44. The comeback is stronger and roaring, than the setback...

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My girl has a powerful weapon... What else than her breath taking smile, which shows her confidence and attitude...

She believed that she will do it... Obviously, she did it with ease...

If I have the ability to change the alphabets, I will surely put I & U together...


The dashing and the terrific entry of the new CEO has brought a shiver and shrill among the staffs of the Mehra Group of companies... Never did they expected that she is dangerous and threatening, ahead of their chief Abhishek Prem Mehra....

The way Pragya stepped inside the company, her attitude, her arrogant behaviour, her eyes which spitted fire on seeing the negligence of the workers, her cool yet attacking words, the way Arjun and Purab obeyed her orders, really scared the employees a lot...

Ahead of all that, what showed them a living hell is that their chairman Abhishek Mehra can't say no to the new CEO's wishes and orders... It's clearly evident that she is his boss, as he danced to her tunes and nodding his head like a puppet to her...

Her single look is enough for him to do anything and the employees clearly sees it in the very few minutes of their interactions itself ... All the female staffs were jealous on Pragya, as she knocked down the hardest rock, the Abhishek Prem Mehra, who never looks at any women before, with this much interest...

Their intimacy, their bonding, their chemistry, their hidden eye talks, their soulful smiles, the way they hold each other's hands, really makes all their stomachs to burn into ashes...

But no one is aware that the new CEO Pragya is none other than their chief Abhishek Prem Mehra's lovable soulmate ... Abhi made sure that the information about Pragya's identity should be kept as a secret to everyone, so that none of his enemies should be aware of Pragya at any cost....


Abhi is hell angry on Pragya, as she is showing attitude to him and teasing him a lot, with her behaviour... Though her hands are entwined with his, she is talking only to Arjun and Purab only...

Seeing the dangerous and deadly anger in Abhi's eyes, the duo excused saying some reasons and ran away from there, saving their dear lives... They are way too smart as they are not ready to keep their heads in a roaring lion's mouth...

Abhi pushes Pragya inside the private lift and presses the button to go to his cabin... He didn't say anything to her, but Pragya felt a shiver in her spine, as she knows very well that she has crossed all her limits and triggered Abhi's anger...

Rather Pragya composes herself, as she knows how to cool down her beloved husband... Abhi is spitting fires angrily on Pragya and she tried all her might to convince him...

Pragya shows her puppy face and about to talk to him... But one dangerous roar from Abhi, glued up her mouth quickly... She traces her hand seductively in his back, but he pushed it too harshly and scowls on her...

Pragya longingly looks at her husband Abhi and twists her shawl, as she doesn't know how to convince Abhi, who is in peak of anger... She is startled as Abhi has quickly dragged her to his cabin... He locked the door harshly, making the door to cry with the blasting sound, which can deaf anyone's ears...

Abhi calls his PA Uma and asked her to look after the daily chore ... He warned her not to trouble them till the meeting time... Pragya shivers in fear, as she knows very well that the meeting is scheduled only after 2 and half hours...

With fear engulfing her whole soul, Pragya looks at her husband Abhi, who is least bothered about her presence... He gets rid of his suit and pulls off his tie... He folds the sleeves of his shirt with a dangerous smirk...

Pragya is hell scared and imagined as if Abhi gonna slap her hardly... She closed her eyes and hid both her cheeks with her palms... She is startled as Abhi has hit her in the unexpected place and she is dumb struck without any words...

After sometime, Abhi with a teasing smirk ties Pragya's hands with her shawl and placed her on his shoulder and moves into his secret chamber, which is looking like a secret romantic hideout...

Pragya is dumbstruck as she didn't expected this sudden romantic attack from Abhi and the raw passion in his eyes, makes her to gulp her saliva, as it's not the place and time to do romance at all...

Pragya stammers and in a soft tone: Ab... Abhi... This is not done... Leave me... This is office... You promised me that you will behave properly na... Please don't look at me like this... 😊😊😊😊

Abhi: Oops... I have short term memory loss, CEO madam ji... My wife didn't allowed me to touch her for one whole week... Freaking and Horrible seven days...

