!

A happy news to share!!!!

Never expected that this will happen very soon....

Very happy to inform you all that this story "Anything To Make Her Smile" has become my 4th story to cross 5000+ votes... 

A whole hearted thankfulness from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you are giving to me and to all my stories....

This wouldn't be possible without you all.... Thanks to all my voting buddies for making this possible...

I'm expecting a little more support from the silent readers, to make it grow a bit more higher ... Silent readers can you open up from now on... Hoping for a miracle to happen....

Dedicating this chapter to all my voting buddies for making this success possible....

Special dedication to the birthday girl, my cute bestie who always makes me smile with her immense love on me.... Happy Birthday shaki Shakiabhigya... May your life be filled with all happiness and joy....

(A small cake and a birthday wish from my side Shaki... I hope you like this.... Done in a hurry dear... Sorry, if it's not up to the mark...)


A real man can't stand simply on seeing his love of life, his soulmate getting hurted... He can do anything to make her smile but her tears pricks his heart and kills him into pieces...

Your prettiest eyes have shedded the precious pearls... But you can't understand what pain I've went through on seeing you like that...

I crazily fell in love with you not because you are rich... I love you because you are the one who loved me madly, when I couldn't love myself...


Abhi with blood red eyes is looking at the pale, slender figure who is sleeping peacefully with a calmed breath after a very long time... He kissed her forehead lovingly but only he knows what pain he is going through to see the vulnerable and fragile state of his wife Pragya...

Abhi sighs and takes a deep breath to calm down his anger, frustration and his boiling nerves to kill Tanu into pieces for ill treating his fuggy like this ... Just then, Abhi's P.A. Uma brought the doctor inside the secret room in his cabin which is known only to Uma, Purab and Arjun....

Abhi moves and slumps his body on the  couch to let the doctor to proceed his treatment... But he is facing a hell inside and will get fine only after the doctor says his fuggy is completely fine... The Doctor started to do his check ups... He checks her heart beats and is keep on doing some treatments to make her to get back to normal....


After sometime,

Doctor: Don't worry Mr. Mehra... Your wife is absolutely fine... But...

Abhi panicks: But, what doctor... Nothing to worry much na... Don't make to get scared Doctor with your buts. .

Doctor: Nothing serious Mr.Mehra ... But, please be extra more careful from now onwards.... This is not a good sign at all... Mrs. Mehra was doing well for a time period but now within a short span of time, she is badly affected repeatedly...

Please do make sure that she is not getting any sort of stress... She is completely bothered about something and she is badly affected than the previous times... Remember, over stressing and getting worried unnecessarily will surely deteriorate her health for sure...

I know very well that your wife Pragya is a strong woman and she is trying her level best to control her illness ... But she is also a human only right...

Sometimes, the fear or a helpless state or too much worry or getting upset often and even crying too much or any sort of unnecessary thinking, will push any strong person to suffer badly... Hope you understand, what I'm trying to say....

Abhi: Ye... Yes.... Yes doctor... I will take care of it... Thanks doctor for coming up very quick on the brick of my call...

Doctor: No problem Mr. Mehra... You did a lot to me... Can't I do this simple thing to you... It's my duty to take care of my patient... Pragya is like my little sister and if you can, please make her to smile always... Even, I can't see her like this...

The doctor bids adieu and  Abhi getures Uma to take him out through the private lift without anyone's notice... After they moved out, Abhi caress the head of his sleeping fuggy and admires her face so that he will have some peace at least....

Abhi's pov.:

Why are you doing like this fuggy??? Why are you not at all understanding what Im trying to convey to you??? Why do you have this much insecurities inside you darling???

Am I anywhere at fault fuggy???? Am I not loving you dearly ???? Is my love is not enough for you or am I very bad in showering my love on you???? Did my love is very low as you are troubling and thinking that you are not a match for me???

Why fuggy, you have a doubt that you are not worth for my love and you don't deserve me??? Why did you cried this much fuggy knowing  very well that I hate to see your tears ... 

Don't you know that I love to see your smile always... Why you heard that white devil's bad words and why you keep on repeating that you are not a **** ******...

Why fuggy??? Didn't I know about you... Before you loved me, I'm the one who loved you crazily... It's me who did everything to get you... Why can't you understand fuggy, no one other than you can be my love of life and my wife...

You are my everything fuggy... You are my only happiness... You only brought back the Abhi in me with your love and your smile... You only complete me fuggy... Don't ever think that you are not a match to me....

I couldn't understand one thing fuggy... Why on Earth, women have to undergo various pains in their lives???  Other than men, why some women are hell adamant to ill treat other women... What kind of sadist thinking is this.... I can't understand what kind of happiness they get by doing all these...

I know many women face a lot of problems with their inlaws family... My fuggy is an exception in this... My family loves her very dearly and will ready to kill me, if my fuggy is upset or sad...

