46. When you smile, My mind gets intoxicated...

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Oh no, I'm in a big trouble... She is smiling and trapping me ...

I have been told that, to make her fall in love with me, I need to make her smile... But it's me, who is falling in love with her again and again, whenever she smiles...

Do me a Favour... I'm hell angry on you... My mind is completely restless... Just smile and rub my heart... I will get the needed medicine to calm me down...


After hearing the harshful comments and ill words of Tanu about her character (in the video call secretly made by Abhi's PA Uma) , Pragya boils in full rage and she wants to burn Tanu into ashes... But her anger is reflected in the form of tears and it makes Pragya's health to deteriorate, all of a sudden...

Abhi is hell shocked on seeing Pragya in a pathetic state and it took him a long time to console and comfort Pragya... Even Purab and Arjun had a tough time to handle Pragya, who is keep on saying that she is not going to leave that Tanu easily...

Pragya's dangerous smirk and her killer smile really scares Abhi a lot, as he only knows this reaction of Pragya is a deadly weapon of her and it will burn, whoever misbehaves or irritates too... Abhi couldn't stop smiling as he understands that his wild tigress is back with a big bang..


Abhi caress the head of his Fuggy, who is hugging him tightly and is chirping happily like a small girl... Her smile is soothing his heart and it makes him to feel that he is in the centre of a lovely garden and he is being showered by rose petals and gently kissed by a cold breeze...

Abhi: Fuggy... It's getting late for me, sweetie... Will the CEO Madame allow me to go out??? Your brother Arjun,  my annoying Jiju will barge shamelessly inside the room, any a time and will jump and lecture, as if I'm purposely delaying....

Pragya: Abhi... Why are you always complaining like this haan??? Too bad..

Abhi: What else can I do??? I'm having two villains in my life, who are hell adamant to spoil my romantic time with my sweetheart... Those sautans are irritating me too much...

Pragya: Mr. Mehra... Remember, we are in office and not in our bedroom to have a romantic time....

Abhi chuckles: Ahem ahem... Say it loudly, CEO Madam ji... I'm  thinking it as our bedroom and is completely in a  romantic mood, as my fuggy is hugging me this much tightly and is becoming a bad influence to make my hormones to arouse dangerously...

Pragya gasps in shock and  mentally smacks her for her stupidity, as she is the one, who is possessively hugging Abhi tightly and is not allowing him to move away from her, as Abhi said that he is going out for a dealership meeting with Arjun...

Abhi: Please darling... Don't smile and blush like this... Then, I will melt like an ice cream... It's getting late, darling... I need to go now... You will be fine na.... Purab will join you and he will be with you...

Finish off the works quickly and reach home before 5 o'clock... I will reach home directly... Eat something and take rest okay... Don't stress yourself...

Pragya sighs: Abhi... Enough enough... You are giving too many instructions, as if I'm a baby.... I can take care of myself... You don't bother about me ...

Abhi: Fuggy... You will be fine na... You won't cry again and trouble yourself right... Shall I ask the doctor to come or shall I appoint a home nurse to take care of you???

Pragya: Ho God!!!! This is too much, Abhi... You are treating me like a patient.... Hello!!!! Don't roll your eyes and try to scare me.... Go... Go... You are annoying me too much...

Abhi glares at Pragya angrily, while she flutters her eye lashes like a butterfly and makes a seductive smile and twists her lips teasingly... Abhi shooks his head quickly and takes a deep breath to compose himself, as his naughty wife is getting expert in   controlling his anger ....

Making Pragya's plan to backfire, Abhi waves his hand and walks towards the door.... Pragya's face fall down in disappointment and she turns her face quickly.. But her face glowed in happiness as Abhi hugs her tightly, gives a kiss on her cheeks and whispers "I love you" and moves out...

Pragya smiles brightly and jumps up in joy... She dances happily and twirls  like a bird... She makes an oops reaction, as Purab had sneaked inside the room silently and is showing a live coverage of Pragya's performance to Abhi and Arjun....

The three men laughs happily and teases Pragya a lot... But inwardly, they were happy, as Pragya is getting normal and she won't complicate her heath again... Purab and Pragya started to do their works, while Abhi and Arjun got busy in the meeting....