Poor me is taking cold showers and longing for her so much.... You too were irritating me too much and showing lots of attitude na...

So, what I have decided is that I'm gonna have a secret, hidden affair with the CEO Madame P, without my wife fuggy's knowledge... Just a silly revenge for troubling me...

Moreover, I brought my villain too here, so that he can witness our romantic moments with teary eyes, and his soul will surely rest in peace...

Just than Pragya notices that her saviour, her trustworthy and loyal companion, her dangerous weapon, her only source to threaten her husband Abhi, her darling and lovable black couch is placed there...

Pragya's jaw dropped on seeing the poor couch is crying that it misses their room a lot and pleading her to take it away from there....

Abhi smirks: Nice twist na baby... Two wickets out, in a single ball... Abhi always rocks...

Pragya: Abhiiii... You can't do like this... Why the hell you do this haan... This is unfair ...

Abhi: All is fair, CEO madam ji... Let me see, how you gonna threaten me from now on... Abhishek Mehra easily gets rid of his villains.. Gotcha ...

Will tell you a secret, darling... I have ordered to change our master bed into a single sofa cum bed and Even made all the empty couches and beds in our house to be thrown out too...

Alright... Don't pout, darling... Ahem ahem... Now it's time for the punishment... Are you ready baby???

Pragya: Ab... Abhiii... Noo... Don't come near me...

Even air couldn't pass out from Pragya's mouth, as her husband Abhi started to script a beautiful love story with her... It's way too romantic for them, as the small cabin and the little couch has increased their intimacy so much...

After one hour,

Abhi kisses Pragya's forehead and hugs her tightly...

Abhi: Words can't explain, how much I'm happy Fuggy... To be frank, I'm astonished and dumb struck on seeing your entry... Master class and Mind blowing...

This too happened, as you tempted and seduced me by wearing this dress and showing a lot of attitude to me... Mistake is all yours... Don't blame me okay... It's not my fault at all...

Pragya: Idiot... For that, you will do like this haan... Saying all kind of reasons to romance ... My irritating romantic king... Hold on to your naughtiness, as we have many important things to do...

I forget to ask you... Where is my cabin... Everything is arranged perfectly na... Hey, why are you laughing...

Abhi... Don't play with me... I planned a lot to trouble that Tanu and punish those annoying staffs of our company... Abhi, try to understand... I can't do anything, when you are near me...

Abhi: I too can't do anything, without you fuggy... Whatever happens, be near me fuggy... I just can't...

Pragya pulls Abhi closer and brushes her nose with his and sucks his tears...

Pragya: I hate to see your tears, Abhi... Don't get emotional like this and it doesn't suit you at all... My Abhi should always hold his head up high and look like a mighty emperor always...

Abhishek Prem Mehra is always adorned for his Manly attitude and terror nature only... I want to be your strength and I don't want you to get weaken because of me...

Is that clear, my dear husband... By the way, I'm loving this secret and hidden affair, a lot... But, we should do the office works too sincerely, okay... Now and then, we can take a break and chill out like this, to boost up our energy .. 😋😋😋😋

Pragya winks at Abhi with a naughty and teasing smile... Abhi chuckles and asked Pragya to get ready and do the preparations for the meeting... He got dressed up, set his hairs and goes out to check the arrangements in the conference hall...


Uma shrieks and jumps up in horror, hearing Abhi's thunderous roar in the conference hall... Even Purab and Arjun who came there to have a check on the final arrangements are startled to the core...

The duo rushes inside and spots Abhi is spitting the words angrily and about to slap on Tanu's cheeks and glaring at her murderously... Arjun and Purab controlled their laughter on seeing the panicked face of Tanu....

Tanu is not in a state to understand, why she is facing the wrath of their Boss Abhishek, as this is the first time, she has done her best to impress him by making the meeting arrangements, by putting all kinds of extra effects to make it look awesome...

She even replaced the artificial flowers with fresh flowers and refreshed the room with nice fragrances, to make him happy.... But little did she know that she has digged her own grave, as she disobeyed the orders of Abhi...

Abhi glared at Tanu with a killer look and completely collapses and pulls off all the arrangements, within a minute... He crushed all those beautiful flowers and breaks off all the fresheners kept there...