Oh my goodness... How did I forget this???? 😱😱😱😱... What will I do when everyone in my home knows about the incidents happened here??? Abhi... You are dead today... Sure dadi and dasi gonna beat me with their sticks and will give lots of advices to fuggy to punish me....

My sisters Aaliya di and Bulbul will surely spit all kinds of bad words on me... My god... How did I forget my fuggy's over protective brothers Ajju jiju and Purab.. Already, they are hell angry on me, as I have allowed that Tanu to work here...

If they know about this incident , surely they will bash me mercilessly... I know these two will surely pour acid to my romance... God... Please... I'm ready to bear anything, but no more sleeping in the couch... I have to throw that couch today itself....

Abhi jerks up from his thoughts when his secret room door is opened harshly by Arjun... Abhi gulps hard seeing the angry look of his jiju Arjun who is killing him into pieces... Arjun turns his attention towards his chotti Pragya and he becomes sad to see her pale state...

Arjun sits near Pragya and holds her hand lovingly and caress her head and kisses her forehead.... Hot tears escapes from his eyes uncontrollably...

Arjun: Sorry chotti... Please forgive your Ajju bhai... If I was here at that time, I would have never allowed that bitch even to near you too... How dare that shameless bitch to ill treat you like this???

Why did you keep quiet at that time chotti??? Why didn't you showed her that what is to mess up with
Pragya Abhishek mehra... How many times I told you not to cry like this??? See .. You are only suffering again and again...

This is the last and last time chotti... No more cryings okay... Your Ajju bhai is with you always... You shouldn't leave your idiot husband, Abhi for being calm like this and sitting as if nothing has happened...

I too have the right in this office, chotti... Let me show that Tanu what is to mess up with my chotti Pragya...  I will surely throw that Tanu right now and will get her arrested for ill treating you...

Abhi holds Arjun's shoulders: Jiju... Just calm down... It's not a wise decision to throw Tanu out at this time... Moreover... I...

Arjun yells: Abhiiii 😤😤😤😤😤... Are you mad??? What the hell is your problem Abhi??? Can't you see what the bitch Tanu has done to our Pragya... Damn it.... Your wife, my sister is suffering beçause of her only...

See my chotti is facing all these because of that flithy mouth ... Don't keep on repeating your age old dialogues Abhi.... Im completely fed up on hearing all those nonsense stuffs....

Abhi: Jiju... Try to understand the complexities of the situation...  No one knows that Pragya is my wife and even no one knows that I'm married too...

Moreover, I don't want anyone to leave a hint to my enemies that I'm married and Pragya is my wife... I can't take any risk when it concerns my fuggy and you know very well how much risk our family is prone to...

Moreover, I want to give my fuggy the chance to punish that Tanu and I think this is the least, I can do for my fuggy's happiness.... Please jiju...

Arjun: Do hell with your stupid philosophies ... Remember this is the final time Abhi... If I find anyone ill treating my sister Pragya, I will show them a living hell....

Did you get that??? Even I won't leave you Abhi, if my chotti cries again.... My little doll is suffering a lot... Poor girl... How much she has gone through at that time... But you idiot is simply sitting and talking nonsense without taking severe action... 😤😤😤😤...

Arjun roars and barges out of the room angrily .. He enters his cabin and drinks a jug full of water .. Nothing is working in his favour to calm down his anger.. He picks up the phone and dials a number and asks the person to come to his cabin immediately....

After five minutes, Tanu enters Arjun's cabin with a seductive smile in her face... Arjun looks at the creepy creature who in the name of office suit has worn a very tight fit and revealing outfit... Arjun grits his teeth in anger and punches his hands on the table startling Tanu to the core....

He picks up a file angrily and throws it in Tanu's face with full of fury....

Arjun: What the hell is this Tanu??? What I told you and what have you done??? Can't you do this simple thing too.. What are you doing in this office??? You are such a waste and worthless person to get such a bigger post and to get a nice sum as salary..

If it's not for your father, you have no standard even to work as a clerical staff too in this office... Remember, you got this job only out of pity and don't think high of yourself as you are a deserving person for this job....

  Atleast for heavens sake, try to do something for the salary you are getting.. Won't you feel ashamed to get the money without doing any work...  No one is interested here to see your heavy make ups or your awkward and vulgar dressings...

It's a place to work with utmost sincerity and dedication.. Did you get that??? I'm giving you a final warning Tanu.. I want this issue to be cleared within 24 hours..

If not, you will be fired from this job and remember you won't be able to get job anywhere.. Haan.. No one can help you.. You will be left helpless, not able to get these many make up kits...

Even the great Abhishekh Prem Mehra can't help you this time and show mercy on you for what your father did to him.. Go and do your work properly.. If not, better don't come to this office anymore...