It's almost 4.30 in the evening.... Purab is burying his head completely in the file and is seriously working on it... His  face brightened in happiness, as Pragya made tea for him, which he needs badly at that time...

Purab: Thanks a lot, chotti... You are my saviour... Let me charge myself with this tea...

Pragya: Purab bhai... Why are you this much restless??? I'm watching you for a long time... You were fighting with the file ... Tell me, what's bothering you...

Purab:  What shall I do, chotti??? All because of that cocktail cockroach (Tanu) only.... I have assigned this work to that stupid makeup box and as usual, she has messed up everything and spoiled it....

She won't do any works for the salary, she is receiving... But she will just show off, as if she is holding the burdens of the company in her shoulders and will easily make many men to help her, to finish her incomplete works ...

The end result is a big zero...  We will get a messed up and mixed-up work, which is of no use to us... I need to re do everything or else, your husband will smack my head for sure....

Huh... If I have the power, I will bury that Tanu or throw her directly in hell... Aargh... My precious time is getting wasted unnecessarily, because of that witch... I badly want to teach her a good lesson, chotti... Do you have any plans????

Pragya: How about a quick teaser, Bhai??? Are you ready??? Shall we play with Tanu now itself???

Without thinking of the consequences and minding that the time is running out, Purab too nods his head happily and the duo, who are in a mission to attack Tanu, completely forget the instructions given by Abhi and put their mobiles on silent mode and instructed no one to disturb them...


Tanu is sweating profusely, as she is being called by the CEO Madame P and is being instructed to come along with the XYZ company file... Tanu doesn't know what to do, as she didn't even started the work at all...

With trembling hands, Tanu clutches the door handle and twists it gently... She enters the special cabin, which is designed exclusively for Pragya to conduct quick meetings with her subordinates...

Tanu is awestruck on seeing the decor of the room... It is way too stylish and each and every corner, speaks about the richness of that cabin.... For a second, Tanu thought that she is in some dreamland...

Tanu didn't expected that the meeting room will be this much elegant and she just can't digest that their chief, who values a single penny and lecture everyone about saving money, would have spent this much money for a small room, which Pragya gonna use rarely...

Tanu earlier felt Abhi to be so stingy, as he had not alloted a separate cabin for Pragya.... But now she understands that the CEO Madam is an important person in Abhi's life and he can do anything for her....

Tanu comes out of her trance, as Purab shouts angrily.... Pragya raises her brows and looks at Tanu with full of disgust, as if she is some creepy worm... Tanu utters sorry to Purab and moves her gaze towards Pragya, who is  sitting like a royal Empress...

Tanu: Sir, did you called me????

Purab: Not at all... It's your CEO Madam's order to call you.... Where is the file, Tanu???? Have you finished that work or not.... Madam wants to see it....

Tanu: Sorry Sir... I have to work on it... If you allow me, I will finish it off within next week....

Purab: What Rubbish... Didn't I told you to hand over the file today evening... Don't come up with reasons like a school goer... Can't you be responsible???? You are Worthless and unfit for this job....

Tanu: I'm extremely sorry Sir... I've completely forgotten to finish too... Will complete it soon, Sir... Please forgive me this time...

Purab fumes in anger and grits his teeth angrily.... Pragya didn't uttered anything and is staring at Tanu intently... She makes Purab to sit down and gave him a glass of water....

Purab; You are irritating me, Tanu...

Pragya: Bhai... Relax... Don't lose your temper like this... Poor Tanu madam...  See her face... She is crying and we have to scream in few minutes, if we witness her makeup less face... Yuck...

Purab bhai, You should have known that Tanu has time only to white wash and colour her face and will keep on thinking how to seduce men only.. Am I saying it right, Tanu???

(Tanu face lost all it's colours, as Pragya attacks her directly and smiles at her teasingly)

You have to understand, Bhai... How can she have time to do the office works??? Oh yeah... I forget... May be her slaves wouldn't have helped her, as she is covering herself fully na...

Leave her, Bhai... Tanu is a very sincere and dedicated worker na.... She will sit in front of me and do the works... You gonna see, how quickly she gonna do the work.... Hey na, Tanu...