Tanu is hell confused and couldn't come to a conclusion with Abhi's behaviour and the reason for his anger too.. Gathering up all her courage, Tanu carefully uses the words to talk to Abhi..

Tanu in a cheesy and sugar coated tone : Si.. Sir... The arrangements are good only na... I really worked hard for a week to do all these, Sir... Is there is any flaws, Sir???

Abhi shouts angrily: Uma... I don't know, what you will do.... I need this room to be completely cleaned off, within an hour... I shouldn't see a single bit of petals too in this company from now on... Got it....

I will kill anyone, who dared to disobey my orders and doing everything on their own will and wish... This is the last day, I see flowers or freshners in this office... Did you understand what I say??? Move...

And You... (Snapped his fingers towards Tanu)... Arrange this hall quickly as per the instructions given by me... Don't think high of yourself and do as you like...

I'm paying you off salary to do the works, as said by me.. Is that clear??? Moreover, The new CEO madam expects perfection in everything and she won't leave anyone, if they waste a single minute too..

Do your works quickly and properly... If not, resign your job and get out from this office... Remember one thing... You can't get job, anywhere and you need to pay a compensation, as we have to recruit a new staff and give trainings and all..

If you wish to survive here, stop putting makeups and work sincerely, at least from now onwards... Don't face the wrath of the CEO Madam... She won't talk like me... Her punishments will be severe, if you disobeys her...

Abhi roars angrily and walks out from there... The whole conference hall is looking like, as if it's hit by a huge hurricane.... Uma, Arjun and Purab understands the reason for Abhi's outburst, as Pragya is prone to respiratory allergy and it may surely spoil her health...

With much irritation, Abhi enters his cabin and kicks the chair harshly... Pragya is completely startled to see Abhi hitting the wall dangerously... Pragya glares at Abhi murderously and pulls his collar...

Pragya: What the hell is your problem, Abhi??? Why are you in foul mood, again??? What happened now???

Abhi: That bl****y b***h... Make up box 😤😤😤😤... How dare she... I feel awkward to touch her... If not, I would have killed her there itself...

A number one stupid, disgusting creature... Knows only to paint and white wash her face... Yucky and good for nothing.... Done everything to annoy and irritate me... Grrrrr...

Please fuggy... Don't ask me anything more... My mood is completely pissed off... I can't tolerate this... My head is bursting.... Do something fuggy..

I badly need a coffee, baby... Can you make it for me, please???

Pragya makes Abhi to sit in his seat and hands over a glass of water to him... She presses his head and rubs his heart to control his anger and frustration... She caress his head and kisses his forehead and moves to prepare Abhi's favourite coffee....

Pragya quickly dials Arjun's number and came to know about the happenings... She smiles brightly on knowing that how much her husband Abhi loves her dearly and cares for her a lot.. She whistles happily and comes out with the coffeee....

To Abhi's mood to get brighten, Pragya sits on his lap and encircles her hands on his neck... She gave a quick peck and gives him coffee... Abhi chuckles and drinks it happily, as he is adoring the beautiful smile of his fuggy to his heart felt content....


Tanu is completely pissed off and hell tired to make the meeting arrangements, within an hour... All the fresh flowers has been thrown out and it's been replaced by artificial flowers....

Tanu's blood boils and what irritated her more is that the HR people ignored to pay off the bills for the flowers and fragrances... They accused Tanu by saying that it's her fault and she has to bear the expenses on her own, as she did it on her own wish....

Tanu is highly annoyed and her anger is completely on the CEO Pragya, who is showing her hell, without her presence or direct attack on her... The closed dress is suffocating Tanu a lot, as she couldn't seduce any men and assign them for her works..

But Tanu senses that she has seen Pragya somewhere for sure... She finds it fishy as the details about the new CEO is unknown to anyone and even her name is kept as a top secret.. Tanu also wonders who might be Pragya and how come she is this much close to Abhi, as Tanu is aware of Abhi's whole family..

Tanu winded up her thoughts temporarily, as Uma rushes up her to do the works, as only five minutes are left for the welcoming meet to happen... The staffs started to enter the conference hall slowly and sits in their places...


