38. You are my priceless, invaluable and irreplaceable possession

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I'm a crazy lover, yet I'm a confident fighter.... I will fight for what I love and I will love to have what I fight for...

By the way, Im thankful to you always, as I'm wearing the smile which you gave me...

Hey darling... I want to tell you something... That smile on your face is driving me crazy and making me to fall in love with you again and again...


Abhi is dumbstruck as he didn't expected that his jiju Arjun and his bestie Purab will talk in favour of his wife Pragya and instigate her anger towards him... He looked at the trio in a pleading way and not to punish him like this and show some mercy on him, as he no way responsible for anything happened...

Arjun and Purab shooks their shoulders and glared at Abhi angrily... They turned towards Pragya and whispered something in Pragya's ears and her eyes widens with a surprise... Pragya gave an unbelievable look but her brothers gave an assuring look that they did that in real...

Pragya smiles happily and nods her head and gives a hi-fi to the duo and praises them a lot... Abhi is completely confused at the trio's behaviours and he doesn't know what to do to get Pragya's mercy and thinking  very deeply how to escape from the couch punishment....

All of a sudden, Abhi pulls Pragya way too closer without minding Arjun and Purab's presence too... Pragya's jaws dropped as Abhi started to reduce the distance between them in a passionate and romantic way...

Arjun and Purab gets bewildered at Abhi's sudden encounter and they know very well that Abhi won't mind they are in the room too... They rushes out hurriedly saying that they will wait outside in Abhi's cabin and asked Pragya to come soon...

Pragya tries all her might to come out of Abhi's grip while he is not in a mood to let her go without getting her apology and also to prove that she is her valuble and priceless possession... Abhi shows his puppy face and pleads pragya while a teasing smile lingers in Pragya's face...

Pragya: Your tricks are not going to work today, mister... You are not going to be forgiven very easily....

Abhi: Please fuggy... Don't get this much angry na.. I accept it's my mistake.. Anyways, I came up there at correct time right...

Pragya shrinks her brows: Really Abhi... Why are you looking down haan??? So, you know that you are very late and made that bitch to take advantage on my helpless state and allowed her to talk all sorts of nonsense stuffs to me...

To be frank, I'm not angry on you Abhi... But I'm really hurted and wounded very badly, as you without minding anything...

(Before she completes, Abhi interrupts her by closing her mouth)

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... I didn't meant to do that... Please na... Will do whatever you say and I'm ready to get any punishment from you, other than sleeping in couch...

Can't your forgive your Abhi??? Please.... I beg you sweetheart... These types of mistakes will never be repeated.... Please baby... Show some mercy na...

Pragya: Trying to be smart haan... Alright Mr. Mehra... Come to home exactly after two hours... Your punishment is waiting... Haan... Don't forget to finish your lunch or else you will get one more punishment too...

Pragya smirks and about to go, but Abhi pulls her closer and gave a quick kiss in her forehead which conveys his sincere apologies to her and all his regrets for not doing anything at that time... Pragya whispers something in Abhi's ears and ran away from there...

Arjun and Purab took Pragya in the private lift which only Abhi, purab and Arjun can access and no one other them are allowed to enter the lift which is secured by a secret code... Arjun caress Pragya's head and asked her not to worry about anything as they are with her always....


Arjun is driving the car while Purab is talking to someone in the mobile... Pragya understands that it's some business call and she leans down on the seat and closes her eyes as she is way too tired because of all the happenings... All the incidents flashes in her mind one by one...

⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

Pragya comes up with Abhi's lunch pack and asked the security to handover the food to Abhi's secretary Uma and not to inform that she has came there... She thought to give a shocking surprise to Abhi not aware that she is going to face a biggest shock of her life...

After sometime, Pragya asked the security to leave her as she will come up with Abhi... She is astonished to see a huge building in the name of Mehra group of companies which is standing majestically and bravely....

A bright smile creeps up in Pragya's face as this huge achievement is all because of her husband Abhi who is the root cause and mastermind behind the mighty empire...  She really feels proud of her husband Abhi and also her brothers Arjun and Purab who are always the pillars of support to Abhi....

Pragya doesn't understand why her heart beats are raising all of a sudden and why she is getting nervous and tensed uncontrollably as if something bad gonna happen there... She mentally scolds herself for being stupid and takes a deep breath to control herself...

She opens her clutch and felt relieved that she has her inhaler and tablets kept inside, as she can use that in case of any emergency.... Pragya walked towards the building but she couldn't understand why her legs are shivering like this..

She is about to go towards the  private lift as Aaliya has given her the secret code to access but Pragya thought the other way and moves towards the main door, not aware that she is going to face a big problem....

Pragya reads the name plate displayed in the entrance and unknowingly her fingers traced her husband's name which is embellished in a golden plate... She looks here and there and finding the place is isolated, she bends down and kisses the name plate which is encarved as Abhishek Prem Mehra, chairman of Mehra Group of companies....

