45. Your smile makes my life, colourful...

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Do anyone know, what is the most intoxicating drug???
It's my wife's smile, which drives me, crazy and I'm just addicted to it, madly...

I never ask her to smile, when I wish to capture her image in my mobile... I will just say "I love you" and her face glows, with her glorious smile...

You underestimated me... You treated me in the worst way... Now, you are trapped and held in my terrific hold... You have no other choice, than to obey my orders... The ball is in my court, now...


Pragya finishes off her speech and looks at the employees keenly, with a mysterious smirk and a professional smile, lingering in her face... Abhi, Purab and Arjun are eagerly looking for the reactions of the employees, to Pragya's quick, yet bold talks...

As expected by them, the staffs vacated the meeting hall, as quickly as they can... No one is ready to face the wrath of the new CEO. Madame P.... They understands very well that they have to be in her good books and try to impress her, to survive in this prestigious job, which earns them a lump sum of amount...

But everyone's mind is lingering with one question, repeatedly... Who are the persons being targeted and going to work under the new CEO... All fears and prays hardly that their names shouldn't be in the short listed candidates, at any cost...

On the other hand, Abhi's PA Uma took her mobile hidingly and is seeing all the reactions of Tanu, without her knowledge... Tanu, who is not aware that a big trap is set for her, started to curse and bad mouth about Pragya, uncontrollably...

Pragya's face hardened, as she is watching everything in the video call made by Uma... With anger flaring her nose and with much irritation, Pragya barges out of the meeting hall, like a threatening storm...

Abhi gasps in shock and runs behind Pragya, who locks the lift quickly, leaving him to get more tensed... He is bothered a lot, as Pragya shouldn't turn emotional on hearing the ill words of Tanu, which will create unwanted health issues to Pragya...

Abhi couldn't wait till the lift reaches the floor again... Without minding what he is doing, Abhi rushes towards the stairs and started to climb it up, as quickly as he can....

Abhi, who is in peak of tension completely forget the fact that the company has two more lifts for the employee's purposes, ahead of the private lift, which only Abhi, Arjun, Pragya and Purab has the access to use ...

Arjun and Purab understands Abhi's turmoil and his worries, as it involves Pragya's health... They felt relieved, some how, as none of the staffs noticed the behaviour of Abhi, as it will create unwanted doubts in their minds...

Sighing deeply, the duo took the regular lift and reaches their cabin to do their works and wished to meet Abhi and Pragya, after sometime... But inwardly, they were praying that Pragya shouldn't turn emotionally weak in this important situation...


Abhi is huffing and panting and is completely drenched in sweat... He is breathing heavily, as he has climbed up more than 15 floors, within three minutes... But Abhi's running phase didn't slowed down and he didn't mind that he needs, some air to gain his lost breathe....

Abhi halts his step, only after reaching his cabin... The cool air from the chilled air conditioner, controls the sweat beads in his body and he filled a lung full of air, to gather some energy.... With shivering hands, Abhi clutches the door handle and gets inside....

Abhi is hell shocked, as he didn't find Pragya in their cabin... Abhi rushed inside the private room and he panicked on seeing Pragya, who is drenched in tears, but with full of ferocious anger and clear vengeance to crush that Tanu into pieces, for bad mouthing about her character and ill treating her relationship with her Abhi, her soulmate ...

Abhi couldn't tolerate to see Pragya, who is suffocating and is struggling very hard to breathe properly... For a second, Abhi's whole body become numb and he is not in a mind set to think of anything and do the needful, to control her suffocation...

But, his senses got super alerted, as he heard the heavy wheezing sound from Pragya, which indicates that she is struggling very hard to breathe... Abhi quickly comes out from his lost state and rushes to pick up Pragya's medicines....

He shakes the inhaler quickly and made Pragya to use it... He gives her tablets and patted her back hardly... Finding Pragya is relaxing some what, Abhi fills the glass and gave her some hot water for her to drink... Abhi felt relived, as he finds some hot coffee in the flask, which is made by Pragya for him...

