43. The dashing and terrific entry of the new CEO...

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Hola peeps!!!!

Didn't expected me right...

I know my loved ones are glaring at me... I'm getting better now and half of this story is written by me, longgggg back....

I didn't strained much to complete the remaining part... Please, don't scold me..  Poor me...


Leave all that... Let me tell you all a good news first...

Happiness Unbounds...

Unbelievable too...

This story " Anything To Make Her Smile" has become my Fourth story to cross the massive 6000+ votes....

My heartfelt thanks to all those lovely souls, who have casted their valuble votes for this story...

Expecting all your support and love as usual, to continue this story and I hope the votes too turns up, higher and better....



Long time na, since I updated this story... I purposely delayed the update, as the votes didn't turns up, as I expected and moreover my ill health too didn't allowed me to update, as planned by me...

But my darling buddies insisted me to update this story... I'm here, as I will never say no to their wishes....

Dedicating this chapter to all my
850+ followers, my lovely readers and also to all my buddies...


Are you all ready to witness the dashing entry of the new CEO...

Here we go...

Step inside by pressing the 🌟 button....


Being called as your girl and your soulmate is, what I wish to hear always...

I'm so lucky to get a sacred treasure of yours - The heart, which solely beats for me...

Be bold... Be fearless... Hold my hand and face the war, with a strong determination...


After the attempt made by the hooded man to kill Abhi, the security is tightened among the Mehras and Abhi made sure that no one touches even his family’s shadows too.. He never let Purab and Bulbul to stay in their flat and orders them to stay in the Mehra mansion only...

Abhi tightens the security arrangements in “ Pragya’s home (orphanage)” too.. He instills a proper  security in the office premises and he makes a thorough check on all the employee's records and fixed many hidden cameras in the office zones, to check for the unusual happenings....

Abhi made sure that the surroundings of his house too is properly monitored and installed many secret cameras in the parking lot, lobby, backside lawn and the garden,  to have a check on the unwanted entries, who gonna be a threat to their lives...

He even fixed minute cameras in the cars and installed tracking gps chips in all their mobiles too, so that he can have a clear idea about where they are and can have a close watch on them... All agreed to Abhi's orders, as they know very well, why Abhi is doing all these...

Though Abhi is quite busy in making all the security arrangements, he is pissed off and highly irritated, as his wife Pragya is boiling his nerves and dancing on his heads purposely.. What annoys him most is that she orders him to take rest properly and is forcefully feeding him, all those horrible medicines and tasteless soups...

Abhi can’t tolerate , as Pragya never lets him to touch her, by saying that it will affect his wounds and she never allowed him to kiss her too, till he recovers fully... She is torturing him to hell, as she sneaks into the kitchen often and is having icecreams, without anyone’s knowledge too..

Abhi shouts angrily: Fuggyyyyy.. You are not at all listening to me.. I don’t know, when I’m going to lose my temper completely and my anger will be way too horrible... You can’t tolerate my punishment for sure..

So, behave properly and don’t pull up such stupid stunts anymore, fuggy.. Hoye.. I’m talking to you only.. What are you seeing in the mobile and why are laughing like a clown haan

You are not at all getting scared of me too.. This is unfair fuggy.. All will get scared of The Abhishekh Prem Mehra and the whole business world knows, how much terror I’m..

Pragya sighs: Stop your boring blah blahs, Abhi.. You may be a terror to everyone... But to me, you are my cute, little angry bird... My darling husband Abhi, who loves me crazily and can do anything to make  me smile.. Hey na, my dear jaan... 😉😉😉😉

Abhi: You know my weak point cleverly and is playing like a winner, fuggy... You are getting way too cunning and smarter , day by day.. Good job, Mrs. Abhishek Mehra.... I'm impressed...

You are proving to me that the new CEO madam, gonna make all the employees in the Mehra groups, to scare to death... You are going to give tough competition to me, darling... Hey fuggy ..  May I know, what makes you to laugh like this haan..

Pragya: Abhi.. I already told you about the circular matter na.. Puru bhai and Ajju bhai has taken the video of the employee's reactions and send it to me, as I have asked them to do so...

Here, look at this.. See that make up box’s (Tanu) face and reaction... 😂😂😂😂😂... So sad.. Got the biggest shock of her life.. She is looking like a ginger eating monkey... 

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂.. May her soul rest in peace... So, your two spies are enjoying and having fun, because of you haan... Hmmm...

You didn’t said to me na what’s written in that circular... I'm damn curious to know it... Come on... Be a good girl and say it to me... Damn this suspense is killing me...

Pragya: It’s a secret, Mr. Mehra.. You will know everything, after I enter the Mehra group of companies... Hey, I forget to ask you.. Have you set up my cabin and arranged all the things, as I said right..

What kind of wierd reaction is this.. Abhi, you didn’t pull up any stupid stunts na.. Pragya is a professional person and I expect, way too discipline and morale in my work place.. Got it...

Remember Mr. Abhishek Mehra... I expect professional ethics from you and you are supposed to talk to me, only as the chairman of the company... Haan... Never try to cross your limits and don't ever try to romance me there... Is that clear???