When it's time, Arjun and Purab enters the meeting hall.. Abhi gestures Pragya to walk forward and he follows her.. Pragya smirks on seeing the stammering and sweating receptionist Sheethal, who is trembling in fear..

Abhi takes off the stage and gives his hand for Pragya to climb up.. Heavy clappings echoes the whole place and Pragya accepts it with attitude, by just nodding her head..

Abhi holds Pragya's hand without anyone's knowledge and presses it softly, gesturing her not to worry and gives her a hope that she can do it with ease... It's a hidden promise to her which conveys that he will be there for her always...

As per the usual company's procedure, Purab welcomes everyone and addresses the gathering.. He is followed by Arjun, who introduces Pragya as his sister and Abhi's bestie...

Later, Abhi is called upon to the stage to share a few words to welcome the CEO..

Abhi: Good day, everyone.. I'm pleased and honoured to welcome the new CEO of  our company, my sweetheart, Madame P.. She is my close bestie and she is more like a boss to me.. She shares equal rights in this company, as that of me..

As I'm busy with the foreign dealings, Madame P will take the charge, on my behalf and you people have to report to her... I accept all your sincere cooperation and wishing that you all will work properly, under her leadership..

I want all of you to give the same respect to our new CEO, as you have given to me... I hope you all have read the circular properly.. Isn't it??? As said in it, anyone disobeys her will be fired and those people won't be getting any after service benefits, at all..

I don't need to explain more.. Let me welcome our new CEO Madame P to share a few words with us..

Abhi moves off and forwards his hands for Pragya.. He gives a side hug to her and hands over her the mike..

Pragya with a strong and determined tone: Well.. I'm happy to be in all your midst.. All these years, I didn't want to reveal myself and worked for this company, without all your knowledge..

Now I have stepped inside the company, with no other go, as I have to uproot many unwanted hindrances and worthless people, who is wasting the hard earned money of my Abhi..

I hate people, who wastes the precious time and engage in unwanted stuffs.. Each moment is precious and I want you all to turn every single second into money.. Got it.. Let's not waste the time and start our works..

Few people will be called off soon, to have a discussion with me, as they are going to come under my direct control and they will be reporting to me... Soon, you will get to know who they are..

Word hard.. Don't waste the time... Make me happy.. That's all.. You all may disburse now...

Pragya finishes off the speech and smirks at them.. The whole place got vacated within few minutes.. Arjun, Purab and Abhi hugged Pragya tightly and hi-fied with her, as she did it and created a fear in everyone's minds, to concentrate well in their works..



Tanu and the employees who have insulted and bad mouthed Pragya are called off for the discussion.. Tanu with much hesitation takes her seat.. Her eyes popped out, as she sees *****


Nikhil is getting furious and taking innumerable shots.. He is not getting the needed drug effect, as he badly wants the girl (Pragya), who is escaping from his clutches for a long time.. He is obsessed and addicted to her and he is getting mad without her..

He feels as if her smile is mocking at him.. The big photo kept in his room is making him furious and he calls some off his men to search for Pragya.. He is highly irritated, as Tanu is knocking at the room door continuously..


On the other hand, Abhi's biggest rival is in a mission to find out who is the girl, who entered Abhi's company as the new CEO..

In the other side, Abhi's biological father, the heartless monster has ordered his men to find out, who has married Abhi and also to kidnap Aaliya, without anyone's knowledge...


So, what's going to happen next???

Will Tanu finds out that Pragya is the girl, whom her brother Nikhil is searching for???

Who is Abhi's biggest rival???

Why is Abhi's father wants to kidnap Aaliya and wanna know about Abhi's wife???

What is Pragya going to do with the staffs and Tanu???


Keep guessing and stay tuned..

Given a long update, as usual..

Words used: 3450+

What else, I will say...

Do cast your precious votes, without fail...

Pen down your valuable comments, views and long reviews too..

In line comments are highly appreciated...


Yours buddy,


Bidding adieu...


Have a good day..


Smile happily and spread happiness and smiles around you.. Love everyone and treat everyone equally... May the world be at it's peace....


Will be


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