He made Pragya to drink it and keeps on patting her back, till she gets back to normal... Abhi keeps on consoling Pragya and is kissing her forehead and gives her a confidence that she can handle all the hardships, with ease and he will support her always, whatever the situation may be....


After sometime,

Abhi caress the head of Pragya, who is leaning on to him, with her eyes tightly shut... Abhi holds Pragya's hands and kisses all her fingers gently, making Pragya's lips to curve to a blushy, bright smile....

Abhi: Fuggy... This is how I wish to see you, always... You very well know, how much I hate to see your tears... But I don't understand, why you are opening the water tap, often and spoiling your health like this...

If you are mad at that white witch, show her the place, she deserves and punish her with all your might... Why are you troubling yourself haan??? Please fuggy... Don't do like this... I can't see you in such condition...

I had a stupid belief that only I will get mad and lose all my senses, if I'm angry... Phew.... You are unbelievable and doing everything, way too ahead of me... Control yourself, fuggy... These much of reactions are not good for your health, sweet heart...

The ball is in our court, Fuggy... Those who bad mouthed about you, are in our clutches... That make up box is increasing her punishments, unknowingly...

Fuggy... I know you are a very clever and smart girl... Don't take her words to your heart... Just think, a mad dog is barking at you... Wipe it off and move forward... Focus on your mission with a lot of determination and full of confidence....

Pragya: I'm really sorry, Abhi... Did I worried you too much???

Abhi: You are frequently showing me, what is death... Huh... Horrible and threatening... Please fuggy... I just can't see you like this...

Pragya gently caress the heart of Abhi and wiped his tears.... She buries her face completely in his heart and they didn't speak anything more, as they both find solace in each other's embrace and the calm environment too gives them more peace...


Abhi growls angrily and wanna smack the heads of the villains of his life... The two shautans, who always interrupts their beautiful moments are standing up there, with a sheepish smiles in their faces...

Abhi kills them with his looks, while Pragya giggles on seeing her brothers, who are pouting, as that of small kids... Purab gently whispers something in Arjun's ears and pleads him to do it, to divert Abhi's attention...

Purab added that it's the only way to escape from the ferocious, roaring Abhi and shows his puppy face to make Arjun to accept his wishes... Arjun sighs deeply and gathers up all his courage to talk to Abhi...

Purab holds Arjun's hands and asked him to proceed further, as if he is giving the moral support to him... Arjun stomps on Purab's legs harshly, for trapping him to Abhi and gave a murdeous look to him and moves near Pragya, without minding his painful whimper...

Arjun: Chotti... You are fine na... You didn't pulled up any stunt right....

Abhi: Your chotti is hell adamant to do that na, Jiju... She won't listen to any of us, when the matter concerns her health... Always trying and doing everything happily to trouble herself....

Arjun: Whatttt... Too bad, Pragya... Don't you know, we all will be worried...

Purab: Yeah yeah... Too bad, chotti... You shouldn't do like this... See... My darling Bestie Abhi's face... Show some mercy on him na... (Seeing a smile in Abhi's face, Purab's face brightened in glee)

By the way, when is the meeting scheduled for the shortlisted employees.. Today or tomorrow... Shall I proceed your orders, CEO Madam ji???

Pragya: Sure Bhai... Give the circulars to the listed people and arrange the meeting, tomorrow..
I need to bug up myself... If I go there now, sure I will throw them out in anger...

Arjun: It's well and good... Hey Abhi... You didn't tell me, where have you arranged Pragya's cabin.... Hey, why are you laughing, man... What's this chotti, why are you glaring at Abhi like this???

Purab: Don't say that your cabin is also set up here...

Abhi: Good boy... You proved Purab that you are my bestie... Today only, you guessed me correctly...

Arjun and Purab shouts "whaaatttt" unanimously....

Abhi: Stop it... Don't try to deaf my ears... Run out, before I get mad...

Arjun: Abhi... Are you serious???