Abhi chuckles: Really fuggy... Then it’s well and good for me... You will see to that how much your Abhi gonna behave like a professional man... Only chairman and CEO relationship between us...

A naughty smile creeps up in Abhi’s lips and a mischievous smirk lingers in his face.... He suddenly changes his reaction, when Pragya noticed him  and  he acts innocent, as if he is a very good boy...

Poor Pragya failed to understand anything from Abhi's double meaning words and she believed Abhi completely, not at all aware of her husband's naughty intentions and ideas.. Before she bombards him with much questions, Abhi changes the topic and asked her to go and look after the files, he has given her....


The whole employees are dressed up neatly in their uniforms and is standing in the reception area of the Mehra Group of companies... All are sweating profusely and are witnessing the entry of their chairman or their chief Abhishek Prem Mehra, who comes up dashingly in his car...

Shock is an understatement for Abhi and he blinks his eyes again and again... He looks here and there and wonders, whether he has entered his own company or not... Reality strikes Abhi and he couldn't believe, what his fuggy has done with the staff's dress code...

Abhi comes back to earth, when his jiju Arjun shuts his mouth forcibly... Purab is stiffling his laughter and is teasing Abhi for his shocking reactions... Abhi pushes both of them to the secluded spot angrily...

Abhi: What the hell is going on here!!!! Ajju Jiju... Don't say that these are your sister's game play and all... Hey Purab... Is this what written in the circular????

Purab (slowly whispers): It's just 30% only, Abhi...

Abhi: Whaaatttt 😨😨😨😨😨... This is highly ridiculous... This is too too much... How come all these happened within a week... You two never thought to say this things to me , haan...

How come such a biggest decision can be taken in our company, without my knowledge... You two didn't forgot na that I'm the chairman of this company...

Arjun sighs: Abhi... It's you, who signed the approval letter man... Then only, we passed the circular...

Abhi: Whaaatttt 😨😨😨😨... Seriously... When did this happen... Did I signed that circular...  Oh god!!!! Damn it... This fuggy be na... Grrrr.... Cleverly used me and got my signs ...

Haan... Why I need to scold my fuggy... You two are the culprits, behind all these dramas... You two are encouraging my innocent wife and screwing up her mind in an evil way and is changing her completely...

You two are triggering my fuggy and changing my angel into a devil... You two should face the consequences for spoiling her rotten... I gonna kill you two... 😤😤😤😤😤😤

Arjun: Abhiiii... This is too much... We are mere spectators like you only... You only said na My fuggy only have all the rights and  going to punish them, blah blah blah and all... These are exclusively done by chotti only...

Purab: Abhi... Stop glaring at us, man.. We didn't know anything like you... Stop shouting on us and think wisely... Ahead of us, Chotti has a big support from our family members....

I have a big doubt... I think Aaliya bhabhi and Bulbul are behind Pragya's every daring and bold moves and who knows, dadi and dasi would have too involved in this matter ... I'm damn sure, Pragya didn't do anything on her own....

Huh... Dangerous women folks of our house... They have changed the entire staffs of the Mehra groups of  companies, within a week... One circular, came as a threat to their life and job... Poor souls...

Abhi: Stop irritating me, Purab... Where the hell is that Circular... Show it to me... Hey what's this... Why all our female staffs are dressed up like this... Are they are going to any temple...

Purab in a sarcastic tone: New CEO madam's order boss... If you want, you can question her right... As a chairman, you can take action against her too...

Abhi scowls in anger: How heartless of you, Purab... What kind of pleasure you get to see me, sleeping on the couch... Run from here or I will smack your head... Ajju Jiju... I want to see the circular, right now... Go and bring that....

Godddd... I don't know, what all shocks I'm going to see today... This fuggy gonna bury me alive... Huh... Ho god!!!! In this issue, I forget to call her... Oh nooooo... She gonna kill me for sure and I don't know what stunts, she is pulling up there too...

Abhi takes a deep breath and calls Pragya... He keeps his phone aside, as Pragya yells to the top of her lungs, as she is not interested to wear the dress of his choice... Abhi blackmails Pragya and orders her to come in his choice only or he will cancel her orders, in the circular matter....

Pragya shouts angrily and cuts the call... Abhi know very well that he has pissed of his fuggy, but only he knows the reason, behind his all moves... He smiles brightly and kisses his fuggy's snap and is eagerly waiting for the dashing entry of his Queen...


After sometime,

The whole employees are eagerly waiting for the grand entry of their new CEO... Curiosity is at it's peak, as the employees were informed in the circular that a new CEO is taking the charge, who is Abhi's best buddy and also a partner in the business...

What makes everyone to get surprised is that the new CEO is a lady and all are damn eager to see her, as Abhi is never interested in any girls and he didn't allowed any woman to near him, other than his family women and his PA, Uma, who is like a sister to him...

Moreover, the intro given in the circular have made everyone to stand there in fear and all are in a big confusion, as who can be more dangerous and threatening than their arrogant chief Abhishek Prem Mehra... The female staffs are little bit jealous of the new CEO, as Abhi is also waiting outside eagerly, to welcome her...