Arjun's fires his anger fully on Tanu making her to startle and gulp in fear.,, She runs out hurriedly after picking up the file and dashes with Purab who has entered the office just now after knowing from Arjun what had happened in the office..

As Purab has to go to the Pragya's home for kids (orphanage) before coming to office, he is a bit late... As Aaliya and Bulbul asked anyone  (Arjun or Purab) to come there with the cheque book (while they were returning after placing the orders) to make the payments to get some needed stuffs for the home as they forget to bring the cheque books with them...

Purab readily accepted to go there ahead of Arjun as he is being trapped by Arjun in the morning to face Abhi's wrath.. Purab knows that Abhi will be waiting  to kill the first one to enter the office.. So he smartly escaped and trapped Arjun in that, not aware of what has happened in the office...

But when Arjun called and informed the happenings to Purab which he got to know through Uma, he is hell furious and entered the office to kill Tanu... Unaware to this, Tanu who comes out after facing Arjun's wrath dashes with Purab accidentally....

Tanu: I'm so sorry Purab sir... I didn't meant to... Sorry...

Purab grits his teeth in anger and glares at Tanu murderously...

Purab yells : Miss. Tanu.. Why can't you be some what responsible in your life??? Why are you hell adamant to trap men in your clutches???? Shame on you to call as a women....

I'm a married man and I love my wife dearly.... Go and show your ugly and dirty moves to anyone dying to have you... This is the last time Tanu.. I'm warning you...

Dare to near me with bad intentions, you will see my worst face... If you wish to live long, Better don't come before my eyes.. Shamelss creatures ... Always eyeing married men ..

Purab yells to the top of his lungs making everyone present in the room to watch the scenario.. Many chuckles and whispers something and some even talks aloud badly about Tanu irking her to the core..

She moves to her place and couldn't figure out why her three boss are hell angry  on her and is scolding her this much out of nowhere.. Tanu is not aware of the fact that she is getting this much cold treatment, warnings and threats as she messed up with Abhi's wife Pragya Abhishekh Mehra...


Purab enters Arjun's room with full of anger. .

Purab: Ajju jiju.... What's going on here??? How dare that Tanu 😤😤😤😤... She is roaming here till now... Why did that idiot Abhi left her still alive???

Arjun sighs: He is saying the age old dialogues Purab... Now, he is saying our chotti has to punish that devil... I don't know what is abhi thinking... But, I warned Tanu and given her 24 hours to clear a tough file...

Sure she gonna mess up and I'm damn sure, she can't finish that.... I will throw her out from this office this time... But poor chotti... My heart is bleeding on seeing her fragile state... She is my little doll.. I can't see her like that puru...

Purab: Jiju... Where is chotti??? Is she in Abhi's secret cabin... Is she fine now??? Did Doctor came and checked her??? Nothing to worry na...

Arjun nods his head and both barges into Abhi's room without wasting any time knowing well that Pragya would have gained conscious...

But, they didn't utter anything as they spots Abhi is crying too hard hugging his fuggy tightly in his embrace ..  Pragya smiles weakly on seeing her brothers getting inside the room...

Arjun/ Purab: Chotti... You are fine na...

Pragya: Yes bhais... I'm perfectly fine... I want to go to home... Can anyone take me to home????

Abhi: Fuggy.... I will take you darling.... Why are you asking your bhais, when I'm with you... Come let's go to home... Sorry baby.. I didn't meant to...

Pragya glares at Abhi angrily: Ajju bhai... Purab bhai... I'm talking only with you two and I don't want anyone other than you two to come with me...

Arjun and Purab chuckles on seeing the shocked face of Abhi... They
hi-fied with their chotti Pragya for coming back to form very quickly....

Arjun: Sure chotti... Somebody is thinking high of himself all the time... The person is  showing too much attitude not aware that my chotti can make him dance to her tunes very easily....

Purab: Chotti... The couch in your room is in good condition only na... I think it will of much use from now on...

Pragya: Of course Bhai... It's very fine... I keep it very safe and clean always as it's my saviour to punish my husband whenever he did something wrong, irking me...

Abhi gasps in shock on seeing the brothers and sister combo are making conspiracy against him and hell adamant to punish him... Abhi shows his puppy face to divert Pragya's attention on him but she is hell adamant not to look at his face too....

All of a sudden....


So, what has happened???

Why is Pragya angry on Abhi???

What did Abhi do to face Pragya's wrath????

What exactly happened in the office???

What did Tanu talked with Pragya and how come Abhi saved Pragya without making anyone aware that she is his wife????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a very long update...

Words used: 3100+

Cast your votes and pen down your views, comments and reviews without fail....

Sorry, if there are any mistakes and typo errors as I've not proof read....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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