Purab: Oh no... We are trapped, Arjun jiju... This Abhi gonna do romance with our chotti and we will be ordered to do more works, than the usual ones...

Rest in peace, Purab... Arjun jiju... May your soul too rest in peace... Poor us... Come, let's mourn for our funeral... (Wipes his fake tears and sees whether Arjun is also having tears like him... But Arjun grits his teeth angrily, as Purab giving free advice to Abhi )

Abhi: If your blabberings are over means, will you two leave this place... Haan... Just say this to Uma 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇 and ask her to do so ...

Arjun and Purab nods their heads and moves out... Abhi gently holds Pragya's shoulders and scooped her in his arms... He made her to settle in her seat and allowed her to do the work, as she wished to do it... Abhi too engrossed in his work and does some calls in between....


Later that evening,

Tanu, who is hell tired and worn out gets inside her house, like a crumpled sheet of paper.... She doesn't have the stamina to walk inside her room too and she slumps her body in the couch and presses her head tightly, as her head is pounding with pain...

Tanu's mobile started to ring aloud, adding her frustration and tension more... The number flashed in her mobile, brings a shrill in her whole body and her face went pale, all of a sudden... She picks up the call with much fear and just nods her head and heard the matter with teary eyed...

Tanu cuts the call and wanna cry her heart out... But she controlled her tears, as her mother is watching her reactions quietly from her room... Tanu wanna curse and kill her brother Nikhil for trapping her in a biggest problem and she doesn't know how to escape from it....

With much anger and irritation, Tanu gets up and bangs hardly on the room door of Nikhil... Nikhil, who is completely in the effect of alcohol is highly irritated and breaks the glass in full rage...

He barges out of the room in a stumbled state, yet his anger is clearly visible in his face... Already he is maddened that he couldn't find any traces of Pragya and none of her information are available to him....

Adding fire to his rage, Tanu screams and shouts at him angrily... As the alchohol effect is too high for Nikhil, he is not in a mind set to hear any of Tanu's worried words and her teary and pale face didn't bothered him at all...

Without minding the after effects, Nikhil pushes Tanu in the floor and keeps the half broken glass in her neck.... Tanu is hell shocked, as she didn't expected that her brother, who loved her dearly will do like this...

All she could hear is that Nikhil forced her to do whatever is said in the call or else, she will face death for sure... Without any choice Tanu nods her head and moves to her room in a disheveled state... Their mother watches everything in a rigid state and thinks that the duo deserves all these, for doing the forbidden sins...


While on the other side,

The luxurious car slowly screeches and halts in the entrance of the Mehra Mansion... Pragya gets down from the car, followed by Purab, who is carrying both their laptops... The unexpected silence in the whole house shakes both Purab and Pragya to the core...

Pragya: Puru Bhai... We didn't come to any wrong address na... Is this our house????

Purab: Same doubt for me too, chotti... The unusual silence is giving all kind of eeric feeling in my heart... Please chotti... I'm not fault... You only forced me... You should save me from your husband's wrath...

Pragya: Uffo... Purab bhai .. Why are you getting scared of Abhi like this??? He is such a darling and my cutie pie...

Purab: He is a darling only to you... If you smile, he will melt like an ice... But he is always a terror and is like a oozing volcano ... Still I don't know, how I become a khadoos' friend...

Pragya: Bhai... You forget... Your better half Bulbul is Abhi's sweet sister...

Purab: Grrr... Why are you pouring acid in my misery, chotti??? You know what, this Bulbul threatens me a lot, using Abhi's name... Poor me.... Strucked up between an angry friend and his over pampered sister....

Pragya giggles and holds Purab's hand and they steps inside the house, quietly... The duo is highly shocked as the ladies in the house are glaring at the duo angrily, while Arjun is accusing them for spoiling everything... The rigid posture of Abhi in the living hall brings a shrill in the spine of both Purab and Pragya...

Pragya slowly asks Purab, whether he knows what's going on there... Purab twists his lips and shooks his head negatively, as he is not aware of anything.... But Arjun gestured the duo to look at the house....