Tanu, who is fully covered up in a decent dress, for the first ever time in her life, is fuming in anger, to see Abhi's impatience and the way he is walking here and there, pisses off her completely... She hates the CEO to the core, for making her feel so much jealous of her, before seeing her face too...


Not to increase the blood pressure of Abhi anymore, A dashing and a classy, special edition BMW car, enters the Mehra Group of companies elegantly... All the employees are awestruck to see such a kind of car, ever in their life and some even whispered that their chief too didn’t had such a luxurious car for him..

A heavy gasp echoes the whole place and the employees are pinching themselves, whether they are dreaming or everything is happening in reality only.. Never in their wild dreams too they would have imagined that they would witness such a scene in their lives.. They gulped hard to digest the happenings...

The arrogant, egoistic, short tempered  man, the man of attitude and anger, the man who is a mighty emperor in the business world, the man who never bends his head to anyone, is running quickly, with a happy smile in his face....

Abhi with a proud look, opens the door of the car, ahead of the driver and the security guard, seated in the front side.. What startles everyone is that Abhi has bend down on his knees and forwards his hand to welcome the new CEO..

All employees stopped even to breathe too, as they saw Pragya getting down from the car by holding Abhi’s hands, with a smile in her face, which clearly explains that she is the Queen of this biggest empire.. The attitude, the way she dressed up, the arrogant smirk in her face, makes everyone to scare to hell...

Tanu blinks her eyes continuously, as she couldn’t believe that the same behenji, whom she has insulted and ill treated few days before, is none other than their new CEO, who has shown her a living hell, before she enters the office premises...

While everyone are standing there in shock, the lover boy Abhi is in full form and is eating his wife Pragya with his looks itself.. He is filling his fuggy’s image to his mind, who is looking way too stylish and hot in the short blouse and long skirt, which is complemented with a long shawl...

Abhi in the name of adjusting her shawl, bends closely near her ears and gave a sensual kiss without anyone’s knowledge... He didn’t mind Pragya’s deadly glare and hugs her tightly, as a form of welcoming her..

But only Pragya knows the naughty intentions of her husband, whose hands are roaming in her body shamelessly and is keep on blabbering all those lovey dovey dialogues, which will melt her completely and lose her sanity too...

Purab and Arjun grits their teeth angrily and gestures Abhi’s PA Uma to hand over the bouquet to Abhi.. Uma chuckles and shooks Abhi, who is highly disappointed, as Uma interrupted their romance..

Uma gives  a pleading and sorry look and  gestures Abhi to look at the surroundings... Abhi takes a deep breath and he composes himself and welcomes Pragya happily..

With a happy smile, Pragya entwins her hands with Abhi and steps into the Mehra Group of companies.. Purab and Arjun welcomed Pragya happily and gave a side hug to her and hands over her a bouquet too..

Pragya looks at the employees, who are standing there in the entrance and wasting their time, by seeing all these... She raises her hand and looks at her watch and gave a stern look towards the employees, as if accusing them, what are they doing there..

Pragya: Mr. Mehra.. I think the office time has starter already.. Isn’t it???

Abhi: Yes... It's started half an hour back...

Pragya: Oh... May I Know what these people are doing here, without seated in their places and do their daily works... Are we paying all these people for standing like this???

I don't like to waste our company's finance for these kind of  people, who didn't do any work and simply wasting their time in a worthless way... Shall we fire all of them and recruit new ones... Nice idea right...

The whole place echoes with a heavy gasp and the place gets vacated within a single minute too..   Abhi looks at his wife Pragya with a proud look, while Pragya pulls up her fake collar and winks at Abhi..

Abhi growls inwardly, as Arjun and Purab hi-fied with Pragya happily... Abhi stomps his feet angrily and turns his face like an adamant kid... Pragya smirks and walks ahead with a teasing smile, dragging Abhi too along with her...

Abhi, who least expected the consoling and cooing words from his fuggy,  is highly irked with Pragya's behaviour...  The teasing smile boils his nerves and he is hell adamant to implement his plan, to trap his fuggy....


The important staffs are being asked to come to the meeting hall... Special invite is given to all those employees, who has messed up and bad mouthed Pragya on that day... The receptionist sheela, who ill treated pragya is standing there life lessly near her desk, while Tanu's face is worth a watch....

Followed by Abhi, Arjun and Purab, Pragya walks elegantly towards the meeting hall, with her head held up high... The receptionist shivers and with a  trembling voice says good morning to Pragya, which is like a meowing sound of a dead cat...

Pragya smirks and looks at Sheela with a disinterested look and steps inside the meeting hall... Her focus is only on the white make up box Tanu, who is biting her nails nervously...


So, what's going to happen next???

What the meeting is for???

What's exactly in the circular????

How Abhi gonna introduce Pragya and will it come to a limelight that Pragya is Abhi's wife???

What's going to be Pragya's terrible moves in the office???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual given a very long update of 3200+ words....

Looking eagerly to hear it from you all...

Cast your votes without fail and call me soon to give the next update....

Until then,

It's your buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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