Tanu quickly nods her head as yes, not at all understanding that Pragya is invisibly hanging a loop in her neck and is keeping a big knife in her tummy to kill her mercilessly ....

Tanu: Sure Madam, I will do it...

Pragya: Good... First, finish off all this and start working on that file, afterwards ....

Pragya hands over the messed up file which Purab is handling for a long time.... Tanu gasps in shock and started to do her work, as she has no other go....

As much as they can, both Pragya and Purab tortured Tanu and didn't let her go away from office, till she completes at least half her work...

Exhausted and worn out Tanu is much scared as Pragya has warned and threatened her to submit the completed files by tommorow evening... But adding to her misery, the old man (whom she is entertaining for few months) , ordered her to come to his house that night itself....

Tanu is hell shocked and pleaded her brother Nikhil to help her to come out from the clutches of that monster.... But he scolded her and spitted venoms on her and asked her to obey his orders.... Tanu cries hardly but she didn't realized her mistake at all...

Even at that time too, she thought that Pragya has shamelessly trapped three men  and making them to dance to her tunes, not aware of the relatioship they are sharing.... Tanu believes that trapping Abhi is the only way to escape from the monster....


Purab and Pragya reached way too late and are hell shocked  to see the whole family is waiting for them... The angry face of Abhi makes a shrill in the veins of both Purab and Pragya and the shoutings of Arjun really scared them a lot..

Abhi didn't bothered to hear any of their explanations and he shouts angrily and moves to their room... The way Abhi closes the door rashly, shows Pragya that how much he is hurted because of Pragya's doings and it's not possible to control his anger that much easily...

Arjun hugs Pragya, who is weeping like a kid...  He wipes her tears and asks his wife Aaliya to feed her... Bulbul shouts angrily on Purab and warns him not to disobey Abhi anymore or else, she will surely give him the worst punishment...

Pragya: I'm really sorry... Bulbul... Purab bhai is not at all at fault... It's me who forget Abhi's words ... I'm not aware that Abhi would have arranged such a big surprise to me...

All I was thinking is to teach a good lesson and scare that Tanu, who boiled my nerves very badly.... If I have known this earlier, I would have come home, as Abhi said...

Sorry everyone... Please forgive me... I... I won't repeat the mistakes again... I didn't do anything intentionally...

Dadi: Leave it, beta... We all understand your situation and nothing wrong in what you two did... But Pragya beta... Abhi did so much for you and is eagerly waiting for a long time to see the smile in your face...

Don't you know about your husband... He is like a little baby and in your matter, no one can control him... (Sighs) I don't know how you gonna console Abhi, as he is hell angry that all his surprise got spoiled....

Pragya: No dadi... I'm not letting my My Abhi's surprise to get wasted and his wishes will be fulfilled... I need all your help in this... Will you all join me and do as I say???

All nods their head and agreed to do as Pragya said... Pragya gives some instructions to them and asks the elders to take rest... With much determination, Pragya moves to her room....

Pragya opens her room and is hell shocked as it's completely dark... She switched on the light and gasped in shock to see a complete new version of their room... As Abhi said earlier, he had thrown their master bed and got a compact bed for them...

The room is decorated way too romantically and everything is done, as per Pragya's wishes... A lone tear escapes from Pragya's eyes as she spots her husband Abhi, who is boiling in full rage and vigorously punching the punch bag, to control his anger...

Pragya gasps in shock and holds the punch bag hardly... Abhi glared at Pragya angrily and asked her move from there... But Pragya stands there stubbornly and asked Abhi to punch her to control his anger....

Abhi scowls angrily and throws the gloves away and moves to the balcony to breathe some fresh air, to calm his mind... Like a needed medicine, Pragya hugs his back and started to trail slow smooches on his back and keeps on asking sorry to him....

Pragya quickly takes off her hands as she feels the hot tears of Abhi is burning her hands... She turns Abhi and cups his face, which is filled with tears...

Pragya: Abhi... What's this... Why are you hurting yourself like this.... I'm so sorry... Mistake is mine... Punish me... Don't show your anger like this... It's hurting me a lot....

Abhi didn't uttered anything to Pragya but he keeps on looking at her intently, which badly needs to see her smile and not her worry filled face, which is about to tear up anytime...