Pragya with a blushy smile looks at the instructions where she has to go... She takes a deep breath knowing that Abhi's cabin is in the top floor and she has to halt before three floors as the direct lift facility is not available to that floor, other than the personal lift...

Pragya sighs and enters the lift thinking what will Abhi do, if he sees her suddenly.... Before Pragya goes to her dreamland, the clinging sound of the lift beeps and she gets down and walks towards the reception where a girl named Rita is seated in the reception, dressed up stylishly in an office wear....

Rita gave an awkward look on seeing a simple dressed up girl in a long anarkali is getting inside the office without minding anything... She scans pragya  from top to toe and shrinks her brows as how come the security has allowed her to enter inside the office....


Rita (with a forced smile) : Good day madam... How can I help you???

Pragya: I.. I need to meet your chairman Mr. Abhishek Mehra...

Rita: Madam... Do you have any appointments with Chief??? Oh... I'm so sorry madam... No one can enter this office without appointment and you can't meet our chairman, that so easily as he is very busy ...

Pragya: I... I can understand... But can you just inform that Pragya has come to meet him... Or else, do one thing... Can you, please call his PA. Uma...

Rita: But ma'm... Uma madam has went out for an important work... If you don't mind, can you come later as Our boss has warned us not to disturb him.... You can leave now....

Pragya with an angry looks, yells harshly: Huh... Stop bossing me Miss...
I need to meet Abhi at any cost and I'm not moving anywhere without meeting my Abhi... Just go and call him and say that Pragya has come to meet him...

Pragya who is highly irritated with the receptionist Rita's attitude and her dressing style, shouts at her angrily and stubbornly but she in a hurry has blurted out  my Abhi instead of Mr. Abhishek while talking...

Rita is stunned with Pragya's angry talk and she is completely startled as no one in office is supposed to say Abhi's name other than Arjun and Purab... All the staffs were instructed to call him only as boss or sir....

Tanu who is passing by the side gets angry as a simple girl is showing too much attitude and talking rudely with the receptionist and behaving as that of the owner of the empire... Tanu makes her face as that of puking on seeing the look of Pragya, who is wearing a very simple attire....

Suddenly, Tanu's face glowed thinking that she will trap this girl nicely, so that she can get good impression from Abhi as he hates people who shows attitude to him and misbehaving in his company... Without knowing who is pragya, Tanu walked towards the reception....

Tanu: What's happening here Rita??? Who is this behenji??? Don't you know, we are not supposed to allow such low class people to enter this mighty enterprise... Hmm... Shameless and yucky creatures entering anywhere without any sense too ...

Hey you??? Come here... (Points fingers and calls Pragya as if she is a maid) How arrogant... Hey you low class??? Get up from your place... You need to have class and status to sit in that couch too...

Do you know the value of that couch??? Even if you work all your ages too, you can't afford to get that... How dare you to sit there without minding my talks 😠😠😠😠😠..  Get up, you dirty and clumsy creature...

Tanu abruptly and forcefully pulls Pragya from the couch making Pragya go to get hurted as Tanu had digged her nail harshly in her hand... Pragya's clutch falls down from her hand and it makes Pragya to get angry to the core...

Pragya: Mind your words... Can't you talk nicely to your guests??? Is this the way you treat, whoever enter this office??? Call Abhi right now... I need to talk to him...

Tanu: You bloody bitch... Stop saying our boss' name from your flithy mouth.. You low class, behenji, clumsy goose is not supposed to even say his name too... Come on fall down and beg for apology...

Do you know who he is??? He's the king of this enterprise and you are not even a  match and have standard to become his slave too... How dare you to say his name 😠😠😠😠... Get out, before we throw you outside...

Pragya's eyes welled up as the words of Tanu pricks her heart to the core...  Hot tears are rolling uncontrollably from Pragya's eyes as Tanu keeps on bad mouthing about her and her character... Pragya is not in a state to defend her as she is standing there in a helpless and vulnerable state...

Pragya's pov.:

Why are you punishing me like this God??? What have I done wrong??? This shameless, make up witch is calling me as characterless and bad mouthing about me without knowing who I'm... She is saying that I don't have the class to sit in the couch too...

Abhi... 😭😭😭😭😭.... Where are you??? Come to me Abhi.... Come and save me soon Abhi... Your fuggy is completely broken down and is in a pathetic and miserable state... I'm not in a position to defend myself Abhi... 😭😭😭

This witch has pushed me down Abhi and is ill treating me Abhi... My breaths are hitching Abhi and I don't know where my clutch too as this witch has thrown away that somewhere... Abhi, come and protect me as you have promised me...

Tell me Abhi... 😭😭😭😭... Am I not worth to be called as your wife??? Why did you hide our marriage Abhi??? If you didn't do that, I don't need to bear all such insulting words from your staffs Abhi...