Pragya gasps in shock and rubs her eyes quickly... She didn't expected this at all... Her eyes welled up uncontrollably and she rushes and kneels down before Abhi... She gently took his hand, but he quickly pulls it off and turns his face angrily....

Pragya: Sorry Abhi...

Abhi: Do hell with your Sorry, CEO Madam ji... No one is dying here to hear your sorry...

Pragya: Abhi please... Just calm down...

Abhi: Dadi... Dasi... Ask your bahu to have her food... Aaliya di... Please do make sure that she has her medicines too... Bulbul... Ask your friend to stop her water works...

Dadi... I don't want anyone to disturb me...

Dadi: Abhi beta... Still, you didn't have your food...

Abhi: I'm already full with your bahu's doings... I don't need anything dadi... Remember everyone... If she pull any stunts and didn't have her food, I won't leave any of you... Is that clear????

Abhi roars angrily and climbs up the stairs and barges inside his room... The whole living hall of Mehra Mansion is dumb struck and it looks like, as if it's hit by a huge thunderstorm...

Arjun holds Pragya's shoulder and makes her to get up... He wipes her tears and holded her in his embrace .. He gently caress her head and pats her back, to calm her down...

Pragya- Sorry, Ajju bhai... I didn't meant to do, anything intentionally... I'm not aware that Abhi will get mad like this...

Arjun: Leave it, chotti... Go and have food... Hoye... Don't say no and all... Your husband will rip all of us into pieces... Don't trigger Abhi's anger more... Aalu... Take Pragya and feed her food...

Aaliya nods her head and holds Pragya's hands and takes her towards the dining hall... Purab is watching everything helplessly and he quietly sits in a chair... He shrieks in horror, as Bulbul gives a big bang in his back....

Purab: Ouch... Bulbul... Why the hell are you doing like this???

Bulbul: You should thank god that I left you, with a single bang... As you are my husband, I'm leaving you alive... If not, I would have killed you into pieces...

This is the last time, Purab... If you make my Abhi bhai to get worried and bothered like this , I don't mind that you are my husband too...

Pragya: Bulbul... Please... Mistake is mine... Purab bhai is not at all, at fault...

Bulbul: You don't talk to me , Pragya... Why can't you understand Abhi bhai's love on you??? Why are you worrying him this much???

Pragya: Goddd... I couldn't understand what's going on here... I don't know, why you all are mad on me... Tell me, what happened???

Arjun: Chotti... Did you see the time??? It's 10.45 pm... I and Abhi left the office at 3 o' clock and went to meet the clients... Didn't Abhi told you to come to home before 5 o'clock???

Purab... You idiot... Where is the big soap case you have??? Take your phones, you two... See the number of missed calls from all of us... Why you too didn't picked up the calls in your cabins too...

Pragya: Its because, we were not there...

Pragya explains Arjun, what she and Purab where doing all this time... Though Arjun understands the situation, he doesn't know how Pragya gonna console Abhi...

Arjun: I don't need these explanations, Chotti... Abhi is very much angry on you... He did everything to make you happy and to see a smile in your face... But you spoiled everything...

Pragya: No Bhai... I will sort out the issues... I will change my Abhi's mood...

With a determined mind set, Pragya whispers something to Purab and Arjun... She giggled on seeing the duo's shocked state and gives some instructions to Bulbul and Aaliya too... She asks Dadi and Dasi to go and sleep, as it's getting late....

The elderly ladies asked her to take care and moves to their room... With a smile in her face, Pragya fills the plate with food and moves to their room, where a roaring tiger is ferociously standing and yelling at some one, madly...



What's going to happen next???

Why did Purab and Pragya came late???

Why is Abhi mad at Pragya ???

Will Tanu find out that Pragya is none other the girl, her brother Nikhil is searching and will she comes to know that Pragya is Abhi's wife???

What Pragya gonna do with the short listed employees???

Will Pragya gives a tough time to Tanu???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Given a long update, as usual...

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Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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