Understanding Abhi's mind set, Pragya leaves off all her worries and smiles genuinely to make Abhi happy....

Abhi twirls Pragya, hugs her possessively  and buries his face in her neck... He didn't talked anything to her but is inhaling her scent to control his anger.... Pragys slowly moves away from Abhi and rubs his heart gently to calm him down...


After sometime,

Pragya: Abhi... I'm hungry... Can you feed me??? Please...

Abhi: Whatttt... You didn't have food, till now.... I asked Aaliya di to feed you, right... No one is responsible in this house and all are hell adamant to disobey me...

Pragya: Don't scold them, Abhi...  I only said them that I will eat the food after my Abhi's surprise got fulfilled...

Abhi: No fuggy... It's over... I'm not in a mood to enjoy or do the surprise, I've planned for you... I will ask Robin to bring the food here....

Pragya: Mr. Mehra... I'm gonna do hunger strike, if my husband's surprise is not done, as of now... Remember, you are prohibited even to near my shadow too, if you disobey me...

Abhi: You are too stubborn and adamant, now a days... Knowing my weakness, you are trapping me cleverly right...

Pragya: Of course, I'm... My husband is over pampering me and spoiling me too much... Blame my husband and not me... Abhi... Please... I want to enjoy all your surprises... Please please... Say yes...

Pragya shows her puppy face and gives slow smooches on Abhi's face fully to make him to melt completely and he nods his head quickly, as Pragya whispered something in his ears....

Abhi scoops Pragya happily in his arms and brought her down.... The whole family is waiting for them and no one had anything, till now... Even Dadi and Dasi were waiting for them eagerly and didn't bothered to take rest too...

Abhi brought Pragya to the centre of the table and asks her to cut the cake, which is adored with her beautiful smily face.... Pragya feeds Abhi and Abhi too feeds her happily... Abhi blinks his eyes and gestured something to everyone...

Pragya gasps in shock, as she is completely bathed in cake and she screams angrily as her favorite icecreams are eaten by everyone and no one is ready to give her even a scoop too and is running away from her eye sight....

Abhi puts a big icecream inside Pragya's dress and runs out... Pragya screams angrily and chases Abhi.... But her legs halts abruptly and her eyes popped out in happiness, as the sky is adored with glittering crackers, which is wishing Pragya for her successful entry in the company....

Pragya is more shocked, as the whole house is glowing with the lights and  "I love you Fuggy " is shining everywhere, as the laser lights are lightening the whole place... She searches for Abhi with a happy smile in her face....

But she gasps in shock, as Abhi pulled her inside the secret room in the pavement and cleaned all the cake in her face and neck, in his unique style... He winks at Pragya and gives her a stylish gown and asked her to wear it and come soon..

Pragya quickly freshen up and got ready and comes out... Abhi makes Pragya to wear a diamond studded chain and made her to wear the third ring, other than their engagement and wedding ring....

All had a nice time and they enjoyed the food happily, which are Pragya's favourite dishes.... Even though, it's late night, they enjoyed to their heart felt content and everyone felt happy to see the smile in Abhi and Pragya's face....


The next afternoon,

Nikhil is walking inside the Mehra group of companies, as Tanu has begged him to do something to take leave from the office, by saying any lame reasons... Nikhil, without any choice comes over there, as the old man is threatening them and ordering Tanu to come to his house within an hour...


On the other hand,

Abhi is gritting his teeth angrily, while Pragya is smiling teasingly and ____________...


An angry man is breaking all the things in the room, as Abhi had ____________... He ordered his men to have a track of Aaliya and her doings....



What's going to happen next????

Will Nikhil finds out that the girl, he is looking for a long time is the new CEO of the Mehra group of companies????

Will it be possible for Tanu to escape from Pragya's punishments???  Will the old man leave Tanu easily for disobeying his orders????

What did Pragya do again to make Abhi angry????

Who is the hidden villain, other than Abhi's father, who is eyeing Aaliya????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Came up with a long update..

Words used: 3500+

If you have enjoyed the update, cast  your votes by pressing the 🌟 button once and pen down few words about my writings and how the story is progressing.....

It's no use to write stories, if you guys are not interested...

Expecting a positive change from you all....

Bidding adieu,



Will be


Have a good day....


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