Abhi, I can't bear any more harsh words too from her as she keeps on spitting venoms on me..  Just, I will give you five minutes Abhi... If you didn't come up here, I won't forgive you easily Abhi..  😭😭😭😭.... Come soon and save me please, before I die at least...

Pragya's breaths started to get uneven and hot tears are mercilessly overflowing from her eyes... Tanu and Rita laughs oñ seeing Pragya's state and they didn't bother to her pleads to give her water too....


Abhi who is not aware of anything happening in his office is getting restless all of a sudden..  He feels completely suffocated to sit there and he feels something bad is happening to his loved ones...

He gives up all his stubborness and calls Pragya but to his dismay, the mobile rings fully but the call is not answered... Abhi doesn't want to waste anytime and not in a mood to call anyone too...

He picks up his car keys and wishes to go to his house as quickly as he can and wanna be in the embrace of his fuggy to calm himself down...
Abhi knows very well that in whatever state he may be, his fuggy's one smile is enough for him to get peace...

While Abhi is about to move, his eyes spotted the cctv footages and he understands that some commotion is going on in a floor... Abhi gets angry as many are standing there, surrounding the reception and watching it happily as if some entertainment activities are going on, without minding to do their works too...

Abhi who values perfection in the work and who hates people wasting their time without concentrating in work, is highly irked and he gets mad at the person who is creating unwanted scene in his office and distracting his staffs from doing their works....

Abhi walks out like a ferocious lion and marches towards the floor angrily to throw the person mercilessly out from there, not at all aware that the commotion is happening because of his soulmate Pragya only...

Abhi roars angrily making all the staffs standing and enjoying the free show, to get startled and jerks up... Abhi throws angry daggers on all the staffs and is ready to fire them too for wasting the time....

Abhi: What the hell is happening here... Is this a place to work or to time pass... I want all of you to immediately move away from this place or else, you all will be fired...

All rushes up from there as no one is ready to bear the wrath of their boss Abhishek Mehra... Abhi spots the shivering receptionist and (the white make up box in short, revealing clothes) Tanu is standing there...

Abhi rolls his eyes as he sees a petite figure is seated on the floor who is holding her knees and her face is completely buried in it... Abhi doesn't understand why he is finding all sort of negative vibes on seeing the dishelved state of that girl ..

Shrugging of his thoughts, Abhi shooks his head and turns towards Tanu and Rita murderously... He glares at them and yells harshly...

Abhi: What nonsense is going on here..  This is office... And not a market to do all sorts of nonsense... And you..  what are you doing here??? Don't you know Tanu, you are not supposed to be here at this time....

Tanu: Sorry sir... I didn't meant to come here.. But this stupid behenji came inside our office out of nowhere and insulting our staff... So, I asked her to get out....

Abhi: Out... No more explanations Tanu... Rita... You too go away from here, before I fire you two... Let me see, who is that so great to mess up with Abhishek mehra and his staffs...

Abhi without minding anything pulls Pragya harshly and about to slap her for doing all such commotions in his office... But, his world collapsed and his breath strucked on seeing his fuggy is a vulnerable state gasping for breath and is crying uncontrollably....

Abhi stumbled hardly as he is not in a state to see his fuggy like this.... His blood boiled to even to think that his fuggy is being insulted and badly treated by his staffs and in his office....

The angry monster inside the arrogant Abhishek is ready to kill all those persons who bad mouthed about his fuggy into ashes but the caring husband of Pragya, Abhi over powered Abhishek at that time... All Abhi want at that time is to protect and save his fuggy....

Abhi pulls Pragya closer and hugs her tightly who is crying uncontrollably... Abhi is not able to digest the broken state of his fuggy and each and every word she spoke in between her ragged breath makes Abhi get really angry....

Abhi is not able to tolerate that Pragya is being insulted by Tanu very badly... He quickly picks up Pragya in his arms... Just then, Uma comes there knowing from Rita that something is going on... She is also shocked to see Pragya's state....

Abhi holds Pragya possessively in his embrace and wipes her tears... He makes her to use her inhaler, gave her tablets and pats her back... He pleads pragya not to cry and it took long time for Abhi to make Pragya to get back to normal....

Pragya jerks up from her sleep and she is completely confused as how come she is sleeping in her room... She smiles knowing well that it should be the doings of any one of her brother... She quickly freshen up and changes her dress and comes down....


Exactly after two hours, Abhi enters the house praying to god that no one should say anything to him... He is trembling in fear knowing well that all will pounce on him angrily and he knows that dadi and dasi won't leave him easily....

But Abhi is startled as he didn't expected this at all....


So, what has happened???

What startled Abhi to the core????

What is Pragya going to do to forgive Abhi???

Will Abhi and Pragya leave Tanu that so easily???

What sorts of punishments are awaiting for Tanu for her bad behaviours???

Will Abhi reveal to everyone that Pragya is his wife????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a very long update of 3200+ words....

Cast your votes and pen down your views, reviews and comments without fail....

Sorry for errors and mistakes....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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